Hey, guys. Wassup? I hope ya'll are doing fantastic because great people deserve that.
Anyways, I have some bad and kind of scary news. And reply if ya'll know how this feels.
Apparently I'm so depressed that I need a physiatrist.
This random doctor did this stupid test on me and she wouldn't let me say anything! She was like, "Don't do self harm, be happy, love yourself."
YOU CANT JUST LOVE YOURSELF WOMAN! It's hard. It really is. When you look around and see these people who look happy and you wonder why? Why am I like this?
However, even though I think that so often, I don't cut or do anything like that. It took me sometime to realize that this doctor who had never even met me, caught on to something that I didn't know myself.
I do self harm when I didn't even realize it because I'm stupid.
Hate if you want, I need it.
I took a curtain pole and beat myself in the head with it. I beat myself up.
But, this doctor thinks she knows everything, when really, she knows nothing. She may be able to tell when someone is depressed, but not what's really going on inside their head.
She thinks I'm depressed, when I think that I'm crazy. Do you guys think that? I took the pole, and bashed it on the ground and my desk. I look at people, and wonder, how can they not care where they step? How can they be so....happy, with who they are. This doctor doesn't know a thing about me. You guys know more than I let on to even my own parents.
Everyone thinks I'm this stupid shy awkward girl, and sometimes I would rather be in Heaven than down here. With all the pain, lies, suffering, evil. Why am I here? I love my life, but I don't deserve it so I feel guilty and horrible. I'm tired of being down here with people who will judge me forever. This makes me happy.
I'm sorry guys.
I'm sorry for this.
You probably didn't even want to know this, and I'm sorry.
But, you guys stay happy! I would hate for this to bring you down, but I thought that at least some of you would understand. You are perfect. So perfect. You are loved. Remember this. No one is as perfect at being you, than you are.
SkyeSlayer200, out!!!(::)(::)(::)⭐️🎩💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟
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