Chapter 32
An immense pulling sensation brought Joon back, causing him to stir and open his eyelids.
He was lying on the floor of the receiving room, the sofa behind him reduced to wooden shards and torn seats. The room was dark, all lights switched off, the air undisturbed with anyone's presence.
He heard her calling him in his mind, the pulling sensation strongly tugging him to where she was commanding his presence. Joon fought against it, as he stood up and looked towards the door. If only he could escape, maybe-
The sensation overwhelmed him, the invisible ropes binding him, tightened.
He could not even take a step forward before he found himself standing in her room, in front of her bed. Her sitting solemnly in its center.
Similar to the rest of the house, this room too was curtained with darkness. Only the tall doors to the balcony were open, letting the splendor of the white full moon to cast its silver light inside, shading the harsh reality in a haze of a fragile dream. The white curtains danced from the flowing wind, the sound of the black waves breaking the surface with the constant reflection of the bright moon on its inky waters capable of making a person believe in the magic of the night, inviting one to indulge.
Anya sat still, the wound from the knife still bleeding unimpeded, the drops of blood a stark contrast against the snowy bedsheets.
Seeing her, the hollow bitterness and fury returned, clashing with profound gut-wrenching desolation.
"Break the wish. Or change it." it was somewhere between a plea and a command.
Anya shook her head gently, "Once the wish has been cast and sealed with blood, it cannot be reversed. Or stopped."
He stood tall in front of the bed, his silhouette lean and sturdy. A man broken in every corner on the inside.
His specs reflected the moonlight, veiling his scarlet eyes.
"I will never forgive you." He spoke through clenched teeth, his chest tight with pain, "I will never give you my trust again."
Lips tugging upwards, eyes unbearably gentle and soft, Anya nodded, "Don't then. When you meet me again, its okay to doubt me."
Joon tried to stop himself, but like a compulsion, his legs moved forward, his right knee bending and lifting on the bed, his body leaning forward in a crouch.
With his entire might, Joon pulled at his own will, but the restraining bond plunged him with furious pain.
"The array would work on a dark entity or a demon if a sacrifice was offered, beyond the promised life. The sacrifice had to be someone or something it was attached with, or obsessed with. In the absence of which, the array would fail to hold the entity in place, the bonds of the deal would never sink in."
Anya explained when she saw his constant, hopeless fight. "I was the caster, the target and the sacrifice. You were easily bonded with this inescapable leash because of it."
By then, Joon had climbed on the bed on his hands and knees, right in front of where she sat, his breath falling in an icy whisper on her face.
A mockery of laughter vibrated from his chest as he asked with unconcealed bitterness, "Should I be proud of you Anya?"
Anya lowered her lashes, "You are calling my name."
Joon's body moved forward even as the tendons and veins in his neck became prominent with the amount of effort he was exerting to somehow do the opposite of what his body was.
"You don't like it?" his low voice was venomous, "Sadly, calling you by a name is not a part of your wish sweetheart, I don't think you can command me on that."
Anya's breath hitched at the way he was talking to her, "Joonie, Don't send me off this way-"
"SHUT UP!!!!!" Joon pushed her hard, knocking her to lay down on the bed. As soon as Anya lay down, his body crawled to cage her as he towered over her form.
The red of his pupils started bleeding to the rest of white, his emotions torn with pain, he looked down at her dearly adored face, feeling like a red hot iron rod had been shoved down his throat, burning him from inside out.
He was a man on the brink of losing all his world. He was a man on the edge of a plunge that would rob him of his life.
"Shut up!" he said hoarsely, hanging his head in despair, "Shut up."
His hands were on both sides of her head, his knees beside her waist. His fists clutched the bedsheets in a desperate grip to not get loose and touch her skin. He was struggling with everything he had and it showed in the way his arms trembled.
"You will never hear me calling you that ever again. . ." hoarse voice ringing with pain, he whispered it with his eyes clenched shut.
Unwelcome tears gathered in her eyes as Anya lifted herself a little, speaking against his lips, "Liar."
The contact of their lips was small, but instantaneously, her life essence flowed from her to him in a steady wave. Joon wanted to jerk his head away, but his bond tightened, making him lower himself, his lips opening in a greed of more.
