What Do We Decide? | July 19, 2024
Prepare for a very worried David haha.
Enjoy! :)
Jack blinks his eyes open blearily to find David right above him.
He smiles weakly. "Hiya, Davey."
David is not charmed. "Do you have any idea how worried we were?! How worried I was?! Do you have any idea..." he pinches the bridge of his nose.
"I'm sorry to have worried you," Jack apologizes. "But hey, I was out for what, a couple hours?"
David stares at him, not impressed. "It's been 24 hours."
"What were you thinking?!" David erupts again. "Walking into traffic like that?! I mean, you were lucky that you didn't get hit badly by the car, just a little damage to your hip, mostly just injured from falling on your head, but still!! This all could have been avoided if-"
"But I'm glad it happened, Dave."
David jumps back. "You what?!"
"Lemme explain," Jack cuts in quickly. "I kinda had a...prophetic dream."
David raises an eyebrow.
"It's true!" Jack retorts defensively. "I was met by the Guardian of the Soul Sanctuary...yeah, yeah, I know how it sounds--but they knew me. Us. They said they had been watching over us as we got scattered through time. They said it happened for a reason. They told me that we had a chance to go back to January 1, 1900. But we might forget everything that's happened to us after 1899. So they asked me what's more important: what we've lost, or what we've found."
David thinks on it, not entirely sure if he believes it. Jack could have just been having an elaborate dream.
But also it doesn't make sense for them to be here in 2024 at all.
It doesn't make sense that David existed in both 1978 and 1988 as a teenager, that Jack was seventeen in 1990. Neither of these could have logically happened.
And yet they did.
So David recognizes that this is true too.
"So what are we gonna do?" David asks.
Jack shrugs. "I don't know. We should tell this to the others. They have a right to know this too. They have a right to know that they have a chance to go back."
"Alright then. Let's get you out of here and go tell them the crazy news."
Jack cracks a smile. "Can you imagine tryin' ta hawk a headline like this 'un back in the day, Davey?"
David smiles back. "I think it'd sell much faster 'n whateva bonehead was tryna sell a pape by jus' readin' the headline Trolley Strike Drags On."
Jack chuckles.
"Maybe we should try to get Spot and Race to come up with a cat-themed headline related to this," David muses. "I'm sure they'd think of something."
After Jack is let out of the hospital, David calls everyone to meet up at Race and Spot's cat café. Once everyone is there and they've settled in with a bunch of cats, Jack explains his dream--at least the part of why they got sent to where they did.
And so they all think of why they got sent where they did.
For Mush and Blink, it's pretty easy: they got sent to 1969 at Stonewall so they could participate in the first major fight for queer rights.
For Race and Spot, they went to 2011 to see gay marriage legalized.
For some of them, it mattered less about the time and more about the context.
Dutchy, Pie-Eater, Specs, and Bumlets went to 1992 so they could star in the show Roundhouse.
Tumbler went to 1975 to help the man who recently lost his son. Skittery came much later so Tumbler could look after him the way he did for Tumbler.
(Skittery still wishes that he was dropped some time that was not the pandemic, but at least it taught him the harsher realities of the modern world)
Of course, they all have deeper revelations than that, just like Jack did, but when he prompts them all they say is "it's kinda personal, you know? I know what I needed to learn, and that's what matters." And so he lets them leave it at that.
Crutchy and Boots try to figure out why they went to 2024, and why Crutchy went a few hours before Boots.
"I think we were meant to find each other," Crutchy tells him. "I still don't understand why we were separated, but hey, I got a few more hours to learn about this world so I could at least give us a little bit of direction."
"That's probably true," Boots agrees. "However, what's so special about 2024?"
"Well, it's 125 years after the newsies' strike," Crutchy reasons. He thinks back to January. He realizes how quickly they found some people. "I think we were brought here to connect everyone."
Everyone looks at them, and figure that they are probably right. In all of their time here, somehow none of them crossed paths. Until now.
