Upon arriving at the dorms Izuku made his way towards his bed room Izuku did not seem surprised that it was quiet rather he appreciated the silence since it would not bother him at all. As the boy made his way to his dorm room and open to a normal room no All might posters, figurines, or theme blankets and bed sheets just a plain bedroom with a few weights on a yoga mat. Izuku made his way to the corner of the room that did not occupy much objects there. He unstrapped the forty five pound bar bell and place it leaning align with the corner.
He felt the need to train once more to get rid of his emotional disturbances as well as his lacking in quirk control but their were problems. He could not go to the school gymnasium because he did not want to see any familiar faces later on his training session so outside as always is the next choice in mind since not a lot of people go to the track to just run. The green haired boy would not just use the track but the whole open area since he would have it to himself for a while.
Izuku had put on some light black sweat pants with with a white line tracing down from the side of his hip to his ankles; the boy wore a black no sleeve hoodie with no shirt underneath; Izuku did not bother putting on shoes or socks since he would want to get use to his feet enduring pain since the full cowl shoot style requires a lot of kicking and foot work. With nothing but in the mood for some blood, sweat, and some goddamn tears the young teen sets off for the track field for another five hours of training.
Three hours later somewhere else~
Tooru had been busy occupying her time with her girlfriends Ashido, Uraraka, Jiro, Tsuyu, and Momo at the shopping centers in the mall. The once invisible girl was trying her best getting adjusted to her now visible body; seeing her own slightly tan skin with long blonde wavy hair moving ever so swiftly as the breeze of air, see would take out her phone from time to time to look at those sapphire eyes of hers.
'Yep this is something to get used too' the blonde haired girl thought to herself. Though she also had to consider if she did turn invisible again would she be able to control it or will it be permanent? All of these questions she can answer later now she wants to enjoy her time at the mall with her friends.
As they past the same store that Izuku meant to go too for his workout equipment. Tooru thought to herself 'why does he always choose working out over socializing with friends?' And in that moment the blonde girl thought why not ask the one person that was dating Izuku, Uraraka.
"Hey Uraraka I have always wondered something?" Tooru had spoke up and turn her attention to the gravity girl as they walked behind the other three young ladies in front of them. "What's up Hakegure-san" said the brown haired girl with a smile. "Have noticed after our last terms finals Midoriya has been very distant lately like he does not even talk anyone anymore or he would just give small talk and excused himself to go train. Since you and Ilda used to hang out him do you know what happened?
This created a small pause in silence for all the girls in the group. Tooru did not know why everyone got so silent. "What did I say something wrong?" The once invisible girl spoke up to the other ladies in the group. Then Ashido spoke up "Uraraka you haven't told Hagakure yet?" The pink girl said with confusion and irritation. "Told me what?" Now had a confused look on her face but curiosity got the better of her. "Uraraka whats up with Midoriya, what you have not told me yet?" Still pressuring the bob haired girl for answers but only got silence for the next few moments.
Tooru was curious to say the least because of how the green haired boy has been acting lately being all distant and secluded. And every time he would end being near Uraraka or Ilda he would create a subtle gloomy mood. That was her reason for asking the brown haired girl.
"We broke up, plain and simple." Uraraka spoke with tone of irritation and annoyance. "That's not the whole truth Uraraka-san." Momo spoke up this time. "Just tell her the truth." The tall Vice President inquired.
"Tch" was all the the brown haired girl had to say before she added "I...had an affair while I was dating Midoriya, and deku overheard what I had to say about him of how he was not making the relationship progress because of his shyness and timid nature as well as how boring it became for me to date him any further." Uraraka said as if she was happy for cheating on the green haired teen.
"So far you are the only one who hasn't learned about the truth of Midoriya's change of behavior. Though it was cute how he did try to make some special moments between me and him but it always ending up the same result he would back out." Uraraka said this so simple as if it were nothing more than casual conversation which irritated some of the girls including Tooru.
Tooru was left baffled unsure to say anything since this happened a while ago and if she did say something what difference would it make anyway. Although she couldn't help feel angry at Uraraka and sad for Midoriya. "Come on let's look around more before we leave back to the dorms." The brown haired girl spoke up and decided to walk ahead of the group of girls.
The walk towards the group of boys was silent no one even bothered to make small talk to past by the time. Tooru couldn't understand why would you that to a kind-hearted, heroic, and socially awkward boy that had a lot of unyielding determination to be a hero?
After several minutes of walking in silence they saw a couple of the boys kirishima, Bakugo, and Denki. Immediately Ashido, Tusyu, and Jiro had walked a little bit faster and went ahead of Uraraka. Tooru walked next to Momo while walking still walking behind the bob haired girl that angered some of the girls not to long ago.
As greets were spoken and returned the combined group of friends made their way to the huge water fountain in the center of the mall to meet up with Todoroki and Ilda.
Momo was starting walking ahead of the group along with Uraraka and Tooru noticed how they were lips were moving but the voices weren't loud enough to have the group heard with all the people around them. The visible girl noticed how Momo started making frowns and a small grit of her teeth were showing but returned into a frown. Before long the group saw the half-cold half-hot and engine legged quirk users.
"Is everyone ready to head back?" The Class President asked making sure that no one missed out on anything or losses something from the shops they went to. All classmates responded with 'nope' or 'all set'. "Okay let's head back now everyone" this time it was the Class Vice President that spoke up.
1 Hour later~
While waiting for the train was really boring and being that the schedule was delayed because of a villain attack of one of the nearest stations from the U. A. students. You can hear Ashido's and Denki's groans of inpatients, Bakugos raging antics of swearing, Kirishima's whistling, Jiro's foot tapping to the rhythm of the music she was listening to on her ear buds, Todoroki's and Momo's casual conversation, and the humming that was generated from Uraraka along with Ilda's as well. Tooru on the other hand was just looking through her phone photos.
