The Reunion
The bus ride up to Josh's mansion in the woods was interesring, to say the least. Me and Sam sat in the back of the bus listening to the anniversary of Hannah and Pierce's disappearance. I won't lie, it was hard for me to return here. But we came because we wanted to celebrate our last winter getaway here. Though, when looking at the place, I couldn't help but feel like something bad might happen.
Sam was dressed with a Russian styled winter hat. Her hair was placed into a messy bun as she let the rest fall out. Covering her upper body was a blue t-shirt, that was hidden under a plaid button-up long sleeved, which was partially hidden by a leather jacket. Her bottoms consisted of winter leggings and plaid skirt, and her feet were covered by some Uggs.
I on the other hand chose the more warmer style of dress. I had a black long sleeve shirt on with a white muscle shirt underneath. Keeping me warm was a jean jacket with a patch of white fur at the neckline. I wore heavy winter blue jeans and combat styled boots, figuring these work in any landscape.
Just looking at that mountain made me remember last year and I started to panic a little. I guess Sam knew because she started to squeeze my hand a little to bring me back.
"Sorry, just, I don't know. Something doesn't feel right, Sam. I don't know what though." Looking back at her brought me to a slow calm.
"Jason. I believe you. But try to keep it off your mind just for tonight, alright? I can't be the only sane person in this house." We both share a giggle and I stop worrying about the bad feeling that's arising. All I could focus now is her, making it hard for me to see anything else.
"Thanks. You really know how to calm me down, Giddings."
"Please, Culton. If I couldn't calm you down then who would?"
"You're right. Let's watch that invitation video that Josh and Beth sent us."
It took one swipe from Sam that changed the screen from the news to the video.
"Hello, friends and fans. Wait, no let's do that again." "Dammit, Josh." Beth's voice was heard from behind the camera as it stopped and was put back to the same room. "Now, do it right." "Alright. Well, hello friends and fans. It's beyond awesome to have you guys all back this year. First off, I got to say that I'm-" "We." "-we are super stoked to welcome all our pals back to the annual Blackwood Getaway this year." He threw his hands up in the air and mimicked the sound of people cheering and celebrating.
"So, um...Let me just let you know, uh...let's take a moment to address the 'elephant in the room' for a second...I know you're all probably worried about us and I know it's gonna be tough on all of us going back after what happened last year. But...I just want you all to means so much to the both of us that we're doing this. And I...I know it would mean so much to Hannah and Pierce that we're all still here together, thinking of them.
"I really wanna spend some quality time with each and every one of you, and, um, just share some moments that we'll never forget, for...for the sake of my sisters, you know?! Let's party like we're fucking porn stars, okay? And make this one trip we will never forget, alright? Yes!" Then Josh put his arms up and cheered for real this time. The video ended and we continued with small talk.
After a while, the bus stopped and the two of us got off and made our way to the front gates. That is until I spotted something in a sign I have seen but never bothered to look at before.
"Hey Sam, I'll meet you up there. Gotta check something out." With that said, she continued walking and I went over to the sign.
I notice that it was a sign for the Algonquian Native Americans, the tribe that used to reside on the mountain before the Washington's bought the giant. The sign seemed to explain the old folklore about the butterflies and their color pattern.
Tribes who once lived in these mountains believed that butterflies carried dreams and prophecies of possible features. The color of the butterfly indicated the nature of the prophecies.
DEATH: Black butterflies prophesied the dreamer's death.
DANGER: Red butterflies warmed of dangerous events.
LOSS: Brown butterflies foretold of tragedy affecting friends.
GUIDANCE: Yellow butterflies offered visions to help and guide.
FORTUNE: White butterflies brought dreams of luck and good fortune
A yellow butterfly landed on the sign, then flew off quickly after.
Shaking my head, I run back to the gates where Sam was headed. Seeing nothing but a note on the gate doors, I decide to climb over the fence. Choosing the quick route, I hopped from rock to rock, grabbing the ledge of the wall and hoisting myself over the fence.
I walk up and see Sam squatting down to feed a squirrel.
'Wonder how this will play out.'
