Healing pt 2(ft. Demon)
"Izuku? Izuku? Izuku!"
"Oh, what is it Tooru-chan?"
"Why are you spacing out? We're almost at the mall!" Her voice was filled with excitement.
These past couples of months we're nothing but busy for Izuku and Tooru. As the weeks pass to the weekend they would go on dates or just hang out as they called it. It didn't take long for Tooru and Izuku to use each other's first name.
In these past months, everything was beginning to heal at a normal rate. It has been so long since Izuku ever remembered the breakup. Thanks to the presence of an energetic, kind, and patient girl next to him, he felt his life started to brighten up.
It was weird though when they started hanging out more often at school and in the dorms. For one, Tooru literally just left her group of girlfriends for a depressed boy who wanted nothing to do with her or anyone else. Another assumption was that their classmates were getting ideas that the two were dating and all of the times they confronted Izuku and Tooru it was nothing but denying that assumption.
It was hard for Tooru to adjust to Izuku's 'training'. Seeing him come in all bloodied and battered with a couple of new scars every week... it was difficult indeed. She confronted about this idea to Izuku but to him. It was nothing more than a bad addiction to strengthening the properties of his power. Speaking of power, Tooru manages to become invisible for only to about an hour or so. The girl could not understand why it just turned off in the first place but she was pleased with the progress with her regaining her quirk's strength.
While the pair is at the entrance of the mall, the same mall when Tooru realized Izuku's secret pain; this time it was different. She was here to have fun with her friend.
During past dates or hangouts-whatever, they called it. The tan-skin girl would introduce the green-haired boy to many different hobbies or activities. Literally out of all of the many different activities, only the One-For-All user would choose writing as his only pastime. Tooru didn't mind it, because she would get to read all of the short stories that Izuku created through pen and paper.
As the time went on, the lass knew why Izuku was so akin to writing; it was his only major hobby before aiming for U.A. Scribbling in his notebook of his. The one with the analysis of heroes.
Tooru smiled at herself. Once they went inside they went to many different stores and looked around like tourists on vacation.
Izuku found himself being led by the girl next to him. Her arm wrapped around him as he is being dragged. Normally if this was him before Highschool he would have blushed like crazy, but given how much emotions were built, tarnished, and reconstructing. Izuku felt a bit happy that Tooru was going out of her way to help him.
He was glad that she was his friend.
Once a couple of hours of walking and exploring happen, the two decided it was best to have lunch. Going to a nearby restaurant, Izuku found them a table while Tooru went and ordered for them.
After getting their food and finally able to sit and chow down upon their lunch, both started to talk.
"Izuku, I wanted to say thanks for coming with me."
Her smile genuine but her lips missed a bit of ketchup. Izuku chuckled to himself before responding.
"I should be thanking you for inviting me and taking me to other places during your free-time for that matter."
Tooru never got used to that soft bright eyes. It was hard to believe but two or three months ago those same emerald prices were nothing but dull and dead. Deprived of any life in them. She was glad that they weren't to be seen again.
"Nonsense, you are always willing to come with me. Besides the girls hardly have any time to spend with each other so I am left by myself to my own affairs."
Izuku understood what she meant. It seemed after the incident with his ex-girlfriend, the females of class-one-A started to find a love interest in the guys of the class.
Though that wasn't his business to get into the left it alone.
"Heh. If you say so."
Izuku can visibly see Tooru grin slightly a bit more. He turns to eat his food.
"I do say so. Maybe...after lunch, we can go see a movie?"
The suggestion was put out there by the tan-skin girl. This time and just like recent times Izuku obliged.
"Sure. We still have four to five hours before we should head back."
Izuku was healing. It was thanks to her. He owed it to Tooru to help free himself from his sadness. This was nothing short of paying off his debt.
To the invisibility-user, she felt this was a chance to see how Izuku really felt about her. Over the coming of months, as the two got to know each other she began to see again what a great guy Izuku was.
She couldn't understand why Uraraka would disregard Izuku's trust. It always was a question in her mind. Sadly she didn't felt the need to answer it simply but considering how much time since the breakup, there was no point in asking.
In the end, Tooru started to develop feelings for her recovering friend...was it better to keep it in? Was it her right to throw that upon Izuku once more when the whole point was for him to get over the last fallout of his relationship.
"So what kind of movie do you want to watch?"
The trip to the theaters was short five minutes. Nothing special.
"I don't know. I never watch any other genre besides action-superhero films."
He was honest. That was the result of having a childhood obsession with heroes.
Tooru nodded in understanding. As the two went to the front desk to pay for the movie and some drinks. Considering that Hagakure was more into romance but did not want to drop the major hit if she suggested or requested that kind of movie; she went along with action-Hero films.
During the movie, both Midoriya and Hagakure were seated in the upper middle with a clear view of the humongous screen. As the seated down, it was another ten minutes before the film started so what better time to spend on talking once more.
