Chap.17: Break From Reality
I sigh to myself as I watch my friends walk away, leaving just JoAnna and I behind in the lunch line. I glance at JoAnna as I say, "Hey, Jo, can you tell everyone I won't be eating at the table today? I have some homework I need to do research on in the library . . ."
Like how to get revenge on Garrett, I think angrily.
JoAnna doesn't seem to notice anything amiss in my tone, and like myself, she appears to be lost in her head as well. She nods and mumbles, "Okay, I'll tell them . . ." and then she leaves me as she walks toward our table.
I watch her leave before with a heavy sigh, I leave the cafeteria and aimlessly wander the halls, my mind focused on ways to get back at Garrett. But then as the dark thoughts consume me, I begin to frighten myself. I shake them off and will myself to think of something else, and as I walk and try to find a different focus, I find myself peeking into classrooms looking for Christian.
Christian has become my new drug, and when I'm not with him, I find myself thinking about him and wishing we were together. I know it's not health to form such a dependent bond, but Christian just makes me feel good about myself and I want to feel that sense of want.
I hope things don't end between us, I don't want to feel the pain of loss.
I'm exploring the science wing when I happen to glance into a classroom and see Christian sitting near the window. I feel my heart skip as I take a closer look, and then I notice the teacher watching him is walking in my direction. I quickly duck down from the window and dash across the hall to the adjoining hallway. When I hear the door open and close, I peek around the corner to see the teacher heading toward the restrooms, and suddenly, I feel daring.
I look in both directions down the hallway before quickly running back to the door and grabbing the handle, I slowly twist it open before slipping inside. I peek over my shoulder, and realize Christian hasn't noticed me yet. I grin mischievously to myself as I quietly creep towards the front of the room, and with the black board behind me, I feel like having a little fun.
I bite my lip as I duck down to the floor and grab a piece of chalk, and begin to write on the chalkboard with that horribly awful, spin chilling whine. I cringe to myself as I messy write out the words, "I'm watching you." And then to see if I've gained Christian's attention, I peek around the desk to see him frowning up at the board. I giggle to myself and bite my lip before suddenly I pop up from the floor as I cry, "Why aren't you doing your homework!?"
Christian gasps and I can practically hear his heart stop. I just laugh as he hoarsely cries, "Beau, what the hell? What are you doing in here?"
I grin as I walk out from behind the desk and say, "I wanted to see you."
Christian laughs humorlessly and replies, "I'm flattered, but you should probably leave
"Shit! Beau, hide!" Christian hisses as the door begins to twist open.
I gasp and quickly scramble forward, and with no where else to hide, I worm my way under Christian's desk just in time for the teacher to enter the room. I'm so thankful the desk is box shaped, and hides me from view.
I cover my mouth with my hand so my unsteady breathing isn't loud enough for the teacher to hear, and once I've regained a normal heartbeat and the panic of getting caught has faded, it suddenly dawns on me where I am. I blush and quickly divert my gaze before gently tapping Christian's leg.
I hear him shuffling around, and then an eraser drops to the floor and he bends down to get, and hushedly whispers, "Beau, you're crazy! Do you realize your stuck down here for another thirty minutes?"
I cringe and mumble, "I do now . . ." I sigh. "I panicked, I wasn't thinking."
Christian just sighs too before picking up his eraser and sitting back up. I huff and gently lean back against the side of the desk and listen to Christian, since that's all I can do. I can hear him writing something down, and after a moment his hand appears under the table with a slip of paper. I take it hesitantly, and hold it towards the light as I read:
Want to play twenty questions again?
I giggle quietly to myself before tapping his leg again, and knowing what I want, he passes down a pencil so I can write my reply by using the side of the desk; so my pencil doesn't puncture through the paper.
I pass the paper back, and listen with a small smile as I hear him write something else out, before his hand appears once again beneath the table.
What's your favorite animal?
I smile again as a memory from my childhood surfaces. I had gone to the zoo with my dad —- this is one of the last few good memories I have of him —- and I remember walking through the whole park and being frightened of most of the animals, but when we had reached the panda bear exhibit, I fell in love with the white and black balls of fluff. They had been so cute, and I even remember my dad had taken me to the petting zoo where they had a baby panda, and I was able to pet and feed the little creature. It's one of my best memories with my dad, and ever since I've adored the animal for giving me such a memorable moment with my father.
I write out my response and pass back the paper; Christian writes out his answer before handing it back to me, and I would have bursted out in laughter if it wasn't for the fact that I'm hiding and not even supposed to be in the room. Instead, I have to settle for giggling into my palm as I read Christian's response, that says,
I love fluffy white cats with pink paws. :)
I actually like chameleon dragons. :D
I chuckle at his smiley faces and write, Interesting choice. Can you enlighten me as to why?
I pass the paper back, and he returns it a second later.
Maybe another time. ;)
Have you ever been on a road trip or took a family vacation?
I purse my lips at the question, I know I once went with my mother to Oregon to visit an aunt in the hospital, but I definitely wouldn't consider that a road trip or family vacation.
No, I write. How about you?
I pass the paper back, and he returns it after a few moments. It says, I went to Italy when I was younger to meet my mom's relatives, but I don't remember the trip much except through the photos she took.
And just a little bit below that, Christian also wrote, Maybe some day we can take one together. :)
I feel my heart flutter and my cheeks pinken at the thought of spending any amount of time with Christian outside of a classroom, and the possiblity is one I desperately hope comes to fruition.
I sigh as I write a question, and pass it back to Christian. I hear him snort from above me, and he quickly plays it off with a cough. I frown and cross my arms, and purse my lips as I pinch his calf. He gasps and his leg jerks up, hitting the underside of the table.
"What are you doing over there?" the teacher demands.
"N-Nothing," Christian quickly replies. "I just had an itch."
I hear the teacher scoff in response, and I bite my lip curiously, and I'm about to get Christian's attention when he drops his eraser again.
His face appears a moment later, and he frowns at me and quietly hisses, "Stop it, you're going to get me in trouble, Beau."
I cringe and mumble, "Sorry . . ."
Christian purses his lips against a smile, but I can still see it shinning through in his eyes, and he gestures to me as he softly says, "Kiss me?"
I gape at him, and I hesitate for a moment before quietly scooting forward to cup his cheeks as I kiss him. I let him slip his hand into the hair around my ear as he kisses me back, and too soon, its ending because he has to sit back up. I sigh at the lose, and then he's passing me the paper once more, and it says:
Will you have dinner with my parents and I tonight?
I feel my cheeks heat up, no doubt I'm a bright tomato red, and I shakily write out my response.
I'd be honored.
And I am, I want to get to know Christian and his family is a part of him. I want to know every part of his life, from his baby days to his childhood to what he ate last night. Maybe that makes me a little crazy, but I think I get to be a little crazy and picky when it comes to relationships, since I've never actually had one, and the one's that have come close have always turned out bad.
I want a relationship with a person I know I can trust, and although I trust Christian wholeheartedly, I can't really be blamed for wanting to be absolutely sure. I have to do whatever I can, to spare my heart any more unnecessary pain.
Word count: 1,638
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A/N: Hello, lovelies! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and please, don't forget to vote, comment, and share with your friends. Thank you, have an amazing day/night!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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