The Ghostly Woman and the words that she doesn't know.
I heard a loud scream from the tree place, the words were scribbled above the archway? yeah that's what it's called an archway! I smiled a little remembering something, I looked at the words sprawled above it "Orcard?" was the only one I could make out. What's an Orchid I wanted to go in and look at it but looking beneath the archway there was an energy and something black was swirling around, along with people? Couples, their skin was see through which was weird, and they were scarred up.
"Hello?" I asked looking at the nearest lady, her haired was up,she wore a black skirt with a white poodle on it? Her lips were blood red, her eyes a dark green and her hair was Deans' shade.
She looked at me fearfully "Child get away from here now!" Her right side of her face was scarred, it was scary too look at I felt my breath pick up.
"But you're hurt, you gotta get out!" I said rushing to the enterance, she lifted up her skinny pale left hand and I flung back to the car, hitting my head slightly. It hurt a lot but I didn't let the tears fall from my eyes.
"None of us can ever get out until he is destroyed!" The woman said looking at me her white and bloody button up shirt seemed to fade a little more.
"Who's he?" I asked nervously getting up
"A scarecrow," The woman said in almost a whisper, the others around her shook with fear.
Suddenly the rustling of leaves was heard and Sam, Dean, and another lady came out of the Orchid passing through the girl. I gasped a little, Dean looked surprised to see me.
"Mary Jes?" He said a little angry "What are you-How?" He said looking over at his brother.
"Explain later," Sam said helping the girl to the car, "We gotta get away from the orchard now!"
third person pov.
Dean groaned as he got in the passenger seat, Sam in the drivers seat, the woman and (y/n) in the back.
"Are you hurt lady?" Mary asked looking at the woman's wrist that were bruised by rope. The woman nodded rubbing the bruses.
"Mary. Jessica. Winchester." Dean said looking at the little girl "What the Hell are you doing back here?! I thought you were at the hospital. Safe. In Illinois." His tone was serious, grave, almost scary.
"I-there was a man and he had wings and he gave me a ticket and I found Sam." The brown haired girl began to stutter
"Wings?" Dean said sarcatically "And did he have a halo? Maybe even a white robe on?"
Mary shook her head violently "He wore a trench coat and he looked tired."
Dean shook his head and turned around looking at the road again,
"And Sam," Dean began "How could you let her stay with you!? Why didn't you send her back?"
"Dean." Sam began not looking over at his brother "She's a kid, if it was an angel then maybe there's a reason we found her."
Dean scoffed, the woman in the back seat was listening soaking up every word that passed through their lips.
"He's got a point," the woman spoke up "If this kid can see angels number one without getting blinded there has to be a reason you guys have her and number two you'd have to be curel to send her back when she came to find you guys."
"Shut your pie hole." Dean said getting more agravated
The woman looked offended she leaned back against the dark leather seats, looking over at the dark brown haired girl who still had traces of dirt in between the cracks of her skin.
"You must really love them." The girl whispered to her, the brown haired girl gave the woman a confused look.
"What's love?" she asked in a whisper
The woman looked confused then sighed "Pain, joy, fear, beauty, hope, sacrafice, sadness. Hell and Heaven combinded into one."
The little girl was even more confused and it was a little visable on her face, but she said nothing. The four were quiet for the rest of the drive until they pulled into a motel. The bright lights fasinated the girl only for a moment, before the car jerked stop, and her door was suddenly open an angry looking Dean outside of it.
"Grab your stuff," he sighed annoyed. Mary nodded happily and grabbed her things before climbing out of the car and walking a few feet away from it towards where Sam and the woman were walking to.
"Wait you didn't have your seat belt on?!" Dean asked concerned but annoyed
"What's a-" Mary began to ask but Dean waved his hand as if to silence her, he then motioned her to come car, Dean already had a hold of the leather belt.
"Okay," he began "You take this belt, and you put it into this little buckle hole," Dean said demonstarting the movement. "But you gotta be in the belt. Understand?" Mary nodded smiling a little.
"You don't remember anything do you?" Dean asked, looking back over at the kid as he shut the door, Mary shook her head a little saddened. Dean ran his fingers through his hair and picked Mary up her plastic bag dangling in her hands.
"Damnit I guess she does have to stay." Dean thought to himself as he entered the motel room where Sam was calming down the woman. Sam couldn't help but smirk a little as he saw his brother caring the small child in his hands.
The motel room was big, a kitchen that would never be used laid decorated like the night sky, a constolations all around the wallpaper, the metal blue fridge laid blank and empty, the countertop was white and marbled along with the white wooden cabnits. The floor was dark blue carpeted, the two twin beds were large and soft looking, the night sky reflected off of them.
"Um," Sam said looking at the girl, "I know we just met but can you and Mary take a bath together? She doesn't know how to at all."
the blonde looked confused but nodded "Amnesia?" she mouthed to the older Winchester, he nodded. Dean set Mary down as she placed her bag down under a chair, The woman took Mary by her tiny pale hand as they walked to the bathroom together.
"Are you okay?" Marry asked not sure what the word 'okay' meant but said it anyways. The girl shook her head, as they entered the large dark blue bathroom, stars acting as the lights. The woman turned on the lights as Mary looked at them in wonder.
"You can talk to me about it if you want too." Mary said the words pouring out like vomit.
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