"So tell me what do you know of this hero Izuku?"
She knew how much of a hero fanboy her love...good friend was so better to see if fictional is part of his personal encyclopedia.
"From what comics I have read, this superhero is known as Spider-Man. His origin begins when a radioactive spider bites him thus granting him powers akin to an arachnid. He possesses super-strength, finesses flexibility, webbing manipulation, and special instincts."
"Special instincts?"
"Yea, it's a body reaction that he can do. If any sense is triggered by an incoming threat, his motor nerves kicked into high gear making him almost impossible to attack. This does add to the extreme mobility and flexibility."
"Hmm. You know the whole "special instincts" I was thinking about a manga that Shoji and Ojirou were reading."
"What manga?"
"Didn't get the name but it's full of fighters or martial artists that train like crazy and looked like bodybuilders. It's centered around a teenager who wants to surpass his father I think? But yea way too much muscle for this girl."
Izuku was chuckling to himself before he responded.
"You know Spider-Man is a teenager when he debuted. Though I find his story more relatable. I mean we are teenagers trying to become heroes."
"Wait but isn't he from a time where heroes was not a common thing?"
"Yea, back when he was deemed a vigilante or at some points considered by the news a criminal with all the handlings against thugs and organizations. Though, later on, many people of New York started to look up to him as their hero."
"Well, it seems interesting plot."
Izuku and Tooru saw the lights in the theater dim as the rest of the audience slowly chimes down their voices. Some were still present though but soon enough the loudspeakers overcame the voices of others.
Two-and-half hours later~
"With great power comes great responsibility. You know you can learn from that ya know?"
"What do you mean "learn from it?" I thought that was the point of going to a hero school."
"That's not what I mean."
Tooru stopped causing Izuku to pause his tracks. Her cerulean blue eyes looking up at the forest irises of his.
"I mean your quirk. You shouldn't abuse it on yourself with that "technique" you have."
"You mean Striker? The one was my electricity becomes red?"
"Yes...that one. I am saying that we still have this year and two more years to become heroes and I was hoping that..."
"Hoping what? It's alright if you don't want to finish."
To be honest, Izuku did not want her to finish. He kinda had a feeling the second she mentioned his 'double-edged sword' special move.
"No, no it's alright. Shouldn't keep you in suspense here. I was hoping if you can stop using that form. You know, give your body some rest from it."
"Tooru, I see your point but I want a valid reason as to why you want me to stop."
Her soft hands reaching for his rough-scarred palms. Holding them tightly.
"You mean you don't feel it? The stress and suffering you are putting your body through? I may have to be impatient about it beforehand but these past months it was the only thing bothering me but I did not want to bring it up. These past few months I have always wanted you to stop, I wanted you stop...on your own"
Silence. He might have been inconsiderate about all of this. With his classmates, Tooru, and himself. Why should he stop though? It's his power! He shouldn't have to listen to this. If he was using it excessively and vigorously during actual hero work then yes he can understand but he was still a teenager with the only real priority was to become a hero. A teenager who didn't know any better than the next guy. In the end, it's his power, not anyone else's.
"Okay, so you want me to quit using the special move? That's all? It seems you something else on your mind."
A clear shot in the dark. Hitting its mark. Tooru felt her heart thumped harder at the accusation. As much as she wanted to deny it...she didn't.
"I was wondering if you would give...give relationships...another chance?"
There was an unnoticeable pause amongst the two, Izuku saw this coming and he is wrong to say no after all he had grown to enjoy and cherish Hagakure's company. But...the pain. He had only just got over Uraraka and now this was set right in front of him. This couldn't make sense. She was here to help him not be interested in him.
"It's alright if you don't want to answer but is it alright when you feel ready can you tell me?"
Her eyes still trained on him and her grip didn't relent.
"Sure, when I am ready we can talk about it."
One hour later~
Izuku couldn't sleep not after today. Things were going through his mind. His training, ex-girlfriend, and now his good-friends question.
He didn't want to go through that again. Maybe he was never ready for a relationship to begin with. Who was he kidding?! He is fifteen! Of course, few relationships last since their youth days but usually when things fallout it doesn't always have to be this terrible.
Deciding to get up from an early turn in, Izuku took a stroll through the night. He still hands another hour before curfew. Most of his classmates were having movie night since it was Friday.
Under the light, Izuku came across a bench and someone there?
Coming across the bench, Izuku sat down on one end as the person stayed on the other. Thanks to the light he can make out some of the appearances. The older individual was wearing a black T-shirt with black sweatpants with the same red shoes as Izuku was wearing though only a bit bigger.
His hair was similar to his but instead of green highlights, they were red and a bit wilder. His eyes were carrying crimson irises.
Izuku can clearly see the scars across the random guy's arms. Gashes, deep lacerations, some burns. What the hell?
