Chap.28: Exposed
"Okay, what do you have in mind?" Jordan asks.
I close my locker and glance up at Jordan, as I hushedly reply, "Not here . . ."
Jordan's p.o.v.
Beau is insane. But at the same time, he's a conniving genius, I think, as I quietly twist open the locker room door. Beau knew exactly where Garrett would be, and all I have to do is be deathly quiet as I take a few pictures.
I slowly round the corner, half curious how Beau knew what Garrett would be up too. But at the same time, I probably don't want to know. When I glance around the corner, I see Garrett just as Beau predicted, and my eyes widen in surprise at his choice in company. But I'm not here to gawk. I mentally shake my head as I pull out the phone from my back pocket to take the pictures, and just as quietly as I came in, I'm slipping back outside and hurrying to class.
I grin to myself as I think about how absolutely brilliant Beau's idea is, and how completely screwed Garrett will be if Beau goes through with the rest of his plan.
+ + +
I'm sitting in the library for my study hall hour, chewing on the end of my pencil when I notice Jordan beckoning to me from the K-section of the bookshelf aisles. I put my pencil down as I slyly peek up at the librarian, before stealthily getting up from my seat.
I rush towards him with a hint of excitement and expectancy, and when I'm close enough to whisper, I ask, "Did you find him?"
Jordan doesn't respond as he digs inside his pocket before passing over my phone. My eyes flicker to his as he proudly replies,"You were right, Garrett was doing exactly what you said, exactly where you said he'd be. Beau, I caught some serious shit, are you really going to—-"
"I don't know yet," I say, cutting Jordan off. "I might just use it for insurance . . ."
Jordan scoffs and replies, "Beau, it'd be a waste to not go through with your original plan. You should look at the pictures before you decide, you might change your mind . . ." Jordan says, before walking away.
I watch him leave, and then I glance down at my phone —- that feels impossibly heavy in my hand. I bite my bottom lip, and then I glance around to make sure no one's watching, before I unlock my phone and go to my photo gallery. I inhale a deep breath before tapping on my photos, and my jaw drops at what's there to greet me.
It's Garrett, doing exactly what I pretended. He's in the locker room, and as my eyes sweep over the photos, memories of that day resurface. I hear that girls cries of ecstasy in my head, as I imagine those sounds again emanating from the photos. But unlike then, these pictures tell a different story.
Garrett has his arm wrapped around the other person's waist and his hand is buried in their hair as they kiss, and then the next few pictures are still shots of Garrett and his friend getting undressed. My heart is pounding and my throat is thick with saliva that I can't seem to swallow, for the person Garrett is kissing in the photo is Smith.
A rush of heat races along my body as I feel pure delight consume me, and with a dark grin curling across my lips, I whisper, "Smith . . . I got you, you're mine now . . ." I slip my phone into my back pocket as I happily walk back to my seat, and as sick and twisted as it may seem, I'm filled with overwhelming happiness at the thought of spreading their secret all over school.
When the final bell of the day rings throughout the halls and classrooms, I happily gather together my things before leaving the art room. The day has flown by, and with a fulls day work of productivity under my belt, I want nothing more than to spend the rest of it lazily cuddling with Christian while wrapped in his warm embrace.
I meet Peter outside his classroom, and together we go to our separate lockers to exchange our books before going outside to the buses. We say our goodbyes, and then I'm smiling as I race to Christian's side. He smiles when he sees me, and laughs when I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him squarely on the lips.
"You're in a good mood," he comments, as our lips part.
He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear before putting my helmet over my hair, and I smile up at him as I reply, "I'm happy, Christian, and I want to spend it with you."
Christian smiles at my answer, and he ducks down to kiss the corner of my mouth. His lips brush over mine, as he softly replies, "Where to, sweet Beau?"
I grin and kiss him back, as I reply, "My place."
When Christian pulls up to my house, I'm surprised to see my mother's car is in the driveway. I thought she was working late again, but I'm happy she's not since I promised her dinner with my boyfriend. Christian and I both dismount from his bike, before hand and hand we go inside my house.
