Chap.27: Secrets and Lies (Part 1)
When Christian pulls his motorcycle up to my house, the sun has already began to set and the sky is bright and alive with pinks, yellows, and oranges that melt into the baby blues underneath. It's beautiful, and as I sit behind Christian with my arms still wrapped around his waist, I begin to feel horrible surrounded by the purity of an honest nature while my heart is so full of lies.
I'm pulled from my thoughts when Christian's hand lightly caresses mine, and he softly says, "I had fun today."
I smile and nod as I lean my forehead against Christian's back. I tighten my hold, and reply, "I'm glad everyone was able to make it. I've missed hanging out with them and having fun, lately we all seem so busy . . ."
Christian nods, as I sigh and unwind my arms before climbing to my feet. Christian reaches out for my hand and tugs me forward, I thinly smile at him as he caresses his thumb over the back of my hand, and his eyes flicker up to mine as he softly says, "I'm glad you were able to spend time with them, your friendships are important."
I bite my bottom lip and entwine our hands together, as I mumble, "What about you? I'm not keeping you from your friends, am I?"
Christian chuckles and caresses my cheek, and replies, "No, sweet Beau, you're not. I've never actually had true friends, growing up I've only ever had Michael. And now, I have you." Christian softly says as he strokes my cheek before gently pulling me down into a kiss.
My heart stutters at Christian's words, and pushing aside my inner turmoil, I let myself enjoy the moment as I sink my hands into Christian's hair and return his kiss. His mouth against mine always helps to clear my head and fill me with bravo, and I need it for tomorrow. Once our kiss breaks, we exchange our good nights, and then I'm going inside as Christian starts his bike and drives home.
I go through the motions of taking off my clothes from the day, and too exhausted to find anything to put on, I sink into my mattress and pillows with nothing but my boxers and socks. My dreams are plagued with revenge and Christian's disappoint, yet when I wake up the next morning, I can't bring myself to change my mind. Garrett deserves to feel my pain, and I'm going to do my damnedest to make him beg for my forgiveness.
+ + +
I get ready for my day in a daze, my mind too focused on my plan to get back at Garrett that everything else around me blurs. I get dressed in a simple pair of jeans and throw on a gray T-shirt that I hide beneath a hoodie, and I quickly yet thoroughly brush my teeth and finger comb my hair as I jog down the stairs to the kitchen. I grab a granola bar from the cabinet as I shoulder my backpack and run out the front door. My mom has already left for work, so I don't bother being quiet as I practically slam the door shut behind me and lock it before hurrying to the bus stop.
The day is cold, and the sky is blanketed by dark clouds that bring the promise of rain. As I walk along the sidewalk and eat my granola bar, the wind blows the leaves and kisses my skin with it's bitterly cold lips. I huddle more into my hoodie as I round the last corner, that opens up into the clearing with the bus bench and a school caution sign.
A handful of people from the neighboring houses already stand there waiting, grouped together as they quietly talk and keep warm. I avoid them for an empty area of my own, not wanting the attention of anyone when I'm already on edge from thinking about Garrett.
My attempt to avoid trouble is futile though, as I notice a familiar face staring out at me from the crowd. It's the same boy who knocked me down in the hallway —- a day that feels lifetimes away. I watch him from the corner of my eye, and I see a sadistic smile curve his lips before he turns in my direction and begins to approach me. My breathing hitches as panic immediately begins to set in, and I quickly glance around me to find an ally, only to realize I have no friends here.
Smith is only a couple more paces away from me when I hear the clunking rumble of the bus rounding the corner, and it distracts Smith long enough for me to slip around him and rush forward. People start to form a line to get on, and I push through them to be first, desperate to claim a seat in the very back where no one will be able to mess with me from behind. I get shoved and jostled around by elbows, but eventually I'm able to get on and I hurry to the back.
I silently curse to myself when I see the last two back seats are already taken by people, and I have to settle for sitting in one of the second to last seats. I sigh to myself as I slide across the seat to rest with my shoulder against the window, and pull my backpack around to rest it on my lap. I keep my eyes locked on the trees outside the window, and when I feel the space beside me dip with the added weight of another body, I find myself wishing I could pull on the emergency handle to escape.
"Hello, Beau," Smith quietly mutters.
I close my eyes and ignore him, and picture myself anywhere else but beside this boy so keen on making my life hell. But my silence as I pretend he doesn't exist only seems to anger him, and then suddenly I feel his hand tightly grip my arm as he wrenches it towards him.
I gasp at the pain and snap my head around, and he grins at the attention. "You shouldn't ignore people who are trying to talk to you, Beau, it's very rude." I feel my jaw drop, and he just smirks. "I'm surprised you're riding the bus. Did your boyfriend finally realize how absolutely sad and pathetic you are and dump you?"
My eyes narrow, and I feel myself bristle as anger shots through me, and I hiss, "Don't talk to me. I want nothing to do with you, you sadly pining fool!"
Smith's eyes widen, and then they narrow as he leans into me and darts his hand out. I gasp as his fingers dig into the hair at the nape of my neck, as he roughly jerks my head back and hisses, "How stupid are you? Stop pretending to be better than you are, and maybe you might just make it through the rest of the year in one piece, you little shit!" Then he shoves me away, and gets up before moving to sit a few seats in front of me.
My heart is racing, and as I take calm and steady breaths to quiet the pounding in my head, I mentally add Smith to my list. He does whatever Garrett says and will even go behind his back to get to me because Peter had been right. Smith is too insecure to admit his feelings, so instead he takes his frustration out on me. If only I could get dirt on them both, then I'd like to believe I'd ruin their lives without a second thought.
When the bus pulls into the school parking lot, I stay in my seat to let everyone off before me, and then I gather together my stuff and get off the bus. It has started to sprinkle, and I slow my steps as I feel my body relax as the cold beads of rain roll down my cheeks and neck to soak into the fabric around my collar. I sigh, and suddenly my head feels clearer as I lightly make my way to my locker.
When I turn the corner to the hallway with my locker, I'm relieved to see Jordan is already there waiting for me. I force a smile, as I say, "Hey Jordan, thanks for meeting me."
Jordan nods, and his eyebrows furrow as he says, "You're welcome. Now please, can you tell me exactly what this is about? I know you have something to prove to Garrett, but is going after him really such a good idea? I mean, I'm all for it because the guy is a douchebag, but he won't roll over and let you do whatever you have planned, Beau."
I frown and unlock my locker, and exchange my books as I quietly mutter, "Jordan, I already know all of that. I just can't take it anymore. I have to do something now, before it gets even worse . . ."
Jordan sighs. "Okay, what do you have in mind?"
Word count: 1,515
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: 😶🤔
What do you think Beau has planned? Leave comments telling me about your idea(s). Thank you for reading, have a lovely day/night!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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