I waited for the girl to finish up with the squirrel and then approach her. The little furry fella trotted away with a peanut in his mouth as Sam stood back up.
"Such a nature lover." I told her, sly smile on my face. Hers became a tint of red, embarrassed she was caught in the act. "I couldn't just let him go hungry!" "I know, I know. That was pretty cool how it just came up to you like that."
As we made our way to the shuttle, we noticed Chris' bag outside on the bench. Looking closer found us seeing that he was getting some messages, most likely from a certain redhead.
Moving towards the bag, I put his phone back into the pocket that it was sticking out of and closed the bag. Turning around, I see that Chris is trying to sneak up on Sam. He gives me a look and I let him go on and do what he's about to do.
Stalling her, I talked to her before he slammed his hands down and gave a little yell, while she screamed and backed into me as we both fell into the bench.
Chris and I started to laugh as Sam looked confused. Finally realizing what was happening, she turned towards Chris and yelled at him.
"What the hell was that!" "I- I was just mess-" she never let him finished because I was in her line of sight next. "And why didn't you tell me he was sneaking up on me?!"
Playing it cool, aka not giving a fuck, a shrugged my shoulders and said, "I don't know. It seemed fun."
With that, I turned around and started walking towards the back. "Hey Chris. The cable car on its way?"
"Uh, yeah. But it'll take a few minutes till it gets down here. Oh, Hey! Remember that little shooting range down here?" "How could I not, you shot me in the eye." "Yeah. Sorry about that. Anyways, wanna check it out?"
"I'm sorry, but why would there be a shooting range down here?" Asked Sam. "Dude. Josh's Dad is obsessed with guns. He thought he was the Grizzly Adams or something."
"It's true. He had a bunch of them back at the old hotel. I think some of them were lost though." I backed Chris up, as I pulled out the Glock I bought half a year ago. Aiming it at some of the sandbags, I pulled the trigger as I shot at three in the span of one second.
"Mm. Nice shootin' Tex." Sam came up, and used that accent I loved. God it reminded me of home.
"Why thank ya, little lady. But I don't recommend standing too close, otherwise you might get hurt." Turning back to the shooting range, I was about to take aim until I saw the squirrel Sam was feeding earlier pop up on one of the barrels.
Deciding not to shoot the poor guy, I shot at the sandbag that was swinging around and hit it with pinpoint accuracy. The squirrel ran off into the night, as the cable car came back down.
"Hey guys. Our ride's here." the man in glasses told us as he walked off into the station as we followed him inside.
"Dang. I was just going to convince Sam to take the weapon as well. Maybe next time." I sighed as I set the safety back on and placed it back in my holster.
"More like never. The day I need a gun is the day I need to kill someone." She joked, but I could tell she was serious. She wouldn't hurt an animal or human without reason.
We all entered the car and took our seats, with Chris on one side and Sam and I on the other. "It's like going to the prom." I said. Only this prom was freezing cold and in a fucking mansion.
"You know how Josh, Pierson, and I met?" Chris randomly brought up. I never heard the story, other than it involves a girl somehow.
"No. I don't believe I did." Sam was the one to give the guy an answer. I looked on in curiosity.
"It was in the third grade. Pierson and Josh sat in the back, while I sat in the front. Timmy Jenson, the kid sitting between Josh and Pierson, got caught strap snapping a girl's bra and got moved to the front, where I was sitting."
"Ok. So?" Urged Sam, wanting to hear more.
"So I got moved to the back! Next to Pierson and Josh! And we met and became best friends. If Jeanie Simmons didn't hit puberty three years early, who knows. You two may be sitting alone in here, or with someone else entirely. Boom. Butterfly effect." And with that, we continued our way up the mountain.
"The three musketeers. It must have been fate."
Once we got up to the station, I made my way to the door and tried opening it, only for the damn thing to be locked. "Fuck. Hey, check and see if anyone is outside on the bench or the table, I can't see anything out there."
Chris walked over to the window and saw Jess sitting down on the bench.
"Hey. Jess is over there."
Knocking on the door a couple times, I see Jessica walk up to the door before the light turned on. She jumped and gasped for breath while I sat there looking unamused.
