Chap.8: What a Crazy Day
I stay at Christian's house for dinner and he dries my wet clothing before his father offers to drive me home; Christian comes with us. The whole experience is so nice, and his parents are so kind. I only wish I could have learned more about Christian, I know the basic things that matter but I want to know him.
I know he can be messy and clean at the same time; I know he bites his bottom lip when he does his homework; I know he likes to raid his mother's groceries for food, even though he knows he'll get yelled at for it; and above everything he is so genuinely nice to me.
I lay in bed that night, so exhausted after my long day, and as I hold my blanket up to my chin I gather Christian's shirt sleeve in my hand and press it to my nose. He told me to return his clothes to him tomorrow at school, and I'm relieved he didn't ask for them before I left because as I drift off to sleep with his scent filling my nose, I feel more relaxed and comforted than I ever have before and I don't want the feeling to disappear.
That night, Christian invades my dreams, and I'm not embarrassed to admit it.
+ + +
The next morning my repetitive routine begins like always, with me rushing to get ready for school and cramming something edible into my mouth before sprinting out the front door. The sky is clearer today, and as I rush to round the corner to the bus stop, I deflat when I see it already driving away. I sigh and tell myself to look on the bright side, that this time, I don't have to trek through soggy mud and suffer with wet shoes on my way to school. But of course, I wish I could just be lucky enough to make it to the bus stop on time.
Sighing, I begin my walk to school, a journey made slightly easier without the heavy presence of my backpack weighting me down. I really need to get my backpack out of Garrett's car, I think. But the down side is, I don't want to have to look at him.
I'm crossing the road onto Bronson street, when to my right I see a familiar motorcycle pull up along beside me. I glance at him curiously, half wondering if he's stalking me now.
Christian pulls off his helmet and cuts the engine before asking, "Would you like a ride?"
I bite my bottom lip apprehensively before deciding to slowly approach him as I ask, "Do you have superpowers, and I'm only wondering because you always seem to show up at exactly the right moment...."
Christian laughs and tosses me an extra helmet and replies, "I don't know about superpowers, but I've been told I have great intuition."
I grin as I climb onto the bike behind Christian and wind my arms around his waist, and normally I would feel nervous or shy touching him like this, but instead I feel this strange sense of bravery and I find myself leaning close into his back as I reply, "Well, I also happen to think you have excellent intuition."
I see the side of Christian's cheek lifts up with a grin, and he casually touches my hands before replying, "Alright Beau, hold on tight." I grin, and then he kicks his bike back to life, and we're zooming down the street.
When we get to school, he parks his bike close to the building and lets me get off first just like before. He climbs off after me and unstraps his backpack from the back of his bike before slinging it over his shoulder, and he playfully nudges my arm with his elbow and asks, "I wanted to ask you something yesterday, but it didn't feel like the right time, so can I ask now?"
I purse my lips at the vague mystery of his question, and mutter, "I guess that depends on the question, which I won't know unless you ask it...."
Christian chuckles and mutters, "Right, good point.... Um, I'm curious about your relationship with that guy from yesterday, and I'm sorry if I'm overstepping or—-"
I cut him off as I quickly reassure, "Oh no, it's fine!" And it is, I feel oddly comfortable with Christian despite the fact that I hardly known him. He just feels like the type of person I can easily talk to without being afraid of any judgement.
"Um, he . . . he was my boyfriend," I say, and Christian frowns at my use of the past tense, as I continue on to explain. "I mean, he still is, but at the same time it doesn't feel like it. Garrett and I,....we don't mesh."
"I feel like he lives on a completely different planet because we're never on the same page and we don't speak the same language. He expects things from me that I can't give him, and then he gets mad at me because I won't bend to his desires and we fight."
Christian frowns. "If it's that unpleasant, why don't you just break up?" he asks.
I sigh and shrug as I mumble, "To me, it feels more complicated than that. Garrett, he . . . he can be sweet to me sometimes that I forget he's like that, and it surprises me. Then other times all he ever wants is . . ." I trail off, and my brow pinches as I mumble, "I just can't break up with him."
