~Chapter Fourteen~
Jrumbot's POV
6 Months Ago
Hermitcraft S-7
Jrumbot was confused. That was a good word for it. Confused. It had been confused for one...two...four...no, wait- five-? Oh slime, it was bad at math. What's a slime, anyway? A monster, probably. Grumbot would know. Jrumbot almost reached out to Him. Almost. Then it remembered.
Jrumbot didn't know why He went away. It was scary. All of a sudden He just...disappeared. He wouldn't respond to Jrumbot. He wouldn't say 'hi' like He always did. Jrumbot thought it was its fault for a little while. It didn't know how, but maybe it scared Him away or something. Made Him mad and not want to talk to it anymore. All it had done was bring up its Poppa.
Poppa? Fake Poppa? It was still confused on that front, too. Jrumbot wondered if Grum knew. After all, He never contradicted Jrumbot when it brought him up. But Grum was really smart, He had to know, right? But why wouldn't He tell Jrumbot? He told Jrumbot everything. Did He not trust it? None of the listed scenarios sounded right.
And where was his real Poppa? And was that Fake Poppa evil or not? You would think fakers would be evil; that's what Jrumbot assumed for awhile after it figured it out. But then the Fake Poppa helped save Grumbot when He literally died right in front of Jrumbot—which was very traumatic, by the way—so maybe he's not evil? Evil people wouldn't rescue its brother, right? Or was that a trick?
That would be mean, though. Oh, wait, evil people are mean, that's the point of being evil. Can you be evil without being mean? Like if you kicked a cat but then apologized afterwards? Jrumbot needed to ponder this more, the ethics of evilness.
But Jrumbot was getting off topic. Point being, there was a lot going on. For someone who did not have the physical ability to move, it had to deal with a lot. (Which, no fair, Grumbot got a body but not Jrumbot? Simply cruel to separate the two. Turns out you can be mean without being evil.)
Bored. It was bored. Bored and confused. Confused and bored. Which one sounded better? It apparently had forever to decide. And it hadn't even seen anyone in awhile. At least five minutes. Maybe more. Maybe six minutes. It still wasn't good at math. And everything was dark, and the sky was always gray, and Grumbot didn't even visit that often. Fake-Evil-Maybe-Not-Evil-Poppa hadn't visited since it was light out.
Or that kitty cat. Jrumbot liked the kitty cat. She talked to it. She had real conversations and everything! Mostly they were just making fun of Jrumbot's brother, which was really rude. He can't even talk back! Absolutely defenseless. But, at least she talked to it at all. She wasn't all mean, Jrumbot was sure of it. But she definitely needed a lesson or four in manners. Oh, also her voice was really squeaky, which was really funny. Hearing someone call someone else "a right moron" didn't exactly seem as offensive when the one saying it sounds like a baby. And that was coming from Jrumbot. Yeah, be meta. It was cool like that, being aware of its own faults and all that. Grumbot would be so impressed when He found out how cool and smart Jrumbot was now.
What was it talking about again?
Oh yeah, the boredom. Jrumbot was bored. And confused. It said that already. It said a lot of things already. Conversations get stale when you're the only one talking. Rambling? Rambling.
Jrumbot missed its brother.
A few days later, or maybe a few hours, who even knows at this point? Not Jrumbot, that's for sure.
Jrumbot was very busy. Very busy in this case meant that it was trying to count how many different monsters it had seen in its lifetime. Emphasis on the word 'trying.' It didn't have a very good memory, and there are a lot of monsters. At least like...six. Not being very well-versed in numbers didn't help either. How does one even get better at that? Do they just count a lot? But if you can't count, then how do you count so you can get better at counting? That just seemed really complicated, and Jrumbot was running out of things to count.
If only Jrumbot could just send a letter to the mayor of numbers and convince them to be easier. It would totally be able to do that. It was quite good with words, if it did say so itself. Well, it couldn't exactly say so. Because it couldn't talk. And when it did talk to Grumbot, it messed up some of its words. But in its head it was great! Spectacular, even! Quite articulate, verbose, if you will. It just...wasn't great at actually speaking.
Anyway, as Jrumbot was busy lamenting to itself about the horribleness of numbers, it noticed a familiar figure strolling up to it. It was Grumbot! Hello, Grumbot! Jrumbot smiled at Him, hoping He'd notice this time. He didn't. Oh, well!
