Mason's POV
After we were finished punishing Will Mabel looked at me.
"Should we like take him to his room or something?"she didn't look like she gave two shits. I gave a small nod.
"Yeah I'll take him you can go to the room. Be there soon."I say going over to the blue haired demon and picking up his limp but overly light body. Mabel leaves and I carry William to his room.
Once we get there I set him down and get some bandages. I don't want him bleeding out or anything so I bandage up the wounds that mostly Mabel made. I truly don't like hurting Will but if I don't then I look weak, what kind of master can't punish their servant? Except I really don't see him as a servant, you see I may or may not have come to like the blue demon. Anyways I bandage up his wounds and look around for some other non blood-soaked clothes. He was still in a white button up,blue vest and black pants that he wore when company was over to look more formal. I pick up a blue sweater and different black pants and quick change him into them which in turn causes me to blush about 10 different shades of red.
I cover the thin,clearly malnourished form of Will in the all-too thin covers. As I do so I notice just how cold the room is, it was freezing down here. I sneak upstairs to grab a better blanket. As I'm walking back downstairs I hear someone behind me clear their throat causing me to stop in my tracks. I turn to meet eyes with Stanford.
"Hello great uncle Ford."I great casually. He looks skeptical and unamused.
"What are you doing?" He asked looking at the navy blanket in my hands.
"Um..taking a blanket to uh.. to will?" I say to him though it ended up more as a question then a comment. His brow rises as he looks at me.
"Was the a question or a comment Mason, also why are you bringing him anything." Ford questions his tone heavy and skeptical.
"Comment Ford. As for why I am bringing it to him because I can. Also its freezing down there and hearing his complains bother me. He also needs to be able to function when he wakes back up of he freezes before hand then he would be more useless then he is now"that last sentence hurt me to say. Will isn't useless. I hate saying this kind of stuff about him but I know it will be less questions, less trouble, less pain, less everything of i just go along and pretend to hate him. I'm sorry William.
"Fine. Go just get to bed soon, its late" he says finally before leaving.
I walk downstairs to the boys room covering his shaking form with the blanket, he clearly warms up within a few moments as he stops shaking as sleeps soundly. I look around the dimly lit room. On one side there was a small desk that held a small lamp, two notebooks, a little cup with a few pens and pencils in it, a pack of coloured pencils, a little blue necklace and a few random papers. The last two things on the desk were two little devices I almost got mad at before looking at what they were. There a small voice recorder and a small phone sat. I look at the phone and go through all of it. The only things on the device were pictures There, two contacts 'Bill' and 'Tad' I'm assuming family maybe. There wasn't anything more about them other then a few text messages from a while ago to tad that were taking about tea and someone names 'kill'.
In the messages he called Tad his cousin and 'Kill' his brother so I'm assuming that's who they were. There were a few messages firom 'Bill' as well. They were talking about his dimension, someone he called 'Pinetree' and someone he called 'Sixer' Will responded with talking about being careful and not wanting to loose his brother. He would see him soon. That kind of thing 'so will has at least two brothers Kill and Bill and a cousin Tad, Okay. On the device there were also what looked like song lyrics, books, a few languages were downloaded on the phone and sign language was also downloaded as of he were learning them. I'll let it slide.
There pictures all over the walls some photographs and some drawings. He had a few papers with a cipher on it on his walls as well or was also a common theme in all drawings and under all photos, it was most likely his native language? He was laying on a small thin bed on the right side on the room a little blue carpet on the floor next to him or looked hand-made. Will also had a small dresser at the foot of his bed that had random things painted on it, some of the same cipher, a few flowers, a few people, animals one of which stuck out. It was a blue jay with a black spot on his head the name 'Jay'under it.
Not sure what it was about but there was a few pictures on the walls of the same blue jay, was it his like pet or something? Anyways I leave a note on his table that simply says will can keep the blanket and to find me when he wakes up. I then leave to my and Mabel's room and go to sleep.
Willis POV
I wake up to a heavy warmth over me. I don't know how long I was asleep but when I woke up everything hurt. I felt something wrapped around my neck,chest,arms, and legs. I open my eyes to a navy blue blanket as well as my pale blue covers I normally have over me. 'Where did the blanket come from?' I think to myself as I slowly sit up my head pounding. After the room going black for a moment and my vision being blurry for another moment I manage to sit upright and look around.
I was now in a blue sweater and black pants not my blue suit I remember wearing, I also had bandages everywhere. I see a note on my desk it read:
You can keep the blanket its quite cold down here so.
Come find me whenever you wake up I wish to talk to you.
Your master.
I quickly shoot up ignoring the bout of dizziness I got when I did so. I quickly put on my eyepatch which was on my desk more then likely also taken off by Master I presume. I hurry upstairs to masters room, the sun was high in the sky so it was probably around noon. I hope I wasn't out too long. Reaching master's door I knock gently going to speak.
