Another Christian thing and for non-Christians, too
Hi, guys!!! So, yesterday I just got a feeling that I should post something about God again. I know I'm starting to do a lot of these, but I can't help it.
God is real. God loves you. You are an incredible person and God is so proud of you. He loves you. You got to get out of that box of depression or anxiety or any other mental or illness and just remember that you can and deserve to be happy. That you CAN do anything. Like you absolutely can do anything. You can get over anything. You really can. Whether it's physical or mental. God will lead you down the path you need to go as long as you trust in him. Put all of your faith in God. Trust the One Person who will NEVER let you down. The One who will lead you there without faulty. Guys, seriously, His plan is perfect. Absolutely fail-proof. Now you just have to trust him. Of course you still should have self-confidence and believe in yourself, but just remember to ALWAYS throw your trust to God. He will always always ALWAYS lead you to where you need to go, and that plan will always be great. God knows you better than you know yourself and He knows where you are heading. He loves you no matter what. Just don't worry about anything because everything will be okay. You seriously don't need to worry about anything. You really don't. You will go far if you trust in the LORD. You will be just fine. You will be great! You will be happy! Everyday, trust God. Everyday, every morning when you wake up, give every amount of worry and fear to God and remember that He will not let you go down. He will never let you down. Remember that He loves you. Acknowledge what you are feeling, and give it to God. It is okay that you feel sad or scared, or worrisome, or anxious, or different, or anything else! You just need to remember that it is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with you. Acknowledge what you're feeling. Maybe you don't know what you're feeling, and that's okay. Think about it and take your best guess. What do you want to do to make it stop? Tell God everything. Do not hate yourself, because you are so loved by the most important being in the universe and beyond. More people love you than you will ever know. You were made for great things! Do what makes you happy! But don't hurt yourself in the process, like don't starve yourself because you want to be skinny. Don't hurt yourself as a punishment. God will tell you what's right and what's wrong. Show yourself some love! Show that mean voice in your head some love, too! That voice is just a sad you, after all. That person has no self-love. If there was someone who hated ever last bit of themselves, wouldn't you want to help them? Tell that voice that it is okay and that you love them. I know it's hard to tell the thing in your head that hurts you that you love them, but it will be good. You are my friend. You are loved. You are beautiful. You are outstanding. Try to not worry anymore. Try to be free.
I made these for you. It took a lot more time to make than it looks. I love you guys and I want the best for you. You are enough. I love you. The LORD loves you. You can do it.
I love you guys!!! I hope you will take this in. I love you very much!!! Have a great day!!!❤️❤️❤️⭐️🎩
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