"NO!" Joon managed to somehow move his head sideways, the effort leaving him to pant heavily, the ridiculous amount of pain at going against the commanded bond making him dizzy.
He was right, Anya thought as she witnessed the tremendous fight he engaged in against the inevitable, she had truly betrayed him. And broken him.
A man who was perhaps born to love her, a man whose every thought circled around protecting her, was the man whom she bound in an enchantment to kill her.
The red lines started appearing on his body as he kept on fighting against the command, every bit of breath drawn in a frantic struggle drawn from the last drop of his soul to keep from reaching her.
To defy the instincts surging up in to kill her.
"Tell me." he asked in a weary breath, even as the red lines started alarmingly spreading all over him at his constant painful resistance, "Is this because of a few humans I killed? Do you think the Kings and Generals of olden times are as damned as me? Did they stain their souls too?"
Exhaustion was evident in his every move, but still, he did not stop, "Tell me Anya, why?"
"Because the reason matters Joon, it always does." Anya watched him fondly, "If only the rules of the world were black and white, things would be easier. A General you say? In times where one is not aware of an action being a sin, how can someone be aware of it being wrong? In olden times, if a life was being pursued for being taken, that life in turn being extinguished was what society saw as right. The rules never made the soul aware of it being wrong, so when the act was committed, the conscience was clear.
Taking an innocent life is still not an action of light, but the reason behind your actions is what stains you.
What you are doing, is not because you are that dark that it reflects on your actions but because of a rotten negativity which you should not have partaken in."
Anya smiled, "A devil will not be questioned for taking the soul of some innocent, but the similar act will be a crime if committed by a human." She saw him trying to understand her at the same time resist too, "Though you say your soul is a dark entity, it is still acting on the desires of its human memories. That, is the cause."
"If I let go of my identity I will disappear." Joon said, "I cant let go! I don't know how to! Even if I want to Anya, I cant."
Wasn't that the reason why this all happened?
"It was my fault." Anya whispered.
It had been. She was passive in her attempt to help him, to save him.
Just like that injured canine she had seen in her childhood, if a wounded animal came to her and she only showed it love and acceptance, would that make him stronger? Or just possessively attached to her? Destroying anyone that came close without any sense or deliberation.
No, to truly save him, apart from her whole hearted love, she needed to guide him, teach him. Protect him from further harm. Shelter him while enlightening him on all that he did not know, was never taught. Right from wrong situation per situation. Dark and light.
Helping him halfway while hoping for him to be okay, was that ever possible?
Black drops of liquid dripped on her cheeks after it rolled down Joon's face from his fiery red eyes. He knew he had lost the most important battle of his life, when his tears spilled without permission.
"Please don't make me do this. . ." he begged with heart wrenching desperation, "Please Anya, don't destroy me."
The twisting red lines slowly spread across his neck, his face, like thorny scarlet branches on his skin, as his tears fell without stop.
"Don't be this cruel to me Anya, don't slaughter me with your merciless punishment. . ." His back bowed deeper, his body just a few inches away from touching her, "They could only take away my sense, you will obliterate my very being. . ."
Tears of his crushing pain flowed out.
This was the taste of what he had never borne. This was the emotion he had never known.
Obliterating, knifing, soul splintering loss.
A defeat more profound than death.
"Anya. . . stop."
Thrashing inside the pain for resisting was also the yawning gulf of losing her. He was going to lose her. She would be gone.
"My obsession is not greater than the fate of me loving you. . ." gasps filled in between his bleeding voice, his words were almost inaudible,
"My life. . . you are my life Anya, how can you ask me to take that? To stay beside each other, was that not the vow we felt? That day in the orchard and every single night since we met. . . now you want to break it?"
That was their Unspoken Vow.
Joon groaned against the onslaught of the pain the bond imposed on him for defying its nature to complete the wish. It was thirsty for her life.
His body almost lay on top of her soft one, his head besides her.
"God, please. . . save me. . ." Joon brokenly prayed, close to being defeated, "Save me."