Crutchy and Boots were the domino effect that made this reunion possible.
David figures that Les went to 1924 so he could see the newsies that had been left behind, stay with Sarah, and grow up during the Great Depression, which influenced a lot of his poems and made him famous. And so he could use his fame to never let the world forget the newsies.
"There's just one thing I don't get," David tells Jack. "I went back to 1978 to meet Antuninu and Soma, and be a part of Holly Near's Singing For Our Lives. Like, that was a big moment for me. I just don't get why I went to 1988."
"Was there something specific to 1988?" Jack asks.
"I mean, National Coming Out Day became a thing that year, but that wasn't a super huge thing for me." David gets a little frustrated; this has been bothering him for decades. "I mean, it would have been nice to not have Antuninu and Soma think I was missing or dead for ten years. The Guardian or the Sanctuary or whoever did it gave them a decade of baggage they didn't need, and also could have avoided."
Jack purses his lips, thinking. "How different do you think your life would have been if you stayed in 1978?"
David thinks for a moment. "I mean, I guess the biggest difference is that I'd be in my sixties now."
Jack's eyes widen. "That's it."
David looks at him. "What?"
"Well...you know..." Jack's hands move wildly. "If-if you stayed in 1978, you would be 63 right now instead of 53. But think about it. You went to 1978, and I went to 1990. Then you went to 1988, and so..."
"And so we're not that far apart in age!" David finishes, eyes wide. "Wait." He looks at Jack. "Does this mean we could have been together since 1990?"
Jack smiles sheepishly. "I mean...I guess."
David shakes his head regretfully.
"But it's okay," Jack reassures him. "I think I grew up the way I was meant to, and I think you did too. And we have each other now. Besides, we couldn't have gotten married in the 90s even if we wanted to."
David looks at Jack. "Is that your way of telling me you want to get married?"
Jack shrugs and averts his eyes, trying and failing to cover up his grin. "I dunno, whatever you wanna think..."
David smiles and shakes his head. "We can talk about that later if we decide to stay in this time." He winks.
Jack blushes, a little shocked. Then he is filled with awe and affection. This. This is who he fell in love with.
He has all the more reason to want to stay in 2024 now.
So everyone has figured out why they went where they went, so Jack recounts the last part of the dream.
"The Guardian told me that we have a choice. We can choose to stay in this time, or we can go back to January 1st, 1900. They said our ages will reset, and we might lose our memories of everything after 1899. They told me to ponder one final question: what is more important to you? What you lost, or what you found?
Silence falls over the group as they think on that.
"So we have a chance to forget all of this?" Skittery asks cautiously. "We could just...go back to 1900 as if nothing happened?"
"In theory," Jack answers. "No 90s for me, no pandemic for all of us except Crutchy and Boots...we would all be young again."
"No more aching joints," Kid Blink ponders.
"But you would get them again anyway," Mush counters.
"Well yeah but that would take some time, you know?"
"They bicker like an old married couple," Race murmurs to Spot.
Crutchy overhears him and snorts. "So do you."
Race and Spot snap their heads to look at Crutchy. "Are you calling us old??"
Crutchy smirks. "I said what I said."
"What about Bumlets?" Specs blurts out. "He...he's not around anymore. He doesn't have a choice. He can't go back to 1900."
"Neither can Les," David murmurs, realizing how that does change everything.
All the mirth of a few moments ago dies down.
"So what happens if we go back?" Pie Eater asks. "If our memories reset...will we just never figure out what happened to them? Will we go the rest of our lives looking for someone who can't be found?"
They go quiet.
They don't want to forget Bumlets or Les.
David turns to Jack. "You were in the soul place."
Jack nods slowly. "Yes..."
"Is there a chance that they might have gone there as their souls passed on from this world to the next?"
Jack's eyes widen.
"So you think they might have been offered the same thing?" Dutchy asks.
"But...they wouldn't have anyway to return," Race counters. "Would they? If they died for real? I mean, Jack only came back because his body wasn't fully dead."
