Chap.11: Taking Initiative
Christian's p.o.v.
I sit in the corner of my language arts class, twirling my pencil between my fingers as I try to focus on the quiz I've been handed, but my mind keeps switching over to Beau. I went too far, I think. I touched Beau's cheek, and now I've probably scared him off.
I don't know the specifics of his relationship with Garrett, but I know enough to know that Beau never felt comfortable with him and he felt pressured most of the time. If I've made Beau feel that way all because I caressed his cheek, how can I forgive myself?
I want to know him, and I can't do that if I've scared him into never talking to me again. From the first moment I saw him in that old, abandoned and dingy church, I've felt the desire to be his friend. He had looked so sweet and temid, but at the same time I saw a strength and beauty inside him. Beau is strong, I can see the strength he possess, so I hate to see him being broken down by people who think they can easily shove him around.
So I want to help him, I want to give Beau the confidence he thinks he is lacking, and I want to break him free from his shell of self–doubt and wipe away his insecurities. I want to be someone Beau knows he can depend on.
JoAnna's p.o.v.
Once again, I'm trapped in another boring lecture on budgeting, taught by an old man with coffee breath, I think with a sigh. Jordan is sitting beside me, tossing rolled up paper balls at his football buddy, Kevin. The back and forth motion of them playing is starting to get on my nerves, but I restrain myself from saying anything because I know they're just as bored as I am. Maybe though, I can distract Jordan with conversation, so he stops his little back and forth game of paper ball badminton.
"Jordan?" I say.
"Hmm," he hums distractedly.
"What do you think of Christian? He stood up against Garrett for Beau today, I thought that was pretty brave," I say.
"Yeah, pretty brave," Jordan mumbles.
I roll my eyes. "Do you think they'll start dating?" I ask.
At that, I finally draw Jordan's attention. He stops his game as he looks at me seriously, and replies, "I don't know, Beau just broke up with Garrett and you know he's not the type of person to jump into a new relationship after just ending one. Garrett is a major douchebag, but Christian seems okay. He's mysterious and selfless. His selfless side is good for Beau, which won't always have us worried about how he's being treated. But the mysterious's unpredictable."
I nod. "True, I wonder how Beau feels about him . . ." I trail off curiously.
Jordan laughs. "Are you blind, Jojo! Clearly Beau likes him, the poor guy turns into a tomato every time he's around," Jordan says with another laugh.
I frown and mutter, "You're right, I wonder if he'll make a move? Beau seems braver and more open around Christian . . ."
"Christian's definitely been good for him...." Jordan mumbles in agreement.
Kat's p.o.v.
Abby is sitting beside me in our music class, writing out notes for her next recital. I chew on my pen as my mind drifts to what happened at lunch between Garrett and Beau, and Christian's unexpected intervention. I was unsure of Christian when we meet him at the church, but after today he's proven to be good for our group. He's hard to figure out most of the time, but he's shown to be nice and attentive and caring.
Beau would be embarrassed if he knew, but at lunch today I noticed the way Christian gave him a part of his sandwich. It was sweet the way Christian had noticed Beau didn't like his lunch, and kind enough of him to share his own.
Christian is a hard person to figure out, so knowing what I do about him, he better not hurt Beau because I see the way the way they look at each when the other person is unware. They'd be crazy not to date one another, and I just want for Beau to be happy, and if Christian can give him that, then I'll fully support them both.
Megan's p.o.v.
I'm sitting in the back of the music room, my hands dancing across the keys without any effort after all my years of practice. I can see Kat talking to Abby in the front of the classroom, and I can't help but wonder if they're talking about Christian's right hook to Garrett's jaw. It had been spectacular, ever since Beau starting "dating" Garrett, I've wanted to smash my own fist into his perfectly sculpted face.
It wasn't right the way Beau let Garrett treat him, and unfortunately none of us had been brave enough to stand up to him until Christian. Sure we all hate him, but Garrett's the type of person who can easily ruin your life with a single word, and all six us are already so messed up in our own ways we can't afford anymore abuse.
If Beau ends up dating Christian —- which honestly I believe he will —- Christian better treat him right. Beau is too shy and self-blaming and non-confrontational to tell someone when their doing the wrong thing or hurting him. And usually those people don't see what we see, which is that Beau is sweet, kind, caring, and too selfless for his own good. And all of those qualities are what makes him so attractive.
I love Beau. I loved him since the first day we met, when I was a new student to Greystone. I had gotten lost trying to find my way to the music room, and like usual he had been running late to art class. He sacrificed his own precious minutes before the final bell rang to show me to my class, and like now, he was so sweet and nice about the whole thing. He had taken an interest and asked what instrument I played, and was curious enough to wonder where I had lived before moving to Greystone, Washington. I thought he had liked me, I couldn't tell he was gay, so when I became a part of the group and learned the news I was already too smitten. I know I can never have him the way I want, but I have his friendship, and it's enough. I just want for him to be happy, and I can't bare it if he ends up with another Garrett.
Beau deserves to be happy, he's too good of a person not to be happy.
Peter's p.o.v.
I sit in my usual spot in the back of my chemistry class, yet despite my every effort to avoid my ignorant classmates, they still manage to pick on me. It's a great effort they're exerting to throw things at me and whisper rumors, when I know for a fact, that half of them never put nearly as much energy into their homework as they put into trying to make my life hell.
I ignore them the best I can because I don't feel like getting detention over people who don't deserve an ounce of my attention. So to avoid any sort of confrontation, I drift into my thoughts. I'm sure everyone else has already dissected Christian's actions at lunch today, and I'm sure we all came to the same conclusion, that Christian Philips is a fucking badass.
He did the one thing none of us had the balls to do, which was help our friend free himself from a toxic relationship. Sure we talked to Beau and expressed our concerns and showed our support, but what is all of that compared to punching Garrett Reyes in his stupid smug face. I don't know how many times I wanted to punch Garrett, and I'm so grateful for Christian.
Beau is my best friend, and whenever I saw him with Garrett it always made me so angry because I know Beau's more worthy of someone who'll be kind and gentle to him. Garrett was never that guy, even when he pretended to be better than he actually is, he was never good at playing the part. But with Christian, I can his sincerity even beneath his air of mystery. He has a genuine heart and cares for people, and I, like all of my friend, wants to see Beau end up with someone worthy of his attention and love. Garrett was never going to be that guy, but Christian . . . he has all the qualities to be someone great and deserving of our Beau's unconditional love.
+ + +
I've never been more happier in my entire life than I am now, when the final bell of the day rings throughout the halls. I had to fight back tears the whole time I was in my art class because the people I have to suffer eight hours through the day with, judged and belittled me all based on the lies Garrett spewed out of his mouth.
People blame me for Garrett getting punched during lunch —- and already the rumor mill is spinning with claims that Garrett has a black eye; his nose was broken; and all sorts of other ridiculous lies. Christian knocked Garrett onto his ass in the middle of the lunch hall surrounded by tables full of gossiping people, so of course Garrett would retaliate and blame me for his behavior. Maybe I'm a flappant person, going from one day liking Garrett to the next hating him. But those feeling of hate were there from the beginning, and now that I'm looking back on it all, I've come to believe I was only forcing myself to like him because I've never had anyone look twice at me.
I need to make myself stronger, I hate feeling so weak . . .
Word count: 1,666
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A/N: Hello, lovelies! I hope the way I wrote the chapter wasn't too hard to follow. Anyway, tell me how you liked the chapter through your comments and votes, and if you're liking the story so far, share it with a friend. Thank you, have an amazing day/night!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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