"Jesus, Chris. You and your trio scared the fuck outta me." "Yeah. Sorry about that. Hey, can you open the door for us? Kinda trapped in here." "Yeah, I got it. Don't worry."
A couple a seconds later, I hear the lock switch turn off and the door opens with Jessica on the other side.
"Thank god we're outta there. Another five minutes and I would've started eating my own leg." Chris over exaggerated a little. "Dude. Gross."
"Alright, are you all done being sickos? I mean, c'mon. There's a cabin up ahead." Jessica made her way back to her phone, until Chris grabbed it from her hands and read through the messages.
"And what's this, ladies and gentleman? It looks like our dear Jessica has a little relationship with the class president Mike. I mean, c'mon. We know you two were together for awhile now but do you have to keep rubbing it in everyone's faces?"
"Uh, I didn't know they were together. When did that happen, Jess?" I asked, being completely honest because I was at a different place than everyone there.
"I'm sorry, but who are you again? I've seen you before I know it."
"Really Jess? You were in the same grade as Pierson and you can't remember his older brother's face? I'm hurt, really."
Her eyes studied me for a moment, before they went wide with recognition. "Oh, my, god! Jason is that really you?!"
"Told ya your hair was getting too long. And that beard doesn't suit you at all. Should've let me cut it when we had the chance."
"Shut it, Sam."
"Jason it's been so long! Where were you? Also, I thought you knew about Mike's and my hooking up? We sent you a message but never received a text back."
"College, in mourning because my brother is most likely dead, and out performing. I had to change my cell number because it made me worry too much. I mean, I invited y'all to a couple of parties but you guys never wanted to go." All that I said was true. After my little attempt, and after Sam went back home, I started taking a few jobs and became a DJ and an artist. Working at a few clubs and a couple parties payed pretty nicely, especially with rent.
"Right. I'm hoping that you're better now, and not cutting yourself on the wrists." "Relax. I didn't go that far."
It honestly surprised me that Jess tried being nice to me. I mean, considering the fact that she planned the prank, she still tried, which made me think that I must do the same.
"Alright, well, let's get going. Have fun Jess." Sam started walking with Chris behind her. I was about to follow but Jessica pulled me aside.
"Jason? Can I talk to you for a bit?" She looked like she needed to get something off her chest. Looking at the other two, they nod for me to go with her as they walk ahead, and I stayed with Jess in the clearing.
"Jason, I'm completely sorry for what happened last year. I wish none of us ever did that prank. If none of it happened, maybe, just maybe, Hannah would still be here. Maybe Pierce would be too. If I could go back and prevent it from happening, I would in a heartbeat." She seemed really apologetic about what she did last year, which was surprising, because I'm seeing a completely different side of her that I usually don't get to see.
"Jess, I'll accept the apology, but your going to have to wait a little while until you get a 'I forgive you' from me. Hannah was like my little sister. But right now, let's just all head up to the lodge, and get out of this cold weather. I'm freezing my balls off out here. But, thank you for trying. Don't worry, you'll get those famous three words someday, but not at the moment. Alright?" I wrapped her into a hug and she accepted. It was nothing more than not seeing each other in a long while.
"Thank you, for letting me apologize."
With that, Jessica looked a little relieved and went back to the bench, and I headed up to the lodge and caught back up with Chris and Sam.
Walking up, we see Ashley, Matt, Beth, and Josh waiting at the doors.
"Asshat! Cochise! Vegan! Welcome back to the ski lodge of badassery." Josh seemed a little more than excited, considering the man doesn't necessarily seem to be shook in any way. Meanwhile? I'm looking at the building in a whole 'nother point of view.
Looking at the lodge, all I see is the last place I saw my brother before his unfaithful death.
"-lo? Earth to Jason?" I was brought out of my thoughts by Sam waving her hand in front of my face.
"Yo. Jason, good seeing you man. It's been awhile." Matt came up to me and we shook hands.
"Hell yeah." I was cool with Matt. But I had to pester him for this.
"So. You and Emily. Is that a thing...?" "You'll have to define 'thing' for me."
"You guys pounding the fruit?"
He gave me a blank look.