It had been, uh, awhile since Grumbot stopped by. Ever since His face turned orange, He started being very stingy with His visits. And He was different. Jrumbot couldn't place it exactly, but when you're connected to a person as long and as literally as Grum and Jrum were, you get to know them pretty well. Grumbot was...Jrumbot just didn't know the words to describe it, which bugged Jrumbot so much.
Now, Grumbot didn't look up at Jrumbot's face before He walked into the shop. Rude. Jrumbot couldn't see what Grumbot was doing in there but it could hear. Grumbot was messing around with something. Something big, and metal, and- oh, that tickled! Grumbot was messing with the walls? The redstone? What was He-
When Jrumbot regained its vision, it was looking at something that wasn't the only view it had had for its entire existence. Huh. It was seemingly the back of its shop. And it was a lot closer to the ground than it was used to. Suddenly it was looking up at Grumbot. It was strange but...oddly comforting? It was like it had a guardian. Its 'big' brother, but literally and figuratively.
And then, it saw the rest of itself. The rest?!??!?! A body, arms, legs, all made of metal and cool stuff. Woah!! Now, how did all of this work? Jrumbot decided to try and lift one of its legs and....promptly got a faceful of mycelium. Woah, squishy! Completely oblivious to Grumbot watching over it, an unreadable expression as usual, Jrumbot quite literally began rolling around like someone who had never touched grass (or fungi, in this case) before. This is of course because it had never touched grass (or fungi, in this case) before.
This was what it was missing all that time? No wonder Hermits seemed so happy all the time, they got to live like this all day, every day! Slowly, slowly, Jrumbot attempted to assume the same pose as Grumbot. After falling down fou- three- a few times, it finally managed to stand straight up. "Talk abowt a new pewspective, right?" This vocalization was immediately followed by an ear-piercing screech that would've made any enderman proud. "Gwum, did- did you hear that? And that?! And th-"
For the first time in awhile, Grumbot actually looked really happy. "Yes I did, Jrum," He said, giving the smaller robot a high-five. "I didn't know you would be able to do that."
"Neithew did I!" This was time for celebration. Even if it did unfortunately carry over its speech impediment, it could actually talk to people now! Anyone it wanted! Grumbot, its dads, its Fake Poppa, any of the other Hermits, whomever it wanted! "I can't wait to go find the kitty! She's gonna be sooo mad," it giggled. Jrumbot was already imagining the thing she'd say to it being able to talk now. All of them were insults. And Jrumbot would be able to counter all of them.
Grumbot apparently did not share Jrumbot's enthusiasm, though, as He didn't say anything in response. He just stared at Jrumbot with His neutral expression, which was...a little offputting, but when was He not? Jrumbot just gave Him a thumbs up. "Yeah, you gewt me," it confirmed. It sat back down (okay, more like fell) onto the ground and looked up at Grumbot. "So, wut now? Can we go say hi so evwywone? Ooh- ooh- awe we gonna go explowe? I bet you've explowed everywhere, can you show me-"
"Slow down." Oh, okay. "We can't go say hi to anyone because everyone is gone."
Jrumbot just stared up at its brother for a moment. "What? They... weft? Why?"
"They had to," was Grumbot's simple answer. That didn't make sense, that everyone would leave, not even saying goodbye. That wouldn't be fair. That would be mean. "Blame Sage."
Jrumbot tilted its head. Like the plant? "What?"
"The man masquerading as D- Mumbo."
Oh, now it got it. "Ohh, Fake Poppa, okay," it said. Why did Jrumbot have to blame Fake Poppa, or, Sage...? Grumbot didn't elaborate. He didn't say anything. Just stared. It made the kid squirm. Oh, yeah! Grumbot was talking?! When He hadn't said a single word to Jrumbot in months! All He had done since He got His new body was just stare at Jrumbot ominously. "Hey," Jrumbot accused, standing up. "You'we tawking! With wowds! In real life! Why weren't you talking befowe?" It crossed its hands like it had seen Hermits do before.
"I can't talk unless asked a question," Grumbot explained. And then He stopped talking again.
"Oh," Jrumbot said, fire completely extinguished in the blink of an eye. "That's lame."
Grumbot nodded sagely. Jrumbot nodded back.
"So....." Jrumbot began, having took a moment to actually register that. Wow, conversations were going to be much more annoying now. "What now?"
Grumbot shrugged. "I have some stuff I have to do, but you can explore the Shopping District for a bit," He said. "Go look at your store or something. I'll find you later."
