Peter's elbows stay locked and everything around him is hollowed, echoed as if to be deep in an empty chapel. The sirens are growing closer, KAREN is in his ear telling him to stop, Tony is beside him calling his name. But nothing. All Peter is focused on is getting another heartbeat. Something. A breath. He's so focused he hasn't noticed the water falling onto Ajax's face was his own tears cascading down his cheeks.
"Peter, you are causing more damage." KAREN says but Peter keeps pumping to the beat of Stayin Alive, wanting to spit at the irony.
"Come on, kid. You gotta get out of here." Tony kneels beside him and presses a hand on his shoulder.
Nothing, nothing from Peter but a horrible crack is heard and then a sob escapes Peter.
"You're breaking ribs. Go." Tony says. "Get your aunt and come to the hospital. Go."
Peter's mouth quivers as he looks to Tony but his arms stay locked as he keeps up the chest compressions. "I-I-I-I can't." He says, looking back to Ajax.
"Now." Tony's voice is stern and filled with warning.
Peter's compressions slow and become softer. His elbows give and he can feel his muscles growing weak. He tried. He tried so fucking hard and there was still no sign of life. Nothing. Just nothing.
It's all his fault. How could he allow Ajax to go with this plan? He could have done something. Peter could have went after Harry first. He shouldn't have allowed Ajax to take this on. It was his battle and he let her get involved. And now she's just...gone.
"I-I'm-" Peter stammers as he moves and Tony takes over, his compressions not nearly as hard. "I'm sorry..."
"Get out here before someone sees you." Tony says, looking to Peter.
Peter nods, pulling out his mask, and takes a deep breath, rubbing the tears from his eyes before pulling the mask over his face. He had to get out there and he knew it. There's a feeling in the pit of his stomach that's saying it'd only get worse if he didn't. If he stayed, the police would see who Spider-Man really is. They'd know and then they'd likely put blame on him. Sure, Tony is there and Tony would have Peter's back and everything would straighten out. But, Peter can't risk it. Not for him because as far as he's concerned right now, it's just more blood on his hands and maybe it would be safer for everyone if he hung up the suit. But, he'd do it for May.
Peter went straight home just like Tony said, Ajax plastered right in front of his head. Guilt ate at his bones with every swing from every building.g How could he leave her? Leave her like that? What if he had just moved and went in front of her? Would that have changed anything? Why isn't her suit made to withstand electricity? Is his? Why wouldn't Tony make the suit safer? Why wouldn't Ajax suggest it? There were so many damn questions piling up that Peter didn't even see a pole and smacked it face-first, falling to the ground in a hard thud.
"Ow." Peter groans.
"You need to focus, Peter." KAREN says calmly.
"Yeah." He says. Peter rubbed his forehead and tears welled up again. His chest heaved as he shook his head, swallowing a lump in his throat.
"You seem to have a concussion."
"Okay." Peter says.
"You should call May and have her pick you up." KAREN continues. "You are not thinking straight."
"I got it, KAREN." Peter mumbles and shoots a web, lifting himself into the air and swinging from the buildings once more.
Peter pushed Ajax out of his head as much as he could until he reached his bedroom window. HE opened it quickly and slipped in, ripping his mask off his face as he nearly tripped over a book on his floor, trying to make his way to his door. His hand shook as he went for the knob but he paid it not attention as he nearly ripped the door from the hinges, running out.
"Peter?" May asks, standing abruptly when she got sight of her nephew still in his suit with a face full of bruises. "What happened?" May rushes to him and cups his face, looking over his bruises.
"AJ." Peter says in a breath, pulling his face from May's grasp. "A-A-A-AJ." Peter starts to stammer once more and his bottom lip quivers.
May's face drops. By looks of him, there was a pretty bad fight. Bruises decorating Peter's face were the least of her worries. It was parts of his suit that were torn, blood covering where the blue parts should be. It was the tear-stained, red cheeks and the look of absolute dread his normally cheery brown eyes held. The shakiness in his voice that was different from him just being nervous. She knew what it was because he had the same stammer, same expression the day Ben died.
