Night 02
Harvey's Perspective:
'Tonight' arrived, I was already in the security office (a bit early) sipping my favorite cup of cappuccino while keeping an eye on Frida and her uh, anthropomorphic friends? (I really need to find a better name for them but divas will do for now even if it does sound cringy for me.)
While quenching my thirst, I fixated on what Mangle was doing inside that not out of order cove. I placed the cappuccino beside the metal pink tablet, picked it up and went to 'Mangle's Cove'. (Cam 05) Once I reached there she was already out and I quickly went to the dining area and spotted the white vixen.
Mangle's footsteps were light, but, her movements were frantic. She slightly turned to the left and headed into that direction. I switched to the west side of the hallway and saw her yellow eyes from afar approaching the office at a medium pace.
As Mangle was already at the window, I rushed to the door she approached from and hit the red button, closing it. When I peeked outside the window, she was already gone.
I pressed the button again and returned to the tablet and switched over to Mangke's Cove again, she was already inside it and I couldn't help but feel puzzled by Mangle's sudden reaction. (geez I should've researched this when I had the chance..).
So far this shift has been good but puzzling. The divas haven't been as active as the previous night especially Mangle. (Honestly she's barely active ever since I first came here). And Mangle has been acting distant toward me so far.
Anywho, that changed a few minutes later and the first one to be fully active this night was Bonnie and Chica. The first thing they did was come straight to me in their respective positions, of course I kept them out.
We caught up on some things, until I asked Bonnie and Chica about Foxy's cove that's out of order and they were hesitant.
"Oh, uh.." Bonnie's ears were slightly down and Chica was staring at the floor... And I'm just confused. But I let them know that they don't have to answer if they're stressed about it to which they thanked me for and left.
The rest of the hour continued to be weird with Mangle not doing much of anything until, Frida came around and I jumped.
Frida didn't reply to me but stared at me with a bitter expression. I approached the door and locked her out.
We continued staring into each other and the cringe of saying her name only made our encounter more awkward but she left and I opened the door and returned to my seat, sipping some more cappuccino until Mangle finally came around.
I locked her out again, peeking outside the window and this time, she didn't run off. Frightened yes but somehow, Mangle had built up some confidence which I'm honestly grateful for.
Mangle started conversing to me and I slowly got to know her better, but she was pretty hesitant about sharing a few details about herself.
"Uh.. I-I, could give you a little detail of what happened to my sister I-if you wanna cut it short.. But, I... might need more time so it was nice talking to you at least..." Mangle quickly left and I reopend the door, returned to my seat and checked the power.
Thankfully it was at 83% but I seriously need to stop locking them out because I don't really think they're attempting to harm me aside from Frida and another reason is that I don't want to waste the buildings generator.
I checked my watch once again: 11:07. Good so far.
Shooting to about two hours later, the feed was acting up... Again. I turned around to see the golden version Frida again, in the same position as last time and her eyes were still extremely exhausted.
She apologized once again and watched me but this time stayed put and closed her eyes, slamming herself onto the floor.
I rubbed my eyes, and returned to tablet to see the feed back to its decent quality, and... Why the hell do I hear breathing ne...
I jumped out of my chair as Mangle apologized while I regained a sense of reality and once I spotted the not so shy vixen, I asked if she was ready to explain herself about her sister Foxy since Mangle was with her at the time.
It started when Foxy was getting inappropriately touched by some perverted unnamed teenager, (which according to Mabge was a boy) land when the teenager got too close, Foxy scratched the perverted boy's face with her sharp claws and attacked anyone who'd touch not only her but Mangle as well.
Eventually(dunno what security was doing to take so long), Foxy was restrained by security (specifically tased) and was locked away in a safe room, resulting in her cove going out of business, they were also considering dumping Mangle with her sister too but never did.
Which also contributed in them hiring a
nightguard(why would they take this long to hire one? they never told me about it) and also making Mangle the way she is currently.
And my thoughts?
Honestly, I feel bad for Foxy to be quite frank, she could've handled it better than what she did but at the same time, he set himself up to let that happen. But I'm not gonna take sides with either participant since I want to stay neutral.
Afterward, I gave out my thoughts and admitted some things, Mangle understood me including Chica and Bonnie who were glad that not only did she have the courage to tell someone about the incident, but for me to admit my past sins. And she left the office with them.
Turning behind me, I spotted nothing and returned to watching the animationics while thinking about what just happened.
Honestly I can relate to the kid since I used to be perverted just like him and looking back, I'm thankful that I stopped doing those shitty things and gained some sense of reality.
The rest of the night was good but I had some tense moments with Frida and some awkward moments with her golden counterpart (who may not exist) but overall it was alright.
After the alarm woke me up, I exited the office and received my paycheck while also checking up on the anthropomorphic divas and left.
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