"Bumpin' uglies? Riding the cowboy? The hanky panky? The horizontal tango –"
"Why didn't you just say that in the first place?"
"Because you're clearly not up on sex lingo, my friend."
Matt rolled his eyes with a half smile. "Yeah, if that's your definition of 'thing', it's definitely happening. But at the moment, I don't know."
I winced on Matt's behalf. Emily was a bitch. And a skank. And a whore. Matt was a nice guy; he deserved better. But I figured telling him that would result in the punch to the face, so I went the empathetic route. "Ouch, man, that sucks. You wanna talk about it?"
"Not really," he confessed.
I shrugged, shoving my hands in my pockets. "Well if you do, I'm your guy."
"Thanks, Jason. I'll let you know when I need more help from the shah of sex talk." We laughed it out before I went over to sit down next to Ashley and Beth
"Ashley. How's it hanging, G?"
"Meh. It's alright. I mean, I don't really know what to feel about coming back here after what happened last time."
"I hear ya. Nothing felt right after everything that's happened."
"I can only imagine what you must've felt like. Losing your brother and all. Same for Josh and Beth here. You two both lost the people you cared for most and probably felt em-"
"Alright, let's not go digging up old memories, huh? Jesus it's like you were in my head the entire time it happened." I mean she hit the nail right on the head with that one. "Changing the subject, how come you guys aren't inside yet? It's fucking freezing out here."
"The door is frozen. Josh took Chris around back so he could get into the basement from the window." I could see the heat start to rise up in her cheeks as they started to turn red.
"Ho? So tell me. Have you two finally become official yet, or y'all just doing it behind everybody?"
"Yeah, I'm curious too. I mean, I figured it's happened already but I want to know the details." Beth leaned into Ashley with skeptical eyes and a look of knowing.
Her face went completely red and embarrassed as she couldn't even form her words correctly. I chuckled a bit before I told her to calm down. "Knowing the idiot for 12 years is enough to know that he's a good guy. I mean, what could he possibly do to hurt you? Nothing. He likes you, Ash, and you like him too."
"Stop it! You're one to talk mister! What about you and Sam? Have finally done the vertical line dancing or whatever-"
"Horizontal Tango."
"-Yeah that! Have you two done that yet?"
"Oh Ashley. You can't get me to crack so easily. But uh, no. We haven't."
"And why's that?" She smiles ever so mischievously.
"Because I've been at college. I have work, I'm performing Saturday nights. Honestly, I just haven't had the time to talk to her about it. But it's not the same for you, you literally see him everyday in about like what, half of your classes?"
"It's not that easy, Jason. You can't just walk up to somebody and ask, "Hey want to go out on a date with me?" It takes time."
"You're right. But still. You gotta do it someday Ash, otherwise..." I look over at Sam who is in conversation with Matt and Josh, "otherwise you'll have to see them with different people."
"Yeah. I suppose you're right."
"Aren't the older ones always? And besides. This will be your chance to do so. I mean, look all around you. You got the setting made, in the mountains, you and Chris in one of the seventeen bedrooms alone together. Do you see any parents here, Ashley?"
"Yeah. I'm going to take this chance and make it official.!
"That's correct. And who knows what else? You get to do whatever!"
"Yes! You two can literally do it outside and there'll be no one to judge you! Probably not though because who the hell wants to do that out here on the snow?"
"Yeah. Kinda weird, B. Anyways, she's right though. You want to make something happen? Now is the time to do it. Jump is bones! Ravish him! Take him by utter surprise! You have all the time in the world here until we leave again."
"You really think so-"
"Wooaaah." Came Chris' voice from behind the door.
"Very funny pal. Hurry up and let us in before your ass is grass."
"On it." And he was gone.
I looked at Ash and Bethone more time before I headed back over to Josh and Sam. Matt went to go pick up the bags that Emily made him carry all the way up here.
"Asshat! So glad to see you after a year. You're the only one that's been pretty much separated from everybody since last year man. What's- what's up with that?"
"What's up Dickweed. And, I just needed some time alone to think. Had to get away from family after awhile and left for college."