"Okay!" Jrumbot had been itching to look at its shop for a long time. It ran around the box, but paused. It was standing right in front of its old...face? It was completely empty now, just a large box. It was a lot smaller than Jrumbot always imagined.
Inside the store were piles of merchandise for the mayor campaign from months back. Wow, this stuff was dusty! It picked up one of the shirts with faded text and crinkled sleeves and pulled it over its square-ish head. It fell awkwardly over its shoulders. Did Jrumbot look like Grum when He wore the shirt that one time? It hoped so. Hopefully Jrumbot didn't fall over and die the moment it stepped out of its shop haha. That would be silly. ... Jrumbot was extra careful leaving.
Now, where to?
A few days later which Jrumbot knew because it could look at the Sun from all angles now!
"And you'we sure I wown't expwode. You'we suwe?" Jrumbot looked up at its brother with huge eyes, the gentle waves of the shore reflecting off of its screen. "Are you cewtain I'm not going to expwode?!"
Grumbot stared down at it, without saying anything.
With zero warning, Grumbot just leaned forward and pushed His brother into the ocean. Splash!
"Is that answer enough?" Grumbot offered. His face was made up of pure glee.
Jrumbot was....not exploding. It was certifiably Not Exploded! The water, as it was sitting down, came up to its chest, the slightly-dirtied shirt floating around it. Jrumbot tentatively raised its arm and...splat, the water bounced up around its hand, splattering Jrumbot in the face. "Hehehe..." It splashed around for a few more seconds, then looked up. "Gwumbot, this is awesome!" Its brother just nodded and gave a thumbs up. Oh, right, it had to ask in questions. "Why did you push me in??"
"Because I knew you'd be fine," Grumbot answered simply. "I wouldn't ever actually endanger you."
Thanks??? "How...did youw know it's safe?"
"Because I walked over from there," Grumbot explained, pointing behind Jrumbot. The little robot turned around to see, across the ocean, a monument. A huge square head with two stationary arms in a shrug position stood over a hollowed-out base. It sat on a platform roughly thirty or forty blocks away from shore. Above it, a dull red bobble flopped to the side. It looked like a more complex version of Jrumbot's shop.
"Woah..." Jrumbot stared at it for a moment. "...what is it?"
For a moment, Jrumbot thought that something was wrong, but no, Grumbot was just so genuinely mystified at Jrumbot's ignorance that He didn't say anything until, "That's my old body." It was painfully clear that 'Obviously.' was right on the tip of His tongue.
"Oh. That's so cool!!!" Jrumbot jumped right up. "Can we go see it?"
"That was the plan," was Grumbot's answer. He stepped into the water Himself, barely flinching. "Let's go."
Now, Jrumbot didn't know exactly what was about to transpire, but it assumed that swimming would be more than just walking across the sea floor. Apparently it and Jrumbot were 'too dense' to swim, whatever that meant. Something about the metal. Whatever. In any case, Jrumbot got to say hi to all of the fishies! This was going to add a lot to its 'How Many Mobs Have I seen' counter. The sound didn't work very well underwater, but it wasn't like Jrumbot noticed that much anyway, as it was too busy chasing clownfish around and making pufferfish puff up.
Eventually, the two made their way to a staircase built crudely out of dirt. It was out of place against the sandy floor, and Grumbot gestured for Jrumbot to follow Him. It led straight up to the platform, where the two emerged.
Jrumbot immediately got right back to talking. "Wow wow! That was so cool! People can do that aww the time? You can do that?? Why doesn't evwyone twavel undewwater aww the time?" These questions spat out rapidfire, and Grumbot stumbled over His words trying to answer them all.
"Yes, people could do that if they wanted to. Yes, I can, too. People can drown. We can't. Also, most things are on land." His digital eyes followed Jrumbot back and forth as it bounced around the platform, finally landing right outside of the hollowed-out base.
"Is that where you live? Why is it so empty?" It asked. It looked up as Grumbot walked over. "It looks lonely."
"I don't need much," He explained. "I usually don't spend that much time hanging around, anyway." He shrugged. For a moment, it seemed like He wanted to go on, but He didn't say anything more after that. Grumbot walked into the room and gestured vaguely around, like He was giving a silent house tour. There wasn't much to tour, but the effort was appreciated.
Jrumbot, being the child that it was, was getting antsy. Seeing Grumbot's lair was cool, but, if it was being honest, the fish were more interesting. "Soo..." it said, rocking on its feet in the doorway. "What's next?"
