Chapter 27
Everyone was enjoying and loving trip to Bali. It's been three days since they were in Bali and exploring the city of Bali. They visited and explored many places within three days. Everyone felt so relaxed.
Everyone appreciated taking a break from work and going on vacation together, though they missed Neil a lot and really wished if he could join them. Everyone had been keeping in touch with Neil especially Avni who had been sending him plenty of images and videos of the whole trip.
Manik and Nandini were spending their alone time together to which they did get teased a lot by them but nevertheless Manik never leave a chance to romance with Nandini.
Today everyone got ready and was heading to monkey forest. The Murthy's sisters convinced everyone to visit the money forest and Manik couldn't refuse his favourite ladies.
Sitting in her bedroom and looking at the phone screen she looked very worried when Neil hasn't been answering her calls or replying to messages.
Sighing to herself she looks at the time and thought he might be sleeping and due to time difference he hadn't got a chance to see messages or miscalled.
Shutting her phone and keeping it in her handbag she stood up and thought of checking on Nandini. She walks towards Nandini's room and knocks.
Pushing the door she enters inside when she heard Nandini's voice. She glanced at Nandini who was glaring Manik who was lying on the floor.
Laughing out she felt bad for Manik and moves towards him and forward her hand towards him. Manik placed his hand in hers and got up.
Manik: thank god. I didn't thought someone will come saving me. Your Di is very violent.
Nandini glares Manik whereas Avni chuckles.
Avni : I know jiju. I have through all these since childhood. I totally understand.
Nandini: you changing your team. I see. when it will be your turn then I'll see how you will escape.
Avni : let the time come and tell. Anyways Jiju I wanted to ask you something. Have you spoken to Neil? He hasn't been responding to my calls.
Manik : he must be sleeping Avni. Last night I spoke to him. He was very tired. He call you afterwards. You don't need to stress. We should also leave.
He said the last sentence glancing at his watch. Nandini and Avni looks at Manik and nodded their head. Taking their belongs they walked out of the room.
( Nandini's attire)
( Avni's attire)
As they made their way out of resort they found fab 4 and Navya standing little away and chatting. They made their way towards them. Everyone exchanged greeting and looks at Manik with teasing smile.
Manik rolls his eyes and smacking back of cabir's head walks ahead leaving the rest to chuckle.
They all settled in the car and the driver drove to monkey Forest. Arriving at the forest the girl rushed out of the car and went inside leaving the boys behind.
Manik shook his head and taking his phone out follows the theme while capturing few photos and moments of the nature.
The girls went in awe seeing the monkeys and starts taking their photos. Nandini look at Avni who starts clicking the photos herself with the monkeys.
Nandini : let me take your pictures. I know what you are going to do.
Avni looks at Nandini and smiles giving her phone to Nandini. Nandini clicked few photos, even Avni clicked Nandini's photo.
Manik joined them and clicked few pictures Witt them and was going to tease Neil.
They roamed around the monkey forest adoring the moneys. They were sitting in a cafe and having light brunch. Avni took her phone out and sent a photos to Neil.
Cabir : how is Neil doing? I haven't spoken to him? Is he okay? When does he return back?
Avni looks at cabir then at Manik who didn't bothering answering but kept munching on his food.
Avni : he's going good cabir. He's been busy and getting all the work done. He didn't say when he going return back to India. I wish he was here too.
Mukti :exactly. It feels so different without him. These two brothers only knows how to work but enjoy. Thankful to Nandini Manik has changed.
Alya : what will happen if Neil finds someone? I haven't seen him dating any girl. I even wonder if he wants to do relationship. He might follow Manik's step.
Manik looks at Alya feeling little offended.
Manik : what does that mean Alya? Why would Neil follow my path? Why are we even talking about his love life. I trust my bother and his choice. I'm sure he will tell us if he dates any girl.
They stopped talking about Neil's love life and Manan didn't fail notice a smile on Avni's face. They completed their lunch and decided to roam around the city before heading back to resort and taking some rest.
They have been continually travelling around and enjoying themselves. It was almost mid-afternoon when the boys wanted to go to see a waterfall.
Manik : guys, there is waterfall. We should go there and swim there. What do you think?
Cabir : great idea. I really want to jump in the water.
Avni : what about our clothes jiju? How will we manage? How far is the waterfall?
Manik : it isn't too far. About clothes don't worry. We will arrange something. Who wants to join us?
Everyone raised their hand. They headed to waterfall and Manik took his phone out and dropped a message to someone. He puts his phone away and looks at his Nandini who looking outside of widow.
Her hair flying in the air due to the wind. He chuckles and tucks her hair in making her smile. She glanced at him and leans backwards resting her head on his chest and turns her gaze looking back to the view.
The driver turns the radio on to which everyone starts singing along with the music while laughing their heart out.
They arrived to waterfall and it was very quiet and empty. Manik had already made the reservation. They starts moving in and was amazed seeing the view. It was simply amazing and beautiful.
Manik: isn't it beautiful? I really loved this place.
Nandini : it's so beautiful mani. You didn't knew about this place.
Manik chuckles and pulls her in side hug pecking her head.
