Chapter Ten
Peter's POV
We'd done it. We'd defeated the sea monster, and in doing that, we'd defeated whatever had been causing the mist. Edmund and Caspian had almost been killed, as had I, but we thankfully were still alive. As the mist faded, I looked around, trying to find Sierra. Edmund let out a yell, pointing to one boat, and I spotted her. She looked like she'd been rudely awakened from a nap, and was confused, but it was her. I yanked my sword off, diving in and swimming towards her. She let out a cry as she spotted me, and dove in as well. As soon as she reached me, nearly crying, I pulled her close, pressing my lips to hers. She closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around my neck and returning the kiss. We pulled away after a minute, and she rested her forehead against mine.
"You did it. You defeated that thing." She whispered, and I saw the pure fear in her eyes. Whatever had happened to her while she was in had been awful.
"Yeah. And remember what I said? Next time I was here, I'd marry you. And I'm here." She laughed quietly, and smiled.
"Sounds good to me." She nearly smashed her lips to mine again, and then we heard Edmund yelling at us.
"Alright, you lovebirds. We get it, you're in love and engaged. Get back up here, and get a room if you're going to do that!" We pulled back again, laughing, and she smirked.
"If I didn't know any better, Edmund, I'd say you're a bit jealous!" She hollered back, before changing into a griffin. Her claws closed around my wrists, and she flew us up to the ship, where Edmund was turning bright red.
"I'm not jealous. I'd just prefer to not see my brother and his fiancee snogging constantly." Sierra laughed quietly, changing back to her human form, but the pain in her eyes still showed. I gently took her hand, leading her to the cabin where her things were. I sat on the bed, leaning against the wall, and she leaned against me. I wrapped one arm around her shoulders, and she had one hand on my right knee, the other gently grasping left hand.
"Sierra, what wrong? What did you see?" I whispered, gently rubbing her hand. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes.
"I didn't see anything. It was But what I felt....It was was pure evil. It felt like it was trying to suck every bit of my life out of me. I've never felt anything that awful, even when I was with Jadis." Her voice was shaky, like she was trying to not start crying. I gently pulled her as close as I could, pressing my lips to the side of her forehead. Then, she did start crying quietly, and I felt a couple tears sliding down my cheeks. Whatever that thing had been, it had shaken her up really badly. I was just glad she was safe. Before either of us realized what was happening, we dozed off right there.
Edmund's POV
It had been awhile since Peter and Sierra had disappeared into the cabin, so I knocked on the door. When there was no answer, and it was silent, I opened the door. I poked my head in, and chuckled when I saw them. They had fallen asleep, Sierra almost on Peter's lap. I slowly backed out, closing the door quietly, so as to not wake them. I found Caspian, who stared off in the distance.
"Peter and Sierra are asleep in the cabin." Lucy came up behind me, laughing quietly.
"Not surprised. Caspian, do we have anyone on this ship allowed to perform a wedding?" He looked at Lucy, slightly startled, but nodded.
"Yes, we do. Why?" She smiled, and I remembered what Peter had said the last time we'd been here.
"Caspian, Peter promised Sierra he'd marry her the next time he was here, and we have to make sure that happens." He smiled, and nodded at me.
"Well then, if it's a wedding we need, it's a wedding we'll have." He hurried to the top of the steps, and Drinidan stepped back.
"If I may have your attention?" The boat quieted almost instantly, and everyone looked up at Caspian.
"Thank you. Now, if you all shall give me your assistance, we have a wedding to prepare, and not much time to do so. If you all will listen to our dear Queen Lucy, she will tell you what to do. Understood?" A murmur went up, and everyone nodded. Soon, every person on the boat had a task to complete, and we prepared the boat for Peter and Sierra's wedding. She'd waited about 1,417 years for this to happen. That was more than long enough in anyone's opinion. Cahira came up beside me, and slipped her hand into mine.
"So....your brother is getting married when he wakes up?" I chuckled slightly, staring off at the horizon.
"That's correct. If they hurry and wake up, they'll have a sunset to be married in front of." She smiled, leaning against me.
"That would be perfect." I smiled, kissing the top of her head.
"Yes. Yes, it would."
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