I was already late to class when I noticed Kaplan step out of his car, closely followed by Kevin. I huffed and turned away from them, hurrying inside.
After the first time Kaplan saved me things somehow got worse, the duo still helped me whenever they could, but Rachel started to notice that she could only be 'close' to Kaplan whenever she bullied me. So guess what she did, yeah, she was literally hunting me down every waking minute and no, Kaplan wasn't always there to save me.
Weeks had passed and I noticed Kevin and Kaplan always keeping to themselves. It was weird really, I knew our school was full of toxic people, but Kaplan refused to talk to anybody, but Kevin. I'm sure not even the teachers knew what his voice sounded like. I knew I shouldn't talk like this about someone that constantly saved my ass by silently flirting with my tormentor, but really it just seemed arrogant. I didn't even know how he did it, but nobody wanted to be on his bad side, I guess Rachel's love interest deserved some respect for putting up with her.
Kevin on the other hand was always a bit more cheerful than his friend and as it turned out he was a genius or something like that.
However today both boys – men, they already seemed more like men – looked rather miserable. It was subtle and they tried to hide it, but even I could see that from just the short look I had sent towards them.
Even later in class the mysterious duo seemed out of it and when the teacher asked Kaplan a question his head shot up and a sound that perfectly matched his confused expression left his mouth, but no answer followed.
It was really a shame Kaplan never spoke, his voice seemed so deep and pleasant. I crooked an eyebrow at that last thought and for the first time caught myself thinking of Kaplan as Kaplan, well, because a few people had started to think of him as arrogant his name had somehow spread across the school. Everybody knew that handsome guy, who only ever stood with his only friend. How it became common to call him by his last name was a mystery to me and I quickly started to feel bad. I always hated it when people called me Grassi and I deliberately used Scott's and Kirstie's first name whenever someone referred to them by their last name. You can't choose your family and Kaplan – Avi always seemed offended when people used his last name. Or maybe offended wasn't the right word to use, after all I hardly ever talked to him and always just watched him from the distance.
Okay, I was still watching him when lunch came around and truth to be told I have been watching him since the first day, but it's really only for me to figure out what his problem was. I swear there was nothing more to it.
I sat down next to Kirstie and Scott, nobody wanted to be with us and even Rachel thankfully didn't bother with coming over. I listened to Scott talk about some guy he has met in the mall and a small smile played along the edges of my lips. He seemed to really like that guy and I was happy for him, I truly was, but something kept me from fully focusing on whatever Scott told us about. He still talked about that guy he met, obviously, but sometimes either he or Kirstie would say something that really didn't fit into the conversation I thought they were having and I quickly zoned out.
I let my eyes roam the room and spotted Rachel, giggling with her friends and her mobile tightly clutched in between her tiny hands. I would never get used to seeing her so happy and it scared the living daylights out of me.
But when my attention wavered again, I saw Kaplan – Avi and Kevin standing in a corner. They didn't talk, but from time to time Avi would show Kevin something on his mobile and they would smile at each other.
"Mitchie?" I heard Kirstie next to me and when I looked worry was written all over her face. Scott huffed, he too looked worried, but I didn't know why.
"You should ask him out," I tried, hoping they were still talking about Scott's new crush.
"Mitchie," Kirstie started again and one of my eyebrows shot up, I had obviously missed something.
"You shouldn't always watch this jerk."
"Excuse me?"
"She is right. He hasn't even talked to Rachel properly."
My shoulders slumped and the smile I had on my face was long gone, a sour expression had replaced it and a stain on the table captured my interest. I didn't even know why I felt so bad when my friends talked this way about Avi, after all they were right. He hasn't ever talked to anybody and when I looked over to him, I realized, he didn't even talk to Kevin.
And then it hit me. Avi didn't talk to Kevin. Out of all the times I had watched the duo neither Kevin nor Avi would even open their mouth, somehow they had come to a silent understanding and it was really astonishing. What a friendship...
"Scott?" I sat up straighter, finally actually looking at him.
"When was the last time you got beaten up?"
"Yesterday morning."
"And it's already lunch." I murmured, unsure if Scott could understand me. It was lunch and the last time I had a run in with Rachel was yesterday, too. Kristie leaned forward, her eyes fixed on me and I felt like she knew what I was trying to say.
"Listen, just because they help us every now and then doesn't mean that we have to kiss the ground they're walking on. Kaplan made it worse, don't forget that."
"But it wasn't intentionally; he just wanted to help us."
I felt bad for letting them talk about Avi the way they did, after all I felt like he really just wanted to help us. When I looked back to where the duo stood their place was empty and I couldn't help myself, but miss Avi's familiar face and his body that looked like I could snuggle my small one perfectly against his, like we would just fit together.
I shook my head trying to get rid of the images of Avi and let out a loud sigh. I leaned back a bit, ignoring my friends as they were still watching me closely.
"Anyways, take a picture of my beautiful face and then answer me: Wanna hang out after school?"
I didn't even need to hear their answer, after school was always good, it was safe and we could be ourselves. As soon as we finished lunch, I went back to my class, making sure not to look at anybody on my way.
There was a café close to my home that I always had wanted to visit. I imagined Scott, Kirstie, Kevin, me and Avi to go there together, because honestly as arrogant as Avi was said to be, I really wanted to know him better. There were so many things I wanted to ask Avi and whenever I imagined us together, standing next to each other, it felt right. A small smile played on my lips and before I could pull myself together I heard the one thing I didn't want to hear.
"Why you smiling, pet?"
A shudder went through my body and I could feel myself shaking in fear. Where had my confidence from earlier gone to?
