Tom walked out the door and looked around, the air smelled of freshly cut grass and rain, another norm for him.
He walked down his driveway, he didn't have a car yet, so he was forced to walk. He looked both ways and crossed, deciding on a nearby park,
Once there he sat on a bench. He knew that he had no place to go, hotels were too expensive and he didn't have any family or friends to go to, so park bench it was for tonight. The sun was starting to set, the temperature dropping a bit. He hated the cold.
He rubbed his arms hoping to warm them,
He set his stuff down and stared outward, at the sky, it was a deep orange color,
red blue and some yellow mixed in, it was beautiful really, a sight to see.
See. Sight. Eyes.
He thought about his 'eyes' and looked down. They were the main cause of his problems.
Honestly, he'd rather be blind.
He'd Scratch them out if he could.
The past flowed into his brain, about all of the things people have said about him, at school at home,
Middle school
"Tom why are your eyes black?"
"Why are you such a freak?"
"Why aren't you dead?"
"Demon? Some kind of monster? What are you?"
"Why are you still here?"
"Don't pay any attention to him guys, he'd Probably kill you"
He'd even hear his 'parents' fight about it, about how the neighbors hated them for taking him in, how they regretted it.
Oh how he knew what people thought of him, oh yes.
He looked at the sky again, a dark bluish black clouded the sky now, a few twinkling stars, here and there.
He'd sleep here for now.
Just until dawn.
He laid on the hard bench using his arms as a pillow,
Dark, cold, uncomfortable, these were the perfect discription of the park bench.
A new discription,
A new sound.
Tom opened his eyes, a little stuck, and blurry.
But he was still able to see,
A red hooded man, a tail, horns, grin.
That's all he got to contemplate, before a horrid blow to the head sent him into unconsciousness.
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