Chapter 74
Leaning back against the headboard Nandini rubs her temples and grabbing her phone dials Manik's number and hoped he answers but he didn't.
A deep sighs leaves from her mouth and shaking her head she looks at the time and thought of going downstairs to help Neyoinka to prepare dinner.
Walking into kitchen she found Neyoinka and Avni preparing for dinner while gossiping. She smiles and walks to them clearing her throat gaining their attention who turns around and looks at her.
They both smiles at Nandini as Nandini walks to them and smiles asking them about the cooking.
Nandini : what is happening in my absence? What is mother daughter talking behind my back?
Neyoinka : what will be talking behind you Nandini beta? We were just talking about our husbands.
Avni : yes di. We are not gossiping about you. Have you spoken to Jiju? How is the work going on? Do you know when he will be back? It's been two weeks almost since he went to Dubai.
Nandini : no I haven't spoken to Manik today. The last I spoke to him was few days back. I have tried calling him and leaving messages but he hasn't responded to them yet. He seems very busy.
Nandini sadly looks at the ladies who totally understand her pain and Avni not being able to see her sister side hugs her and tried comforting her.
Avni: it's okay di. I am sure Jiju must be working hard so he could come back home to his wife.
Nandini smiles lightly and nodded her head. Even Neyoinka joined talking to Nandini making her feel better. They all starts talking while preparing for dinner with laughing and giggling their heart out.
Once the dinner was ready and setting the table moves to living room and sat down turning the tv while waiting for Raj and Neil to arrive.
Neyoinka : have you guys watched this new series on Netflix yet? You must watch it. It's really good and amazing so far. I have watched it.
Nandini : which one mom? Which are you talking about? I haven't watched Netflix for long time.
Avni: same. I have not even touched my laptop to watch them. The work at hospital is draining and hectic so hardly get anytime to watch it.
Neyoinka : why to worries? We have got some time in our hand. Let's go into the theatre room and watch this series. You will love it. While waiting for Neil and Raj we can watch few episodes.
The girls looks at each other and thought it wasn't a bad idea so they nodded their head and giving thumbs up to Neyoinka headed towards the theatre room.
Getting comfortable in their seat and turning the series first episode all of them starts enjoying it.
Meanwhile Raj and Neil by almost 10 o'clock walks inside the mansion and found it empty.
They both looks at each other and thought where did the ladies of the mansion went at this time.
Neil : dad! What is happening? No one is waiting for us? Have we really come home this late?
Raj : no Neil! even I am not understanding anything? There isn't a single day where I don't find Neyoinka waiting for me. She must be somewhere. Let's go and have back in our rooms.
Neil nodded his head and climbing the stairs was about to head towards his room but stopped when he heard echoes for laughing from the theatre room.
He immediately called Raj who rushed to him and asked him what happened.
Neil : dad. I think the ladies are inside watching something. It seems they are enjoying themselves. Let's freshen up by the time they come down.
Raj nodded their head and both of them went to their respective rooms to freshen themselves up whereas the ladies completing 3 episodes thought to stop and head back downstairs.
They went downstairs and sitting down and starts talking about the series while waiting for Raj and Neil and Nandini's eyes went towards the stairs and gasped seeing Neil there who smirks at her.
Nandini : mom Avni look there. Am I dreaming? Is that our Neil? How come he got there?
Neyoinka and Avni turns their head and got shocked seeing Neil who chuckles and comes there kissing Neyonika's cheek and ruffling Nandini's hair to which she winched and yelled yet.
He lastly looks at his wife and sitting beside her slides his hand around her waist and pinch her waist making her yelp in pain. She slaps his head away and making distance from him sits away.
Nandini: you didn't answer my question Neil. When
Did you come inside? How come we didn't see going inside your room?
Neil : I came home Bhabhi when you ladies were busy watching and laughing in the theatre room. What were you guys watching by the way?
Neyoinka : we are not telling you anything. Where is your dad? Is he still office?
Neil : no mom. He is in his room freshening up.
Neyonika nodded her head and sharing a look with her daughters stood up and moves to dinning table to set the table. At the same time Raj comes.
Raj : didn't them come down yet? What are they watching for so long that they forget us?
Neil : dad. They just went towards dinning table. We should also go before mom starts scolding you.
Raj rolls his eyes and playfully smacking Neil's head walks towards dining the table and smiles at Neyoinka who returns the smile back.
They all sat down and starts having dinner when a Raj started the conversation and brought Manik's name which caught Nandini's attention.
Raj : Nandini beta. I have something to inform you. I know you have been trying to call or get in contact with him but unfortunately you haven't been due to his busy schedule. I have spoken him today and he is doing absolutely fine and is hoping to return back.
