- IV -
Five kicked the bowling rack angrily.
"Why does nothing ever work out!" He kicked it a few more times and he felt his foot go numb, "Who do I have to kill now for everything to just go back to normal again."
"Can't we start over here?" asked Luther simply, looking at his large hands in his lap.
"We can't just take over a different timeline. There's gonna be consequences to everything we do and it might jeopardize everyone again." Five groaned and rubbed in face in frustration, "Besides, I bet those assholes are hot on our tail looking for us ever since we made our first impression."
"So what do you suggest we do?" Diego twirled a knife in his hand.
"Geez, Diego, I wish I knew." Five threw his hands in the air and kicked the bowling rack again, forgetting about his numb foot.
"Ow, piece of shit!"
He hopped on his one good foot as he cradled his injury and continued to yell out every swear he knew in the book.
"Uhm, excuse me?"
The siblings, except Five, turned at the lanky uniformed figure that spoke.
"What do you need, chump?" Diego asked dryly, not even bothering to look up at him.
"If your kid is gonna cause a ruckus like that and destroy property, then I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." The skinny man spoke tiredly, and was just about as ready to walk out.
"Listen here, shitbag." Five walked towards the employee in fumes, and if reality had allowed it, there would have been smoke coming out from his ears. "If you don't leave us alone for the next fifteen minutes, I'm gonna rip off your leg and shove it down your throat until it comes out of your-"
"Okay, enough!" Luther stood up and placed a hand against Five's shoulder, putting some distance between the manic psychopath and the poor employee, who was shaking out his wits.
"That's very graphic, young man." He squeaked, "I'll just go now."
The man quickly turned away and nearly tripped as he sprinted back to his booth.
"Let's just find a place to stay for the night." Vanya quietly suggested, "We can talk about it in the morning."
"Good suggestion. I have a place."
A different voice spoke from behind the group, and Five was just about to turn around and beat the hell out of another useless person, but the sight stopped him right in his heels.
It was the girl from the fight.
She had changed out of her Academy uniform and wore an all black ensemble consisting of trousers and a sweater. Her black hair was left untied, and it settled just an inch or two below her shoulders.
The Sparrow leaned casually on the pillar, and Five wondered if she was there the whole time to see him lose it over a bowling rack.
"Aren't you one of those Sparrow jerks?" said Diego, already holding a knife in his hand. Everyone had stood up as well, preparing a fight.
"How did you find us?" asked Vanya, whose voice didn't really hold as much intimidation as her other siblings.
"Easy. I just asked around if they saw a hippie group with a kidnapped schoolboy." she smirked and Five narrowed his eyes.
"What are you doing here?" he spat. "And alone no less."
"Listen, I don't always agree with how my brothers do things." the girl paused, thinking over her words carefully. "I saw everything."
"What do you mean saw everything?" Five questioned and took a step towards her.
"The apocalypse. The 60's." she looked down and sighed. "The Umbrella Academy."
"And how do you know that?" Five was just a foot away from her now.
"That's just my power." she shrugged. "I see things."
Was that what that glazed look was? Was that why she saved him and let them escape?
"What makes you think we'll follow you?" Allison crossed her arms.
"You don't have to." she mimicked his sister, folding her arms as well. "But you'll have a much harder time in getting back your case that you left behind in the lobby."
The siblings looked at each other, some with disbelief and others with uncertainty.
"Who are you again?" Klaus asked. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy trying to conjure up my old drug dealer."
"I'm Mara." she stretched out a gloved hand between Five and Luther, "And the pleasure's all mine."
"And we're supposed to put everything into the care of your gloved hands, huh?" Luther cast her a look.
"Trust me, you would hate me more with them off." Mara stood firm in her ground, unfazed.
Although Five knew better than to trust anyone at this point, but he shook her hand anyway and flashed her a sarcastic, tight-lipped smile. "Lead the way."
Mara only winked back in response and turned on her heel, her black hair flashing in the neon spotlights of the alley and Five found himself a bit flustered. There was a weird aura in the air around her, like she wasn't real.
