Healing pt 1
Izuku awoke to a humming voice that was nearby him. It wasn't unlikely that he would awoke in his own bed room but he did nonetheless. Meeting the ceiling with his awaken gaze while the constant sound of humming came from next to him.
Looking towards his left to see a familiar tan girl, Tooru.
"Hagekure-San?" The boy still rubbed his eyes making sure that he wasn't seeing an illusion of his mind. Her humming stopped and her head turn back to meet Izuku sitting up from the bed.
"Your awake! I am so glad that your okay!" She grasped the boy's hand while smiling genuinely with concern and worries lifted...mostly.
"What happen? All I remember is-" His words were paused when the blonde girl before him pushed his body to lie back down.
"You need to rest."
"But I am fine though." It wasn't completely wrong his body had healed himself thanks to the after affects of Striker.
"Listen you need to rest and we can sweat the details later on okay?" Her blue sapphire eyes watch over his emerald irises. She stood up at the edge of the bed holding Izuku's hand, which the boy did not realize at the moment.
"Um..." Izuku, ignoring Tooru's task and trying to recall what happen to himself earlier today or yesterday, he did not know. Then a sudden thought came into his head... Ochako!
"Yea... I remember seeing someone before being thrown down the stairs." Izuku explains leaving out the mention of Uraraka and waits for the reaction of Tooru.
Tooru didn't think Izuku wouldn't be in the condition to remember anything but she would of guess that the boy had scene delusions.
"Okay.... do you want some tea? I just prepared it."
Izuku took a moment to think of anything else but yet couldn't recall anything. Looking back up at the girl, Izuku just responded easily "yes thanks."
Tooru was not sure if Izuku did not realized what he had done earlier today but she knew that the boy needed a friend. The clear marks of finger tips were present around the boy's throat.
Just ask him to hang out. Tooru thought still feeling a bit cautious about the boy.
What's she going to ask? Izuku thought holding the tea cup by his lips.
"Wanna hangout?"
There I said it!
Izuku looked at the girl for a moment. The injured teen gave a warm smile before he said his answer.
"Hagekure-San, thanks but~"
"Just a walk in the nearby park. Please Midoriya, just please let me spend some time with you." The tan teen made her way to sit on the edge of the bed which caused Izuku to look in confusion.
"I know you have a lot of free time and you rather use that time being by yourself but... one time just spend at least a day with a classmate: Me." Tooru knew that it sounded desperate, impatient, and otherwise not how a classmate should ask of another but her intentions were get to know the green haired wreck as best she could.
Izuku blushes at the serious face Tooru gave before chuckling a bit as it was kind of nice but hey anyone can pull of that face right? "Okay, Hagekure-San are you free this weekend?"
Tooru's face brighten at that question. Her once serious face became a joyous expression. "Yes!, you won't regret this Izuku!"
A period of silence came as the boy and girl fell embarrassed. Tooru covered her mouth with a blush appearing on her face. Izuku stared with wider eyes than his female classmate with a wide blush across his face. Did she just use his first name?
"Oh...my bad, tongue kinda slip there. Ha...Ha." The tan girl felt that she actually made things worse but it was actually the opposite. Izuku began to chuckle a bit more. "It's alright Hagekure-San, it happens." Izuku smiles at his classmate the first genuine smile he gave to anyone else since last semester.
Tooru herself smiled as well, happy that she got to see that hidden smile of his.
The week went by fast as Izuku did his normal torturous training, challenging academics, and overall waited for the day he and Tooru would go out to talk or walk; he did not know.
Tooru never felt so excited yet nervous. The idea of getting to know Izuku really made her go both ways. Of course she knew the general bad stuff due to her classmates what's going on but there could be more. Then again she shouldn't rush to the point, this hangout should be on the therapeutic side.
Around eleven close to noon, many student were in the main lobby talking and going about their day without the worry of grades and academics...well most of them at least.
Izuku came into the lobby with a black hoodie and forest green cargo pants. With hands in his pockets and paying no mind to his classmates, the young teen just waited at the door of the main lobby awaiting to go outside with his classmate.
It took a couple of minutes for some of Izuku's class to recognize him just waiting and staring out the window looking at the sunshine outside.
"Deku." A clear voice came to be heard in the lobby as the explosion user walked towards his distant childhood friend. Izuku took his gaze off the window to look back and meet eyes with his childhood friend. "Oh, hey." A soft greeting filled with hurt and brokenness. It stung at the explosion user. The two close friends Deku had made betrayed him and Katsuki started to feel almost remorseful. It wasn't until the blonde teen witnessed the actions of being alone for so long. Those scars, Bakugo was tough and thick skin but seeing those wounds of self-harm...it got to him.
"Listen you shit! If you need to vent out some of that pain just let me know! Don't go trying to kill yourself because you want to be a hero don't you?!" The goal was to bring out the determination in Izuku but the opposite happen.