"What happened?" May asks, Peter walking away from her and back to his room, his breathing being heard with every step. "Peter." May keeps his voice stern.
"I-" Peter turns and faces her. "I-I think I killed her."
"What?" May shakes her head, moving back to Peter.
Peter tries to swallowing as the pit in his stomach starts to grow and his head becomes dizzy. "Sh-she just, I wasn't-I wasn't...I wasn't." Peter stumbles for words as the color drained from his face.
"Peter?" May's eyes go wide as she puts his hands out, Peter's going distant before rolling in the back of his head. "Peter!" May screams catching him before he falls limp on the floor.
May cradled Peter and she hesitated for a second. The normal response is to call 9-1-1 but she isn't in a normal circumstance. She has no idea what Peter has just gone through or where he's been. She doesn't know what he means by killed Ajax. May is completely in the dark and there's blood starting to stain the carpet and the only thing she can do is call Tony. Because no one can know Peter is Spider-Man and she can't let her nephew down but she can't let him die either.
"Tony, what the hell happened?" May's voice is stronger than she expected as she held the phone between her head and shoulder.
"There was an accident. You and the kid meet me at-"
"He's fainted! He's bleeding everywhere! What do I do?" May's voice cracks as she tries to apply pressure to Peter's side, one of the cuts larger than the others.
How long had he been bleeding for? Ajax didn't mention it. Tony didn't say anything. Peter didn't notice. How did it even happen? Peter's adrenaline was running so high the boy couldn't feel anything until Ajax was electrocuted. And that was just the emotional pain but his adrenaline could only keep him on his feet for so long why didn't KAREN say anything? Why is he unconscious in his aunt's lap bleeding out?
"Get the suit off of him and I'll call for an ambulance. How bad is it?" The question falls from Tony's voice like torn lace.
"Bad." May says plainly "H-"
"Emblem on the chest." Tony says and May does as Tony says, the suit retracting from Peter's skin.
"What happened?" She asks, more to distract herself while she gets the suit off her nephew.
"It's a long story." Tony says before demanding FRIDAY send an ambulance to Peter's apartment.
"How she is?" May asks as she gets Peter's torso free, tears begging to slip. Tony remains silent. May stops but only for a second as the tears start to fall. Sirens are heard just around the block and she needs to move faster. "What do I tell them?"
"Put clothes on him and say he just collapsed. I'll handle the rest." Tony says, his voice completely monotone before the line goes dead.
May rushes to Peter's room, suit in hand and grabs pants a shirt from the floor, quickly dressing him and trying to keep the sobs to a minimum. His chest was still moving and he was still breathing. Part of her hoped, as horrible as it was, that maybe he'd just passed out from the adrenaline crashing and pain kicking in. It was just too much. She knew he healed faster now, he had to make it out.
He had to.
A constant streaming of beeping filled the quiet and dark room that smelled way too sterile. Everything ached and stung, almost to the point of being numb but not quite. The beeping seemed to get louder and noises from the street started to bleed into the beeping. A siren here and there, a few passing cars honking. Queens, how normal.
Breathing hurt but...breathing. The point was breathing. Breathing meant life. Breathing meant death wasn't ready yet. It's not time yet.
Ajax peaks an eye open, the only light coming from the window, the street lights and city lights coming through the half-open blinds. Slowly, she opened the other eye and looked around the room, trying to focus on anything but the pain she was in. Ajax spots Tony aside in a chair a few feet from her bed. He's in a tracksuit. His arms are crossed but his hand is holding his head up. How long has she been here?
Ajax moves her stare to her right hand and it's bandaged to hell. That's when it hits her. The events that lead her there. Harry. And the electricity hitting her hand, the fall, and then battle of electricity. It hits her like a ton of bricks when she realizes that while her chest and bones ache, the majority of her pain is in her hand. The one part of her body least protected. It felt like it was on fucking fire.
