Chapter Fifteen
Peter's POV
We had returned home six months ago, and things had been fairly calm. Sierra had taken to training the men herself, but tonight, things were going to change. She was going to officially regain her title as Queen of Narnia. I went into our room, and I found her struggling to get the buttons on her dress fastened.
"May I?" I asked, and she looked up, her cheeks slightly pink.
"Thank you. I hate these things." I finished fastening the buttons, and kissed her cheek.
"Peter......" She said, trying to sound somewhat firm, but she was smiling, and couldn't.
"Sierra....." I teased, and she blushed bright red, turning to me, and kissed my cheek. I smiled, moving back to in front of her.
"Then, my lady, if I may not have that privilege, would you be so kind as to accompany me?" She laughed quietly, and placed her hand in my outstretched one.
"It would be an honor, my king." We went downstairs, where Aslan met us at the doors to the Great Hall. He looked up, almost smiling.
"Are you two ready?" We nodded, and then he turned back towards the door. He then looked back at Sierra, a look of pride in his eyes.
"It was not necessary for you to give up the throne all those years ago. You could have remained in your place on it." She smiled slightly, and bowed her head.
"I know, father. In a way, I did find it necessary. It played a part in people trusting me, and I saw no point in having to help lead the people from a distance then. It bade well for what ended up happening with Jadis." He did smile at her as the doors to the Hall opened. I took her hand again, and we entered, following just behind Aslan. We reached the front of the room, and I stepped to the side. She stood alone before her father, and then we saw Tiania and Talaria, two of Tumnus's great-great-great grandchildren, enter, Tiania carrying a red satin pillow, and on the pillow, there was a gold tiara. It had the same leafy pattern as the Susan and Lucy's, but it came up higher in the front.
"To the great Southern Sea, I give you, Queen Sierra, the Gracious. May you reign with strength and wisdom until the stars rain down from the heavens." I moved back beside her, taking her hand, and we took our places on the thrones. The cheering started, and I felt my heart swell. My wife was beside me now, officially, as Queen. After the ceremony, I found her out on the balcony, staring off into the distance, the same way she had been after the coronation at Cair Paravel.
"It's so beautiful." She murmured, smiling as I came up behind her, placing my hands on her waist.
"I've got something prettier." I said softly, my lips right beside her ear. She blushed, and leaned back against me. I simply stood there for a moment, my arms around her, and neither of us speaking. Then, she finally spoke up.
"Peter.....What would you think of us having children?" I smiled, looking off into the distance.
"I think that would be amazing. Why are you asking now?" She smiled slightly, turning to me, and looked down slightly, her cheeks pink.
"My father talked to me earlier.......And he....He said that I'm....." My heart skipped a beat, and I knew what she was about to say.
"We're going to have a baby." She smiled, looking up at me and nodding. I nearly laughed, moving my hands to her stomach. She placed her hands over mine, and I felt my heart swell. We were going to be parents in a few months.
"I......Sierra, this is amazing." Then, another voice broke in.
"Were you going to keep that a secret? Because if so, you all have failed." I turned to see Cahira standing there, laughing. Sierra laughed, sliding her hand into mine, and I chuckled.
"Just keep it quiet for right now, okay? I just discovered this, too." She smiled, giving the two of us a slight look.
"Alright. But just for right now." She left, smiling, and I smiled, moving my hands back to her stomach.
"I can't....This is.....I don't have the right words for it." She smiled, placing her hands on my shoulders, and I moved my hands to her waist again.
"Then you don't have to say anything." She said softly, and kissed me. I was happy, happier than I'd been in awhile. There was just one thing that could make this even better........And hopefully that would happen someday.
Hey!! Okay, the trailer up top is a must-watch. It's The Little Mermaid, and William Moseley, who played Peter, is starting in it. Enjoy!! :)
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