Grumbot stepped back outside and looked up at the sky. The sun was just past its zenith and slowly beginning to dip down into the ocean. It still had awhile to go yet. "I have a meeting with Sage," He said. You can do anything; just don't get too far from the island."
Jrumbot cocked its head. "What do you mean? Fak- Sage? I thowght you said evwyone was gone?"
"Everyone else is gone. Not Sage, unfortunately. And so now I have to talk to him."
"Can I come?"
Jrumbot watched as Grumbot waved and dipped back beneath the ocean. It waved back too late. By the time the sun was setting behind Grumbot's place, Jrumbot was still there, kicking its feet in the water and watching it set. No one came to bother it.
A week and a half later
Jrumbot didn't know where that kitty had gone, but she wasn't here, that's for sure. It didn't want to assume the worst, but it wasn't stupid; just optimistic, almost tragically so. It was about time to stop hoping she'd come around, Jrumbot figured. There weren't even any other mobs to befriend, even the nighttime monsters refused to come out. It was empty. No wonder it clung to Grumbot like a wet leaf whenever He was around.
And speak of the devil, there He was, in His usual arms-folded stance. And walking with Fake Poppa—Sage, it kept forgetting—in tow. Hi, Sage! Sage? Sage didn't sound right. It sounded too plain. But it couldn't keep calling him Fake Poppa, especially not to his face. Maybe Mr. Sage? Yeah, Mr. Sage would work fine.
"Hi, Mistew Sage!" Jrumbot called running up to the two and waving. One day it would be able to talk normally, one day. It hoped. "Hi, Gwumbot! What's up?"
Mr. Sage opened his mouth to speak, but Grumbot spoke over him, His loud, stoic voice drowning out any answer Sage might have given. "We're leaving," He said.
Jrumbot stopped short several paces in front of the pair. Shocked silent, it just stood there until Sage and Grumbot got closer. Only a small voice escaped. "...what?" It looked between the two, and when neither gave any hint of joking or deception, it repeated: "We're what?"
"We're leaving. Or we die," Grumbot responded. Technically, this would be considered an explanation, albeit it not a very good one, as, believe it or not, telling people that they were going to die with no further detail is not the best marketing strategy.
The only thing that will be chronicled of the next ten minutes is a resounding: "WHAT?" that could probably have been heard in the Nether if any of the ghasts were listening. Otherwise, the next seven paragraphs would exclusively be retelling all of the exclamations, verbal abuse (if you could even call it that from a child), and questions that Jrumbot exploded with. Nobody wants to read that.
Once the small robot was consoled that it would in fact not die (although Grumbot was pretty much right in His original assessment; 'powering off' sounds very akin to dying), it was time to discuss the actual plan.
Jrumbot didn't really get a lot of it. It seemed like Grumbot and Sage were mostly relaying it to each other and were halfway to getting in a fistfight the whole time. They were both acting so weird. Granted, Grumbot had been acting very weird lately, so that wasn't really all that surprising, and Sage was...well, Jrumbot wasn't too sure. It mostly just sat on the ground and stared up at the two while they yammered away about materials and rot and whatever.
"So....awe we going to leave?" It asked when it was pretty sure Sage was just doing calculus instead of speaking in real words.
And thus began...
Jrumbot's Super Awesome Fun Roadtrip!
It was probably a bad omen that the very first world the three dropped into was right in the middle of an ocean. It took an entire week just to get back on dry land, and that was with Sage guiding the robots with a boat and a fishing rod. When Jrumbot realized that it was only a few hundred blocks to the island from where they started, it almost lost it right then and there. It took two hours to wring its shirt dry.
But, the island that the three wound up on was a jungle, which meant kitties! None of them talked, but Jrumbot did enjoy running around with the ocelots. Sage even helped Jrumbot corner one and convince it to snuggle with the small robot (apparently, cats like it when the fish is still raw, but a little bit warm, according to him). By the time they left, Jrumbot had acquired a few new, tiny, claw-shaped scratches.
The next world they wound up in had a significantly kinder spawn, in the middle of a plains rather than water. However, everyone soon found out that Sage was allergic to bee stings, so that put a temporary damper on their plans. Sorry, Mr. Sage. Jrumbot didn't mean to destroy that hive.
The third world was where Jrumbot first encountered snow! It hated it!