Her eyes starts teary up hearing Manik's name but bitting her lips she controls her tears and looking at Raj nodded her head and looked away immediately avoiding their gazes but everyone there understood what she is going through but didn't question her.
Once they completed their dinner everyone went their own respective rooms. Neil keeps the laptop aside and looks at his wife who joins him on the bed.
He spread his arms out to which Avni scoots closer to his chest and snuggles making him smile. He pecks her head and strokes her hair.
Neil : how was your day baby? When did you come back from hospital? I am sorry I didn't see your message till late evening. How did you get home?
Avni: my day is okay but hectic Neil. I got home by 6. Di also finished at the same time so we can home together. It's okay I understand you might have been busy. Please try to not overwork on yourself. I don't like seeing you all tired and not feeling good. It is effecting your health. You didn't even eat well.
Neil : I am sorry baby. Workload is too much. Especially when Bhai is Dubai and contacting clients is really difficult task but just few days then it will be fine. How is Bhabhi doing? She doesn't look well? Is she okay? She looks sad and lost.
Avni: Di is missing Jiju but she will be fine once he comes back. Everything will be fine. I can't even imagine day without you. I don't know how Di is managing herself. She is very strong.
Neil nodded his head and placed his head on her lap making her smile who then stares caressing his hair and dropping few kisses on his forehead.
He feels so relaxed when her fingers touched his hair and closing his eyes enjoys this moment just being able to closer to his wife. She also smiles and looks at her husband who had fallen asleep.
Leaning down she kissed his head and gently placing his head from lap placed it on pillow and sliding beside him snuggling to his chest pulls the duvet over and glancing at him last time and kissing his head softly whispers to him.
Avni : goodnight Neil. I love you so much.
Caressing his face with her thumbs and adoring him sometime she finally closed her eyes and falling sleep in her husband arms after a long day.
Placing her phone on chairing and rushing to washroom to complete her night routine Nandini felt all of sudden something inside her stomach and couldn't help but rush to sink area and empty everything that she had for dinner.
Washing her face and mouth and wiping her face with a towel she walks back inside the room and laid down feeling exhausted and terribly missed Manik's presence. A tear rolls down her eyes.
Grabbing the phone she went through her phone gallery and looking at his photos she couldn't stop herself from bursting into tears.
Her sobs slowed down as she hugged his pillow hoping to get his warmth but failed miserably.
Her eyes widened when her phone starts ringing flashing his name. Wiping her tears off and fixing herself she answered the call.
Nandini : hello Mani. How are you? did you eat? How are you doing? Are you still in office?
Manik : hello love. I am okay. Did you cry? Your voice seems very low. Are you okay? Did you sleep? If you haven't then I can please face time you.?
He didn't even wait for her answer and immediately switched their call into video call and his heart broken into pieces seeing her state.
Her face was all red and pale due to crying and fatigue. He felt his heart thumping and feeling bad on his fate not being able to there with her.
Manik : what happened love? Why are you crying? I am sorry I haven't been able to talk to you past few days. It's been very difficult and frustrating to complete the work and rush back to you.
Nandini : I miss you Mani. When you will come back? I can't do this anyone? I am terribly missing you. Please come back home soon. Please.
Manik : I promise you love I will be back soon before you know it. My heart breaks seeing you like this. Please bear it with sometime. I will be there soon.
They talked few hours and none of them were ready to end the call but Manik kissing head on the phone ended the call once Nandini had fallen sleep.
He wipes his tears and looking at the time sighs and wrapping his work decided to head back to his hotel.
Next morning in Malthora mansion everyone was already up and was getting ready to starts their day expect Nandini who was still sleeping.
Neil and Raj walks downstairs while discussing about their work matters and went to dining table to see Avni and Neyoinka there.
Neil : where is Bhabhi? Why hasn't she come down yet? Is she okay?
Avni : Di hasn't woken up yet. I will go and see.
Neil nodded his head and Avni rushed from there and went to Nandini's room and knocked few times but there was no answer making her worried.
Yelling Neil's name grabbed everyone's attention who rushed outside of Nandini's room and looks at Avni who looking worried and tensed.
Neil went towards her and cupping her face asks her.
Neil : what happened baby? Why did you yell?
Avni : Neil. I tried knocking the door but Di isn't opening the door. It doesn't seems good to me. Please open the door. I am getting worried.
Neil nodded his head and wipes her tears off and looks at Raj who called the maid to being the mansion keys who immediately brought it.
Neil took the key and opened the door and entered inside to see Nandini sleeping. He rushed to her side and checked her forehead and got shocked seeing her body burning with fever.
Her body temperature was very high and looks at the rest who looked worried seeing Nandini in this condition. Neil immediately called the doctor and asked Neyoinka and Avni to be with Nandini.
Hope you liked the chapter.
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