Free Time
Izuku P.o.v
After I told everyone the identity of the gorgeous girl they responded with a loud "WHAT?!" in unison. They were all shocked including the cool Todoroki. Seeing him with an astonished face was pretty funny, I stared at him and started to snicker. Suddenly I was torn from Todoroki's grasp and pinned against a wall.
"Midoriya! Momo had to give you clothes for Hagakure correct?" Mineta yelled while Kaminari pinned me against the wall.I nodded wondering why that mattered. "Then that means.....YOU SAW HAGAKURE NAKED!!!" Mineta yelled as he pointed at me crying tears of envy. The class suddenly focused their attention on me and started to glare daggers. I tried to defend my self from the accusation but nothing would come out of my mouth, I mean what Mineta said was correct but it wasn't like I was perving on her. "Tell me Midoriya! What cup size did she look like? how was her bo-" Mineta was interrupted by a swift punch to the face by Hagakure herself.
"Guys calm down. Midoriya didn't do anything gross to me, I mean yes he DID see me naked but he didn't mean anything by it." Hagakure said as she turned a bit red in the cheeks, "But if it weren't for Midoriya then I probably would've been raped by that gross villain." She continued as she pointed at the unconscious gross villain. "So ummm...I guess you could say that Midoriya is my....hero." She sad turning to face me as we both were given intense blushes. It had always been my dream to save people and this is my second time someone called me their hero. Honestly the feeling was a good one, this feeling is what I've been after my whole life. I smiled at Hagakure as she turned back to the class, "So you guys can calm down. We all know Midoriya isn't the type of guy to do something to a girl even if he was given the chance." she said still defending me. I'm glad that she was on my side but frankly she had just called me a wuss and it honestly kinda hurt....kinda. Kaminari let go of me and walked away still giving me a jealous stare.
After the situation got sorted out the class headed to the entrance of the USJ. I was making my way to the entrance with the villain I had captured behind me and dragged him with a rope tied around his torso which held his arms to his side. I started to think, 'How did he get here? Why was here? Was he planning something that we don't know about?' as I thought to myself I felt something on my shoulder, I decided to shrug off the feeling until I felt a poke to my face which finally distracted me from my thoughts. "Midoriya!" I heard Uraraka yell getting my attention.
"Oh h-hey Uraraka. Whats up?" I asked tightening my grip on the villain.
"So do you know how we can suddenly see Hagakure-san?" Uraraka whispered using her hand to fill the gap between her mouth and my ear. I shook my head with a heavy sigh that showed I didn't know either. We stopped abruptly and I ran into the back of Ojiro who gave me a mean glare before he turned his attention back to Aizawa. I wonder what's wrong with Ojiro, I thought to myself before directing my attention to Aizawa as well.
"Alright class, as you all can see, we have had a villain infiltrate the USJ. Since we don't know the EXACT reason he is here we must do an investigation, therefore you all are let out early so go nuts." Aizawa said with a bored monotone expression. I look down at my watch only to see it was 1:30, I let out a disappointed sigh as others in the class cheered and others made no reaction at all. As everyone made their way to the exit I was stopped with a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Aizawa giving me a mean stare as his eyes directed at the villain I was still carrying and back to me. I let out a nervous laugh as I handed him the rope the imprisoned said villain, Aizawa walked off with a mean scoff which probably translated that he wasn't looking forward to the extra work the villain caused him.
As we boarded the bus I decided to sit in the back in a window seat. I turned and rested my elbow on the windowsill as I used my hand to prop my head up, as I the bus started I thought about what I was gonna do to fill the time till I had to be home ending up with the choice to go workout either at the gym or the beach, I wasn't sure. People on the bus started to converse about trivial things like whether they were gonna go shopping next or go straight home. I decided to keep to myself and ignore the conversation as a whole still thinking about where to workout or just kill time, without my knowing I was muttering every thought that came to mind.
Suddenly I heard someone call my name so I stopped my mutterstorm and directed my attention. It was Kirishima, he was sitting right next to me and was giving me an uncomfortable smile. "O-oh y-yes Kirishima-san?" I asked tripping over my words like normal.
"Not to be rude, but what are you muttering about this time man?" he asked giving an immediate reply.
"W-w-well s-since we have so m-much free time I was just wondering about what to do with it." I stated while my cheeks turned red with embarrassment .