Her lips trembled as his pain hurt her deeply, his continued pointless fight, shaking her heart. She wanted to reach up and gather him, wanted to reassure him that all would be well again, but she couldn't.
Nothing would be well.
They could never go back to the past.
Everything was about to end. Both her and him.
"Am I a monster for being relieved by my mother's death?" the lanky tall boy asked her solemnly making her feel a suffocation in her chest.
"You dummy!" she reached up to knock him on his head, but no matter how much she jumped, she could not reach his forehead.
When the boy understood her intentions, he looked at her small face concentrating on jumping higher. His glasses shielding the helpless adoration in his eyes, he leaned down and presented the small girl with what she wanted.
Satisfied, Anya knocked his head now that it had lowered, "You are a giant, but you are soooo clueless! Don't you know? If a parent beats a child, the child is a victim!! That elder is a Monster!! Not the other way around!"
Her words brought a little light in those dull eyes.
A while later that boy turned to her again, "And if it was your mother? Would you still call her a Monster?"
When Anya had scrunched up her face and haltingly thought out loud about what he said and confirmed with a big nod that she would, the boy kept looking at her with a deep stare.
But that stare never made her feel strange. It did not scare her.
She felt, in turn it made her feel cherished.
That boy, who was so badly abused by his mother slowly walked and then bent down in front of her. He took her hand in both of his and clasped it.
"I will protect you if that happens." He had promised her in a way that made her feel he was making his life's most binding oath, "If she ever wants to hit you, call me over. I will take your hits for you. I will protect you."
Heavy curtain of tears blurred her vision as she listened to that grown up boy begging, pleading and groaning in pain. Still abiding by that oath. Still protecting that fragile core of utter joy.
Suddenly, Joon jerked up, a horrified expression on his face, utter devastation in his eyes.
The commanding bond was taking over his strong will, slowly corroding the frenzied final barrier of block he had put up.
"No. . . No. . .Anya! ANYA! RUN! PLEASE RUN!! Please run from me. . . grant me this one wish. . ." his hoarse voice was lost.
He had lost.
As he was meant to. It was an outcome that was inevitable.
"Shhhh. . ." she spoke through her own heavily clogged throat, "Its okay. . ." reaching up, Anya at last encircled his neck, holding him.
Immediately a slow burning pain invaded the point of her contact, her life starting to drain.
Joon let out a choked wail of denial, his body trembling from the effort he exerted.
"Let go Joon," Anya whispered in his ears, salty water falling steadily from the corner of her eyes, "Let go."
Collapsing on her, Joon turned his head and kissed her.
His trembling hands let go of the death grip it had on the bedsheets and reached for her clothes, tearing the fabric easily.
Anya stopped thinking, giving herself up for the kiss, knowing that the rest would only be a maze of pain for her. This was the only time she would get to say. . .
Goodbye. . .
Joon broke the kiss to look down at her, even when his hands touched her skin, his big hands trailing the body he uncovered leaving a burning stabbing pain wherever it touched.
"DAMN YOU!!" he cried, his heart breaking as his will broke completely, "Damn you. . ."
His clothes followed the fate of hers, spreading her legs he rested himself against her, her hair falling like a curtail of silk around them.
"This is what you taught me." his anger and grief harshly grated down while his hands jerked her closer, his hardness preparing to enter her soft core, "This is what I will remember. The lesson I will learn!"
Anya gasped from the abrupt pain of being ripped apart which was added over the sensation of lava burning her veins, flowing out of her body leaving her covered in blisters on the inside.
That heavy thrust made her essence flow out swifter, cutting her inside like sharp wires. The dragging and coiling of her life draining from her dulled her senses to the way Joon held her against him, it made her numb to his kisses.
It hurt.
The way she was losing her essence which flowed to him.
Joon had no control over his body, which moved violently against her, thrusting and holding her down, the sound of their flesh meeting failing to arouse any bit of passion or heat in the cold, chilled heart.
His body was making love to hers, his heart was dying with each move.
As was she.
Gritting his teeth from sobbing, Joon said, "Never will I sacrifice myself in a situation if a sense my death. I will take you along with me! Life and death, I will claim you in both. You will always die with me if I am going to, just like what you are doing tonight."