Christian frowns and mumbles, "I still don't understand . . ."
I sigh too, and think, My relationship isn't for you to worry about. And the moment I think it, I immediately feel guilty. I know all Christian wants to do is help, but I don't need his help. Maybe I'm too stubborn, but I'm capable of figuring out my own problems, and I don't always need someone swooping in to save me.
My first class of the day, I make it into the room with just a minute to spare. Peter glances at me curiously and quietly whispers, "Why are you so sweaty? Did you just get here, and where's your backpack?"
Please, Peter, I don't feel like playing a million questions today.
I sigh and wipe my brow as I reply, "I left my packback in Garrett's car yesterday, and for the past fifteen minutes I've been trying to find him."
Peter purses his lips and mumbles, "How did you forget your backpack?"
I release a heavy breath and exhaustedly reply, "I don't want to talk about it."
I can still feel Peter staring at me, most likely trying to figure out why I left my backpack in Garrett's car. I will tell him, but for the moment I rather not have him pity me, even though I probably look disgusting and stink after running all over the school. I sigh. Peter can wait a while, but my soon-to-be overdue homework can not.
+ + +
I go half the school day unable to find Garrett, and if he had been nice enough to give me his phone number, I wouldn't be sweating so much trying to find him. It's so frustrating, and every teacher I have to tell the old excuse of 'I don't have my homework', they look at me disappointedly. It sucks, I've never once had late homework, and I refuse to start now because Garrett is being a mole.
As my exhaustingly long school day dwindles down to an end, the only classes I have yet to attend our P.E., chemistry, and art class. I'm on my way to the locker rooms now, once again running to escape the stamp of tardiness.
I'm hurrying because I use the old locker rooms that are a part of the older section of the school. And thankfully, as I hurry through the hallway I don't have to be mindful of accidentally running into people because as far as I know, I'm the only one who still uses the old locker rooms. I prefer them over the new ones because then I'm free to dress and shower without anyone there to see me.
When I open the door and step inside, I hear strange noises coming from the back, and my curious side beings to peek out. No one ever comes down here, and only Garrett would ever come here to see me, so who else is here?
I quietly creep forward and peek around the corner, and what I see makes my heart jump into my throat and my breath catch.
It's Garrett, and he has a girl bent over a bench. His pants are around his ankles and his face is twisted up in concentration as he pounds his way further into the girl's ass. Her mouth is open in silent ecstasy, and her lips are wet with saliva. She throws her head back and rolls her hips, and throatily moans, "Ahh, Garrett, yes!"
My eyes widen and I gasp before quickly pivoting around, but my head is spinning too fast from what I just witnessed, and I find myself stumbling sideways. I painfully slam my shoulder into one of the lockers, the loud bang quiets the noises behind me to heavy pants, and I hear Garrett demand to know who's here.
My head is still spinning and my legs are too heavy for me to stand up, and horrifically, I hear footsteps approaching me. My eyes begin to sting with tears and I cover my mouth to silent my sobs, and then Garrett's voice is directly behind me.
"Beau, is that you?" he asks.
My body is shaking, and I slowly glance up. He didn't have the decency to cover himself up, and I feel my cheeks begin to burn as I quickly look away and stutter, "I-I'm s-s-sorry, I-I d-didn't mean to inter-interrupt."
Garrett smirks and sultrily replies, "It's fine, would you like to join us?"
I gasp, and I can't help it when my eyes dart to his, and in them I see teasing and arrogance and lust. I quickly look away again, and clumsily get to my feet as I stammer, "N-No."
Garrett laughs and replies, "Your loss." And then he turns away to rejoin his friend, and I quickly cover my ears to block the sounds that soon ensue, my backpack completely forgotten.
Word count: 1,744
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: 😤
😭 Poor baby, Beau! Christian where are you!?
Ugh, Garrett is such an asshole.
So, how did you guys like today's update? Show me your love through comments and votes, and please, don't forget to share with your friends. Thank you!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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