Chapter Three
Lucy's POV
I sat on the bed with Susan, reading the letter we had just gotten from Peter. Edmund sat on the floor nearby as I read it out loud, dropping a little ball that he'd found.
"I've met a couple of really nice people so far, and one of them did the same thing as Edmund. His name is Thomas, but enlisted under a false name, and got in. I told him about you trying, and he told me to tell you don't do it. He said if he could, he'd go back and wouldn't do it. Ed, the things I've seen....It's awful. Please don't keep trying. I hope you all are doing well, and Eustace's snoring isn't as bad as it used to be. I love you all, and I hope I see you soon." I folded the letter up, and I saw the solemn look on his face.
"It's almost like he knew you'd try again today, Edmund. Why are you so desperate to fight?" Susan scolded gently, and he looked up.
"Peter shouldn't have to be the only one risking his life. Dad fought at one point, so he should know Peter shouldn't be out there." I stood, going over to the painting on the wall.
"Have you seen a ship like that before?" Susan asked, and I smiled.
"Yes. It's very Narnian looking, isn't it?" Edmund chuckled slightly.
"Yeah. Just another reminder that were here, and not there." Susan came over to look at it, and then Eustace came in.
"There once were three orphans who wasted their time believing in Narnian nursery rhymes." Edmund started towards him.
"Please let me hit him." He hissed, and I grabbed his shoulder.
"No!" Susan and I exclaimed in unison. He forced himself to stay back, but was still giving him a death glare.
"Don't you have somewhere better to be?" He shrugged, coming in and sitting.
"My house. I can do as I please. You're just guests." Susan shook her head slightly.
"I'm going to go work on that soup." She said quietly, picking up Peter's letter, and then we heard a knock on the door.
"It almost looks like the water's actually moving." Lucy marveled, and Eustace snorted.
"What rubbish. See, that's what happens when you read all those fanciful novels and fairytales of yours." I heard Edmund snort quietly.
"There once was a boy called Eustace, who read books full of facts that were useless." He sputtered for a minute, shocked, and I had to force myself to not just laugh out loud.
"People who read fairytales are always the sort to become a hideous burden to people like me, who read books of real information." Edmund turned around, now mad, but I couldn't take my eyes off the picture.
"Hideous burden? I haven't seen you lift a finger since we've been here." They started arguing, and I saw the water in the painting actually moving, and a stream of water trickled out.
"Edmund, the painting!" I tried to get his attention, but he didn't hear me. They just kept arguing, and then some of the water splashed me and Eustace. He turned around, shocked, and Edmund nearly grinned.
"Lucy, do you think we're going back?" I smiled, and Eustace slowly backed up.
"What, is this some kind of trick? Stop it, or i'll tell mother!" He started yelling for her, but didn't get an answer.
"Mother!! Mother!! Oh, I'll just smash the rotten thing!" He grabbed it, and Edmund and I tried to wrestle it away from him. I heard Susan yelling for us, but I couldn't respond. Then, we slipped, and all lost our hold of it. It fell to the floor, and the room started filling up with water even faster, until it was full. We swam up, and when our heads broke the surface, we weren't in the Scrubb's house anymore, and there was a large ship coming towards us.
"Swim!!" I screamed, and started moving as three men and a woman jumped in from off the boat. I felt hands around me, and I heard a beautifully familiar voice.
"It's alright! I've got you!" I turned, and nearly squealed.
"Sierra!! Edmund, it's Sierra!!" We made it onto the boat, and she changed into a dog, shaking water onto half the people standing around. We laughed, and then Edmund grunted, nearly falling. Cahira had come up behind us, and she'd jumped onto his back. Sierra changed back, smiling, but I could see that she had been hoping Peter would be with us. Then, I turned back to Edmund, who kissed Cahira on the forehead.
"Nice one." I whispered to him, and he glared at me playfully. Then Eustace threw a fit about Reepicheep, and passed out at the sight of a Minotaur. I smiled, watching the slight commotion. Sierra swung up top, smiling, and whistled.
"May I have your attention please?!" She hollered, and she ship grew silent.
"May I present our stowaways. Edmund the Just, and Lucy the Valient, King and Queen of Narnia!" The ship exploded into cheers, and I smiled. It was good to be back.
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