The word annoyed wasn't even the right word to describe how RonReaco was feeling right now.
How could this girl even have the audacity to go to Kasey's house?
"You're going Kasey's house?"
He wasn't happy.
"This better not be the Kasey I think you're talking about," he had interrupted curiously. "Unless there's another Kasey in your life that I don't know about but should?"
Sadly there was only one Kasey that Raina Riele knew in her life.
The one in Unsuspected Love.
RonReaco knew that Kasey was in that group even if he didn't know Kasey on a personal level like that at all.
She could have lied about that, but Raina Riele knew better than to lie to her older brother, especially how he pretty much had eyes at the back of his head.
Not just that, Kasey was also the co leader of Unsuspected Love, along with Leilani, Raina Riele's ex best friend.
Kasey Crayking.
The best male singer in their high school.
"Kasey Crayking?!"
RonReaco wasn't even overreacting, as far as he was concerned- he had every single right to be ticked off right now, and Raina knew it.
Why couldn't the girl just have understood the fact that Unsuspected Love didn't like her?
"They're hosting impromptu sleepovers for their psychology project and-"
"And you want to gatecrash their sleepover because you have nothing else better to do," RonReaco had finished off. "No, plus don't you have to actually be in their psychology class for that?"
Yeah, they did, but apparently they could have asked ex psychology students to come along with them if they wanted to.
A lot of people had used to take psychology although they had dropped it for one reason or the other, mainly because of the teacher.
Or the subject just didn't interest them in general, simple as.
Raina Riele had dropped it for both reasons.
"I'll be back by tomorrow latest."
He didn't care apparently, and this was the problem with Raina Riele.
She didn't appreciate what she had when she had it, it was only when she had lost it instead.
Because her life was miserable, she now wanted to make Leilani's life miserable as well, that was what this whole thing was about.
She couldn't stand him being happier than her.
When in reality, she should have just accepted her mistakes and moved on like a normal person would have done.
Raina Riele didn't exactly not appreciate what she had on purpose though, why would she?
It was mostly due to past experiences.
For example, on their mother's birthday, Raina Riele had gotten her a handmade necklace.
That was until RonReaco had decided to get her her favourite shoes, with their mother completely forgetting the handmade necklace Raina had made her.
Her brother had been pretty much one upping her her whole life and he didn't even realise it because Raina didn't always choose to say anything about it.
Sometimes, RonReaco hadn't even one upped the girl, sometimes their parents had favoured him over Raina.
Like at Christmas a few years back for example.
How comes RonReaco gets a better present than me?! Raina Riele would have always ranted to her parents.
Their names were Annaisha and Jeronicus, who had been married to each other for twenty three years now. Annaisha was 47 whilst Jeronicus on the other hand was 50 instead.
As of today.
Raina was really eighteen years old at the moment, whilst RonReaco was nineteen instead. But this was all when she was fourteen.
"RonReaco got a better present than you because he was more well behaved than you," Annaisha had told fourteen year old Raina, who had frowned at her.
RonReaco was her older brother by one year, who had gotten a PlayStation game for Christmas, which was way better than what Raina Riele had gotten.
An entire skipping rope.
He had smiled at her, with Raina Riele shooting daggers at him, yelling at her parents that they had always favoured RonReaco over her.
They didn't really have the money to give her a better present though, to be honest.
They did for RonReaco but they didn't for Raina Riele, which was just the unfortunate reality of things.
Raina Riele had screamed that she hadn't liked the family, which would have normally led to Annaisha or Jeronicus telling her privately that they had all loved her as well as her brother equally.
Right after that the girl would had stormed into her room in annoyance.
"Raina, why didn't you just tell me any of this?" RonReaco wanted to know, sitting down right next to her on the bed. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"
"I didn't really think that they would have cared that much," Raina Riele deadpanned. "And I don't mean to cause any harm to Leilani. I just really miss him. I stupidly made the mistake of thinking that he was always going to be there. But he wasn't. He's better off without me and I can't stand that because I actually need him in my life."
At least she had admitted that she was wrong.
She also wanted RonReaco to keep the fact that she was going to Kasey's house a secret otherwise her parents would have freaked.
That was lying against them, and RonReaco didn't like lying to anybody really, most especially his parents.
He also didn't want anything bad happening to his sister.
Nothing bad was going to happen to her, and she had promised.
All she wanted to do was to somehow get herself into Unsuspected Love.
"I just want to make up with Leilani, honestly," she sighed. "And he's going to Kasey's house. That's my biggest goal right now."
She had seemed pretty serious about this whole thing, because she was serious about it.
She was going to call her old friend Veronica and explain to her how she wanted her to impersonate her parents.
And she had to do so quickly as well because it was almost time for her parents to call them.
RonReaco had agreed not to tell anyone as long as Raina Riele had started appreciating what she had before she had lost it.
Assuming she had gotten Leilani back.
Even if she didn't, begin grateful was a nice gift to have, and she had promised that as well.
She had kissed him on the cheek and then they had hugged each other, now all the girl really had to do now was to call her friend Veronica.
Her parents had her parents' numbers which also hadn't changed after all these years.
Any minute now and they would have called them.
Raina desperately had to talk to Veronica before that had all happened.
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