seven. personal question
IT'S BEEN 2 weeks since Rhea found herself sharing a room with Peter, although it really wasn't as scandalous as one might think. Their relationship was solely platonic, or at least, that's what she's been trying to tell herself ever since that day.
"Rhea?" Eva repeated for the past few seconds, snapping Rhea out of her trance. (Thank God she didn't turn to dust eh)
"We're talking about the group project Mrs Warren gave the class today," Eva reiterated, which only made Rhea ashamed for getting so distracted all the time, her thoughts have been getting a lot more louder than they usually were, and it was hard to resist against them.
"And we decided that Peter and you could get started on research and organizing the points today, send it to us by tonight, and then Eva and I will finish up the powerpoint slides and script tomorrow," Ned explained the distribution of the project's workload, which would be a new experience to Rhea, seeing as to how unbalanced the workload was in every group project she partook in back at her previous school. At least this sounded entirely fair, finally.
Smiling, she agreed. Quickly turning to Peter, they both shared a solid second of just gazing at each other before she cleared her throat and spoke up, "Perhaps we can do the research at my place?"
- after school -
Nudging the door to Rhea's apartment open, the first thing the pair laid eyes on was a new spark of life covered in the softest fur, laying fast asleep in the best pet bed Rhea could find Mira. With their oncoming footsteps, the kitten opened her eyes, filled with pure energy tempered by an undercurrent of nervousness and its ears perked up high. She leapt off the bed with the sudden pounce of a wild feline towards them, quickly recognizing who her human subjects were. Of course, Rhea and Peter took awhile to get over Mira's feigned ferocity and healthier appearance, until Lydia, Rhea's mother who has been acting cold for what had happened, stepped in.
"Mom?" Rhea frowned, "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"
She smiled, a smile that only screamed fake to Rhea. "It's my day off today," she disclosed before shifting her eyes towards Peter, "And who's this? You never mentioned any boyfriend."
Peter's eyes widened in a state of panic before stumbling on his words, "I'm-I'm just her friend," a nervous smile caressed his lips as he added, "I'm Peter Parker, it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs Abner."
"A pleasure to meet you too, Peter. You look like a great kid, help keep Rhea out of trouble, will you?" Smirking, she laid her suspicious, wary eyes on her own daughter. It was ironic, seeing her distrust Rhea at the hands of a single lie, when her entire life depended on lying. If one lie were to collapse, so will the others, and Lydia would no longer have anything to live for. No life.
Semi-slamming the door to her room shut, the pair finally made their way to Rhea's room after much unnecessary small talk. At this point, Rhea was more than just irritated. She was disgusted. Her mother's fake display, putting on a show to convince her friend that she was an ordinary mother, her stupid smirk that subtly accused Rhea of wronging her, and her demeanour that was more of a fraud, everything about Lydia revolted her. When she talked and had honey dripping off her voice earlier, Rhea almost wanted to sew her ears shut. She's so fake to everyone but her. Deceitful even.
Peter noticed the change in her. And for a moment, he was afraid that the Rhea he had seen in the alleyway was back. She struck a twinge in his chest at how bitterly cold she now looked, nearly beyond recognition. Yet it only lasted for a few seconds before the usual air around her returned. He wanted nothing more than to find out why, still. Why a sweet girl like her would have any reason to put up a vicious front.
"Rhea," he began, watching her place research materials onto the desk, using the same, gentle hands that wielded murderous intentions not too long ago, "I'm curious about something, but I guess I'll ask you once we're done." He must find out why.
Raising an eyebrow at him, she chuckled at his peculiar statement while agreeing anyways.
After long grueling hours, the room was now lit by artificial light rather than natural, golden rays. It was slightly past 7:30 PM, and Rhea had just finished emailing everything they've done to Eva and Ned. Finally, they sat on the carpeted floor facing each other, a grin on Rhea's face, but none on Peter's. Naturally, her smile faded and she knew what he was going to ask.
"It might be a personal question," he spoke clearly, "And I don't want to hurt you, I just... want to do more for you. So you don't have to answer me if it hurts to think about it," he reassured her. All this while, his overwhelming urge to want to protect her has been growing. Regardless if a part of her was foreign to him.
"Sure, go on."
"What did your mother do to you?" He's seen how she glared at her mother. It was one that spewed out of hatred so strong, it would become poison to her, one that would slowly take over her entire system, mute all the feelings she ever felt, and eventually bring her to her own demise. It would kill who she ever was, and he couldn't bear to think of losing her. He wanted- no, he needed her in his life, more than he ever thought he did.
A soft, dark snicker escaped her lips as she thought about it, tears threatening to spill. "My father's clumsiness took him to the grave, is what I would tell you. But if I did, I would be doing the exact same thing she did to me."
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qotd !! ;
which mcu character do you think is the most underrated?
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