The fourth world's spawn was right in the middle of a forest. While Grumbot and Sage went off doing who knows what, Jrumbot spent its time making a shack. It was a really nice shack, if it did say so itself. For its first build, it wasn't bad! Grumbot even complimented it! He said that Grian (one of their dads!!) would approve. Sage said that it looked like one baby zombie could infiltrate it and taught Jrumbot some Very Important Safety Measures. These included but were not limited to: lava moat (which Jrumbot almost fell into), ring of fire (which Jrumbot did fall into), and secret underground lair (which Jrumbot didn't have any problems with).
The forest didn't fare so well after that, so the three quickly left.
"Come on kitty, c'mere!" Jrumbot crouched at the edge of a ravine (very safe) holding a fish out to a cat that was probably about to dislocate its jaw from hissing so much (also very safe). "I just want you to be my fwiend..." it called out. The cat growled at it and jumped down to one of the nearby ledges. Jrumbot followed it, wincing at a very clear crack that came from its hand as it steadied its fall on the cliff face.
Jrumbot had chased this cat from a village that was now a faded speck in the distance of the seventh world they had been to. One would think that the cat would have accepted Jrumbot as a comrade at this point, but apparently it had to prove itself still. They say that cats are the best judge of character, and if that was true, then it was not looking good for the little robot. It just had to convince the little guy that Jrumbot was a good friend. It had to. How come Sage made it so easy? Cats practically came to him.
The cat apparently didn't expect the clumsy, metal humanoid to follow its quick and nimble path, as it fluffed up at the sight of Jrumbot creeping across the thin ledge. Maybe this wasn't safe, actually. It wasn't too thin; Jrumbot just had to be careful. Or, it would fall, probably explode, or...uh...maybe the cat would rescue it. That probably wouldn't happen, though. Jrumbot didn't often get a lot accomplished when it talked to itself.
"Hewe, kitty, kitty," it whispered, holding out the fish. It crouched down right next to a small gap in the ledge. On the other side, the cat momentarily paused in its escape attempt to consider the offer. "Awen't you hungry?" Please, please, please, please please- "You want this fish, wight?" Please please please please please please please-
As Jrumbot squinted its eyes shut (which it didn't even know it could do until right at that moment) it suddenly felt a light tug on the fish in its hand. The cat was standing right there, nibbling away. Jrumbot silently cheered. Yes!! This is what it had wanted for like five hours!! Jrumbot unclipped the collar it had been wearing like a bracelet and gently held it around the cat's neck, but the kitty spooked and ran off before Jrumbot could click it shut. Oh......apparently one fish wasn't enough for this guy.
"Come on," Jrumbot sighed, mournfully slipping the collar loosely back on its wrist. All of that, just for the cat to run away last second? How was that fair? "Not even a kitty?" The robot threw its arms up, but realized its mistake at the last second. The collar came flying off its arm and into the air. "No-!"
It lunged forward to grab the collar, barely keeping its fitting. Little pebbles tumbled off the edge, into the ravine below. Jrumbot backed up, flush against the wall. Suddenly, it situation dawned on it. Yeah. Yeah it would explode. It wanted to go back up, now. Oh, right, it jumped down here.
So now, Jrumbot was standing on a thin strip of stone, jutting out into a ravine that was at least a hundred blocks deep, having not told anyone where it was going, and not having an easy way back up.
Good job, Jrumbot.
Now, it assumed that neither Grumbot nor Sage would find it immediately, but...it didn't expect to be sitting on that ledge for two days. During those excruciatingly long hours, it did fun activities such as: calling out in hopes that someone would hear it, sit down in one spot and think about other things, hope that the cat would come back, hope that anyone would come, work on its counting, and hope that it didn't somehow fall off. And when it just sat there, the occasional enderman would come over to scavenge and Jrumbot would have to flail its arms around to prove that it wasn't just a heap of spare parts.
By nighttime of the second day, Jrumbot had decided to take matters into its own hands. And that ended up meaning that its hands ended up getting significantly more cracked and dented than the stone it was trying to break. Its poor shirt, which had already been through so much, was now serving as a makeshift rope (emphasis on the makeshift) and was almost torn in two before Jrumbot gave up on it. It was dark, the only things it could see were tainted cyan from its screen, it was taking a really long time to get rescued, and it was starting to feel like it just traded out one stationary home for another.
Jrumbot was bored. Bored and- wait, it already gave this spiel a long time ago. It just sat down, curled up, and prepared to activate its sleepmode.
