Knowing your self
In the class of 1-A, which holds the next generation of great heroes in Japan or even the world was no false expectation. Many have the ambition to be the best of the best or the best heroes they can be.
Although lately that drive was starting to take a detour with the drama some people were witnessing between Izuku and Ochako.
Today, well today was another day trying out special moves and improving quirks for the students. Many in the gymnasium were practicing strong and strive to make their quirks beneficial to help them in the hero society.
Eraserhead and Cementoss were monitoring each student in the area. Bakugo was busy using his explosives on the hardening Kirisima, Denki and Mineta were doing drills around the concrete maze invading obstacles by using their quirks. Ashido and Jiro were using their quirks against the stones by melting them with acid or using in depth hearing on a really dense surface. Ilda and Uraraka were sparing one another away from the majority of the students. Momo was trying out some knew weapons for better efficiency with the use her body fat. Todoroki, controlling his fire side to be powerful for longer periods of time and his producing more ice while maintaining a stable body temperature without getting frostbite. Tooru well... she was having a hard time trying to do anything.
With the sudden lack of ability to turn on her quirk even it shouldn't do so in the first place because her quirk was categorized as a mutant quirk meaning any physical changes to the natural anatomy through muscle and skeletal are always present and most likely permanent. This also meant she had no control on how her quirk works and now since her invisibility is inactive.
"Midoriya." Eraser Head called out. Getting some of the students attention. A pair entered the gymnasium one was a bony figure while the other was a short physique student who was wearing the U.A.'s physical education clothes. The skinny man walked with the boy guiding him with a hand on the boy's back making sure that the lose of balance would take place upon the young hero in training.
"Sensei... apologies for being tardy." Izuku days as best he can. The eraser quirk user noticed many things about the strength enhancement user. The boy's throat was dry causing the speech to be heard was a cracking irritation sound, the dark bags underneath his sight band thick red blood vessels on his vision was very... unusual to look at in the long haired teachers perspective.
"When are you not endangering your well being Midoriya?" The grown man ask in a scolding yet disappointed manner. All Might chimes into the conversation as well.
"I was here to escort young Midoriya to get the assignments for class today Shouta." The former number one hero explained. "Fine but being nothing more than a broken shell of your physical self is meaningless to become a hero. Now All Might you intend on taking Midoriya to the nurses office or you still want to talk about other manners." All Might just scratches the back of his head with his good arm while replying "Nope that's all Shota. I will see you after school." With the that being said Izuku bowes to his sensei and left with All Might but not before getting that days assignments.
In the hallways towards the former number one heroes office the successor of one for all felt weak emotionally to say the least even if he looks physically tired. Strange enough as he was walking Izuku felt the desire to move faster. The young lad brush this off and turn to the door to his mentor's office.
The bony man opened and gestured the lad to sit down on the sofa. Obliged, Izuku walked in the room and sat down on the piece of furniture. Toshinori brought a chair and went to get some tea and small cups.
When finally sitting down, Toshinori looked at Izuku who's gaze was at the table not the man in front of him. "Young man, take your time we have all day. Whatever's on your mind speak it." The blonde man reassured and waited patiently for a response or anything from his student.
"All Might, have you ever failed at something and try to either make it better or leave it behind only to have it remind you of your weakness?" Izuku asks the hero as he looked up to meet the blue pupils that were his sensei. Toshinori narrowed his gaze at the boy before answering his question. "Yes I have, many times in my career I have felt this same feeling of disappointment and weakness. This form you will always see now is one example of that young Midoriya."
With a nod of understanding, Izuku instantly felt guilty for asking such a selfish question to his mentor. If Toshinori still had One For All he would still have won against All for One without the high possibility that he would have reverted back to his weaker form. "Sorry for the weird question All Might."
The blonde man waved it off while saying "You shouldn't apologize young Midoriya." After a couple of more seconds of pausing silence the man sighed before asking again. "Not to pry but how does this question relate to your condition right now."
Izuku breathes in before explaining the whole situation from when Uraraka cheated on him, to the torturous training he put himself through with One For All, him and Tooru's argument, as well as his ex-girlfriends threat.
This only took about half an hour to explain with some pauses here and there leading to coughing and sniffling that only came from the boy. Although all the same Izuku did his best to explain it through his emotional pain. Though the one thing he left out was his new technique that came from Full Cowl; Striker.
The new technique was something that Izuku took pride in but he felt that his mentor would be against the idea of using a special move to puff your muscles up to certain degrees which only can be determined through the given situation. Not to mention the major flaws that came with it only made the benefits seem like Izuku was making a cheated deal with his body. The thing that made Izuku feel unsure about the expansion ability is that this technique can possibly kill him if his organs can't compensate with the great mass added if the situation was dire, that is if his muscles, tendons, and ligaments were not already gone by then. Sure if the muscles, tendons, and ligaments were destroyed in the process Izuku would feel only sore after a good nights rest when waking up through a certain amount of hours. His body would be back to normal if not even stronger than before. A side effect when using his ability that he did not understand.