But she fights the urge to make a noise when she notices something. There's an empty chair. An empty chair. Why? Where's Peter? He wouldn't leave her. Ajax knew for a fact there's no way in hell that boy would leave. That's been his goal every damn day. He would stay by her side. But, then Ajax tries to remember before falling unconscious from the shock. Did Peter get hit? Did Harry get up and finish him off? Was this all her fault? He's Spider-Man. He's Peter. This can't be happening. Peter has to be okay.
Ajax groans and tries sitting up, waking Tony instantly.
"Thank god." Tony sighs as he jumps up from his seat and closes the distance. "Are you okay?" Tony's question is fast. "We better get your doc-"
Ajax shakes her head and grabs the remote with the call button away, moving it out of Tony's reach. "I-" Ajax goes to talk but her voice is as rough as sandpaper as she starts coughing. Tony quickly gets her some water. "P." Ajax says through a sip.
"We need your doctor in here-"
"Peter." Ajax's eyes gloss over and she doesn't care about the shakiness or the quiver or the scratchiness. She doesn't care that her chest feels like it's been crushed or that she can't move her right hand or that it feels like fiery pins and needles across her body. She cares about Peter.
"Jax, come on. Doctor first." Tony says.
"Where the fuck is Peter?" Ajax tries her hardest to make her voice sound threatening but all it does is waver.
Tony keeps his eyes on Ajax until another light starts to fill the room. The door creaks open and Tony keeps his eye on who's walking inside but Ajax won't budge. It has to be a doctor. She doesn't give a single shit what they have to say. She only cares about what Tony knows that she doesn't. Where the hell is Peter?
"Asshat." Ajax snaps, bringing Tony's attention back to her.
Tears start to fall with the nickname. She turns her attention to see Peter standing a few feet from her. His hair is a mess and even in the dim light and through the distance, she can see the bags under his eyes and the puffiness that accompanies them. He has a Midtown sweater on and a pair of pajama pants. He's okay.
"P." Ajax croaks and Peter starts to look to Tony.
Tony puts his hands up to surrender. "I'll get a doctor. Be careful." Tony nods and moves away before leaving the room.
It's silent and neither teen can quite put their finger on what to say. It's been three days. Three days Ajax has been out and it was touch and go at first. They weren't sure and they had nearly declared her dead on the way to the hospital. There was so much damage to her heart, to her entire nervous system, it was a miracle they got a pulse let alone detected brain activity and now she's awake and seems to be functioning. The doctors said over and over they weren't sure and they wouldn't be until she woke up, if she did at all. And she did. She's a fighter and she pulled through but what about Peter?
Peter needed surgery to repair some of his internal bleeding as well as stitch up his wound. There was quite a bit damage, most of it done before Ajax ever showed up. The doctors were surprised Peter made it as long as he did without going to the hospital, well, thinking he's like them anyway. With his healing speed, he would have been okay with just some stitches on the deep cut. So, he's okay and they were able to discharge him earlier this morning.
Ajax doesn't know what happened to him, though. And he doesn't want to tell her. He doesn't want to tell her that he was too focused on trying to keep her safe that he didn't notice when he got cut by a spare piece of metal from the impact of the electricity. Without a word, Peter knew Aajx would blame herself even though he's okay. He's physically okay and seeing Ajax fills this emotional hole he's been terrified of.
"Uh," Peter stutters, keeping his stance.
"P?" Ajax whines.
"I-I'm...I'm-I'm so sorry." Peter mumbles and hangs his head.
Ajax's heart feels constricted by the looks of Peter. What's he sorry for? What did she miss? The plan was that he'd make it out alive. He did. He's here and he's standing and he's okay. Why is he sorry?
"P?" Ajax repeats and Peter looks up to her with red eyes and tears glistening in the soft light.
