Chapter 18
That voice. . . . belonged to Namjoon.
But where it could at one time calm them from the nightmare that they were living, it only served to heighten it.
With screams ringing throughout the room, converse to the sentiment expressed, his voice finally released them from the death grip of paralysis they were in.
Normal rational thinking died when they faced the moment stimulated in their minds, to imitate their demise. The only thought that dominated their bodies was that of survival.
A primal instinct to live.
Not caring for any relationships, or the person with them, the seven people simultaneously stumbled, fell, crawled and tried to get away. Jong Gi fled blindly deeper in the house, leaving his father, who trembled and fell trying to keep up. Seeing his son leave him behind, in his terror stricken mind he did not even think of complaining, jumbling, and blind in the darkness, his hands torn open and bleeding from landing on the broken debris, he still somehow managed to flee inside.
Hong Yi and Ji Oh were not familiar with the house.
With screams of terror still tearing from their throats, they kicked the nanny on the floor and both ran towards the stairs, taking them upstairs, unknown to where they would hide.
The Butler, the nanny and their son crawled over the broken glass, wanting to go to the study, from where there was a door, unknown to all except them and the owner of the house. That door opened up to the underground parking, from which a simple flight of stairs could perhaps take them out.
The Kang's did not know this. How could they?
Because this had been Namjoon's house.
The very house, he was given the poison in.
When seating room was cleared by the fleeing humans, scurrying and rushing mindlessly, the lone figure radiating an exceptionally cold aura walked into the space.
His leather shoes crunched over the debris as he walked to the beautifully carved antique rocking chair.
With effortless grace, Joon sat down, then crossed one ankle over his other knee, sitting back indolently as a king, in the midst of unconscious bodies strewn on the floor with splintered objects in the pitch black room.
He flicked a glance at the watch peeking below his cuffs and gave a small smile.
"Shattered glass?" bending down to pick one said object up, he tested its sharpness, "No Mira, I am worse."
Gasping for air, both of them half crawled, half climbed the stairs, their eyesight poor in the pitch black surroundings. While running, Hongi stumbled over a fallen vase, landing hard on the floor with a cry, his face being cut deeply from the debris.
"WAIT FOR ME!" he cried pathetically, while Ji Oh was shaking with fear, yet not being able to comprehend what was happening to her.
"What are we going to do?" she kept repeating that one thing.
Driven by utter horror, they kept running in the dark hallways of the first floor, panting for air, drenched with their sweat.
Pausing for a while, both of them bent over, Hong Yi clutching at his face which was wet with his blood. With a whimper, he started sobbing, "I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"
Around them, the house was silent and dark, visibility almost nil. The extreme cold wrapped around their souls as they tried to look around with unfocused eyes glazed with fear.
Ji Oh soul felt shriveled up, the silence giving her a chill of death.
Namjoon, was dead.
Ji Oh crouched down where she had been standing, wrapping herself in her arms, rocking back and forth as she whispered, "We need to get out of the house."
The clear sounds of someone climbing the floor rang all around the house, sounding louder than possible. The gait was unhurried, leisurely even. But for Hong Yi and Ji Oh, it was an acceleration of their demise.
In that black cold space, they clutched at each other's hands, while the footsteps kept climbing up.
"W-we'll d-d-di-die!" Hongi Yi's heartbeat rang in his ears, his chest acutely painful with a difficulty in breathing. Ji Oh was equally unbalanced, but she pulled harshly at his hands and took off running again.
They could not see where they were going, stumbling and falling down multiple times, but it did not make a difference to the footsteps behind them, which even though was slow, but crisp in the sound of never wing far away.
The shadows of the corridors kept twisting in grotesque figures, the dark cold air making them weaker. Shivering, bleeding, they still wretchedly kept running away from the monstrous presence. Horror filled their veins to the brim, tears leaving a trail of evidence of their paralyzing fear.
The footsteps behind them never ceased.
Finally losing herself completely, Ji Oh screamed as she cried, "I AM SORRY! I AM SORRY! PLEASE SPARE ME! IT WAS ME WHO GAVE YOU THE POSION BUT I AM NOT THE REASON WHY YOU DIED!"
Following her words, in the obsidian impenetrable darkness around, all the doors of the rooms on the floors started swinging open and then banging shut, all of them together.
Each and every door leading to all the rooms of the house kept banging violently, shutting and opening consecutively, producing a deafening cacophony of a violence, where the wood of the door splintered each time it crashed hard on the wall.
Hong Yi and Ji Oh screamed in petrifying terror and dashed along, their awareness, completely obliterated.
Filled with soul deep fear, they were merely bodies reacting instinctively, with no thoughts at all.
They ran in a never ending corridor where on both sides the doors kept opening and shutting with a resounding crash but never really drowning the distinct sound of heels of a leather shoes still behind them.
Suddenly, in front of them, they dimly saw one door which was still closed, leading to an unknown room.
Bloodied and soaked in their heavy sweat, together they reached for that doorknob.
It opened easily.
Going insane with the havoc they were experiencing, without any common sense, they blocked the door with a nearby wooden cupboard, dragging it to the door which they had latched closed from the inside.
Breaths now coming out in sobs of sheer terror, like frightened animals escaping danger, Ji Oh and Hong Yi located a wardrobe. They pulled open the panel and jumped in the more dark and cramped space, jamming it closed.
