Chapter Four
Peter's POV (One week ago)
I was tired of this. Running, shooting, hiding, watching people die, going to sleep, and then waking up and doing it all over again. Thomas and I stuck together, and he promised that if anything happened to me, he'd go back and let Susan, Edmund, and Lucy know. And I'd also promised to do the same for him. We sat a couple metres away from the other guys, eating our small portion of bland food.
"I miss my mum's chicken salad." Thomas said suddenly, and I chuckled slightly.
"I miss my sister doing potato soup. They'd just put the potatoes in water with salt and pepper, and we'd put cheese and a bit of bacon on it." He smiled slightly.
"I really hope your brother doesn't keep trying to get here. He doesn't need to see all this." I took a deep breath, and opened my mouth to respond, but couldn't. There was an explosion right at that moment, and I felt a searing pain in my arm. I looked, and saw a piece of shrapnel embedded there, and it was oozing blood.
"Come on!!" I grabbed Thomas's hand, and yanked him up. We took off running towards the camp.....But never actually made it. There was another explosion three feet away from me, and I went flying. I hit something, and cried out in pain, my whole body feeling like it was on fire. I reached towards my neck, feeling for the rings. I closed my fist around them as the darkness closed in, and I whispered one thing.
"I'm sorry, Sierra." Then, everything went black.
The next thing I knew, I was waking up.....But without any pain. I looked down to see I was still in my blood-stained uniform, but the shrapnel and the pain were gone. I looked better than I had in awhile. The rings were still clenched in my fist, and I looked up. The lamp post where Lucy and Tumnus had met.....It was right in front of me. I'd made it back. Then, I saw a faun, who dropped to his knees, apparently recognizing me.
"My king." He said, and I chuckled slightly.
"Come on. Stand. Tell me, how do things fare here?" He stood slowly, a look of awe on his face.
"Very well, your majesty. There is peace across all of Narnia. King Caspian, Lady Cahira, and the High Queen have set out for the Lone Islands, your majesty. They left a week ago." I nodded.
"Understood. Would you know where I can get a horse? I must get to Cair Paravel as soon as possible." He nodded, whistling, and a black mare came out of the trees.
"Take her. If you release her once you arrive, she can find her way back here." I nodded, and she nuzzled my shoulder.
"Thank you." He bowed again.
"May Aslan protect you, my king." I swung up, and we took off at a gallop. We arrived at Cair Paravel the next day, and one Griffin, who was perched along the wall, quickly agreed to take me to the ship. I changed into something else, and packed a small bag with what I needed, preparing to leave. Griffins are well known for bursting into flame, but they're also less well known for their ability to fly quickly over long distances. We took off the next morning, and the plan was to reach them in two days time. As we flew, my heart couldn't stop pounding. I was going to see Sierra again. And this time.....I didn't plan to leave.
Sierra's POV (Present day)
We were quickly coming up on the first of the Lone Islands, and it seemed to be deserted. We headed in to shore, hoping to find some clue as to where any of the lords were. We got into a cathedral looking place, and a book.
"Who are all these people? And why are they marked out?" Edmund asked, and Lucy looked over his shoulder.
"It looks like some kind of fee." I looked at it, and sucked in a breath.
"Slave traders." Caspian and I said at the exact same time. Then, one of the bells rang, and several men dropped, swords in their hands. I yanked my sword out, slicing at anyone I didn't recognize. Then, we heard a shriek.
"Unless you want to hear this one squeal like a girl again, I suggest you drop your weapons." One of the traders said, a knife on Eustace's throat.
"Like a girl?!" Eustace complained, and the knife was passed harder.
"Now!" He commanded, and we complied, and he smirked. I heard Cahira breathing harder, and I gently squeezed her hand.
"Put 'em in irons!" We were yanked apart, the heavy iron chains clamped on out wrists and ankles.
"Listen to me, you fools! I am your King!" Caspian yelled, and then I glared at one.
"You're going to pay for this." I hissed, and then heard another voice.
"Actually....One of you is going to pay....." He said, his eyes drifting over all of us, and then stopped on me.
"For all of you." We were dragged off, and I saw Eustace, Lucy, and Cahira being dragged towards the docks, Caspian and Edmund to what looked like a prison, and I was dragged elsewhere......And thrown on a cart with other prisoners. This was not going to go well at all.
Edmund's POV
I lay on the ground in the cell we'd been thrown in, listening to Caspian trying to kick the door out. He grunted, and then stopped.
"You alright?" I nodded, and sighed.
"We've got to get out of here somehow." Then, we heard another voice.
"It's hopeless. You'll never get out." We both looked over, and Caspian started walking towards it.
"Who's there?" He asked, and then we heard the voice again.
"No one. Just a voice in my head..." Caspian looked at him, and then knelt down.
"Lord Bern." He looked up, and then sighed, looking back down.
"Perhaps once. But I am no longer deserving of that title. You.....You look like a good king I once knew." He nodded slightly.
"That man was my father." Lord Bern nearly started crying, taking his hands, and then we heard screams. We moved over to the window, and climbed up so we could see. We saw a cart full of people being taken to the docks....And Sierra was one of them. They were thrown in the boat, and I saw Sierra hit her head, blood oozing.
"Where are they taking them?!" I asked frantically.
"Keep watching." Bern said, and I turned back. The boat was shoved off, and as it sped out to sea, a green mist appeared. It surrounded the boat, and as we watched, a Griffin appeared, diving for the boat, but it was gone. Sierra......She was gone..
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