Chap.15: My Boyfriend (Part 1)
Once everything for the chicken enchiladas is ready, we each make one before moving into the living room. I turn on the TV and aimlessly search through the channels until I find something interesting for us to watch. By the time we finish our meal, it's close to nine and even though I hate to ask, I know I have to as I say, "Do you have to go home?"
Christian wipes a plate dry after I hand it to him, and he glances over me as he teasingly asks, "Beau Bayes, are you asking me to spend the night?"
I don't need a mirror to know my cheeks are a flaming tomato red, and I furiously shake my head so hard that I make myself dizzy as I cry, "No, Christian, why would you—-"
"I'm kidding!" Christian cries with a laugh as he playfully throws his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek.
My blush deepens at his playfulness, and I embarrassedly wiggle away as I mumble, "Don't say something like that, you jerk."
Christian chuckles and replies, "Okay, okay."
I purse my lips and huff before grumbling, "If you're going to tease me like that all the time, we're going to have issues, buddy."
Christian smiles and mutters, "I'll behave, I promise."
"You better," I mumble.
When we finish cleaning the dishes and things have been put away into the designated location, we move back into the living room. The clock hands have crept to nine-thirty when I hear a car pull into our driveway, and I begin to sweat from my nerves. Christian notices and reassuringly squeezes my hand as he says, "I'm sure everything will be fine, Beau. Relax, okay, you'll feel better."
I nod and draw in a shaky breath before muttering, "Okay, let's introduce you to my mom . . ."
Christian smiles at me as he stands up from the couch, and grabs my hand to pull me to my feet. We move into the kitchen, since I know my mom will toss her purse and coat onto the table before anything else. I have Christian sit the farthest away, encase my mom doesn't like him, she won't immediately be able to thrown him out and I'll get a few words in for his defense.
When the key clicks in the lock, and the door swings open and my mom walks inside the house looking tired and worn out, I immediately wish she could meet my boyfriend another time when she isn't so obviously ready to fall asleep on her feet. I sigh at my selfishness as I immediately stand up and help her sit down, she smiles tiredly at me and mumbles, "Thanks, hon."
I smile warily and mumble, "You're welcome.... Um, mom, I know your super tired and I wish I would have waited for another time but . . ." I trail off, and my mom glances at me curiously. She still hasn't noticed Christian, so inhaling a deep breath, I say, "I-I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Christian Philips." I gesture to Christian, and her eyes follow my hand. Her expression is surprise when she sees Christian, probably half-believing I had been talking about an imaginary boyfriend since I hardly ever bring people over.
Christian smiles thinly and mutters, "Sorry, Ms. Bayes for well, springing me on you but I just wanted to meet the women I've heard so much about."
I bite my bottom lip as my mom looks Christian over, and then she glances at me with a small smile as she asks, "Beau, where have you been hiding him? He's cute."
I gasp, and my cheeks burn up as I cry, "Mom!"
She laughs and pats my cheek as she says, "Lighten up, honey, I'm just playing with you." My cheeks are still burning as she redirects her attention to Christian, and smiles as she says, "It's nice to meet you, Christian, you'll have to come over again soon when I can hold a proper conversation." She chuckles. "Could you come over for dinner this weekend?"
"Ah, I-I think I can, I'll have to check with my parents," Christian mutters.
My mom nods and sighs, and then she stands up as she says, "Nice meeting you again, Christian. Beau, I'm going to bed now, don't stay up much longer."
"Okay, mom. Goodnight, I love you," I call as she leaves the room.
"Goodnight, honey. I love you too," she calls.
I feel myself blush, and then I glance over at Christian as I mutter, "Will I see you tomorrow at school?"
Christian smiles and softly replies, "You can count on it."
I blush again as I walk Christian to the front door, and as he opens it and steps outside, he turns around and softly asks, "Can I kiss you goodnight?"
I bite my lip and slowly nod as color fills my cheeks, and Christian smiles as he gently cups my warm cheeks before leaning down to softly kiss me. It feels just as good as before, and I feel myself melting into his touch, and too soon it's ending. He gives my lips one last quick and gentle peck before jogging through the soft moonlight to his motorcycle. I wave before he pulls away, and watch his taillights fade around the corner before closing the door and going upstairs to my bed, and falling into one of the most peaceful sleeps I've ever had.
Word count: 909
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: Hello, lovelies! Yes, I'm still on hiatus, but maybe not for this book. I'm not sure exactly and it sucks because I can't figure out where to go next with my two current fanfictions Winter Heat and RENDEZVOUS. *sigh* Maybe I should seek outside help? I don't know . . .
Anyway, starting now regular updates for this book, "Until We Drop | boyxboy" will resume, I just haven't decided with my other works yet. Thank you for reading this if you did, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a lovely day/night!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
P.S. DM's are open if you guys want to help me decide on the fate of my fanfictions, or even help with my inspiration for them. Thank you.
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