"..."my voice comes out as a very soft sound. I try again, nothing. I can't speak? Maybe its because I just woke up I should have healed already so its definitely just a fluke. I knock again after a minute of not hearing anything before hearing footsteps.
"Mabel I told you I'm bus-" master cuts himself off when he opens the door and sees me. "Oh William, your finally awake. Why didn't you say something when you knocked?"he asks before adding "I hope your feeling better" his tone was not sadistic, not sarcastic, but genuine like he actually hopes im okay. I go to tell him why I didn't say anything my voice doing the same thing as before.
"I-..." was all I could get out before a sharp pain flooded through me causing me to put a hand to my throat where bandages were still wrapped. A very soft whimper comes from me causing me to flinch in pain. I look at him expecting to be yelled at but all I see is genuine worry.
"Will? Whats wrong. Come here let me get you something to write in as you clearly can't speak" master drags me into his room where a few books were open and notes for his classes were half written on top of them. He grabs a pen and piece of paper handing it to me. I write in neat cursive writing like I always do when I write.
'I'm not sure what's wrong master, I'm sorry. It seems like something is wrong though i guess my throat hasn't healed all the way quite yet. It will be better soon I'm sure of it sir. Anyways master what was it you wanted to see me for? Also thank you so much for the blanket I appreciate your kindness Master Gleeful.'
I hand the paper to him and he reads it before talking.
"Okay, you're welcome and as for why I wanted you I just wanted to talk I suppose. Is that okay?" He asks i give a nod and a confused look he continues "okay, well I guess I never really get to know you as anything but a servant. I wish to get to know you as you not as a servant. So what do you like to do? You don't have to say anything that has to do with us."master says his voice calm and gentle verses the normal cold and serious.
By this point I probably just look confused. He hands my the paper again and I write on it a bit lower.
'Well, I enjoy to draw and sing. I'm touching up on a few different languages even though I know all of them already. I enjoy photography too I use to take pictures and draw pictures all the time with my sister Jill,brother Bill and cousin Tad. I like to write as well. There is also a little blue Jay who I always see, I named him Jay. Not very creative but he liked it. I also like gardening and flowers.' I write, gentle swoops and curls of letters meeting the others in something that looked like a dance across the paper. I slide the paper to him and he reads it before nodding. A small smile spreads across his face.
"So you have a sister too? Two brothers, a sister and a cousin" he smiles a bit more before shaking his head and trying to hide the smile.
"So you like to sing, is that what the voice recorder on your desk was for?" He asks again i nod a bit he continues. "Okay all the picture in your room where taken or made by you?"another nod and a smile "the books on your desk?" He asks i write
'One wa sa sketch book the other a diary where I just kept song lyrics and letters to any family that isn't gone. As for family yes I have a sister who is the youngest, Jill. An older brother Kill who, with all do respect sir, sold me when I was younger I have been stuck as a slave since then. And a twin brother Bill who is in our reverse dimension. I also have a cousin named Tad who I talk to whenever I can though since coming here I haven't spoke to any of them as I'm not allowed to and I don't think any of them honestly even remember me. I just hope they're all okay' I show him the paper.
"Isn't gone? As in isn't dead?" He asks i nod once again writing.
'Yes Sir, I was born in the second dimension and at some point my brothers destroyed it. Me,Bill,Jill,Kill and Tad were the only ones to make it out alive. Kill then left to Fight falls, a dimension sort of like this one. Bill went to the nightmare realm then to gravity falls, the reverse version of this dimension. Tad travels dimensions last I heard from him he was in dimension 51-50c with a kid. I'm not sure anymore though. Jill, last I talked to her she was in dimension 211-34a which of i remember correctly she rules. Tad and her made quick ends and ended up ruling quite a few dimensions though she is far too sweet to cause any harm to anyone she did take over 212-34a within a few weeks. Then there's me here so.' a tear hits the paper before I hand it over. Talking about my family makes me miss them just that much more. Even Kill and he literally sold me. I hope they're a okay now, maybe some day I'll see them again.
Master reads the paper a look of sympathy and sadness cross over him.
"I'm sorry will" he starts. I had to do a double-take did he just apologize?
"Your family sounds amazing, well all but Kill he sounds like a total dick" he says I give a silent laugh causing him to laugh a bit too.
"If you could get in contact with them would you? What would you ask?" He asks. I nod before writing.
'I would ask how they were, tell them I'm still alive and okay. Make sure they were all okay. See what they were all doing.'
He reads it and nods
"Makes sense. Anyways how are you feeling?" He asks i write.
'Could be better but I'm not dead so I'm not complaining. I got what I deserved may I ask how long I was out Master?'