For a moment, even in that space, just for a moment, Hong Yi and Ji Oh breathed out feeling a little safe.
Muted sounds of the doors still banging reached them but their own remained locked. Even the door of the wardrobe they were hiding in, was secured closed.
For a moment, the smashing furniture, the banging doors, the closed house and that dooming footsteps, all became dampened.
So far gone were they, that the cold darkness of a small wardrobe, became a safe haven.
Ji Oh clutched at her stomach which was cramping hard, while Hong Yi sat there completely numb from any pain in his body, which was battered, bruised and bleeding.
"He is back from the dead." Hong Yi's trembling lips uttered the words which was blood curdling. He turned his head towards Ji Oh like a puppet, "How can we escape?"
Ji Oh was crying pitifully, curled up on herself, sobbing in traumatizing horror. She kept shaking her head in denial and blocked her ears with both her hands while whimpering, "Please spare me! Please spare me! Please spare me! Please!"
Only the puffs of her crying words could be felt, and a dim shape of her form. In the restricted space they were jammed in, the pitch black environment of the small cupboard created an illusion of being blind even with eyes wide open.
But, with passage of seconds, Hong Yi's eyes adapted enough to see the miserable form of Ji Oh dimly. Even the claustrophobia was welcome at this point rather than the vast empty house of a vengeful ghost.
Hong Yi kept looking at her numbly, feeling strangely disassociated from any emotion. He thought he had reached his limit, his mind unable to take any more horror, becoming anesthetized to further stimulation.
In a way, he accepted what was to come. Soullessly, he said, "It's a good thing. At least, when my death comes, I won't be scared."
Out of nowhere, a hand came from the back of Ji Oh and clamped her mouth. The fingers were well maintained and masculine. Bloodlessly pale and dead.
It cut out the soul crushingly terrified scream of Ji Oh.
Hong Yi jerked violently then screamed out his lungs as he fiercely started pounding on the door of the wardrobe, trying to get it to open.
Ji Oh tried to get away from the icy grasp, flailing about in the small area, her limbs striking out to claw at the sides of the wooden slates, her tears flowing till the first digit of the hand and overflowing from it. she writhed about, sharply twisting her body to get away, explosively trying her best.
Her nails dug deep in the wood of the sides of the inner cupboard, embedding itself. Finding a grip, she tried to force herself out of the ghostly hold, but it only resulted in her nails being ripped upwards, some splinters digging deeply inside her nailbed.
Heaving and banging violently, completely at the antithesis to what he had said a few seconds earlier, Hong Yi somehow managed to burst out from the closet, crawling forward in all fours to get away from the insides.
Abruptly, a lone nightlamp in the room turned on, casting the shadows of the room in a haze of light, hiding at the corners, twisting as if in a dance of a macabre nightmare.
Hong Yi reached the door, not turning back to the muffled struggles of Ji Oh, vigorously trying to open the closed door of the room.
A light laughter, sinister to its very core, stopped his motions.
Without his voluntary control, he found his body turning, to face what he wanted to avoid.
There, inside the empty wardrobe, was a terrified girl, seated with the death embrace of an elegant man in formal clothes.
The glass of his specs amplified the red of his smiling eyes.
Namjoon had one of his hand, tightly fastened across Ji Oh's mouth, while the other, rested casually at the other side of her face. His body was curved behind hers, effortlessly subduing every single of her struggles.
"Goodevening." Joon nodded at Hong Yi.
Then directed his gaze to the sobbing and hysterical Ji Oh, "Shhhhhh."
His body not in his control, Hong Yi could not hold his bladder. Shaking with a terror deeply rooted in his soul, he watched with wide eyes as Joon gently talked to Ji Oh.
"You, I am the least annoyed with." His soft whisper held its own seductive drawl, "So you, will suffer the least."
Even though Hong Yi was breathing from his mouth, so lost in mind numbing horror, somewhere in the back of his mind, a dissociated part of him wondered about what he heard.
It was Ji Oh who had laced the knockout drug with the spinal poison. If Joon had walked away from the stab, even if he was slowly dying from blood loss and organ failure, the agony of his death due to strychnine would have been extreme. His death, had to have been excruciatingly painful.
Or did he die from his wounds before the poison could take affect?
Why then, was he saying what he did?
His thoughts could wander no further when suddenly, Namjoon looked up at him, the dimple on his cheeks screeching in acute contrast with the madness brimming behind his specs.
"After all, Your actions never bothered my Little Fruit."
Hong Yi gasped out painfully, his chest contracting in aching realization.
This all was somehow related to Anya. To him, everything had always been connected to just that one girl.
"But. . ." Joon continued in that insanely gentle voice, "You did participate in something that made my Blueberry heartbroken. That, is intolerable."
It wasn't his death he was angry over, it was the pain Anya went through for it.
If Anya was the scale over the judgement, then . . .
Hong Yi knew in that instant, a simple death . . . . would be a boon to him. A boon, which he knew, was just a fantasy.
The red eyes lost its veneer of gentlemanly etiquette, brimming with the edge of brutal savageness wrapped in his insane obsession.
Focusing on Hong Yi, Joon uttered one single word.
His hands moved neatly, snapping the head of Ji Oh, dislocating it from its spine. Her body. . . stopped moving.
A/N : Liking our future wolf hybrid?
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