"And even if they could decide to go back to 1900, would they?" Spot asks.
They think on that.
So even if David went back to 1900 to try to find Les...
...He might not even be there.
He bites his lip.
"And there's another thing to consider," Mush murmurs. "If some of us go back but not all...we're going to spend the rest of our lives wondering where everyone else went."
They remember the feeling when they first lost their friends. They don't want to go through that again. They especially don't want to go back in time and forget that the others are still here, living their lives happily.
"How would this affect the timeline anyway?" Race asks loudly. "I mean, we would be messing up the past, present, and future if we go back in time."
"But how do we know whether or not the better timeline is us here or us back in 1900?" Spot asks him.
Race looks at him, face serious. "I guess that's just a gamble we'll have to take, an answer we'll never know, and just make the best out of whichever timeline they choose."
And so they talk it over amongst themselves.
Dutchy, Pie-Eater, and Specs agree that they should stay in this time. They have stable lives now. And living in this time is the best way to remember Bumlets. They can't do anything for him if they go back in time and don't remember what happened to him. And what if they do mess up the timeline by going back to 1900? Will they really just leave Bumlets to fend for himself in 1992?
No. They won't let that happen.
Dutchy gets an idea: he's a director now. He can find a way to make the world know of Bumlets. He tucks the idea away, but the little seed is still there, already planted, ready to grow.
Kid Blink and Mush turn to each other, reading each other's faces as they've been doing since they've gotten married, since 1969, since 1899, since the first time they fell in love.
Kid Blink strokes Mush's face. "I don't think I would change a thing, dear."
Mush smiles. "Neither would I, my darling. We've seen so much. We've been a part of so much that we never would be able to otherwise. I'm glad to have been a part of every fight we've fought, and I would do it all again. However, I'd rather die than go back in time and forget that it ever happened, and not be able to experience it again."
He puts his hand on top of Blink's, their rings glinting in the light. "I don't want to lose what we have."
Kid Blink squeezes his hand. "What we have found is too precious to let go of."
Mush squeezes back. As always, they are on the same page.
Skittery lists out the pros and cons.
"Well for one, I can forget about the pandemic," Skittery says. He glances at Tumbler guiltily. "I mean, I understand that almost here also went through it, you know? And I know it was probably hard for everyone it's just that...that..."
"...It's the first thing you saw of the 21st century," Tumbler finishes, giving him a reassuring smile. "I get it. You feel guilty because it wasn't happening to you only. But it did traumatize people. You were one of those people too. Your feelings are valid. And I can understand wanting to forget the pain and trauma."
Skittery smiles weakly in return. "Thanks."
"I think we can get you better mental health support in this time than in 1900," Tumbler starts slowly. "Remembering 1899 made me realize how bad your mental health was, and you couldn't do anything about it. And well, 2020 didn't really help, but there are more ways to find help now. You don't have to be a kid struggling to survive in 1900, nor a struggling 20 year old in 2024. I don't care what you say. I will watch over you. If you ever want to move out, then I will let you, and I will support you, but never feel as if you have to try to make it on your own, you know?"
"I just feel guilty for being a burden to you-"
"No." Tumbler shakes his head firmly. "You aren't a burden. Not to me. I can take care of you. I will gladly take care of you."
Skittery bites his lip. He takes a leap. "It's rotten work."
"Hey. Look at me." Tumbler turns Skittery towards him. "Not to me. Not if it's you."
Skittery feels tears form.
"And honestly? It's not just you I'm staying for," Tumbler admits. "The man who took care of me in 1975, Benjamin...he became important to me, you know? And I became important to him. I can't take that away from him. So I too have selfish reasons."
"But that's only human!" Skittery exclaims. "It's not selfish just to want something for yourself!"
Tumbler smiles slyly. "So can you admit that everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and feelings, and are allowed to want something?"
Skittery sputters, trying to think of a comeback, but he can't.