He never noticed it before because his adrenaline was too busy not to get himself beat. But as he watched her glide across the alley, he knew there was something more behind her.
He exchanged looks with the rest of his sibling, and knew they shared the same sentiments of suspicion and doubt, but they followed her anyway.
She led them further down the streets, blocks away from the Academy, into a neighborhood of apartments and convenience stores. They arrived in a small three story apartment and climbed up two flights before Mara stopped.
"If anyone finds out about this place, I will kill all of you myself." she gripped the doorknob, not bothering to look back at them.
"The others don't know?" Luther asked.
"I don't intend on staying in the Academy my whole life." she replied simply, placing a key inside and jangled it a bit before the door opened. "And I don't need them breathing down my neck about it."
Diego nudged Luther and whispered quietly, "At least she knows what's up."
Luther rolled his eyes.
Mara stepped back for Five and the rest of the siblings to enter. It was a small one bedroom apartment that didn't hold much interior or furniture. The walls were off white with darker shades of inexpensive couches and tables to match. There was barely anything personal laying around as well, save for maybe a hand-knitted blanket strewn about on an armchair.
"Its not much, and I doubt you guys will actually fit in here on second thought." she mused.
"Why are you helping us?" Five asked.
There has to be an ulterior motive to this. She can't just be risking everything for a bunch of strangers that broke into their home. In his 58 years of living, he knew that nothing ever comes for free.
"You don't belong here." Mara pursed her lips. "If what I saw was true, then I don't want the doomsday trail to catch up and follow you here."
Five would be lying if he said he wasn't at least bit interested. She reminded him of himself with the way she set herself up to be and he wondered up to what extent she was like him.
"Why should we trust you?" Luther, who was the nearest sibling to her, took a step forward.
"I literally just said earlier that-"
"What if this is all just a front?" Luther turned to his siblings, "What if she's just using us?"
"Luth, I swear to God." Allison started and began to walk towards them
"No, Allison!" Luther yelled, grabbing Mara by the throat and holding her high up in the air so that her feet wasn't touching the floor.
A chorus of shouts erupted across the room and the Hargreaves siblings moved in towards the supposed leader of their once team, shocked at the unprecedented action.
"Christ, Five should've left you at the house." Diego pointed a knife at his brother.
"Can't we all just chill and play monopoly or something to decide which one gets to mess whose timeline?" Klaus raised his hands.
Five glanced at the girl, who was just about as red as a tomato from the lack of air. Despite everything he had thought about her, he still had no sentiments attached to her and could care less if her windpipe got crushed under Luther's influence.
But right now, she was useful. And useful things shouldn't go to waste.
He was about to go ahead and knock his brother out himself, but Mara had beaten him to it.
She lifted her legs so that it wrapped around his giant arms, and as Luther confusingly stared at her actions, she kicked him directly in his face.
He yelled loudly in pain, immediately letting go of her neck and stumbling back. Mara landed harshly on her back and her face contorted as the shock went through her body.
Five moved towards the girl again in hopes of ending this shit show, but Luther decided throw another fist towards her. The Sparrow quickly rolled away into the shadow of the wall and disappeared, leaving Luther to punch the floor instead.
"Where the hell did she go?" Luther stood up straight, his eyes darting back and forth in search of the girl.
"Umbraportation." Five whispered.
Just what exactly are her powers?
"Umbra - what?"
A sound echoed from the kitchen area and everyone froze.
Diego went ahead and peaked behind the counter, but he shook his head when he found nothing
"Uh, guys?"
The siblings turned their attention to what Klaus was pointing to.
A black mist had appeared on the ceiling, or to be more specific, the area above Luther. And to everyone's surprise, Mara fell out of it and landed on Luther's shoulder with a frying pan in hand.
Sparing no time for anyone to react, Mara swung the pan to back of Luther's head and he immediately lost consciousness.
He unceremoniously fell face first and Mara was left standing, the ringing of the pan still echoing in everyone's ears.
"Now, shall the adults talk?"
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