Chapter Three
Peter's POV
I watched as Sierra talked with Trumpkin, the dwarf we had saved a couple hours ago. Now, she truly seemed like the several thousand year old girl she was. The stress and fear was obvious in her eyes, and the circles under her eyes were prominent. I sighed, looking down. I kept wishing she didn't have this burden upon her shoulders. The burden of keeping all of Narnia safe, since she was the daughter of Aslan. She nodded, and turned around, coming towards me.
"We have to move. You all will go with Trumpkin, and we'll meet at Aslan's How, with Prince Caspian. I have something else I must do." I looked down, not wanting to leave her again. She came over, sliding her hand out mine, and pulled me a few feet away.
"Peter, I know you don't like this. But you have to trust me." I pulled her close, kissing her. My hands went to her waist, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. We pulled away after a minute, and I rested my forehead against hers.
"I do trust you. Just promise me you'll come back." I whispered, and she smiled weakly.
"I promise."
Sierra's POV
"I promise. And there's something I need to tell you next time I see you." I gave him a quick peck on the lips, and then morphed into an eagle, taking off. Despite my bird form, I felt a couple tears trickle down. I had made a promise I might not be able to keep. And I would have to tell him what I had done all those years ago. I didn't know how I would be able to that. A couple hours later, I reached the Dancing Wood, where the meeting was already in session. I heard Caspian's accented voice breaking through the shouts I heard.
"You would hold me accountable for the crimes of my people?" Then, I heard Nikabrik.
"Accountable, and punishable." I smiled sweetly, stepping out from my hiding spot into the middle.
"That may be. But we must all remember that Narnia has never been right, unless a Son of Adam has been on the throne. And though our prince may be a Telmarine, he still is a Son of Adam." Everyone stared at me, and one of the Centaurs spoke.
"Your voice is familiar, m'lady, but your face remains a mystery. Will you reveal yourself to us?" I moved to the centre of the glade, laughing and throwing my hood off.
"Does Aslan's daughter truly need any introduction?" Everyone gasped, and dropped to their knees, bowing. I rolled my eyes, and crossed my arms.
"It is an honor to meet you, my lady. I promise you, that with your help, I will give the Narnians back their land." Caspian said, raising his head and meeting my gaze. I looked around, meeting a centaur's eyes. He gave me a questioning look, and I nodded slightly. He rose, drawing his sword.
"Then, my sons and I.....we offer you our swords." Slowly, the rest stood, drawing their weapons. Then, all eyes were on me. I drew my sword, holding it out, but it was pointing down towards the Prince.
"As do I. I will fight with you, for the freedom of my father's people." He smiled slightly, standing, and I sheathed my sword, smirking.
"Now, come on, you lot! Get moving! Our prince's uncle is coming, and we have work to do! Now, shall we head for Aslan's How? Our Kings and Queens are on their way there, and we must be ready to greet them properly." Everyone cheered, sheathing their weapons, and grabbing supplies. I changed into my famous lioness form, going and nuzzling Caspian's hand.
" are a lioness, my lady?" He asked, almost nervous. I chuckled slightly, and nodded.
"One of my father's gifts to me, along with the gift that I can only die in battle. Otherwise, I'm immortal." He smiled slightly.
"I hope we do not lose you in this upcoming battle, my lady. We can use your knowledge and expertise." I changed back into my human form, smiling slightly.
"As do I. I have someone who has been waiting patiently for about fifteen years for me. I don't plan to lose him now." After I said that, he looked slightly disappointed, and I chuckled inwardly. Only after Peter had admitted were other young men interested in me. I walked a few feet away, laying on my back and staring up at the stars.
"Please keep Peter safe, father. I've lost him once, and I can't bear to lose him again. Truly, I have loved him for over a thousand years."
Hey guys! So....what would y'all think of Peter and Sierra's song being A Thousand Years by Christina Perri? Tell me in the comments! Thanks for putting up with my slow updating.....Sorry! Love you guys!!
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