Chap.6: "Is This Fate, or Her Twisted Sister?" (Part 2)
A/N: Hello, lovelies! I can wait until Saturday to update this story, so here's part two of Chap.6: "Is This Fate, or Her Twisted Sister?". Enjoy, and please, don't forget to vote, comment, and share with your friends. Thank you, have a lovely day/night!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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Garrett pulls up outside a nicely decorated restaurant, and as he cuts the engine he glances over at me and asks, "You like pizza, don't you?"
"Yes," I nod.
Garrett smiles and mutters, "Great," before climbing out of the car. I watch as he walks around the front of the car before coming to a stop outside my door. He opens it and offers his hand, and I accept it with a small smile. He doesn't let go of my hand as he leads me inside the restaurant, and I feel my cheeks slowly heat up.
The place is nice, decorated with an Italian theme, and the aromas that fill the small restaurant are mouth watering. We have to wait to be seated, and we're lead towards the back to a smallish booth; Garrett and I sit down opposite of each other, and then we're handed our menus and told that our waiter will be by in a moment.
I glance over my menu curiously, having never been in a place that serves authentic Italian food. Everything looks so good, but Garrett had suggested pizza. So with a small sigh, I flip to the create your own pizza section of the menu.
I'm glancing over the pizza toppings, practically salivating, when the waiter arrives and asks, "What can I get you to drink?"
My eyes widen. I know that voice . . . I think as I immediately glance up. I softly gasp and feel my cheeks pinken like before, as I think, I'm right, it is him.
Christian glances down at me the exact moment I glance up at him, and to my utter surprise, I see his cheeks pinken too with a faint shade of scarlet. Why did he blush too? I wonder. His brow furrows and he clears his throat before reiterating, "What would you like to drink?"
I ignore his question as I scrutinize his appearance, he's wearing a completely different outfit now. He has on black work pants instead of his blue jeans, and he traded out his gray Rolling Stones t-shirt for a black dress shirt and that's adorned with the restaurant's name and an appron. The only thing he didn't change out of are his black Vans.
I bite my bottom lip, and I can't help the small smile that curves its way across my lips.
I'm too lost in my silent analysis of Christian to notice he's been waiting for my answer, it's only after Garrett gently kicks me beneath the table that I realize they're both waiting on me, and that on top of that this whole time I've been openly ogling Christian. I feel my cheeks immediately start to burn as I quickly and frantically reply, "I'm sorry! Um, I'll-I'll have a Coke, thank you."
Christian frowns at me curiously before replying, "Okay, I'll be right back with your drinks."
The instant Christian is out of ear shot, Garrett turns on me with his eyebrows furrowed as he demands, "What the hell was that!? You were practically undressing him with your eyes, Beau!"
"Save it!" Garrett snaps. "I don't want to hear your lame excuses."
I gasp, and hurt immediately fills my heart as I drop my gaze down to the table. I feel guilty for staring at Christian while sitting with Garrett, and what makes me feel even worse is thinking about what I would have done if I wasn't with Garrett. I imagine I would have stared at Christian's face for a lot longer, and not have felt as nearly as guilty for getting caught.
When Christian returns with our drinks, I resist my desire to meet his chocolate brown gaze out of fear of upsetting Garrett and making an even bigger fool of myself. But I still mutter a small 'Thank you' because I can't bring myself to be rude by not thanking him —- my mother rised me better than that. I feel Garrett continuing to eye me suspiciously as Christian replies to my thanks, and then he is returning once again to the kitchen to let us decide on what to order.
I chew on my bottom lip and keep my gaze locked on the menu, that no longer looks half as delicious as it did before. An I continue to avoid Garrett's accusing eye until I can't anymore, and tentatively find myself glancing up. But I chose to avoid the subject we're both thinking about, and softly ask, "What toppings do you want on the pizza?"
A moment of silence passes, and I'm too cowardly to look up. When Garrett finally replies, I'm not expecting his response.
"Are you cheating on me?" he asks.
I gasp, completely surprised he'd ever ask me that because although we don't know each very well, he knows me well enough to know I'd never dare. But yet, he feels the need to ask me . . .
Why? Does he not trust me? I wonder.
I finally manage to work up the courage to meet his gaze, and when I look into his eyes I'm shocked at what I find. Buried beneath his obvious anger and irritation, I find myself staring into the green eyes of jealousy. I can't believe it. Garrett Reyes is jealous. Over me. For staring at another guy.
Has the world fallen off its axis? This can't possibly be right, no one's ever wanted me before, let alone been jealous that I'm watching someone else.
"Garrett, are you . . . are you jealous of Christian?" I can't help but ask, even if I do already know the answer, I still feel the need to hear him admit it.
Garrett scoffs and rolls his eyes, yet doesn't say another in response. I can't help but thinly smile at this sudden new information. My boyfriend is jealous over me . . .
After we're served our food we spend about an hour at the little restaurant before Garrett pays the bill, and then we're leaving the quaint and cozy establishment. The changes I noticed in Garrett throughout our dinner has me seeing things in a different light. I no longer suspect he's simply using me, but in fact, I believe he's truly beginning to like me. It's a nice feeling, and I don't want to see it end.
We're a few blocks away from my house, and the time we spent in the restaurant the sky had grown dark and opened up above us, pouring down heavily against the car and road and houses.
"I liked today," Garrett mutters as we sit at a stoplight, waiting for the light to change.
I glance over at him with a smile and reply, "So did I, and if you'd like, I'd love to do it again."
Garrett smiles and nods, and then the light changes from red to green, but the car doesn't move. I figure Garrett didn't notice, so when I turn to tell him, I'm caught off guard when our lips nearly touch. I gasp and immediately jerk back as I cry, "Wh-What are you doing?"
Garrett frowns at me but doesn't lean away when he replies, "What does it look like, I want to kiss you, Beau."
"I'm-I'm not ready," I reply lamely.
I notice anger fill Garrett's gaze before he cries out in exasperation. "When will you be ready, then? I'm tired of waiting, Beau, it's getting close to two weeks now that we've been seeing each other."
I frown at Garrett's wording and mutter, "I thought we were dating?"
"What's the difference," Garrett says with a roll of his eyes.
I purse my lips and lean away even further as I reply, "There's a big difference, Garrett. Dating and seeing someone—-"
Garrett cuts me off by pressing a finger to my lips, and then his hand slips into my hair as he forces me forward. I gasp and try pulling away, and when he's close enough for me to feel his warm breath against my lips I freak out and yell, "No, let me go, Garrett!"
I manage to rip away from his grasp, and he yells back in reply, "What the hell, Beau! What is the big deal if I kiss you or not?"
"Why can't you just respect me enough to wait?" I cry.
Garrett just rolls his eyes in response and mutters, "Get out of my car."
I gasp, and there's no way I heard him correctly. It's pouring out, he wouldn't—-
"Are you deaf?" Garrett yells. "I said get out of my fucking car!"
Word count: 1,420
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