He makes small steps towards her, the hesitance clear in the air. She looks horrible. She's pale and her eyes are hollowed and watered and she has scars around her neck and her exposed arms from the electricity. The neatest thing about her is her hair and that's only because Pepper has been brushing it and keeping it from turning to a rat's nest.
"I'm sorry." Peter says again once he reaches Ajax but she doesn't say anything.
A few tears fall as she lifts her left arm, the pain of her right hand radiating too much for her to attempt to lift her arm, gesturing for Peter to come closure. He hesitates as his chin wrinkles, an obvious sign of him trying to hold back his tears.
"Please." Ajax pleads and Peter leans in.
His arms wrap softly around Ajax's frail body and within seconds she starts to shake as sobs flow through her. She buries her face in the crook of Peter's neck as his grip tightens, Ajax not able to care about the pain anymore, just Peter. Tears start falling from Peter's eyes but he bites his lip to try and hold himself together, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths.
Ajax smells different and Peter hates it. She smells like this damn hospital with the faintest scent of burned hair. He hates how she smells. It's not her and it's not right. That never should have happened. And she's crying, uncontrollable sobs with a dry throat. Peter can nearly taste the bitterness and saltiness with every passing second.
"I-I thought you died." Ajax croaks, her left hand gripping Peter's sweater as tight as possible.
"W-what? Why? Why would you think that?" Peter pulls away, brows furrowed but eyes pained.
"Y-you weren't here. You weren't here when I first woke up and you said you'd always be here and all I remember was the light from the electricity and then that's it and everything hurts and I thought there was-"
"AJ." Peter whispers, this time being the one to cut her off. "I-I'm okay." He nods with the shrug of his shoulders.
"You walk funny." Ajax points out.
Peter's head hangs as he releases Ajax but her grip keeps him close to her. "Yeah..."
"What happened?"
"I just, I got hurt. It's okay. It's healing." Peter gives a weak smile and pulls up the side of his sweater revealing a stitched up cut.
"Pete? Can you give us a minute?" Tony says as he enters the room with the doctor.
Ajax lets go of Peter and quirks a brow. 'Pete'? She's never heard Tony address him by his name. She can't even tell if that's a good or bad thing. All she knows for sure is that he's okay and that's what matters. Whatever is wrong with her, that doesn't matter.
"So, how are you feeling?" The doctor asks once Peter is out of the room.
"Uh, pain." Ajax says.
"Yeah, you got struck pretty bad. We'll up the drip a little bit for you." He says as he walks over to Ajax and uses a flashlight to check her eyes. "Follow my finger." Ajax follows his finger, side to side and up and down. "Well, seems like you're doing alright. Any brain fog? Do you remember anything?"
"Uh," Ajax glances to Tony and shakes her head. "Not really." She lies. "Just a bright light and then dark."
"Well, you were struck by lightning. Unfortunately, that affects your nervous system and your heart. You did get lucky that your boyfriend was there. The kid broke a few of your ribs but it's likely his CPR that saved you."
Boyfriend. BRoken ribs. Ajax was taken aback by the doctor's words. She really was out of it and now she gets Peter's words. She understands Peter's hesitance towards her. In order for Peter to do CPR, he had to have had KAREN checking vitals. Her heart stopped and Peter blames himself but she's okay. Now all she has to do is hope he understands that.
"But," The doctor continues. "Your nervous system was severely compromised. There's no telling if it's permanent or not but, you will likely be in pain indefinitely." Ajax nods, but it's an understanding nod. She knew the risk going into that fight. "There's more," HE says. "Your hand, we tried to fix as much as we could in the operating room but again, there's no telling how much movement you'll have back. You'll need physical therapy and maybe that can help. We also had to put a pacemaker in your heart. You're truly lucky to be alive. You don't remember anything? It's just, a bit odd, your injuries."
"No." Ajax answer plainly. "Nothing."
"Okay," He nods accepting the answer likely thanks to Tony. "The scarring will be there forever, that I know for sure."
