Chapter 4
In Mumbai, at malthora mansion.
Neyonika picking up the cup of coffee walks to Manik's room. She opening the door enters inside to see Manik sleeping with his mouth widen open making her chuckle.
She kept the cup of coffee on side table and sat beside Manik. She ruffles his hairs and starts whispering his names.
Neyonika: manu.. manu.. wake up.. raise and shine up.
Manik groaning in sleep shifted his head into neyonika's lap making her smile.
Neyonika: manu get up. Fab 4 will be here anytime.
As he heard fab 4 name he jerkingly opens his eyes and looks at neyonika who bending down kissed his forehead.
Neyonika: good morning manu!
Manik : good morning mom!
Manik sat up and kissed neyonika's cheek.
Neyonika handed the cup of coffee to Manik who thanking her starts sipping his coffee whereas neyonika getting down the bed starts taking out Manik's clothes.
Manik sipping his coffee smiled at neyonika.
Manik quickly finishing his coffee walks behind neyonika who was opening the curtains.
Manik : mom. You don't have to do this. I'll do it myself.
Neyonika: it's okay manu. You go and fresh up!
Manik nodded his head and taking his essential went to washroom.
Neyonika setting Manik's bed walks downstairs to see raj sitting in hall and reading newspaper. She was going to walk to kitchen when a door bell rang.
She knowing who could be at the door went to door and opens the door to see fab 4. Neyonika smiling welcomes them in.
Fab 4 greeted raj who smiled back to them. Raj and fab 4 were talking whereas neyonika went to kitchen to arrange breakfast for everyone.
Raj : all ready for the concert?
Cabir : yes uncle all ready but this time we will miss Neil. It is first time we are going to perform without Neil being with us.
Raj : cabir Neil is always there to support you guys. You didn't need him physically. You know what I mean.
Dhruv : yes uncle you are right but we actually have habit to see Neil with us. He might be part of our band but he has more important despite not being in the band.
Raj : it's good to hear that dhruv but you guys have achieved with your hard work. I'm not saying Neil isn't behind your success but I want you guys to handle your band by yourself now. In future Neil will not be there in every concert. I know you guys boned with Neil too but remember you guys have career too so does he.
Fab 4 tried to understand raj's word but somewhere they felt true. They have boned so well with Neil.
Mukti : okay uncle we will remember that but where is manik? Uncle don't tell us he is still sleeping like pig.
Raj opens his mouth to say something but didn't as they heard monster Manik speaking himself while climbing down the stairs.
Manik : why don't you think I would be still sleeping mukti?
Mukti : oh Manik you are woke up.. I didn't say anything.. it was cabir who thought you were still cabir.. right guys.
Everyone starts giggling at mukti expect cabir who slapped her shoulder for lying.
Manik made oh face and comes to them.
Manik : good morning dad!
Raj : good morning Manik!
Manik also then wished fab 4 and took seat next to raj.
Manik : mukti I clearly heard who said that I was still sleeping like pig? Do I look like pig to you?
Mukti shook her head as no but Manik seeing stern glare made her look at raj who help who gestures Manik to stop.
Mukti : sorry Manik!
Manik : it's okay mukti. Don't take it to heart. It's chill between us.
Mukti smiles. At the same time they heard neyonika calling them for breakfast.
All of them moves to dinning area.
In mangalore, Murthy's mansion.
Raman and ishita were having their talks regarding something when Raman felt someone wrapping hands around his neck. He smiles as he recognised the hands which belongs to his princess..
Raman : good morning princess, had good sleep.
He held her hands and pulls her front of him making her sit beside him. Nandini yawned lightly side hugged Raman.
Nandini: good morning appa. I had very good sleep. What are you both talking about this early?
Raman : thinking much princess just about marriage..
Nandini snaps her head to Raman and widening her eyes looks at him who was suppressing his laugh.
Nandini: appa you can't be serious.. you almost give me heart attack.
Raman controlling his laugh held his ears asking sorry to Nandini who looked away.
Raman : I'm sorry princess. I was only teasing you. We are not talking about your marriage but some general talks.
Nandini: are you sure appa?
Raman : yes princess.. and I won't get you married this early. You're still my princess.
