"Meeting. Big House. Now." Were the first words out of my mouth as I turned to face the campers. Half of Thalia's hair had been cut off, and the side of Clare's face was dripping blood.
"Agreed. Camp Councilors, come along." Chiron shouted. I sheathed my sword and walked briskly towards the Big House, my mind whirling.
Migimites were something that I'd only heard of, a supposed myth. Then again, the gods were supposed myths, and that certainly wasn't true.
Chaos had told me about them when she'd blessed me. I'd had a few conversations with her since then, and I'd learned a lot. I wasn't a seaweed brain anymore, that was for sure.
When we had each taken our seats, Thalia slammed her fist on the table (which was slightly amusing considering the humorous appearance of her half bald head). "Percy, cut to the slack. What the hell were those things?" She exclaimed. I ran a shaky hand through my messy hair. Sighing, I looked up and made eye contact with everybody there.
"Migimites. Don't use their name again. Names have power. They're creatures of darkness, soldiers of Order. They are the enforcers of old, and will stop at nothing to bring back their master." I said quietly, my tone cold and dangerous.
Annabeth inhaled sharply. "You can't mean..." She trailed off, her eyes searching mine for answers. I nodded sadly.
"Yes, Annabeth. I do mean that." I gritted my teeth, my fists clenched. Being in the same room with her was difficult. Talking was a whole new level.
"What the hell are you talking about, Kelp Head?" Thalia demanded. I had everyone's full attention now, even the sleepy new head counselor of Morpheus.
"You all know of Lady Chaos, correct?" They nodded. "Chaos had an older sister, Order. Their names were obviously opposites, and they clashed on everything. Finally, Order couldn't stand it, and moved out." I paused.
"She created soldiers to do her bidding. The Migimites. They had to be quick, strong, and most importantly, they had to be able to bring order. The Migimites served under her for millions of years, before Chaos decided that she had to put an end to Order's un-orderly rule. She challenged Order to a duel, and won. Thousands of lives were lost, but Order's soul was banished to the Void, and the Migimites went into hiding." Annabeth nodded, confirming that my story had been correct.
"Recently, Migmite attacks have been more frequent. And it can only mean one thing. Order is rising, somehow, from the Void. It can only happen if someone of godly status was willing to give her their soul and body. We have to figure out who is aiding her, depose of them before she can drain their energy source, and we have to do it quick. Before its to late." I said, pinching the bridge of my nose.
Nico growled in frustration. "Today, I didn't even feel any of them truly die and enter Tartarus. Yes, stop staring at me, I sense that. Percy, they weren't going away. It was as if they were going somewhere else." I nodded.
"They are returning to the Void. That's where everything of their kind, anything created by Order, goes when they die. Lady Chaos made the Void specifically for that purpose." I spoke. Nico ran a hand through his hair.
"So what are we going to do about this, Prissy?"
"Well, Ms. La Rue, wait are you and Chris married? Never mind. I say we send out a few parties. I'll go by myself. We'll search for their base, it has to be around here somewhere, because it takes them a long time to travel long distances. Their wings don't do anything. We can settle this in the morning, it's getting late." I said thoughtfully.
"Agreed. Counsellors, inform your cabins on the recent developments. Meet me back here after breakfast for more news. Percy, I expect to see you here too. " Chiron instructed. I dipped my head.
"I'll be there."
:|Aphrodite's POV|:
The tension was building between Annabeth, Perseus, and Artemis. Both Annabeth and Artemis had strong feelings for Perseus, and Percy was most definitely leaning towards Artemis. They were so cute together!
"Sup 'dite." A familiar Sun-God greeted from my doorway. I smiled at Apollo.
"Hello, Apollo. What brings you to my humble abode?" I asked sweetly. Apollo wrinkled his nose, whether from the sickeningly sweet perfume smell, or from the tone of my voice, I couldn't tell.
"I came to ask how Pertemis was going. I mean, that ship is all the nymphs are talking about these days. Do you realize how hard it is to flirt with a girl if they're busy ranting to you about your sister's love life?" He said. I quirked an perfectly shaped eyebrow.
"Is that so? Well then, you've come to the right place. I don't know if the gossip put there is true, but I can assure you that I know everything about everyone's love. It's quite tiring, actually." I said smoothly, gesturing for him to take a seat. He obliged and slid down into a comfortable love seat.
"Please begin. I've heard all about how Annabeth is trying to get Percy back, and all about Percy saving Artemis and chit chat. Is it true?" Apollo questioned. I nodded.
"Quite, in fact. Annabeth Chase has her heart set out on one person, and that's Percy. She won't settle for anyone else. Meanwhile, she's already betrayed Percy, and she's on his bad side as of now." I stated, glancing absentmindedly at my hot pink fingernails. Scowling at a slight chip, I scrunched up my nose, and my nail was fixed.
"I see. So, are Percy and Artemis dating now?" Apollo asked. I shrugged.
"Technically yes, but they haven't really told anyone, nor have they discussed it. Which reminds me, I have to talk to Styx about getting rid of that stupid little maiden vow of hers."
"Great. Thanks, 'Dite. I'll talk to you later, and I'd love to know about any updates on my sister's relationship. Ciao!" Apollo said, and flashed out.
I smiled to myself, and turned to the mirror, frowning at all the microscopic blemishes on my face.
"Tut tut!" I trilled, and set to work. My makeup had to be perfect!
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