Chap.36: First Date
When the final bell of the day rings throughout the hallways, I pack away my art supplies and hurry across the hall to meet Peter. He squeezes out through the crowd of people leaving the music room, juggling his books in his arms, and as if in slow motion I watch as someone holds their foot out and sends Peter tumbling to the floor and his books scatter out around him. I gasp, and spot the jerk that tripped him.
I march toward him, and I'm about to push or hit him —- I haven't decided —- when Peter grabs my wrist, and beneath his breath he hisses, "Beau, don't!"
"What? No, that was—-"
"Please, Beau, just leave it alone," Peter says hushedly as he pulls me away, and crouches down to retrieve his scattered books.
I furrow my brow, and although I want to do nothing more than smack that guy upside the head, I do as Peter asks and let it go . . . for now. I sigh as I crouch down beside Peter and help him gather together his things, and I have to bite my tongue when the guy walks pass us and whispers, "Fags!" beneath his breath.
I purse my lips and clench my fists, and hiss, "Why did you stop me!"
"Because he's not worth the trouble of getting detention, that's why I stopped you. Besides, lately you're always so quick to fight back . . ." Peter mumbles.
"Because I want to stick up for myself and the people I care about," I reply.
"Yeah, I get that, just . . . let me fight my own battles. Okay?" Peter mumbles.
"But you weren't going to do anything . . ." I mumble underneath my breath.
Peter shoots me a side glance and hisses, "It's my life, Beau! I'll fight back when it's worth fighting, that guy is an asshole and doesn't deserve my time and attention."
"But if you don't do anything they'll just keep doing it!" I yell back.
"Then they'll keep doing it!" Peter yells. "Now please, just drop it!"
I exhale a frustrated breath and don't say anything as I finish helping Peter gather together his things, and then silently we walk through the halls to the buses. I say goodbye, and that I'll see him tomorrow at Jordan's first game, then he's getting on the bus and leaving me alone on the sidewalk. I sigh to myself and shoulder my backpack, and then hurry across the parking lot to Christian's motorcycle. He's not here yet, so I decide to sit on his bike while I wait.
I keep thinking about Peter, and hoping he's okay. I also feel like a bad friend because I didn't even realize he was being bullied again. Usually we have each others back and let the other know what's going on in our lives, but lately he just seems so far away —- everyone feels so far away . . . But at the same time, I can't help but wonder if it's just me.... If I'm the only one not included in their lives, because ever since I met Christian, I've been changing and growing more confident. I don't want us to drift, I'll have to be better and be there when my friends need me, regardless of how much I want to be with Christian.
I'm still drifting through my thoughts, completely oblivious to the world around me. So I don't notice when Christian walks up behind me, only after he throws his arms around my waist and yells, "Raw!" in my ear, do I snap back to the present with a startled cry.
"Christian!" I gasp. "Don't do that!" Christian laughs and settles into the space behind me, still snickering in my ear. I huff and jab my elbow back into his side. "It's not funny!"
He winds his arms around my waist, and settles his chin on my shoulder as he quietly replies, "I thought it was hilarious."
"That's because you're a jerk," I retort with an eye roll.
Christian laughs and kisses the side of my neck. "I'm sorry," he murmurs. "Forgive me?"
I purse my lips and turn my head away, and I know what my actions will do, and I welcome it. I bite my bottom lip against a laugh as Christian pokes my sides, and touches the softness of my belly. "Come on, Beau! Forgive me, pleeeease! I love you! Say you'll forgive me!" Christian cries near my ear as he tickles my sides.
I giggle and twist away as I gasp, "N-No!"
"Pleeeease!" Christian whines.
"No!" I laugh.
"Aw, you're breaking my heart," Christian mumbles, before heavily leaning onto my back with a muffled whine.
I roll my eyes at his childishness, and crane my head around to glance at him as I say, "Do you promise never to sneak up on me again?"
"Yes . . ." Christian replies, unconvincingly.
I huff, and roll my eyes. "I don't believe you, but fine you big baby, you're forgiven."
"Thanks, Beautiful!" Christian cheers as I gasp, but I don't get the chance to yell at him because he climbs off the bike and grabs my waist to slide me back on the seat. I huff and pinch his side as he climbs on in front of me, and then we're driving out of the parking lot and Christian is taking us on our mystery date.
+ + +
"Christian, where are we going?" I whine as I tighten my hold around his waist, and despite nearly yelling in his ear, he still refuses to acknowledge me. I huff and drop my head forward, leaning it onto his back as I feel the bike moving beneath us at a break-neck speed.
When we left the school, he had first taken us to his house to switch out the things in his backpack, and now we're driving along a quiet country road with many twists and turns. My curiosity has only grown because there's only so many things to do in Greystone, and even fewer things to do in the country and the anticipation is killing me. Before I can yell in his ear again, Christian gradually brings his bike to a rolling stop before cutting the engine.