"It's rude to stare at someone without introducing yourself."
Oh shit, how long was he captivated by this random person appearance?
"Oh sorry."
The stranger looked at him.
"Don't be I guess in a way something caught your eye but not in a pleasant manner."
"Oh okay. Well, my name is Izuku Midoriya."
Now the two were making eye contact.
"Hanma but you can call me Hans."
"Sure thing Hans."
"Well now that introductions are out of the way, what brings us U.A. Students here before curfew begins?"
"Wait for your a U.A. student?"
The older individual smiled a toothy grin.
"Yea, unless you know people who can come to the campus without any clearance. I am a third year. As for why I am here, simply trying to find peace within myself."
He gestures me to speak.
"I...uh, I want to find a solution to my situation?"
"Is that your question or your answer? Because to me, it sounds more like a question."
Izuku sighed. "Yea it is." From the lack of social interaction with anyone and everyone else, was left a very easy-to-read mind.
"It's just that it's more a girl issue." Izuku admittedly said. Looking down at this interlocked hands, waiting for a response.
"Hm in my opinion from what I got which not anything mind you but the way I see is don't let your brain take control of something complex as emotions. Follow what your body needs. If your heart wants affection then go for it, if your heart wants depression then go for it."
"Woah, the pretty much summed up my entire situation."
Hans smirked in response to that.
"I am good at the accusation and hunches my friend."
Izuku still looked down thinking of what to say next. This guy did hit the nail on the board with his guess. Maybe he should say his mind. Maybe he shouldn't. Things aren't as easy as it seemed.
"Still using your brain? How about this for the rest of the night use your emotions instead. You can learn a thing or two from not thinking too much."
Izuku sighed. Hans suggestion got him.
"Fine, if your willing to hear me out then listen just let me know if you want me to stop."
Hans smiled then nodded. He was all eyes and ears. For the next fifteen minutes, through a brief summary of Izuku's fallout with Uraraka, his suicidal attempt, and becoming friends with Tooru which led to more developed feelings.
"Hm, my advice still hasn't changed. To be honest I was in your shoes at some point but not to the extent of wanting to end it all. From what I can tell you is who cares about the girl he broke your heart, you are bound to meet people like that in the real world and they will do more than just hurt your feelings."
Hans tone became solemn for a moment. Izuku noticed it.
"But the girl that is trying to help you. From what I am hearing you are afraid to feel that pain again. Which in my opinion is a bit selfish, seeing as this same girl is helping you get out of your miserable state. If you were so hesitant about it then don't stall it any further. Just be honest with yourself."
Izuku did not expect this kind of feedback. He expected Hans to say something a bit crude and a little disrespectful. Not an honest, opinion and genuine suggestion.
"Be honest with myself, I have been honest this entire time."
Hans looked at me with blood-red crimson eyes of his. His glare was a response.
"Wrong. You have been honest with your neglect of others. It is true you are hurt but you didn't seek help you only sought a way out. And now look at your body marked with scars of our actions."
"Our? What makes you think I am you? I only just met you."
"What I am saying is that thanks to our neglect of the real world we bare marks of our ignorance. Yours was the neglect of receiving help and talking with your friends. Because of your actions, it led you continuously be damaged no matter what reprieve you may obtain."
"Well, then what's your "mark of ignorance?" If seem to know so much about my situation."
It was Hans turn to sighed. His eyes lost his focus on Izuku and up to the sky.
"For a long time, I did not care about the world around me. I lost many good friends and people who I called family due to my reckless actions. But in the end, only one person remained and she was all I had left. She loved me regardless of how much of the bullshit I put myself through. She stayed with that bright smile and those eyes of hers."
Izuku felt his eyes widen at what he just did. Open old wounds. Fuck. He felt bad. No felt like shit for doing that.
"In her eyes, surrounded by darkness were my only light back to her. She made me gave a shit about the world around me through her enthusiastic, loving personality. But...by the time I actually started caring about the world around me was the same time I lost her too. You may know what's it like to have a broken heart through relationship problems but I know how to feel broken entirely when the world just likes to take everything away from you."
A long pause. Nothing could be said or responded. Izuku tried to apologize but he felt it would make things worse. To make peace with himself was it? That was the reason Hans was here in the first place.
The sound of the bench creaking slightly as Hans stood up he was heading the opposite way and his back towards Izuku.
"I hope you got your answers Izuku, I really do. So do us all a favor and wake up before it's too late."
With a single blink, Izuku had woken up. It was still night out. Laying on the same bench he and the stranger sat on. Sitting up with no other guy named Hanma around.
It was a dream. He wanted to think I but couldn't help deny the realism of it all.
Deciding with no further reason to stay and with who knows how much time had passed, Izuku Head back to the dormitory for a nights rest.
Odd enough that guys name was the hammer. Hanma what an odd name indeed.
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