Chap.2: Enter, Garrett
A/N: Hello, lovelies, I'm changing the update days to Monday and Wednesday (and I know today isn't Wednesday, this is just a special update day 😂). I hope you enjoy the chapter, and please, vote and comment. Thank you!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
P.S. Happy Valentine's Day! 😊💕
~ 🌸 ~
I lay awake that night wondering about our newest member, my curiosity isn't impervious to the necessity of sleep, and I spend the better half of my night with my thoughts surrounded around Christian.
We don't know him, and for some reason we chose to let him into our group —- our family —- and he will either spill all our secrets and ruin us, or turn out to be just as broken. I don't want to take the chance of him exposing us though.
I need a plan, and I need my partner in crime.
+ + +
The next morning I sleep through my alarm clock, like I do every morning, and like every morning I'm putting myself through hell to make it out the door on time. The front door bangs shut behind me as I sprint outside and race to the bus stop, as I'm rounding the corner I see the tail end of the bus begin to pull away.
I curse and push myself to run faster as I yell, "Wait! Please, hold the bus!"
The bus doesn't stop though, and I can faintly make out people staring at me through the back window; I think one of them even flip me off as others laugh. I slow to a stop and kick the ground out of frustration and anger, completely unsurprised that I'm yet again begin left on the side of the street. Either the bus driver has it out for me, or I just have really shitty luck.
Sighing heavily, I shoulder my backpack and start the exhaustingly long walk to school. The sky is a dark gray above me, and as it begins to lightly drizzle I regret my lack of foresight to grab my umbrella. Today is going to suck.
When I finally get to school, my socks are wet and cold in my shoes and they squeak when I walk. It's completely embarrassing and uncomfortable, and as if I need the added attention as I tromp through the hallways to my locker, looking like a drowned dog. I switch out my books and hung up my dripping wet rain coat before, stifling a sneeze, I grab my backpack before going to my gym locker to retrieve my extra pair of socks.
I'm switching them out when I hear the door open and close. My skin flushes before they even touch me —- I just naturally know who it will be.
I bite my bottom lip as a smile tug at my lips, and they wind their arms around my waist from behind, and lean against my back to whisper into my ear, "Morning, how was your night?"
I shiver as his breath tickles my ear, and I close my eyes as I sink back into his arms. "Great," I reply back lamely.
He chuckles, and I feel the tip of his cold nose skim along the back of my neck before he kisses me below my ear. His lips brush against my sensitive skin as he whispers, "Can I come over tonight?"
I feel my cheeks immediately begin to heat up, and I stutter, "I-I-I, um, I . . ." My brain shut down, and I fell silent. I hate confrontation and indirect questions that always leave me red-faced. I've only been seeing this person, who is currently back hugging me, for no longer than a week. We haven't even kissed yet, nor gone public with our....relationship? And he has the audacity to ask if he can come over tonight?
Fuck no.
"G-Garrett, we aren't there yet," I say as I turn around to face him.
He chuckles and says, "Yeah, you're right. I should have known . . ." He trails off with a shrug and leans down close to my face. I can't help but jerk away, and I see hurt flash in his eyes before he sighs and thinly smiles as he stands back up. "I guess I'll see you in class then . . ."
I nod numbly. "Y-yeah, s-see you."
He smiles thinly before leaving the locker room, and the door closes with a hollow echo behind him. I sigh and shake my hands out; they have begun to tremble, and then I close my locker before hurrying to class.
My first class of the day is with Peter, and as I shakily slide onto my chair beside him, he peers at me from the corner of his eye. He frowns at my appearance —- my skin, no doubt pale as a sheet; with sweat dotting my hairline.
He bites his bottom lip and moves his long hair to cover his face as he mutters, "Beau, are you okay?"
My hands are shaking still, and I know I must look ridiculous, but the situation is not ridiculous. I have to still my shaky hands on the table and inhale a deep breath before I reply, "N-no."
"What happened?" Peter asks as he eyes me concernedly.
I inhale another deep breath before saying, "It's Garrett, he-he keeps pushing me."
"Pushing you, how so?"
I bite my bottom lip and my cheeks flush, I shake my head and quietly hiss, "He wants s-s-se-sex."
Peter purses his lips. "Did you tell him no?"
I nod.
"And . . .?"
I sigh. "He still wants it," I mutter.
Peter rolls his eyes. "Of course he does, no offense Beau, but a guy like that doesn't want someone like us . . ."
"Like us?" I mutter with a small laugh.
Peter rolls his eyes with a faint smile as he says, "You know what I mean, he doesn't want someone with—-"
"Issues," I mutter.
Peter sighs. "Exactly."
I sigh too, and I feel myself deflat as I mutter, "I hope you're wrong, I really like Garrett."
Peter smiles thinly and nods. "I know you do," he mutters.
I sigh, and feel myself fall; my mood instantly dampening.
Garrett Reyes, he's . . . he's incredible, and I completely understand what Peter is so worried about. Guys like Garrett, who are perfect in every way with their blonde hair and blue eyes, don't want someone like me who's so clearly less than perfect. I'm nothing compared to him, just a kid he decided to help one day after school when he saw me getting bullied in the court yard. I owe him, and he owes me nothing.
Maybe . . . maybe he only sticks around because he's waiting for me to pay up? The thought makes me want to vomit, but no matter what I'd never give him that. I'd only ever give myself to someone in that way if I knew I was absolutely sure about how they felt for me, and with Garrett, although I like to pretend that he does I know he doesn't truly feel anything for me. Maybe I should just end it, because the longer I drag it out, the more it'll hurt in the end.
Word count: 1,147
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