I release my hold around his waist as I glance around, and frown in confusion as Christian climbs off his bike. "Where are we . . ." I mumble as I take in the trees alive with the beauty of chirping birds, that are so tall it's nearly impossible for the sunlight to touch the ground and warm the Earth through the thickness of the canopies. And I'm mystified by the small dirt path just beneath my feet that winds into the trees like some sort of fairy tale, that'll lead to something even more beautiful and magical. And it is magical —- the leaves should have begun to fall from the branches but most of them remain, and the sunlight filtering down through the leaves shouldn't be this bright and warm in October.
Christian bites his bottom lip and reaches out for my hand, and softly says, "Come on, let's go for a walk."
I don't know how to respond, so I just take his hand and carefully climb off the bike before falling into step beside him. It's so tranquil and blooming with beauty; from the gorgeously tall trees with vines snaking up from the roots; to the small white flowers that blossom from the vines and cover the surrounding ground in white and deep blue flowers; and through the thickness of the trees I even spot a rabbit and deer.
What strange land have I entered, and where exactly is Christian taking me? I wonder as he continues to lead me along the path.
As we walk, dollops of sunlight shine through the canopies above and dot the dark ground and warm our skin. It shouldn't be possible, but it's as if mother nature has yet to touch this part of the world, that's still streaming with life and sun. Eventually the path ends, and when we break though the trees I'm greeted with a large clearing that stretches out to meet the glistening surface of a lake, and perched on the very edge of land is a magnificent cottage. It's gorgeous, and not for the first time, I'm completely lost for words.
"What do you think?" Christian softly asks beside me.
My mouth is still open in a wide 'Ooo' of astonishment, and I quickly close it and wet my lips before replying, "What do I think . . ." I trail off as my eyes take in the wide space with so many possibilities. "I think it's beautiful." I softly mutter before glancing up to meet Christian's soft gaze.
He's smiling down at me, and he reaches out to gently squeeze my hand before leading me forward once again. He takes me along a small path outlined in smooth rocks in light shades of brown, to the edge of the lake that sits absolutely still like the makings of a perfect painting. I'm completely in love with the view, it's nothing like what I see every day at home, with the never-changing routine of predictability. But somehow with Christian, he makes the ordinary look extraordinary.
"What would you like to do?" Christian quietly asks, his voice loud in the presence of the calm lake.
"I-I . . . I really want to swim," I mumble.
Christian chuckles from behind me, and replies, "It's probably cold."
I shake my head and dazedly reply, "I don't care, the water looks too inviting."
Christian hums in agreement, and teasingly says, "Well, if either of us gets sick we know who to blame...."
I gasp and playfully elbow his side, and Christian dodges just in time. He slips away and steps behind me, and my heart stills in my chest when he wraps his arms around my waist, only for it too immediately beat twice as fast when his fingertips touch the softness of my hips. My legs become shaky and weak beneath Christian's hands as he dances them along my hips and over my stomach, while his lips trail a heated path from my collar bone to the hollow below my ear.
"Do you trust me?" he breathes.
"Completely," I whisper, breathlessly.
Then before I even realize what's happening, I'm suddenly flying through the air and splashing into the crisp lake. I come up a moment later, gasping and wiping water out of my eyes, just in time to see Christian take off everything except his boxers before jumping into the water after me. I gasp and quickly cover my face as the splash of his body cutting through the surface showers over me. When he comes back up, he slicks his wet hair back from his forehead and the action is so sexy I have to bite my bottom lip to keep from gaping at the sight of him.
But then the chill of the water sets in, and I charge towards him as fast as the water allows, and smack his chest. "You idiot!" I yell. "What am I supposed to wear now, I don't have any other clothes."
Christian bites his bottom lip, and I watch as a playful glint sparkles in his eyes. "You could always borrow something of mine, or wear nothing at all...." Christian replies huskily.
I feel my jaw drop and my cheeks flush with heat, and I quickly shake my head before spinning around and diving into the water to swim away. I swim towards the pier in the distance, and I can hear Christian following after me. I'm too embarrassed and —- admittedly —- afraid of my own actions. Christian would never push me to do anything, but I'm starting to learn his not above teasing me. And if I had continued to stand so close to him, things would have happened that I'm not sure I'm ready for yet.
When I reach the pier, I grab the first wooden step and quickly climb to the top, and the air immediately hugs to my wet skin and sends chills throughout my body. I huff, and glare at Christian once he's climbed up onto the pier beside me.
"You know, instead of throwing me into the lake, you could have said you wanted to go swimming," I grumble.
"But I thought that's what you wanted," Christian replies innocently.
I narrow my eyes at him and huff. "I didn't want to be thrown in" —- I cry —- "because now I'm cold and have nothing else to wear, and I swear, if you make a dirty remark . . ." I trail off with a frustrated huff.
Christian sighs and slowly steps toward me, he grabs my hands and brings them to his lips. "Okay, I'm sorry for throwing you into the lake. Do you forgive me?"
"Find me dry clothes and I'll think about it," I reply, but I can't keep the small smile from my lips.
Christian smiles at me too and kisses my forehead. "Alright, follow me . . ."
Word count: 2,164
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