"Scarring?" She questions.
"From the electrocution."
"Right, right." Ajax nods, remembering reading something about lightning strikes and what it does to the body. "At least it'll look cool, I guess." Ajax forces a smile and the doctor returns it.
"Yeah, it will." He nods. "Well, I'm gonna put in an order for your meds and we'll see how you're doing. We'll need an EKG later and we'll want to keep you a few more nights."
"Okay." Ajax nods.
"Do you want your boyfriend in here?"
Ajax gives a genuine smile as her cheeks flush red. "Yeah, that'd be great."
"I'll get him. You're a fighter." The doctor gives a proud smile before exiting the room.
"Don't tell Peter." Ajax rushes.
"Tell Peter what?" Tony asks, moving back to his chair.
"My hand. I wanna tell him."
"We'll get it fixed."
"Yeah sure." Ajax rolls her eyes as she reaches for her water. "I can't feel it, Tony."
"I figured out how to get Rhodey to walk. I can figure out how to get your hand working. Hang in there." Tony reassures.
"I'm sorry." Ajax apologizes with a heavy heart. "I should have let you help."
"I thought you two could handle this. And you did, kind of, aside from you both almost dying."
"This hero shit sucks." Ajax mumbles.
Tony chuckles. "Yeah, yeah it does sometimes."
Peter makes his way back into the room and Ajax's focus is solely on him. Her heart picks up pace and her bones ache for him. They've been through a lot and the only thing Ajax wants is to hug him and never let go. Never and that's the only thing that's running through Peter's mind. But she's so fragile. She has the markings to prove it. She's not as strong as him and he physically broke her. He wants to lay beside her and wrap her in his arms for the rest of eternity but now he's just scared. But, he can feel her need for him and her adoration. Who would he be to let his fear get in the way? Ajax sure as hell didn't.
Peter walks up to her slowly and Ajax moves over, Peter putting down the rail at the edge of the bed and slowly making eye contact with Tony who simply nods with approval. He climbs in beside her and wraps an arm around her shoulders. Ajax groans at first but soon falls into him and suddenly everything feels safe again and there's no hesitance or reluctance or tension. It's safe again and it's home.
When a nurse came in to adjust the morphine drip, she wasn't too keen on the position of the teens but Tony assured her it was okay and he was there. Even in a hospital, Tony has enough to pull to get what he wants.
"So, you two did good." Tony says with the TV softly playing.
Peter and Ajax look over to him. "We did?" Ajax asks. "We almost died."
"Yeah," Tony nods. "But you didn't. You should have called but, you two did good."
"T-thanks, Mr. Stark." Peter blushes in response, his arm not budging around Ajax.
"Thanks, Tony." Ajax gives him a soft smile. "Uh, w-what, ya know, did he die?" Ajax asks hesitantly.
Tony takes in a sharp breath. "Yeah, he did." He nods. "Your suit is designed to withstand so many watts, clearly," Tony's eyes widen and his words grow bit louder. "I need to adjust it." Ajax's face goes red. "But, his wasn't made like yours."
Peter knew that Harry had died and that was part of why he was hesitant. Ajax told him that she regretted killing everyone she had. And yes, the family was a horrible accident but even the guy she killed with intention, she regretted it and now she has to live with another body. More blood on her hands. Peter wanted to be the one to tell her since he was there but Tony insisted it would be him. Tony didn't want Peter to have to live with the guilt of telling her.
"Now what?" Ajax sighs.
"Well, you recover as does Pete and life goes on." Tony says calmly.
"That's it? What about-"
Tony raises his hand. "That's it. I've got it taken care of."
"You just gonna keep cleaning up after me?"
"Nope." Tony shakes his head and there's a soft forming grin. "I'm going to call Pepps, you two gonna be okay?" Tony rests his hands on the arms of his chairs and gets up.
"Yeah, it's fine." Ajax nods.