"What were you thinking? I don't know either so maybe we can do it together!" Kirishima said with a toothy grin that honestly could inspire someone to do anything.
( Kirishima is awesome okay! No one can say otherwise!)
"U-um I-I was actually thinking a-about w-w-working out..." I said slowly getting quieter at the last part. I could see Kirishima's jaw drop in response.
"W-whoa Midoriya, I didn't think you were so determined!" He said recomposing himself. I let out a nervous laugh as my cheeks were dusted with red, I was completely ready to get laughed at but it never happened. Kirishima wasn't a mean person in the slightest, in fact he was probably one of the nicest people in class 1-A, but if someone heard that a nerd was trying to workout instead of doing other stereotypical things nerds do then the natural response would be to play it off as a joke. There's no way that they would take it seriously, but Kirishima didn't make fun of me, he actually encouraged me. " Hey dude keep it up! I've seen how toned you are, and if you're still working on it you must be extremely motivated! So manly!"
I didn't express it but hearing him encourage me like that was so nice to hear. I gave him a smile and a nod and decided that I would try and return the gesture, "W-what about you Kirishima-san? W-what are you gonna do in your spare time?" I asked trying my best not to stutter.
"I don't really know man, maybe go to the mall. I'm not sure, I mean some of the class invited me to the mall so maybe the mall, yeah the mall." Kirishima told repeating as if he were hyping himself up. A few of the near by kids joined the chant of, "MALL!MALL!MALL!"
After the bus ride the majority of the class decided to go onto a trip to mall. I was wavering on whether to go along with them or go with my original plan, working out. I wasn't sure and was having a hard time on deciding until, I was asked individually by Uraraka to go and hang out. I figured I could always just workout some when I got home so I reluctantly decided to go along. We all decided to go home and change into casual clothes as to not attract attention to ourselves.
Iida, Uraraka, and I made our way to the train station after we changed out of our hero costumes and gathered out bags. On the way there they both asked me if I was okay and asked about some details here and there, we quickly changed the subject to casual things such as what we were gonna do at the mall or what we wanted for dinner. We split up and went to our designated stations, all of us in a hurry to get back to the mall.
When I got home I decided to change into a black T-shirt that had the picture of a random hero that I started to like a few weeks back, I wore white shorts, and my usual red shoes. I threw my phone in my front pocket and walled in my back one. I grabbed my house keys and made my way out of the house.
As I sat on the train and checked my phone for the daily hero news, a few blonde strands of hair hovered on my face from the person sitting next to me. I pursed my lips and blew a concentrated stream of air to knock the hair out of my face. After the blonde hair was out of the way I went back to my phone, checking for any more news that may have happened in the few seconds I wasn't paying attention. I started to smell an oddly familiar citrus smell, I lowered the phone away from my face and looked around the train to see if someone had a fruit basket of sorts or some guy was peeling in orange or something. As my eyes scanned the room a small amount of wavy blonde hair blew in front of my face. I traced the hair back to its source with my eyes to see a girl with a homemade beanie that turned out very well, and a white T-shirt that had some decorations on the front that I couldn't make out, she had skinny jeans and clean white flat shoes. Why does she seem so familiar?
When the train started to slow down nearing my stop I began to stand up, as I was getting my balance the train stopped a lot faster than I expected throwing me to the ground due to the sudden change of pace.
"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" The girl with golden blonde hair asked while leaning over for me to take my hand.
"Y-yeah I-I'm fine t-thank you Miss." I said taking her hand. I stood up dusting off my pants and feeling my pockets to make sure nothing fell out.
"Jeez dude, you should be mor-....Midoriya?!" the girl yelled getting my attention.
"I-I'm sorry ma'am do I kn- Hagakure-san?!" I yelled back,"S-sorry I didn't recognize you s-sooner." I stuttered. She let out a tired sigh before she responded,
"It's alright Midoriya, I'm not used to my body yet either." She responded with a disappointed face that soon turned into a smile, "Hey Midoriya?!" she cheered, her face starting to fill with excitement.
"Wanna just go to the mall together since we're both headed over?" she asked shaking her fists up and down trying to contain excitement. My face flushed with red. Should I? I mean won't people get the wrong idea? But I don't wanna be rude. Aghhhhhh! My brain started to overload with all of the possible responses that I could use.
"S-s-s-sure?" I said making it sound like a question.
"Cool!" She said bursting with joy. She grabbed my wrist and raced me out of the train, why is she so hyper?
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