He reads it as I write before thinking a second and answering.
"You were out for about two days."I was shocked, two days? Man Mistress was gonna kill me. As of anble to hear my thoughts Master continued.
"Mabel had been gone for a few days so she doesn't know you were out that long. Ford didn't care and won't say anything and I'm just happy your okay and Mabel didn't go to far and actually kill you. I was getting kinda worried. Don't tell anyone I said that." I nod quickly as he finishes.
'Yes sir. Thank you' I write on the paper in the little space thats left 'may I get a notebook from my room sir?' I ask getting a nod from him.
"You can just come back in when you get back don't bother knocking." He says.
I nod going to my room quickly getting a small notebook I have in a drawer that she's a few pictures in it. I take them out and set them on my desk before hurrying back to master. I open the door again to see him back at his work. He was writing notes when I came back. He stops and closes the book when. I come back in.
'If I may ask Master, what are you working on you seem rather annoyed with it' I write he gives a small laugh.
"Annoyed is an understatement. I'm working on history and my God is it boring." He grumbles showing me the notes which I look over quickly before smiling.
'History on reverse falls? That can be quite interesting Master Gleeful. There is tons of interesting stuff here. It will get less boring after all the town founding I promise. I was here when this town was founded it gets quite interesting afterwards. That's when all the weird anomalies start, when all the magical creatures start to show themselves. When the Gleeful family moves to this town.
I remember them very vividly. Your family has always been interesting to me. Not in a bad way! But you always seemed to be interested in the smallest things. Most humans have, that's why my kind are always interested in your kind. Anyways if you need help I'm here to help you sir like always.'
"You've been here that long? Really?" His tone filled with interest and excitement. Like a kid in a candy store.
'Not exactly here but watching here. I have been physically here since headmaster summoned me here. I have been watching this town and dimension for a long time though. Anything else you wish to know master?' I write once again he nods a bit as he reads
"What was your home dimension like?"he asks wonder and excitement not even being bothered to be hid.
'It wasn't the most fun dimension. I thought I would be trapped there forever it was a flat word with no actual dimension why its called the second dimension. A flat world with flat hopes and flat dreams as my twin brother would always say. Even i hated it there if I'm honest. We all stayed in the Nightmare realm for a while until I was sold, Kill left, Bill left with his version on Headmaster Ford, Jill went to a new dimension i believe at that time it was dimension 16 I could be wrong and Tad left to a new dimension, 51-50c and met his now husband and they had a child. Before you ask demon anatomy is weird so yes thats possible I'm not entirely sure myself so its best not to ask. Anyways my home world wasn't very fun nor was it a good dimension, but it was still my home for a long while though I prefer the nightmare realm,gravity falls, or Dimension 174-32b planet 3 because its a beautiful planet filled with animals and flowers and tress and so so much more that isn't real here in this dimension. I lived there for a while with Jill thats where I found my love of the outdoors. I also love here. But if I had to pick one place other then here it would be 174-32b planet 3. Sorry I drug this question out so much
Another silent laugh and another chuckle from Master as he read everything.
"Dimension 174-32b planet 3. What a specific name. It sounds amazing we might have to go some time. You can catch up there and I can see it. You don't need to apologize for dragging out the question its kind of nice to hear what you like and a bit about you, or read, look will I have something I want to say. I'm sorry for every--" Master is cut off by a yell.
"IM BACK!" Mistresses voice booms through the manor I quickly stand and look at master mouthing
'We can finish talking later sir. I should go before mistress comes in'
Master nods and I leave taking my notebook and the pen I grabbed from my room with me. As I leave mistress passes by. I look at the ground as always and try to walk pass her. Key word try.
"Where are you going Will?" She asked, well more like commands. I visibly panic because I can't talk. I start writing in my notebook to tell her this but when I do she takes it out of my hands. "Can't talk huh? Your more useless then before arent you stupid funding demon" she throws the book at me harshly before kicking me, her stiletto shoes stabbing my stomach when she does so knocking me back a bit. I try to write again before she kicks me again. "I don't want to read your stupid note. Go do your dann job before I take your other eye. Then you'll be blind and mute. Stupid sorry excuse for a demon. Should have killed you when I had the chance" she booms, taking one of her daggers from her belt and throwing it at me. I flinch a bit as it grazes my cheek before handing it back to her silently and nodding. I quickly stand and bow before she leaves and I do as well.
This is going to be a hard time if I don't heal right. Let's just hope it all works out. Maybe it will be okay?
Oh how wrong I was. This was only the beginning with Mabel.
Thats the end of this chapter!!I hope you enjoyed and have an amazing day everyone,
And remember
Reality is an illusion
The universe is a hologram
Buy gold
3395 words!!
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