Nandini smiles and hugs Raman whereas ishita shook her head seeing their drama.
Nandini: I love you appa!
Raman : I love you too princess.
Nandini broke the hug and kissing her both parents cheek ran to her room making Raman and ishita look at each other.
Raman : she is still child ishu. What will happen once she gets married? Will we never find a guy who will protect our princess from the world?
Ishita held his hand.
Ishita: we will Raman. I'm sure there is someone who will love Nandini above anything. I trust my ayiappa he has made someone for our Nandini.
Raman nodded his head and took his phone out as his phone rang breaking their thoughts regarding Nandini's marriage.
Raman : here comes our another princess.
He showed his phone to ishita who smiles in return. Raman picking the call keeps it on speaker so ishita can hear too.
Raman : hello princess!
Avni : hello appa! How are you?
Raman : I'm good princess, how are you? Listen your amma is here too.
Avni : hello Amma, I'm good appa too. Where is Di? I called her but she didn't my call.. in fact it's busy.. who is she talking to for that long?
Raman and ishita looks at each other not knowing what to answer back as they really don't know who Nandini might be talking to but also they didn't want to intrude into Nandini's privacy so they diverted topic.
Ishita: princess it's okay na. In this case you can talk to us. Won't you talk to us?
Avni : amma I know you are changing the topic but nevertheless I really want to say something.
Raman : what is it princess?
Avni : appa Manik Malhotra is coming to mangalore unfortunately I can't meet him again. I just heard on news about his concert. How could you guys didn't tell me? I'm so sad knowing I can't meet my favourite singer.
Raman : princess why don't you come then? I mean I can arrange it for you urgently.
Avni : I wish appa but I can't.. I have inter exam tomorrow. I won't be free tomorrow at all therefore I can't even take time out to call any of you. That's why I thought to inform Di but she isn't picking my call. Will you let her know?
Ishita: off course we will tell Nandini. How is your preparation going on?
Avni : amma it's going pretty well. I just hope I will get selected.
Raman : my princess will be selected. Even if you don't then don't be disheartened because we know how much effort you given in. We wish you all the best princess and come back soon.
Avni : appa don't make me emotional now.
They both giggles and after talking to avni for an hour ended the call. Ishita looks towards Nandini's room and frowned thinking what is taking her so long.
She was about to get when she heard Nandini's voice from behind. She turns around and saw Nandini coming down with holding her phone in her left hand.
Ishita: what took you so long princess?
Nandini: amma sorry! Actually one of my friend called me so I was on the phone. Did you guys receive Avni's call?
Ishita: we just ended the call. She called you too but you didn't pick it up.
Nandini: sorry amma. I'll call later.
Ishita: it's okay, she was asking about you and tomorrow she has inter too.
Nandini: I'll call her amma very soon. Now can I have some food to eat. I am really starving.
Ishita nodded her head and starts moving to kitchen whereas Nandini sat next Raman and looks at him.
Nandini: what did avni say? Is she angry with me?
Raman : why would she be angry with you princess? She knows you may be busy.
Nandini: I know she will understand appa but somewhere I'm not being good sister.
Raman : princess you're the best sister anyone can have. You better not mention this front of avni unless you want land in hospital.
She giggles hearing him and nodded her head.
Nandini: appa I am going out to see one of my friend. Is that okay to you?
Raman : princess you don't need my permission. You can go and meet your friend.
Nandini: love you appa.
She kissed his cheek making him smile who kissed her forehead. Nandini then went to kitchen as her stomach rumbled making both father and daughter laugh.
In London, malthora mansion.
Neil woke up rubbing his eyes. He sat up on bed and took his phone to see the time. He freaks seeing the time as it was half 8 in the morning. He kept his phone back on side table and got down the bed.
He walks to his closet and pulled out gym clothes out. He quickly got changed and went to his gym room which left side of the mansion.
As he was walking to his gym his phone rang. He took phone out and saw caller Id. He swiped the call and lifts it up.
Neil : hello!
Caller : Neil have you woken up?
Neil : no! My ghost is speaking to you.
Caller : haha very funny Neil.
Neil : what work do you have?
Caller : so rude Neil! Why do you think I would call you only when I have work?
