Chapter 7: Montage
Day 1: Groceries
"Will! I'm going to get groceries! Coming or staying?"
He poked his head out from the guest room you'd kitted out for him. "Please don't leave me here alone!"
"Coming, then. Let's go!" You grabbed your purse and headed out the door, Will close on your heels. You stopped suddenly in the hallway and he crashed into you. You cut off his frantic apologies.
"Will anyone recognize you? It might be suspicious to be seen together right after Mabel's murder." He flinched at the memory.
"Um, no, I never went out in public. I hardly ever left the tent. Nobody's going to recognize me or connect you to the m-murder."
You sighed in relief. "Okay, let's go then."
You passed your downstairs neighbor with a quick "Hey, Zwei," and you were out the door with Will close behind. He didn't walk directly next to you, staying half a pace behind the entire way there. You glanced at him but didn't comment.
You passed a flyer for the Tent of Telepathy in a shop window. It had a bright red stamp across Dipper and Mabel's faces that read "SHOWS POSTPONED INDEFINITELY." You allowed yourself a brief moment of silence, then continued on your way.
Will refused to make choices about groceries, insisting he didn't really need human food and leaving all the decisions up to you. You filled your cart and checked out, handing your card to the Goth behind the counter. His name tag said "Robbie."
He glanced at your card. "Y/N... Northwest?" He looked up at you with a curious expression.
"No relation," you said shortly. Actually, you were a distant relative to the famous family, explaining your surprisingly roomy apartment and lack of need for a job, but you didn't want to get into that with the checkout clerk.
You walked back home, Will trying to carry all the groceries by himself. You didn't know whether to find his ingrained habit of servitude funny or heartbreaking. You ignored every flyer you passed, yet you still felt the eyes of the twins in each picture burning into you. The feeling of being watched stayed with you all day long.
Day 2: Shower
You were in the middle of a long, relaxing shower. These past few days had been quite draining, and the hot water in your building was impressive. You shampooed your hair, humming Disney songs. Your humming got louder, until you found yourself singing at the top of your lungs.
"IT'S THE CIIIIIIRCLE OF- AAAAAAACK!" You shrieked when you noticed Will sitting on the counter, watching you.
"GET OUT!" You shouted, frantically crossing your arms. He looked horrified and vanished on the spot. You stared in shock for a moment, then sighed. "Oh, no." You shut off the water, threw on your pajamas, and went looking for him.
You found him as soon as you opened the bathroom door, curled up in a ball on the floor, sobbing hysterically. You crouched next to him. "Will?"
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I- I didn't mean to! P-please don't hurt me! Don't send me away! I'm sorry!" He wailed, dissolving into sobs again.
You sat next to him, pulling him onto your lap and petting his hair soothingly. "Shh, there, there. Shh, just stop crying." You sat with him until his sobs quieted.
"I'm sorry," he muttered again.
"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. Human etiquette dictates that you shouldn't disturb someone in the bathroom, but I don't expect you to know that. But now you do, so we're okay, right?" You leaned down so you could see his eye. It was still red.
"Y-yeah..." he hid his face.
"I'm not going to send you away, okay? There's nothing you could do that would make me want to do that." You pushed him upright and put your arms around his shoulders. He held onto your waist, sniffling into your shoulder.
Day 3: Boredom
You and Will were on the couch, bored out of your respective minds. An old movie was on TV, and you were watching for lack of anything else to do. Eventually you stood up and turned off the movie.
"What was that for?" Will asked. "It was just getting to the good part!"
"It was annoying me! He had his chance at the cotillion!" You crossed your arms, refusing to turn the movie back on.
"Okay... Now what do you want to do?" He asked. He usually refused to make up his mind about anything, preferring to leave every decision up to you.
"Dunno," you said, sitting back down. "Wanna play I Spy?"
"I spy with my little eye... Something blue."
"Yup. Your turn."
"I spy... something brown."
"The table."
You sat for another moment. "This is boring. Let's go do something."
"Okay, like what?"
"I think there's a laser tag arcade that used to be a mattress store. Let's go play there."
You spent the afternoon playing laser tag together. You won handily, since his eyepatch left him at a disadvantage. His shots kept missing. Regardless, he seemed to be having fun. He smiled to himself all the way home.
Day 4: Nightmare
Will was lying on a cold stone floor. His breath came shakily through broken ribs. A shadow loomed over him. He whimpered in fright when he realized it was Mabel.
"Oh dear, Will," she said softly, crouching down to press her cold fingers against his face. He flinched away, shuddering in absolute panic. "You didn't really think you could ever get away, did you?"
He gasped as she used her magic- Will's magic- to throw him across the room and against the wall. He fell to his knees, arms covering his head.
"No... Please..."
All he could hear was her insane laughter as she approached him once again. He was still hearing it as he jerked awake, gasping and sobbing.
You'd spent the afternoon brushing up on your martial arts training, and went to bed absolutely exhausted. Therefore, you did not appreciate being shaken awake in the middle of the night.
"Will?" you asked groggily. "The house had better be on fire. If not, it's soon going to be."
"I-I-I'm sorry..." he mumbled. Through half-closed eyes you could see that he was crying again.
"Will? What's wrong?"
"I had a nightmare... it was horrible.. I- I'm sorry..." You could tell he was about to get hysterical.
"Will, I'm so tired..." You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment, ignoring his frantic apologies, then lifted your covers. "All right, get in here."
His sobs cut off in surprise. "W-What?"
"I'm too tired to get up, so get in or go away." You scooted to the edge, giving him room as he hesitantly climbed into your bed. You rearranged the covers and were drifting back to sleep in seconds, dimly feeling his head leaning against you.
"G'night Will," you muttered.
"G-good night, Y/N," you heard him say as you fell asleep.
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