After Tony leaves the room to more or less call Pepper, Ajax and Peter watch whatever was on the basic cable station. Neither of them were too focused on what was actually playing. Their heads were too caught up in everything. Ajax knows she killed Harry and she feels guilty for it but, had she not killed him, he would have killed Peter and her so she can't dwell on it. She knows that. But it's the weight of everything and the feeling of remorse she can feel through Peter with her arm lightly around his torso, minding his stitches.
"Thank you." Peter whispers.
"What?" Ajax looks up to him, furrowed brows on display.
"You, uh, you saved me."
"You saved mine first."
Peter chuckles and his cheeks shoot red. "Yeah, I-I, yeah." Peter stammers. "Uh, Gwen said she's sorry. I told her what happened. That Harry went after you, I mean and you had a plan, not your powers and stuff. . The, uh, the yellow ones are from her." Peter nods towards the desk by the window where there's a few balloons and bouquets of flowers. "Ned got you the balloons."
Ajax laughs and bites her lip. "They're not mad I basically made you alienate them?"
"Nah," Peter shakes his head. "They get it but they want a heads up next time."
"Yeah, I think I, uh, learned my lesson on keeping everyone in the dark."
"Yeah, yeah." Peter nods quickly.
"You said next time." Ajax quirks a brow.
"Oh...yeah, uh, ya know, if-if you wanted to. We just work well but I know that you're hurt and I'm sorry but I, uh, I overheard about your hand and Mr. Stark told me about your heart and everything so there's no rush or anything but we're talking about it now and, I-I'm okay." Peter shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair. "Nevermind."
"Tony had the arc reactor keeping him alive for how long? I think I'll be alright but you save people. You save them and then I'll just watch from sidelines and save your ass when you get into trouble."
"Okay." Peter chuckles and his arm tugs her closer.
The two of them lay like that even after Tony returns. Ajax falls asleep first and Peter follows not long after. And that's how it was. Tony slept in the chair and even though they were in a hospital and it's not exactly comforting, everything, for the first time in two years, everything seemed like things might be okay.
And Ajax slept, for a bit until the pain woke her up and Peter was first to get a nurse. But he stayed with her every step of the way, refusing to leave even when he was asked to. Ajax didn't want him to leave and Peter would be damned if he did. Tony was with the teens, backing them up. And Peter stayed and the two fell back asleep.
When the next day came around, Ajax was exhausted but she was healing. Peter wore the sheepish grin Ajax was customed to and her heart wanted to explode. And she was up for visitors so Gwen and Ned came by. Gwen was first to start apologizing for slapping Ajax and Ajax was quick to say she didn't need to. She deserved it. But the girls made up within in minutes, no hard feelings, no bad blood. Ned had a bunch of questions regarding what happened. Peter kept Ajax's secret leaving Gwen and Ned in the dark to that bit. Ajax looked at the two, wide eyes and curiosity before just telling them the story, just leaving out her powers. Ned was quick to say how cool it was that she could also work on a suit and wanted to know everything and anything. The day was spent with the four teens talking and laughing, just like that day back at Peter's apartment, watching Harry Potter.
Everything was smoothed over and within a few days, Ajax was able to be discharged. She wasn't at her full strength and as her doctor said, she'd be in pain but she tried to not let it get to her much. Peter being a big help with it. He had to go back to school with him being completely healed but Ajax wasn't set to go back for another week, her choice. So, every day Peter came to the tower to bring her a late lunch, even when she insisted she was fine. They'd eat together before Peter went off to do his Spider-Man thing.
The more Ajax watched Peter fall back into a normal routine, the more she adored him which she never thought possible. Of course, she loved him and she'd known that for a long time now but it's as if she's falling in love with him all over again, in a new way and it keeps her sane. Tony was working hard on trying to figure out a way to get Ajax to use her hand properly again while she had physical therapy. He seemed to be close but Ajax didn't mention it. She felt better but she still didn't want to get her hopes up. Not just yet.