Neil : the joker cabir Dhawan doesn't call Neil malthora unless he has some with Neil malthora. Now cut this shits and tell me why have you called me?
Cabir : junior malthora calm down.. I need you help.
Neil : thank to lord, at least you came to point. What kind of help you want from me?
Cabir : I need you to stop navya's marriage somehow.. I don't care how you will do it but please stop it if you love me.. okay.. after the concert I'll come to London. Don't ask me any further information as I can't tell you right now.
Neil : what will I get in return?
Cabir : a punch cross your face. Why do you need something in return. The elder malthora is far better than you.
Neil : excuse me cabir.. are you saying Bhai is better than me.oh really, then go and get his help. I'm not going to help you. Bye!
Neil smirks as he heard cabir pleaded over the call.
Neil: fine I'll help you. But remember Neil malthora is the best no matter what. Okay!
Cabir : : yes I will remember it.
Neil : are you guys in mangalore or in Mumbai?
Cabir : in jet!
Neil : is Bhai with you?
Cabir: yes but why?
Neil : duffer give him the phone.
Neil waits cabir to hand the phone to Manik. He pushed the gym door and got inside. He opened the drawer and pulls headphone out. He connected to his phone and kept his phone at side when he heard Manik's voice.
Manik : hello Neil! How are you?
Neil : hello Bhai! I'm good Bhai! I have spoke to the sponsor in mangalore. All the staying arrangements is done under your name. I'll text you the hotel name. There won't be any problem when you guys reach there.
Manik : I know Neil. I trust you that's why you're part of the band.
Neil : Bhai don't praise me too much. I haven't done anything. It's all because of you guys. You guys have earned it. I didn't do anything.
Manik : I'm proud of you. Once we land mangalore I'll give you call. What are you doing? In office?
Neil : no Bhai not in office but in gym.
Manik : continue with the gym! Will call you later!
Neil : okay Bhai! Take care, love you!
Manik : bye Neil, love you too!
Neil cuts the call and continued doing the exercise.
Neil all sweating comes out of the gym room and walks down to see Bebe instructing butler for the breakfast.
Neil : good morning Bebe!
Bebe turns around and saw Neil.
Bebe : good morning tillu! I hate when you come down straight from gym room. Go take shower. I hate this habit of yours and manu.
Neil : sorry Bebe!
He tried hugging but Bebe moved back giving look to him. Butlers smilingly left from there.
Bebe : go and have shower first!
Neil : okay Bebe.. but Bebe what is made for breakfast?
Bebe : foodie malthora have shower first then I'll tell what is for breakfast today.
Neil grumpily went to take shower whereas Bebe shaking her head went back into kitchen.
In Delhi, In apartment where avni stays.
Avni angrily threw pen on the floor and held her head tightly. Sonal who was sitting beside her noticed this and calls her name out.
Sonal : avni are you okay?
Avni : no I am not.. I can't do this.. nothing is going in my head. I'll fail tomorrow.. I'm trying but everything is blank.. I don't know what to do.. how did Di manage this?
Sonal : avni calm down.. relax.. you won't fail. You will pass it. I think you should just take small break then revise again.
Avni : you think so!
Sonal : yeah, it will help you out.
Avni : I'm sorry. You know you're right.. I need Di this time. You revise. I'll go and call Di.
Sonal nodded her head. Avni walks out of room taking her phone along.
She sat in hall and dialled Nandini's number who immediately picked it being all worried.
Nandini: avni.. I thought you were going to study?
Avni : I was doing that Di but nothing is going into my head.. I am irritated now. I can't do this.
Nandini: where is avni Murthy who doesn't lose her hope? You're not going to lose the hope? Aren't you same avnu Murthy who wants become like me then what happened avni? You can't back out in last minute. You have to do the best. You can't lose hope saying you can't do this when you have reached this far. Relax yourself and calmly revise. Okay.
Avni : what if it doesn't happen Di? What I can't be like you?
Nandini: that won't happen avni! I know you will do it better than me. Now relax and give some time out. Don't stress much. Okay!
Avni : okay Di.. and sorry worrying you.
Nandini: it's totally fine avni.
They both talked for another 10 minutes when avni herself feeling better after talking to Nandini ended the call.. avni then composing herself went to back to study.
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