While scrolling down the many albums of picture memories she found the one were she would take selfies with her U.A. boys and girls. As Tooru slide her index finger from left to right, from newest to oldest photos she couldn't help but express many emotions from joy with her girlfriends, disgust with the perverted acts from Mineta and Denki, and the awkwardness from the quiet and unsociable people such as Todoroki (at the time of the picture taken) and tokoyami. The slightly tan blonde girl continued to look at the pictures of her classmates until she reached the end of the album. There was one person that was not there on her album it was Midoriya.
'Again huh?' Lately the green haired hero nerd has been popping up a lot today.
*Bing* a phone notification came up that made Tooru look up from her phone. She looked behind to see Kirishima on his phone as he looked with a frown on his face but quickly turn into a soft sad smile so that the other did not noticed. To Kirishima's terrible luck he found himself looking at Tooru.
Tooru was always an observation for everything but unlike Tusyu she would keep it to herself and since she was invisible, others in her vicinity would not know if she was paying attention to the things around.
"What's up Tooru?" The red head spoke up. She had totally forgotten that she was not transparent anymore so being caught looking in other places can be taken as offensive. Luckily the hardening quirk user did not take it as rude to stare but just accepted it as an act of innocent curiosity. "Nothing much just looking around. The train sure is taking a while now." Kirishima walked up to Tooru before responded with "well a villain attack during rush hour does halt the traffic especially if it was taking place on the train tracks."
"Yeah." Tooru was curious once more but she did not want to cause trouble like what happen earlier at the mall with Uraraka but she kept finding it harder not asked the boy next to her about his frown. That is until she heard the boys phone ring.
After the second phone ringtone was looped Kirishima answered it with a responding "hello". "Hey bro did you see the picture I sent you?" The boys voice on the other line asked. "Yeah I did." The red head boys voice became more somber. "Why does he do that to himself every day, how do even call that training? And have you guys even said something to him?" It took a while before the hardening quirk user can respond, but when he did. "He needs an escape from something he is going through right now and yea what he doing is nothing but torture, also we tried to convince him to lay off his so called "training" for bit though he would just ignore us or say "it's all right". Look just leave him be for awhile okay he needs the space." Kirishima spoke to the line with sadness in his voice. "Alright man but he is your classmate I suggest getting him to stop soon because if you leave him I will but remember his your friend as well." The voice on the other line said. "Yeah I know." And with that the red head hang up.
Tooru obviously saw the boys frown on his face so decided to asked "what's wrong Kirishima?" This surprise the boy for a bit but sigh before explaining to her. "It's Midoriya, I don't know what to do at this point. Ever since the incident last semester he has grown so distant and doesn't even try talk to anyone about his problems or emotions because he thinks so less of himself now. And whenever we even try to conversant or do something fun with him he just excuses himself from us like today. Even during lunch he sits by himself or just stays in the classroom. I guess the only thing he can really look forward to is his training sessions if you can call it that. The presence of any of us makes him remind himself of the day Uraraka cheated on him." This left Tooru feel even more sadness for Izuku.
"But what was with the picture the person mentioned?" Kirishima sighed once more before taking his phone out, unlocking it, going through the many threads he had for many other people, and tap one specific thread and turn the phone so Tooru can have a look. A gasp can be heard from the blonde girl as she looked shocked and scared of what she was looking at.
Izuku was doing a hand-stand push up on his thumbs topless to exposed the many scars from the past and wounds he had gotten from that training session. His hands, elbows, and feet were really bloody from scratches and scraps wounds, enough were it looked like he was cut by a blade.
In the picture Izuku had his back towards the camera but his neck was lean back towards his posterior so some part of his face was visible in the photo. His head was bleeding and bruised, it look like he was coughing up blood as well from all the red liquid coming out of his mouth. His back had patches of black bruises everywhere.
All the while doing this his full cowl was activated though it did not seem right. We're his legs were looked like the thin green lightning but once it got to his upper body it was a thick blood red lightning by his backside.
Tears started to struggle from falling down the blonde girl's cheek as she was more than anything scared. "This is his training?" Tooru asked still having tears threatening to fall down her face. Kirishima replied with a simple nod before the train stop to pick up the passengers.
1 hour later~
Once upon arriving at the U.A. Campus Tooru couldn't get that image of Izuku out of her head. As she slowly made her way to lodge area of the dorm. Everyone had already departed to their rooms or friends rooms to relax and call it a day.
The young blonde girl went into the kitchen to get something to drink to lighten up her day a bit. Though she found the boy of the day eating alone on the couch opposite from the main entrance to the dorms.
As she walked closer to the boy she noticed something his hands have bandages that went all the way up to his elbows. 'Had he not went to visit recovery girl?' Tooru thought to herself.
Izuku noticed someone approaching him and turn his head to see the blonde lass behind him. The boy halted his eating and chewed and swallowed what ever was left in his mouth. Then he greeted "H-Hi Hagekure-san."
They was silence which kinda worried the boy a bit. "I-Is their some wrong?" Said boy asking the female classmate. Another moment of silence was followed before Tooru walked around the furniture and sat next to the boy not leaving her eye contact from his eyes.
Izuku's eyes suddenly widen at the sight that a tear went down the girl's face that was sitting next to him. "Hagekure-san what's wrong?!" The boy said concern that his classmate hurt herself but only have right hand grasp by two slightly tan hands before hearing "Why haven't you talked to anyone?" This left the boy speechless and wide eyed.
Izuku did his best to try and think of what she meant but nothing came up until she was talking about his emotional problems. This made the lad close his eyes and breathe in and out before coming up with a response to her question.
"This is something I need to get through alone."
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