Jin called Jimin
Hello jiminna !!
Ya Jinnuu
How are you doing ??
And how is ... Yo..ur..
Ya.. my...- he bit his lips
And your sister?? - he asked in a sigh
She's also fine,went to her friend with my manager Sehun whom you met at party - he chuckled
Ya I remember him
Are you busy ??
Ya... I'm out for some business staffs how you know??
From your sound Okay!! Now I hang up phone
Aaa...h I was worrying for nothing she's totally safe
i should stop worrying about her
Anyway Taehyung take care her - he bent to his seat
Sir we're here
Okay he said and came out from car
He saw there's crowd infront of icecream parlour
What's the matter ?? - he pressed his lips together
Excuse me excuse me !! He went forward
He got shocked
Sehun !!
He proceeded near to him and put his head on his lap
Sehun what happened to you ?? Where's Nancy... where's she ?? - he worriedly asked and cupped his face
They took...her with th..em -he said and fainted
Who..wh..o took her?? Open your eyes and tell me ?? Sehunna!! - he shouted with teary eyes
He wiped his tears
I'll save her and I'll save you too - he said with determination and took him in bridal style and fit him in the car
To hospital
Nurses came and admitted him
He paid all formalities and called Jimin
Jiminna she has kidnapped
Who?? Jimin asked who was totally unaware about conditions
Nancy - his voice rang in his ear and jimin got startled
Do you have any idea what are you saying?? Stop joking
I'm not joking , sehun is admitted in hospital , he was in a bad condition he himself told me some goons took her with them
Where are you in which hospital?? I'm coming there - Jimin ran towards his car
After sometime
He was sitting on bench covering his face with his hands
When he saw doc's arrival
Doc how's he ?? He..will get soon ??
There is nothing to panic, he has only external injuries, he has no internal injuries , he will get well soon
Thankyou doc , he said and sit again to his seat
He bent his head against wall and pulled his hair back
And took a long breath
Okay so she was nancy whom I had seen Before and they were taking her with them that time what what happened - he said using his fingers
Let's revise it again , there's something missing.. - he licked his lips
He repeated this 145th time
Jimin arrived there in running hurry burry
Where's he ?? Is he told something about Nancy that where is she ??? His voice crack again and again
No - jin said without looking him
Jimin gulp and in second moment
He fall besides him
Are you okay Jiminna ?? - jin asked him with concern
Ya I'm - he said and stood up from his seat and start going
Where are you going??
He turned and said To search her
and again start walking calling his loyal agents but he stumbled and fall on ground
Jin ran towards him
He help him to stand and made him to sit on bench
I said let me go !!
Okay I'll but first
He said and bring water , have some - he looked in his eyes straight
He drink water in once without saying anything and stood up
I'm going - he Stern
And started walking again and stumble again but Jin save him from falling
You can go but let me help you to get in car - he smiled outside hiding his worriness and sadness inside to comfort him
Jimin look at him but didn't say anything
Jimin left from there and called head security officer
Soon they blockade everywhere to search that girl
He called all his agents
dig all informations , I didn't hire you nothing , I want all information all little or big - he frustratly threw his phone , which cause phone to be switched off and hide his face on his lap
Damn it !! What I'm missing. - jin stomped his hand on bench
And started walking around holding his head with his hand
Ya..- his eyes shine with hope
the video!! I was making , - he said and search his phone
Here!! He took his phone from bench and opened it
There will be something for sure - he rapidly scroll
What's this ?? He zoom video , it is that car number...
Yes !! He shouted
Don't shout in hospital , one nurse states
Okay , he smile with his most precious smile
I'll be there soon
I should inform Jimin too
He called him but his phone was switched off
Why are you not answering?? I'm sorry but I can't wait more
I'm going to save her I found car number of goon's... it's•••• - he texted him
I'm coming Nancy to save you , I will be there soon wait for me - he said with full deduction
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