Manik : I wanted to keep it surprise. I knew you will love it.
Avni : you guys are so adorable. I feel so lonely. All the couples are getting romantic.
Mukti : how could you forget me Avni? I'm alone too.
Avni : but your boyfriend keeps calling you. I didn't even have that. I really miss my best friend.
Cabir : your best friend. May I know who this best friend is? Is it boy or girl?
Avni : shut up cabir. Why would I tell you?
Cabir : is our girl falling in love?
Avni glares him and cursing him in her head moves away from there. Manik glares cabir.
Manik : why are you troubling her cabir? Leave her alone.
Cabir : why would I leave her Manik? I'm just taking my revenge. Do you know what she said to last night? She pranked call me saying she's my ex and is pregnant. Because of that navya beaten me up.
He didn't realise what he revealed and when realisation hits him it was too late because everyone holding their stomach starts laughing at cabir including navya who didn't feel bad for beating cabir.
Manik : I'm so proud of you navya, he deserves those beating from you. God why would we miss the fun.
Canoe went to Manik and slapped Manik's hand.
Cabir : how can you laugh at me Manik? I am your best friend.
Manik : I didn't knew that. Thank for you letting me know.
Cabir rolls his eyes and looking at his friends laughing at him made him think why is he friends them. After the laughters everyone starts admiring the scenery and Manik and cabir striping their clothes jumped the water and splashing water over each other.
As there was no other people around except them even the girls went inside and forcefully drags Dhruv with them. Everyone starts playing with the water.
They got changed and were ready to head back to the resort. They looked very exhausted but had so much fun. Girls were sleeping expect Avni who was continuously checking her phone.
Manik : avni what's wrong? Aren't you tired.
Avni: Neil hasn't replied to my messages. He has seen them but didn't reply. Is he angry with me?
Manik : he can't be angry with you Avni. He might be busy with work. Don't worry. I'll call him after we reach back to resort. You should take some rest.
Avni nodding her head and looking at the last time at the screen she closed the phone and closed her eyes resting her head on Mukti's shoulder.
Manik softly calls Nandini's name out who slowly opens her eyes and looks at Manik while opening her arms. He smiles and encircling his arm around her waist scoops her up and carefully got her outside of the room.
He smirks as he watched everyone gasping at the decoration and all the arrangements made. Everyone looked so shocked and surprised seeing all these.
Cabir : wow! Who did this? Manik did you do it?
Manik : no I didn't! I was with you guys.
Alya : who might that be? Are we expected someone to join us? I didn't knew it. Who is it?
Everyone shared a look and thought who could do all this arraignment but their thoughts were disturbed by Avni screamed who pushing everyone rushed towards the person and hugged the person.
Nandini was wide awake and looks at Manik who was smiling when Avni rushed towards Neil and hugged him so tightly. It was Manik plan to make Neil come to Bali after three days.
He knew Neil won't be able to come to Bali because of his work he contacted most of clients and postponed few meetings till months and requested to cooperate though remotely.
He also was noticing how much Avni was missing Neil. He wanted really wanted both of them to be happy. He widely smiles and looks down at Nandini kissing her cheek and muttering I love you.
Nandini also smiles brightly and leans forward kissing his cheek.
Nandini : you're the best mani. I love you so much.
Her eyes widen as the realisation hits her head and she couldn't wait any longer crashing into his arms. She ran towards Neil and hugs him almost making him stumble on his foot.
He chuckles and wraps his arms around her waist and closed his eyes feeling so homely and content. Neil placed a kiss on side of her head and broke the hug. He cupping her face wipes the tears off.
Neil: I never thought you would missed me so much. I was so bad leaving you alone. I missed you so much.
Avni: you wouldn't know how much I missed you Neil. I can't believe it you are here.
Neil chuckles and hugs her back. He stayed in hug a little longer till he heard everyone approaching towards them. He broke the hug and moves to hug Manik who smiles hugging him back.
Neil : I don't know how you did it Bhai but you did so amazing. I'm proud of you Bhai. You're the best.
Manik : I know! I had to what makes my loved ones happy. Look how much she's smiling. She really missed you. I'm so happy you agreed to come leaving all the work behind. Make most out of this time Neil.
Neil nodded his head and breaking the hug glanced at Avni whose face was covered with happiness and joy. His heart flutters seeing her happy and moves to Nandini pulling her in a hug.
Nandini: thank you for making it Neil. I missed you too.
Neil: I missed you too Bhabhi. Now it will be so much fun.
Nandini nodded her head and broke the hug. Neil then hugs rest of them and got little teased by cabir.
They talked a little until Neil told everyone the freshen up and come back within few minutes. Everyone went to freshen up while Neil checked up few last arrangements and sits down on the floor with blanket wrapped around his body.
He waited for everyone and one by one they started to arrive and took their seat with her parents. Avni wanted to sit with Neil but also didn't leave Mukti alone.
Mukti : it's okay avni. You can sit beside Neil. After all he's your best friend.
Avni smiles and looking at Neil sits beside him. Neil smiles and wraps the blanket around her body. They sat in circle hugging their respective partners and talking about of the trip filling Neil up.
Hope you liked the chapter.
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