Anya disassociated from herself for a time, her body on the limit of what it could take. In a rapid flow, she saw herself wilting, her skin losing its colour to a ghastly pale, her eyes dimming with each thrust.
Joon's body was ice cold, sliding over her skin, but she could not feel it. Anya felt a sorrow over not even getting to know her lover.
Her hands had trouble holding on to him as his movements became sharp and frantic, almost sliding off when Joon reached out to hold her palms in his, bending over her to touch his lips to hers.
The brutal thrusts were in complete contrast to the gentle kiss, his lips sliding over hers in adoration, in a way that he was imprinting her taste. His tongue met hers, rolling and tugging, the salt of his tears intermingling with it.
The kiss was what both of them felt, the true feeling of regret. Aching loss.
Of imminent separation.
"What if I go away from you someday? What if I leave?"
"I wont let you go."
"What if am somehow gone? Consider it at least!"
There was no hesitance, "I wont let you go." He repeated.
"But seriously, if I do?"
A beat of silence.
"Then I will follow."
As Anya sensed her death hooking onto her soul, she remembered that small snippet. She knew, he would follow. It felt bittersweet in the end.
In a moment of reaching catharsis, Joon slammed into her one last time, feeling her essence course through him until it dwindled, leaving her empty.
"No." he gasped with an aching breath, "No. . . no."
The binding of his bond disappeared as suddenly as it had been imprinted, the deal of the enchantment now completed.
"No. . . no. . . no. . ." was all he could keep repeating. He pulled himself up right then, not even looking at her exposed body, simply gathering it in his arms as he sat up, her drooping head cushioned on his chest as he held her against him.
"ANYA!" he kissed her on her head, his eyes tracing her pale , unmoving body slumped in his embrace, her chest barely rising and falling. "Anya. . ." he bent over her as he cried.
Call me by the name you gave me. One last time, call me. . .
His kisses dropped on every part of her that he could reach, his hands rubbing her arms, trying to keep her warm even as he tugged a blanket around her. again, fighting against the inevitable parting.
I will. I always will. Always.
Joon looked at Anya peering up at him with unfocused eyes, breathing heavily in obvious pain, but still, she smiled.
Her heart beat slowed down to its last struggling lap.
"WHAT DID YOU MAKE ME DO??" Joon hugged her tightly, his tears wetting her skin which was becoming as cold as him, "What did you make me do Anya. . . I will. . ." he choked, his words lost in his sobs as he held her dying body.
I will give you everything that I promised Joon. Family, home. Every vow I made, I will keep. Next time, I wont let you wander till the edge. I will pull you back from it. I will protect you when I failed to in this one. . .
He was rocking her, shaking his head in denial. The future of any state without her was frightening. His anger and grief warred within him as he vehemently told her,
"I will never touch you again, Anya. Never again. . ." the words came from the bottom of his heart, even when he held her so tightly, that if not for her being insensible to touch, pain would show the fear of his loss.
Her heart struggled to beat, a prickling numbness at last replacing the agonizing pain in her.
She lost her vision as only blackness spread, but she could still hear his choked pain.
"Joon. . ." Anya's bare inaudible voice made him go still, "wolf. . . we'll get one. . . next time. . . not. . . bull." She smiled just for him, "Okay?"
Her heart beat for the last time.
Then it stopped.
"Little fruit, one day if you know that I am turning into a Monster-"
"You will never be that!!"
"If. . . that happens. Will you leave me? Monsters after all, never get their happy ever after."
"Dummy. . ." her voice was filled with love, "If that happens, I will protect you. Because even if Monsters cant have a happy ending, they can always be saved."
A laugh, "You are that brave?"
"For you," her gentle voice kissed his heart, ". . . Always."
In his arms, lay the one beautiful girl who had loved him irrevocably in her life. And protected his soul with her death. She left him with the smile he loved, her unseeing azure eyes frozen in time, her fragrance forever in his memory.
A/N : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
So, thoughts about this Joon?
Because his personality in this past, will become crucial in the future.
Here is where the story ends for any stand alone readers. For people who are following the entire series of SOF, read on. . .
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