"Hey." Tumbler gets Skittery to look at him again. "I will choose whatever you choose. If you want to go back to 1900, I'll go back with you. I don't know how our lives will turn out, but I'm staying with you no matter what, okay?"
Skittery smiles. "Okay."
"So, do you have any thoughts?" Tumbler asks.
"Hmmm..." Skittery looks up at Tumbler. "I guess it wouldn't be so bad to remember the pandemic as long as I can heal from it."
Tumbler smiles.
Race and Spot exchange glances.
Race gestures to the café. "I mean, we got a pretty good thing goin' on here tesoro."
"I agree, sweetheart."
"And we've been able to do things with our lives we wouldn't have been able to do back then."
"Very true."
"We've been able to transition, get married, and open the best cat café one could hope for."
"That is also very true."
"So are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking, tesoro?"
"I believe I am, sweetheart."
"So it's decided then?"
"I say it is."
And so that's that on that for them.
Crutchy and Boots mull it over. They've both learned a lot of things in the past few months. Sure, they can see that 2024 and 1900 have their different difficulties. Which monster do they want to fight? Do they want to fight their chances of survival in 1900, or their chances of survival in 2024? Do they want to fight for their respective rights in 1900, or in 2024?
In 2024, they have a place they can stay. Spot and Race have housed them for six months. All the others have offered their houses too--if you ever get tired of Spot and Race, Jack teased. But in 1900...they'd have to fend for themselves again. Sure, they would have some newsies with them. But they also know what happened to the newsies after 1900: they became obsolete. And could they really go back after being immersed in GenZ? Could they go back without Google? Could they go back with their new vocabulary? Would they cook or be cooked? Locked in or locked out?
On a more serious note though...
Crutchy recognizes that the fight for disability rights is different now. It's hard for people to get access to the care they need. But he can fight for these rights in 2024. Could he make a change for the better for disability rights if he goes back to 1900? He doesn't know for sure. But he knows that his friends are here, his support system is here. He couldn't do this in 1900 without them. And so he starts formulating ways he can join the protest, whether today or tomorrow, next week, or next month, and leave his mark on the world.
Boots has read up on the history of Black people in the USA. He knows of Martine Luther King jr, Rosa Parks, and everyone else important to the Civil Rights movements. He knows of Malcom X, Maya Angelou, and Ibram X. Kendi. He knows how far they've come. He also knows it is still scary for Black people today. What he's seen though, is that there's a chance--no matter how small--that he might have his voice heard better in 2024 than in 1900. So would he rather go back to 1900 and experience the racism and uncertain future without his friends? Or would he rather stay here, with the support of his friends to help him through the contemporary challenges of living in this country? He likes the sound of one of those options more than the other.
Jack looks at David. "So what do you think, Davey?"
David stares at him. "You're...letting me decide?"
"Of course." His gaze softens. "Wherever you go, I go."
David's heart warms. "So you'd follow me back to 1900 if I wanted to look for Les?"
Jack nods. "I would. I have my own preferences, don't get me wrong. I would rather stay in 2024. But that wouldn't stop me from following you to 1900. I'd follow you anywhere, and anywhen."
David smiles. "You really are that whipped, huh."
"Have been since the moment I met you."
"Stop. You couldn't have been smitten from the first second you saw me-"
"And yet I was anyway. And that hasn't changed. And it won't change. Whether we're in 1900, 2024...or any other year in the future."
David looks at Jack. "Do you have a point with this?"
Jack shrugs, avert his eyes. "I dunno. There's this one thing we can do that we never would have been able to back then-"
David raises his eyebrows. "Are you about to say what I think you're about to say?"
"...Fly across the Atlantic in like nine hours?"
David's eyebrow furls. "Uhhh..."
"Nah, that's not what I was gonna say, I just thought it would be funny."
David rolls his eyes and sighs, exasperated, but still in good humor.
Jack swallows. "Actually, what I was gonna say is..."