"Young man." Izuku was out of his thoughts when All Might called out to him. The boy looked at his idol giving full attention to him. "First, I suggest you go and get some sleep as well as take the day off from any physical activity, Next try some meditation to help your mind. If none of these work there is a park a little out of ways from the city that you can take stroll and see the magnificence of nature since socializing would probably trouble even further." All Might suggested as he was pouring tea into the boy's cup.
"Young man, is there anything else you want to get off your chest?" All Might asked wary about the amount of extensive muscle mass that his successor has unnaturally developed since the confrontation of Izuku's and Katsuki's fight. "Nothing really else to say All Might." Izuku responded to All Mights question with hesitation. It is true he was trying to get a better grip on One For All through Full Cowl and extension Striker. Although not telling about the way he trained on a daily basis as hard enough as it is.
The lad picked up the cup and nodded when a gesture of 'thank you'. "Now for young Uraraka..." Izuku looked intently at the former number one hero. "I would want to speak to her soon and discuss her behavior~" "Please don't get her involved in this sensei." All Might was cut off from a plead from his successor. "She doesn't need to be heard All Might." Izuku pleaded with his mentor once more. "May I ask why?" Toshinori asked.
"Because... because it's my problem sir. Thank you though for helping with my health issue and suggesting that last proposal." Izuku said as he excused himself from the room.
As he was walking in the hallways to head back to the dorms he noticed that a figure approaching him but couldn't make it out with his tired eyes.
A few more steps and now the figure was becoming more and more clearer and clearer.
Brown hair.
Bob hairstyle.
Shorter than himself.
And definitely a girl.
All of these keys registered into Izuku's mind so late that by the time he realized who it was he was thrown down the set of stairs near him and the person.
The pain was there though the feeling of exhaustion but need to keep his body active was making the boy's mind and body perplexed. Now on his side only able to see footsteps approaching his face. He felt his neck being grabbed and lifted against the wall.
With a blurry vision Izuku saw her in front of him with a malicious smile on her face as she chokes Izuku.
With oxygen rapidly escaping his system leaving the brain to function improperly, the lad heard Ochako's voice over and over again as his own vision darkened.
"Izuku!" She yells.
"Izuku!" She yells again.
"Izuku!" She yells once more.
"Izuku!" This voice was different, as if someone else he yelling for him to return.
Coughing and inhaling the air that was now coming in and out of his system quickly but not restrained. Izuku looked into a set of sapphire eyes that gazed back with worry and concern. The person before the boy quickly grabbed Izuku's hands which were on his own throat. The boy did not show resistance as he's own palms were away from his own air way. "Izuku! What are you doing to yourself?!" Tooru yelled at the boy as she checked his neck and facial appearance.
"Urg Hagekure-San?" Izuku didn't know if she was real but with the splitting headache and the gradually increasing fatigue on his body it is no wonder why he can't focus. "Hang on I will take you to the nurses office." Tooru picked up the boy having him lean on her.
Izuku was to tired to argue or even say anything for that matter and just decided to close his eyes for a bit.
Tooru was not sure what was wrong with Izuku at that moment. She just came back from changing into her student uniform and proceeded to make her way to class. Somewhere along the way she saw a familiar person, Izuku Midoriya. She was glad to see him back in school but was still confused why he left so suddenly earlier in the gymnasium. Tooru waved her hands to greet Izuku as he approached the stairs in her direction. She immediately stoped as Izuku fell down said stairs. Tooru panicked at the ordeal happening in front of her and rushed to the boy's aid.
Upon arriving at the top of the stair way and looking down at the boy with worry Tooru noticed something. Izuku started to emit red lightening around his body as he brought himself to the wall with his back towards it. He brought his own hands up to his own throat and started to grip himself tightly.
In a moment of panic Tooru leaped down the staircase and tried to pried Izuku off himself. Tooru noticed that Izuku's forearms were starting to become more bulky leading to the grip becoming more fierce as the boy barley had any air coming out from his mouth.
Tooru cried out to him many times and at some point she was crying herself fearing for the worse. The blonde girl didn't remember how many times she called out for him but after a full three minutes Izuku snapped out of it. Still holding on to his hands, Tooru brought both his palms down on his lap.
Now in the nurses room but with no nurse thanks to a sudden accident in Class 1-B Tooru was by herself with a sleeping boy on a white bed.
'Izuku I am going to help you! Please just wait for me!' Tooru thought to herself as she placed her palm on Izuku's scared hand.
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