My mom is sitting at the kitchen table when we walk inside, and she glances over her shoulder with a smile. Her eyes widens in small surprise when she sees Christian at my side, and then an even bigger smile curves along her lips, as she says, "Christian, it's so good to see you again. Did you boys have a good day at school?"
Christian nods, and I hide my bursting exclamation of a 'yes' behind a mumbled, "It was fine."
My mom smiles, and says, "Well, I wasn't expecting the company . . . Christian, honey, I'm going to make dinner. Is there anything special you'd like? You don't have any food allergies, do you?"
Christian shakes his head and smiles, as he replies, "No, Ms. Bayes, and you don't have to trouble yourself. I'll be happy with what ever you plan on making for dinner."
My mom beams and replies, "Christian, you are a sweetheart."
I can't help myself, I burst out laughing while Christian's cheeks turn a very deep red. I'm still chuckling as I say, "Mom, we'll be in my room."
She nods as I take Christian's hand and begin to lead him upstairs, as my mom calls out, "Keep your door open, Beau!"
I feel my cheeks immediately heat up as I call back, "Okay!" before shoving a snickering Christian into my room.
He chuckles as he looks up at me, and teasingly says, "Now who's blushing?"
I purse my lips and cry, "Shut up," before I go to my closet and pull off my hoodie. As I'm lifting it over my head, its static electricity attaches to my shirt and pulls it up too, exposing a sliver of my pale stomach before I feel the chill that quickly makes me drop the hem of my hoodie out of embarrassment. My cheeks are burning as I peek over at Christian, who is watching me with a soft expression. My blush deepens, and I quickly turn away and go my bed as I pull out my homework from my backpack.
As I keep my eyes focused on my homework, the heat of Christian's gaze on me only becomes that much more noticeable the longer I avoid his stare. I begin to twitch and furrow my brow, and then the bed dips as Christian's weight sinks into the space beside me. I hear him rustling with something, and I briefly peek up to find him pulling out his homework too. I bite my bottom lip and glance up until my eyes land on his lips, and my breath catches.
He has his bottom lip in between his teeth, and the blood is starting to pool around them and making them an even deeper reddish pink. I swallow and quickly divert my gaze, but I can already feel the heat rushing over my body. It feels good, but it's bad at the same time because it stirs awake a certain part me that I don't know how to control. A certain part of me, that if I had my way, would crawl onto Christian's lap and sink my hands beneath his shirt while I sensually rolled my body against his and kissed his lips.
But I can't, and I mentally shake my head and climb to my feet as I stammer, "I'll-I'll be r-right back." I say before quickly scrambling to my feet.
I rush to the bathroom because I once heard from JoAnna, that whenever Jordan gets an unwanted hard-on, he's always able to get rid of it by using the bathroom. So that's exactly what I plan on trying, because although my body so badly wants to feel Christian's skin against my own, I'm not ready yet.
When I'm done in the bathroom, I go back out into my room to find Christian sitting on my bed just as I left him, but something is different.
"Christian, are you okay?" I ask, as I scrutinize his face.
Christian has a slight frown above his brow, and he forces it away as he replies, "Um, y-yeah I . . . I forgot I had to work today. My mom just called me, wondering where I am."
"O-Oh, do you have to leave?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow," Christian says as he gathers together his things.
"I'll walk with you to your bike, just let me put
"No, it's fine," Christian says, cutting me off. I frown at him as he smiles and quickly kisses my lips before leaving my room, as I'm left just stare after him completely dumbfounded.
"What was all of that about . . .?" I wonder, as I jog downstairs just in time to watch Christian's motorcycle pull away.
My mom walks out of the kitchen just then, and asks, "Did Christian just leave?"
I nod with a small frown marring my forehead, and mumble, "Yeah, he forgot he had to work today...."
"Oh, well maybe we can do dinner tomorrow night?" my mom suggests.
"Yeah, maybe . . ." I mumble, before going upstairs to my room.
Why was Christian acting so weird . . .? I wonder. And since when does he stutter and void my gaze? Something happened, and I'm pretty sure he just lied to me about it . . .
Word count: 1,768
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: Oh no, what do you guys think will happen next? Be sure to check out the next update to find out! Thank you for reading, and please, don't forget to vote and comment. Have a lovely day/night!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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