"Right, right, because the Lord of Parties knows how to solve a simple math problem while downing three beers in under a minute!"
We all shared a laugh for a couple minutes and just all talked together. Catching up, that is until Chris came back. His face is illuminated by the deodorant flamethrower as he thaws the lock to open to the outside world. He opens the door while doing a mock bow.
"Thank you, Thank you. I'll be here all wee- GAH!!!" He screamed like a little girl when a little wombat ran out of the house right in front of him. Sam, Josh , Beth, and I were laughing our asses off as Matt and Ash were actually a little spooked.
"Oh my god! You-you should've seen the look on your face!!" I barely managed to get out between laughs.
"Yeah well, that thing was like a fucking bear or something!"
"Aww. Is Chwis afwaid of the wittle baby wolvewine?" And we continued to laugh at Sam's joke, everyone else falling in as well.
After we all calmed down, we went inside and set our bags down. Poor Matt, he had to carry four bags since Emily apparently needs so much makeup and hair products.
"Let's get this party going! Huh? There's booze in the kitchen and a warm fire fixing to be made." Josh went over to the fireplace and started adding the logs to it while Chris and I went to go grab the boxes of beer, liquor, Smirnoff, vodka, and much more. We set it down and each grab a beer to start out as two more people walk in.
"Party's here!!" There was the one voice I never wanted to hear again as the memories haunted me for why it was. Michael Monroe has just entered the building.
I said nothing to him as everyone else ran up to him to say hi and everything. I continued sitting down and minded my business until he came over to me.
"Hey, man. Have we met before? You seem familiar?"
"Yeah Mike. I'm Jason."
"Jason-Fucking-Culton?! The old party animal?! There's no way that the guy I'm looking at right now screams "Let's throw a fucking banger!!" While he's three sheets to the wind!"
"Better fucking believe it." I shove him out the way and go outside to cool off. Pulling out a can of snuff, I pinch down inside and stick a small finger-ful into my mouth. The cool December wind runs through my hair and I feel at ease because of it.
Everyone seems to stay the same. No one has really changed except, Josh, Beth, Sam, and me. Jess has simmered down a little bit deep down she's still a party girl with a lot of spunk in her. Chris is still the same nerdy schoolboy that has the major crush on Ashley but won't do shit. Ash is the same girl that got scared of her own shadow and couldn't do the same thing with her Chris situation. Emily is still a bitch that has everyone do everything for her. Matt is still the same suck up. No one has changed.
By the time I spit put my snuff, Sam walks out and I send it over the edge.
"Hmm. Mint smell all over you. Don't tell me you started snuff."
I did nothing but smile and chuckle a bit, then look back at the view of the mountains. "Yeah. Go on, laugh it up."
And laugh she did. It didn't stop until Mike and Jess came outside, she was pissed off at something and Mike was trying to make a joke to make it seem better but it only added fire to the flame.
I motioned for Sam to follow me inside. She nodded as we walk past the two lovers without making a sound. Closing the door behind us quietly, we started laughing at how they were so caught up in their sex convo that they didn't notice us at all.
"Jesus, you hear the way they were talking? It's like they were fixing to get down and dirty right there if I hadn't thrown that pebble and reminded them of something!" Sam laughs as she agreed.
"I know. They were practically all over each other as they were out there!"
"My god I thought they were never going to leave."
They did, and we fell in silence as we just looked at each other. We both started to move closer, our lips almost touching, but then Josh and Beth burst through the door, which made us back up from each other quickly.
"Yo, Asshat! Why don't you come and help me with the hot water? Sam did say that she wanted to take a bath."
"Yeah. And plus we could have some bonding time down there. Unless, of course, you and Sam want to go on your own?" Beth wiggles her eyebrows at us as I look to Sam, who shrugs.
"Alright then. Anything else that we need to know before we go down there, or are we good to go?"
The girl was shocked, but said nothing as she shook her head. Sam, Josh, and I went downstairs and closed the door behind us, not hearing the click of the lock.
Holy shit I forgot about this story! I had this chapter ready to go and everything but I continuously kept making changes before I left it almost for good!
Anyways, that's it for this chapter. Thank you for making it this far.
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