He looks nervous. David gives him his full attention.
"I...I..." out of an old reflex he tries to put his cowboy hat on top of his head, just like he did in 1899 whenever he got nervous. But he doesn't have it now. "I..." he takes a deep breath and puts his hand on top of David's. Murmuring softly, he finally asks the question he knows he's been wanting to ask for a long time. "Would you marry me, Davey?"
David flinches a little in surprise. He looks at Jack, eyes wide. "You-you mean it?"
Jack nods slowly, still nervous. "I...I don't think I've ever meant anything more ever."
David puts his other hand on top of Jack's. "Then yes."
Now it's Jack's turn to flinch in surprise, eyes wide. "You-you mean it?"
David smiles. "I don't think I've ever meant anything more."
Jack smiles gratefully at him.
"It's better this way, I think," David muses. "Staying in 2024. I can remember Les. I can tell his story. I can keep Antuninu and Soma's story alive." He looks at Jack. "I can marry you."
Jack fidgets in his seat, suddenly shy, grinning.
It's true. They can marry.
Jack can medically transition.
He can get help for his mental health.
They don't have to be ashamed of being two men in love.
"So, David Jacobs, would you marry me in this century?" Jack asks, hopeful smile on his face.
David smiles. "I will."
So what do they decide?
They decide to stay. All of them.
And so they will complete 2024 and many more years together.
This chapter took me a really long time to write but in my defense it's 3000+ words, I have ADHD, also I look at my phone when people text me.
So on one hand I feel guilty for not showing them thoroughly contemplate why they went to each time...but if I wrote that this chapter would probably be like 5000 words and would have taken me like two days to write haha.
So on one hand I wonder how these characters would have reacted if they were in 2024 having been through what they've been through, and what they would have done if they were offered a chance to go back. I wonder if they would have taken it. I wonder if they would have chosen differently than what I chose for them.
And honestly I've been struggling with this question a lot too, you know? If I was given the option to go back in time and try something again, or if I'm fine working with what I got. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if I went to the high school I was supposed to. I would have gone to school with three of my closest friends. But if I didn't go to this high school, I wouldn't have met my friends or my joyfriend, all of whom who have become a found family to me. I wouldn't have met the teachers who helped me be who I am today.
And I'm scared about picking a college for this reason too, you know? Will I regret not picking a different college? How would my life turn out if I take a different route?
I'm taking a gap year, so I have more time to further contemplate the college decision.
Alright, enough about me.
I love Blush. I love Sprace. I love Javid.
I love all of them haha.
I've never written Crutchy, Boots, Specs, Pie-Eater, Dutchy, and Bumlets this in depth before. I like it.
Part of me feels guilty for not including more newsies, but on the other hand I don't know how much I could handle haha.
I do kind of regret not giving Tumbler a proper backstory. I just assumed I could have Skittery meet Tumbler and call it good, not have to go through anything much more. But the problem with going a little in depth makes me wanna go a lot in depth, and I want to explore Tumbler and Benjamin in 1975.
...Another branch on the timeline that we are not living in haha. Which...is my own fault...
Also me shouting at the characters like it's a horror movie: no, Kid Blink! Don't go back to 1900! You'll die in 1913 of tuberculosis! No, Crutchy! Don't go back to 1900! You'll die in 1910 of pneumonia! (These happened to the real Kid Blink and Crutchy Morris.)
So yeah they've been saved by staying in 2024 really haha.
Alright I should probably stop blabbing now that this is nearly 4000 words...
...only one more chapter.
How are you feeling??? Are you ready??
Please, no homophobia or transphobia, profanities at other users, hate etc in the comment section at all times.
~Your Beloved Author (who is conflicted right now because they could bring up the word count to 4000 words if they just keep blabbering here but that means they'll still have to come up with another like forty words which shouldn't be too much of a problem since they have ADHD also an internal monologue but wonders if this is amusing or annoying to the reader, either way, with these words we are closing in on 4000 words...now :)) )
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