Every single word she said reverberated in his ears very loudly. He has been standing under the shower for the last 2 hours with his eyes closed. After Chahat fled from there, his men broke the door and freed him too. He wanted to go after Chahat, but his men had an idea that she would have called Yuvraj and the police by now. So they forcibly brought him from there by making him unconscious, because they are still too loyal to him.
And ever since he regained consciousness, he is only thinking about Chahat and remembering Chahat's words.
"I have only loved Yuvraj and I will continue to love only Yuvraj for the rest of my life..... I hate you because I can only hate what you have done to Yuvraj .... You brutally kill everyone.... I can't kill you because I don't have the courage to kill someone.... But the truth is that I feel like I should kill you because that is what you did to my YUVRAJ and what you wanted to do to my child, but even then I am not able to muster enough courage that I'll kill you.... Because I am not a devil like you...."
He turns off the shower and opens his eyes then stands in front of the mirror wrapped in a towel. Water is still dripping all over his body. He is watching himself with so much interest. He says while traveling his hand at the reflection of himself in the front mirror.
"Why do you hate me...... What is my fault in this that if Yuvraj had met you first and I met you later if I had met you earlier, then perhaps our child would have been born today..... You are not understanding my point that I love you very much..... Do you feel that by your refusal like this or by listening to your hateful words, I will step back and let you go from my life so easily..... I want you to be my life, I want you.... I will always have whatever I decide..... you are mine and you are always mine till my last breath... "
He enters the room and light a cigarette and sits on the sofa while resting his hands very wide on the headrest and then his phone starts ringing. With that ring a smirk on his face. He picks up a phone while smoking his cigarette with his eyes closed.
"Have you done your work... good..."
After disconnecting the phone, he starts laughing very loudly and then suddenly shouts loudly.
"Chahat ........ Chahat ...... now you have to be mine at any cost with your will or without your will... but YOU ARE MINE, ALWAYS MINE...... "
He looks at his mobile where he took a photo of her when she is unconscious, he traces her fingers on her face and says.
"We will meet soon and go away from here... far away from everyone .... You and me only.... I will make you mine at any cost just come once I will not be a gentle person with you this time..... because you only need punishment .... And I will punish you, darling...."
Ayudh is in Yuvraj's arms and Chahat is sitting in a nearby wheelchair. All their eyes are only on their beloved child who is probably trying to play with something by moving his hands and feet. Doctor explained.
"See, neither the child has any problem in breathing nor any other kind of problem has been deducted in any test..... just the baby is premature so we want to keep him here for a few days so that he doesn't have any kind of problem in future and soon your son will go home with you... "
They both smile, but Ayudh looks at this new toy who is moving so much and tries to search for his off button which is not visible to his eyes, but he is packed in a box so it is quite okay for him.
The nurse takes the baby out for a while and puts it in the arms of Chahat so that she can feed him. Ayudh now sees very well that it is a child like him which he does not like at all. Yuvraj starts talking to the doctor and Ayudh is with him but Ayudh feels very bad that Chahat has taken someone else in her arms except him
"Chiya... "
It is a very difficult task for a new mother to feed her baby for the first time in which the nurse is helping her, but even then it is becoming much more difficult. So Chahat doesn't look back at Ayudh at all, due to which he immediately becomes disheartened. After feeding him, she kisses his forehead and loves him a lot.
Yuvraj comes to Chahat along with Ayudh and asks Ayudh to stand beside the child.
"Your brother... "
Ayudh also likes this toy like a baby which is very small like his teddy bear but he does not like this toy too because his parents are loving him very much.
"No Ayu he is your little baby... "
He starts looking at Chahat with his small eyes when she says suddenly, who smiles at him and immediately kisses his head. He is relieved that Chahat has seen him like always and loves him. Now he looks again at the little kid who is in Chahat's arms and sure "he's not that bad". But he is jealous that Chahat and Yuvraj love him.
"Ganna...(bad) "
Yuvraj immediately smiles at his innocence as he realizes that younger children are a little jealous of their new siblings as they feel that he has come to share their love.
"Yes, very bad ..... My Ayu is the best..."
Just like Ayudh gets a lot of happiness. He stretches out his arms so that Yuvraj takes only him in his arms, not like Chahat takes this child in his arms. Yuvraj immediately takes him in his arms and kisses his fluffy cheeks and says.
"Mera Ayu... (my Ayu)
"Mela papa ... (My papa)
Both Yuvraj and Chahat look at each other than look at Ayudh who is still looking at the child. Yuvraj immediately grabs Ayudh's jaw and turns to his side and tells him.
" Who am I... "
"Ayu papa... (Ayu's Papa)
Very surprisingly he repeats his words, Yuvraj immediately sits close to Chahat and embraces Ayudh along with Chahat and Yuvaan.
" Damn I am so happy... "
He kisses her forehead, then the newborn baby and Ayudh. Ayudh looked at only the baby who was smiling, looking at him in his view, and Ayudh also slightly smiled. Ayudh liked his smile so much that he also started smiling slowly but didn't like to touch him. He is too soft to touch, like other toys.
Chahat is sleeping, Yuvraj sitting beside her and still, he is currently connected to Uday who is looking for Ravish everywhere. Yuvraj no longer wants to take any kind of risk and wants to find Ravish and throw him out of his life completely.
"Hmm... "
"Sir there is no single place where we did not find Ravish, but he is not being found anywhere. It has been 2 full days today, neither is there any news of him nor is there any information of any kind that he can be traced... "
" Keep searching for him, he will play his dirty game... "
"I know sir, that's why I searched for him everywhere, But he is not coming out of his burrow like a timid mouse..."
" You are wrong Uday ... he is planning ...... planning something big... do it fast, and there is very tight security in the hospital. Except for the doctors, no one else can even see the child and Chahat. But I am afraid that the day both will be discharged, he will try to do something... "
Just then a running nurse comes there, on seeing her Yuvraj gets alert immediately. She starts taking a good look in that room and sees that Yuvraj immediately asks her.
"What are you looking for... "
"Your baby ..."
" What... "
Yuvraj speaks so loudly that even Chahat wakes up. She immediately starts looking at Yuvraj.
"Where is my baby... "
"Sir I don't know but there is no child in the accumbater .... I thought maybe the baby is in good condition so maybe the doctor gave him to you .... That's why I ran and immediately came to check but he is not here either... "
"Sir, what happened to baby... "
Uday is still connected on the phone so he has listened. He also starts asking Yuvraj with concern but as he can't hear anything except that his child is not where he left him last. Chahat is just as if she has forgotten to breathe, she is not feeling anything else around her. She is just listening to them completely numb.
Yuvraj immediately rushes to the nursery where he was kept. There is really no Yuvansh over there. His heartbeat has become very fast. He is madly trying to find his child there because he is so small that he may have fallen out of the box or was laying him in another crib somewhere else.
Chahat has also come there and she does not see her child there. Yuvraj's attention goes to Chahat, he immediately grabs her face and tells her while doing his own thing.
"Jaan what are you doing here, everything is alright... don't worry we will find him... "
" My baby... "
She says and faints quickly.
Here is an update I hope you like it please let me know.
Yuvansh kidnapped...
Some readers are still skimping on voting. And I have so many lovely readers who went back and voted on every chapter where they forgot 🙏🙏🙏thank you so much.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
You may enjoy my completed book ONLY YOU, YOU ARE MINE, FINDING LOVE IN AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE please check these books I am sure I will not disappoint you.
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