"You see, pet," Rachel started and I had the sudden desire to vomit. "I thought we already established that you are not allowed to smile like that. It makes your face look even uglier. Even. Uglier." Of course she had to repeat that last part, shattering whatever pride or confidence I had left. But she was probably right. My face already looked like I had an eating disorder, I wasn't pretty and if not even my smile looked nice... did I even stand a chance with Avi?
"I said look at me!" Rachel shouted and pushed me against the lockers, my books fell down and oh god, did I dare not to look at the she-devil while she talked to me, did I zone out again? I quickly looked around, but nobody seemed to want to help me and when I looked back at Rachel, I immediately felt a sharp pain on my cheek. Her hand was tiny, but somehow never failed to hurt me and the angry, red mark would probably stay there for some time.
My face felt wet and I touched my cheek, I hadn't even realized I was crying, yeah, I guess I looked really pathetic. But hey, look at me: scared to death and crying like a baby, because of a girl. I heard laughter, but didn't dare to find out which one of Rachel's friends or goons found me that funny. I sniffled, refusing to let out a sob and break down in front of her.
Rachel shook her head an evil smile gracing her face, she lifted her hand as if to slap me again, but the blown never came. My head was already aching, but I let out the breath I hadn't realized I had held and looked at the scene in front of me. Avi, god bless him, had once again managed to save me, but the way he stood there, so close to Rachel with one hand wrapped around her body holding her right hand in his left, broke my heart.
A loud sob broke through the silence and even more tears rolled down my face, I didn't even resist when Kevin dragged me away from there, but as soon as he let go of me, I broke down, sobbing uncontrollably. I could feel Kevin engulfing me in a warm hug and I just turned and snuggled closer to him. I needed this, I didn't even know why, but I needed this.
After some time I finally calmed down and I could feel the ability to think straight return to me.
I let go of Kevin, but his arms stayed around me for a little longer, he too looked extremely sad.
We just stood there; in the same empty classroom he had dragged me in the first time he saved me. None of us talked, the silence was comfort enough and I felt weirdly content sharing my pain with Kevin.
That was until someone opened the door and I felt Kevin hugging me tighter again as if he tried to shield me from whoever just entered. I couldn't see who it was, but I heard footsteps and started to panic. If Rachel saw us like that Kevin would be in it too, but what if it was a teacher? I struggled against Kevin, trying to break free, but he didn't react the way I wanted him to, instead he rested his head on mine and I suddenly felt so tiny and worthless. Kevin made a cooing sound, but didn't address the intruder, they by now surely had at least an idea what was going on.
I lifted my hand to pull at Kevin's jacket, I just wanted to turn around and face my newest tormentor. Kevin didn't let go, but his arms fell around my waist lazily and I was sure if I wanted to I could break free. Well, I just had started to get comfortable.
When I finally turned around, I understood why the intruder hadn't spoken until then. Avi Kaplan sat on one of the desks and kept on staring at me. As always he didn't speak and I honestly didn't feel the need to break the silence that had started to build in the room either.
Avi and I were having a staring contest and for the very first time I noticed how beautiful his eyes were. These green orbs seemed to pierce right through me, discovering all my darkest secrets as he looked right into my soul and I unconsciously snuggled closer to Kevin for support as another chill went down my spine. But of course Avi noticed and smiled at me.
I wanted to be mad at him, tell him that he made my situation with Rachel only worse, but I couldn't bring a single syllable out. Another shudder went through my body and I started to tremble. Kevin tightened his arms around me once more as I watched Avi stand up. He slowly made his way over to us and stopped in front of me. I watched him expecting maybe something, but even I didn't know what. I flinched when he lifted his hand, expecting another slap, but once again pain never came and a soft hand caressed my cheek, wiping away some of the dried tears. For a moment I thought he might say something, but when he smiled at me I knew it wouldn't happen.
Avi gently nudged Kevin's shoulder, who immediately let go of me. Both men walked towards the door, but of course Kevin stopped, of course he stopped.
"You're fine," he said and I didn't sound like a question. Kevin genuinely believed I was fine, the smile he send towards me afterwards lightened up my mood considerably.
Sadly Avi only waved goodbye, he didn't even look back at me as he walked away, closely followed by Kevin.
I was okay and so were they, we were fine. I told myself that over and over again until I could believe myself.
Much slower than the other two did I walk out of the room, closing the door behind me after I made sure I was the only one still outside of class. Had I been crying so hard I didn't even hear the bell ring? Wow.
I decided to skip class and instead used the time to fix my appearance. I couldn't go out like that, my eyes were all red and puffy and I generally still felt miserably. I just really hoped the café could lift my spirits, there was no way I would let my friends pity me.
Well, even after cleaning up for what felt like hours I still looked miserable. Oh no wait, those were my usual looks.
Classes would end soon and then Kirstie, Scott and I would finally be free. I lingered around in front of the school, but still somewhat hidden behind the bushes, waiting for my friends.
I quickly grew impatient, refusing to let my mind wander. I couldn't risk getting distracted by Avi, but thankfully my friends were already walking up to me. Kirstie was happily chatting with Scott, both unaware of what had happened earlier to me and I really couldn't be bothered to tell them.
We silently walked in the general direction of my home, until we reached the small café. It looked cozy and warm; I somehow felt more at home in this little café than in my own house. Close to the counter hang a picture of an elderly couple smiling happily. They looked so peaceful and friendly, it literally woke the desire in me to get to know them.
Kirstie had spotted a free table close to the wall, it was surrounded by a single, comfy looking bench and as soon as we sat down a young woman came up to us.
The waitress looked familiar, but I didn't really know where I had seen her before. Well, there was no way I had seen her before, but something about her looked... maybe it was the hair? Her dark hair was tied up into a messy bun, the glasses she wore looked as if they were made for her and nobody else, but when she smiled at me, my confusion simply grew.
I really hope you liked this chapter and I'm really sorry if there are any mistakes in it!
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