Chap.18: Officially Meeting the Parents (Part 1)
When Christian's lunch detention ends, he takes his time to get his things together and waits until the teacher leaves the room before telling me it's all clear. And with a moan of relief, I crawl out from beneath the desk and stretch out my arms and legs as Christian helps me to my feet. He brushes off my shoulders and fixes my shirt, and then he smiles at me as he softly mutters, "Perfect."
I feel my cheeks pinken as he takes my hand, and together we leave the classroom. There are only two more classes left to suffer through, and then Christian told me he'd meet me in the parking lot so we can go to his place for dinner with his parents.
I'm nervous to meet them, although clearly I've already meet them, this time it'll be different —- this time Christian will be introducing me as his boyfriend instead of his friend. I want his parents to like me, and I know last time they seemed to enjoy my company but I'm not always the best at reading people's thoughts and actions. And I don't exactly want to ask Christian what they thought of me, but maybe I should to spare myself the headache of worrying.
I just hope everything goes well . . .
In art class, we're assigned a new project and tasked with the job of painting something that gives us inspiration and strength. And for the whole half-hour long class, all I do is sit at my table with a blank canvas. Lately my inspiration and strength has been coming from one thing —- one person —- and I can't exactly paint him . . .
That would be weird. Granted I have countless drawing I did of Christian in my stetck book, but that's different. This new art project will require I paint him for the world to see him the way I see him, and I'm not ready to share with them the beauty I see.
I want to keep him all to myself, and maybe that makes me selfish, but I think I've deserved the right to be selfish.
+ + +
When the final bell rings for the day, I pack away all my things before following the flow of people leaving the room. And since all the classes even remotely close to art and music and theatre are all put into the same hallway, I stand outside the music room waiting for Peter.
He walks out a moment after I arrive, juggling his backpack and music book. I quickly step forward as I mutter, "Hey, Peter, let me help you . . ." I say as I take his backpack and hold it up so he can put his music book inside and zip the bag closed.
He smiles at me appreciatively and mumbles, "Thanks."
I nod, and we walk in silence for a while before Peter says, "Beau . . . I'm sorry about earlier in the cafeteria, Megan and I . . . we were out of line. Of course, you deserve to have a few secrets, just promise us you won't ever hide anything important. Okay?"
I feel my smile falter as I reply, "I won't, I promise."
Oh please, don't let that lie come back to bite me, I silently pray.
Peter nods, and he smiles more easily as we turn the last corner to our lockers. "So about that bowling night you suggested . . . Are you free tonight? JoAnna was talking about it at lunch," Peter says.
I bite my bottom lip and mutter, "Would we be able to do that tomorrow night, instead? Christian invited me over for dinner with his parents, and I already said yes. I don't want to cancel on him...."
Peter nods and waves me off as he says, "Oh, that's fine, tomorrow's better actually."
I smile. "Thanks, Peter."
Peter nods. "So how is everything with Christian? Is he still amazing?"
I feel my cheeks immediately start to heat up at Peter's question, and I bite my lip as I shyly mumble, "Yes . . ."
Peter smiles at me and asks, "Is he a good kisser?"
I choke on my saliva, and around a coughing fit I manage to gasp, "Wh-What? Did you-Did you just ask me if Christian is a good kisser!" I ask in disbelief.
Peter shrugs. "Hey, I may not sway that way but anyone with eyeballs knows he's good looking, and I'm only curious. So . . . is he or not?" Peter asks.
I laugh. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe you're asking me this right now . . ." I trail off with another laugh.
Peter rolls his eyes and playfully punches my arm as he cries, "Shut up, Beau, and answer the question."
I laugh again and reply, "Yes, I think he is, although I don't have anyone to compare him too I still image he's better."
Peter laughs and curiously asks, "What is it like?"
I feel my cheeks immediately begin to heat up, as the memory of my first kiss with Christian surfaces to the forefront of my mind. I feel my blush deepen as I quietly reply, "It's . . . It's warm and soft, and he tastes so good and I never want it to end." I say dreamily.
Peter sighs. "I wish I could know that feeling...."
"Maybe you still can . . .?" I mumble.
Peter just shakes his head and mutters, "You know that's not an option, Beau."
I sigh, "I know . . ."
Peter sighs too.
Peter has issues when it comes to dating, and I don't know all the details, I just know he's been bullied and hurt too much to ever feel safe with anyone romantically. He's too afraid of getting hurt, so he's vowed off relationships. I can't imagine living that way, but unlike me, Peter's amazing at being alone. He enjoys the quiet of a room with nothing but himself and his thoughts, and as far as I can tell, he's better off that way.
I've finished exchanging out my books, and together Peter and I walk outside to the buses. I won't be riding them, but I won't let my new form of transportation ruin my tradition of walking to the buses with Peter. I smile and wave at him as he gets on, and then I'm walking across the student lot to Christian's motorcycle.
When I see him sitting on his bike, the perfect picture of sexy and dangerous, I feel my whole body flush. I shake off the thoughts as I draw closer, but I can still feel the ever present heat in my cheeks, I smile at him as I accept the extra helmet and his help climbing onto the bike.
I wind my arms around his waist, and Christian gently touches the back of my hand as he says, "Hold on tight." And then he's revving the engine to life, and we're peeling out of the parking lot and hitting the open road.
Word count: 1,145
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A/N: Hello, lovelies! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please, don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
Also, out of my two fanfictions Winter Heat and RENDEZVOUS which one do you to see an update for the most?
Anyway, have a lovely day/night, and thank you so much again for reading!
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