"No. Bakugo-San, thanks for the helping hand but I don't think Asui-San would be happy with us coming to blows over my problems. And I am looking look into another school, a normal school. So don't waste your time with me anymore because I am the pebble on the side of the road to be kicked upon."
Did Katsuki heard him right? First the lack of any stuttering, then the loss of childhood familiarity, next him trying to apply to another school, one without heroes, and him admitted that he is his the definition of Katsuki's version of 'Deku'.
In a fit of rage, Katsuki grab Izuku by the collar and made him look in his eyes but Izuku was not paying any attention. "Look at me! God dammit Look at Me!! Your Saying your giving up?!"
Izuku gave Katsuki a sad smile before speaking. "That's the plan."
Katsuki was not having any of it, he dragged Izuku to the outside to the field without looking suspicious to the other classmates. With no restraint made the travel was easier but hit the blonde boy's pride. How can the same boy who stood up to him at young and teen years just up and say he is giving up now?! Over a goddam affair!
"Why are you letting round face and four eyes get to you?!"
"What's it to you? You never cared in the first place, ever since I became quirkless you stopped being my friend." Izuku said with a emotionless tone which made Katsuki stop and look the boy. Izuku was right, a hundred percent. Bakugo left the friendship for superiority over his childhood victim. No matter how much he tried to think about the 'what if's' it can never change the past. The only thing Bakugo can do is try and fix the present Izuku.
Izuku looked tired of the company and decide to unhand of the grasp of Bakugo. "Listen you never cared so why now?"
"Because aren't you his damn successor! What happens if you switch, you can't be a hero without the education of a heroes nor heroism." Katsuki reminded.
"I already have that figured out, I am going to have give my powers to you or him so don't sweat the details." Izuku began walking away from his blonde explosion classmate.
Katsuki clenched his fist in frustration as to why Izuku would give up all his work and dream over a simple affair. It never clicked to him.
Izuku arrived back at the dorms to meet to meet Tooru outside in a concern tone. "Did something happen?" She asked as a bit of worry hit the boy.
"No, nothing happen. Let's get going then." Izuku reassures the tan girl and and two made way to a nearby park.
At the park~
The pair of teens walk on a wooden bridge which was above a small pond of different fish and underwater plant life. Both Yuuei Students stopped in the middle of the wooden floor which was the 'hump' of its structure.
Izuku put hand on the wooden rail as he looked down at the pond. Tooru kept her gaze on Izuku waiting to see if anything the boy would say anything first. "Hagekure-San, I don't know why you want to help me. Literally most of our class doesn't bother with me at this point." Izuku started getting straight to the point.
Tooru sighed as if she was expecting something else besides the demand for answers. "First things first. Call me Tooru or at least use -Chan when you use my last name. Secondly, it's a heroes duty to meddle in other people's business. Thirdly, I am doing this as a friend."
"Friend? Lets one thing straight. You and I are not friends, we are classmates or associates if you will." Izuku gave a distasteful look towards the once Invisible girl.
That statement alone made the tan girl frown. "Now it's true that heroes job is meddle in others business but now we are not in the line of duty or heroism no just a pair teens chatting away in a park. So drop that reason because if that's the case then coming out here was a waste of time." Izuku's voice of disdain made the girl frown even more to the point where she was about to shed some tears.
"Why are you like this? Why do you let the wound continue to hurt you? Just tell me that much." She holded her hands in frustration as Izuku stopped leaning on the rail and turn to have his back towards her.
"I...I just realize what it means to be hurt under the means of betrayal. As for the second question, What's the point of trying to rid of pain if it's only gonna come back to make you suffer yet stronger. There is a saying: Pain is my maiden."
"So now your a masochist now?" In the attempt to lighten the mood, the tan girl joked at the way Izuku's words were displayed in context. "Heh heh. I guess so." He agreed.
Though due to the nature of his new technique, pain was to be expected and sooner or later Izuku had gotten use to it.
"I think we're done for today don't you agree?" Izuku started to walked ahead of the blonde haired girl.
The feeling of his hand being grabbed halted the green haired teen. To look back at the girl who now pulled him into a comforting embrace. "Let's talk again, Izuku. I want to help you get through with this." Her tender words did not make Izuku return the hug but it did made him understand.
"Sure...I guess?" With not caring tone, Izuku and Tooru stayed like that for the next couple of minutes.
Okay... So I know that some of you did not like the accidental cliffhanger from the last chapter but to reassure you guys I put up this one.
I know this is a bit...small in terms of word count and as well as writing grade from my previous chapters and other works. Though it will take time to get back into writing flow of this story.
Because I am a Head Ass, I have to many ideas for future works and future chapters for my present works. Some of this future works is either a One-Shot, Harem, romance(Like my other ones to some degree), and etc.
I hope you accepted this "lackluster" of a comeback challenge and give me some advice or share your ideas for this chapter and future ones as well.
Anyway... Take care, Hope I don't procrastinate, and See you all later.
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