The to men told Marry how to bathe once they were into the motel and she went into the bathroom to take a bath.
As soon the brown haired girl shut the door Dean looked at his younger brother and sighed.
"She's gonna hate us but we have to take her to an Orphanage. "
Sam looked shocked at his brother
"Sam," Dean began seeing the look on his brothers face
"She deserves a better life than this."
"I know she does." Sam said sadly, he the grabbed his computer.
"Whatcha looking for Sammy?" Dean asked
"You remember how I told you that the building burned down around four years ago?"
Dean looked at his brother shocked
"You actually think this kid is physic?"
"Sam we can't keep her." Dean stressed
"She needs to go to school, and she'd get in the way."
Just then the door opened showing Mary in her long brown shirt, dripping wet. Her eyes looked like she had been crying.
"Hey kid," Dean said looking at the girls eyes
"You been crying?"
The girl shook her head
"I got some of that Dove soap on my eyes that's all." Mary smirked at the brothers
"Where did you find Dove soap?" Sam asked
The little girl turned into the bathroom and after the sound of a cabnitt opening and closing Mary came out with a small box of soap that had the word Dove on it.
"Wait did you read that?" Sam asked a little impressed
The brothers were a little more suspicious of the girl and Dean sat down on one of the beds.
"How does a little girl know how to read?" he thought
The brown haired girl was confused
"I thought everyone could read? Its always been like breathing to me.." Mary was now worried she had done something bad.
The brothers were confused,
"Mary can you come over here real quick?" Sam asked pulling up a chair.
Mary walked over worriedly, dragging her feet on the carpet.
She sat in the seat as Sam pulled up a Shakespear line from Hamlet.
"Can you tell me what this says?" He asked pointing to a hard line.
"You w-would play unto me
You would seem to know my stoops?"
Sam shook his head 'yes'
Mary nodded her he's and continued, Dean watched and took out a thing of holly water.
"You would pluck out the heart of my Mytorie-Mystier-Mystery?"
Sam nodded as Dean slowly can up behind the girl and quickly poorer the water on her. Nothing happened except Mary looking around too see what spilled on her.
"She's just a human then." Dean thought he felt relieved.
Mary let out a small yawn but continued reading
"You would soond, suond-sound me froom my loest note.
To the top of my coompas, and there is much music. Ecelent voice in this little organn yet camnot you make it speak."
Dean knew that the girl wouldn't be able to stay with them, if she's this smart then she can't. Her future would be so much brighter without them.
Marry shifted in her chair so that she now rested her head on the younger brother slowly falling asleep.
Dean walked to grab his keys and walked out.
Sam was about to chase after him but by the time he tried moving the girl the Impala had already sped off.
Sam sighed irritated, he picked up the girl and laid her on the couch, incase she woke up he would turn on the television for her.
A few minutes later Dean can back in with a plastic Macy bag.
"Where the Hell did you speed off to like that?" Sam asked annoyed as he put his computer back.
Dean pulled out a small pair of brown overalls and a light pink long sleeved shirt.
"I don't want to give her up in that." Dean said angrily setting the clothes on the couch as he went to get ready for bed.
Sam looked at the girl sadly she would have to go weather they wanted it or not. It's for her own good..or is it really?
^^^^&time skip middle of the night^^
Mary who had found her way into Sams bed had crawled into bed with Dean who just felt his heart ache, later he fell asleep only to hearing Sam on the phone.
"Dad." Sam said shocked.
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