But, one day, Tony woke up her early and had her go down to the lab. He made a piece of tech that covered the top of her hand and when she put it on, it sent soft vibrations to her bones and through her nerves while also having a stabilizer. With it, the pain wasn't horrendous and it helped. It would take getting used to but it's what she had and Tony figured it out.
Now, it's been five months and a half months, junior year has finally come to an end for the teens. The birds came back from the south and the grass has grown back. Hoodies are only needed at night or when it's raining.
"Comfortable?" Ajax chuckles as she's laid out on her stomach on her balcony, Peter laying his head on her back in order to read his comic book.
"Very." He laughs in response. "You?"
"Yeah, yeah." Ajax rolls her eyes and looks to her open sketchbook and a pencil in hand, the stabilizer piece a shining in the lights of her balcony.
"What're you gonna draw today?" Peter asks, comic book open and his knees bent.
"I don't know." Ajax mumbles, tapping her pencil. "What should I draw?"
"Tony wants to upgrade my suit for the summer, you, uh, could update the emblem?" Peter offers, him still getting used to using Tony's first name.
"Oh, I see, you wanna use me to help design your suit. I see how it is." Ajax chortles.
"No!" Peter defends as he laughs. "That's not all."
"Oh, no?" Ajax quirks a brow, turning her head to look at him.
Peter's face is flushed red and Ajax wonders if he'll ever stop blushing around her. And god does she hope not because it's too adorable. "You also have the best snacks."
"Fuck off!" Ajax laughs, putting her weight on her right elbow to push him off of her. "No more snacks for you." Ajax sticks her nose up.
"Noooo," Peter whines. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Peter moves to lay on his stomach beside Ajax, matching her position. "I'm sorry." Peter gives her puppy dog eyes and sticks out his bottom lip.
"Are you, P? Or are you trying to get me to give me my last bag of Doritos?"
Peter bites his lip, trying to hold his shit-eating grin back before bursting into laughter. "Is it working?"
"No! They're mine!"
Peter sticks out his bottom lip again but it doesn't stick, him not able to maintain the fake pout with the look of Ajax. The city lights and the light above them hit her perfectly. And she was smiling, genuinely smiling, something she does a lot now. She struggles with recovering still but she's getting there. Peter walks with her every step and he's so happy because he has her and she's okay. For the first time, she's okay. And they're okay and they're gonna make it. Peter's heart pounds against his ribcage with his utter adornment and he can sense the exact same feelings radiating from Aajx. This is how it was always supposed to be.
Peter leans in first and Ajax closes the distance, connecting her lips to his in a soft kiss. It only lasts a few seconds before they rest their foreheads against each others. Peter takes a deep breath and his eyes are soft and full of love. He's so perfect. And he is so in love with you.
"You know I love you." Ajax whispers.
"I know." Peter grins. Ajax's smile drops and her eyes narrow playfully as she pulls her head back and lightly head butts Peter. "Ow." Peter laughs, his nose scrunching and wrinkles forming by his eyes. "I love you, too, AJ." Peter says as his laugh subsides and places another kiss to her lips.
"Fine, you can have my damn Doritos!" Ajax pulls away and Peter thrusts his fist in the air and he gets up and goes into her room, retrieving the small bag.
What a loser.
"Thank you." He beams.
"You suck." Ajax rolls her eyes as Peter sits beside her, offering her a chip. "I said what I said." Ajax takes a chip as the two look at the passing cars. "See that?" Ajax points out to someone breaking into a car.
"Yep." Peter smirks and hands her the chips.
"I've got KARL." Ajax says as Peter taps his webshooters and a newer version of his suit covers him.
"I'll be back." Peter says before his mask covers his face.
"I got you." Ajax sits up so she can watch from her balcony.
Peter walks to the edge and hops on the railing. "I got you first."
Ajax rolls her eyes, a delicate smirk on her lips. "Go get 'em Spider-Boy."
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