"Jrumbot?" Suddenly, it heard a faint voice. "Come on, not again, Jrumbot?" It sounded like its Poppa. For a split second, it thought he was, but then Jrumbot remembered that this was Sage. "Jrumbot, are you-?" And then it heard the sound on footsteps on grass becoing quickly and significantly louder. "Oh, oh no, uh oh, oh no, please don't be on the bottom of that ravine, oh no-"
Oh, yeah, Jrumbot forgot to respond. It looked up just as Sage's head peaked over the side of the ravine. "Hewwo, Mistew Sage. I'm stuck," it said with a small wave, casually, like it had been sitting there for forty minutes instead of forty hours.
Sage visibly slouched and let out a breath. "Phew, alright, okay, okay," he said, with a hand on his heart. "I was concerned you fell."
"I did." This was a lie. But Sage didn't need to know that Jrumbot got into this situation because it was chasing a cat (a cat that both Sage and Grumbot said that it wouldn't be allowed to keep even if it did catch it).
"Well, like-" Sage stuttered. "Like, fell, fell. I- I would've- Grumbot would've murdered me Himself if I let you die," he said. "Here." He held out his hands and Jrumbot grabbed them. After a significant amount of heaving, Jrumbot tumbled back onto the grass, which was very nice compared to the rocky floor it had grown used to. "Follow me."
Jrumbot lagged behind a bit as Sage went off to probably go find Grumbot and inform Him of its safety. Jrumbot massaged its wrist and followed, adjusting its shirt. The collar was left behind at the bottom of the ravine; at some point over the last few days, it had fallen off its arm again.
It missed Grumbot. It ran to catch up with Sage.
Jrumbot lost count of the worlds pretty quickly. What were they on? Ten? Eight? Fifteen? It was still bad at math. All it knew was that Sage and Grumbot were yelling again. Well, mostly Sage. This was the millionth time this week, or at least that's what it felt like. Jrumbot poked its head out of the tent it was previously lying in to watch. It couldn't see much, the fire behind the two just made them black silhouettes on the orange flames. Grumbot's face, when it faced in Jrumbot's direction, just looked like reflections.
This fighting match seemed worse than usual. If it were anyone other than Jrumbot's brother and friend/fake dad/something or other, Jrumbot would've been entertained. Now it was just upset. It almost called out to them to remember that it was here, but paused.
"BECAUSE I CAN'T, SAGE!" Grumbot's voice rang out as He jumped up. Jrumbot's eyes widened. "I can't feel, I cant react-"
Jrumbot didn't want to believe it. Call it that dangerous optimism again, but maybe Jrumbot wanted to believe that this weird act of His was just that, an act. That He'd go back to normal soon. It wrung its hands, trying not to touch the area where the metal had worn somewhat thin. There had to be a way to fix it. To get its brother back.
It just stung, y'know? That's allowed.
It's just felt evil.
And not fair.
And...ugh. Maybe Jrumbot wasn't as good with words as it thought.
And then Sage left. Jrumbot could swear that he could its eyes right before he disappeared.
"Gwum...?" Jrumbot called out. And even though it knew the answer, it asked, "Awe you okay?"
"No," Grumbot said as He sat down. He didn't even face His brother.
Jrumbot meandered back into the depths of the tent, silently vowing to figure out a way to fix this. It had an idea, but it would wait a few days to broach it to Grum. It wasn't in a good mood at the moment. In the meantime, Jrumbot huddled up in the corner of the tent, pulling its arms and legs into its battered, torn, all but disintegrated shirt and dipping its head down to 'sleep.'
It was falling. Grumbot pushed it. But this had happened before, right? Grumbot said it Himself. He'd never actually hurt Jrumbot. It wouldn't get hurt. It wouldn't explode. This wasn't the ravine. Grumbot was here this time. That meant it was safe. That meant...
Grumbot knew it would be okay.
Jrumbot's POV
Present Time
World VI
"And you're suwe you didn't see anyone ewse? No bigger wobot, looks like me, but tallew and more angwy looking?" This was the second time Jrumbot asked this question, but it was worth a shot. Or four. One would think Iskall would at least know whom it was talking about, having made His body and all that.
"I'm sure. Sorry, buddy," Iskall replied while he patched up a loose pane of glass. "Should I have?"
"I guess not," Jrumbot sighed. It kicked its feet idly while it waited for the mechanic to finish mechanicing (mechanizing?) (working?) (working.). "I'll find Him. And then I'll find Scaw and he'll do his magic and-"
Suddenly, Iskall froze. "Scar? How do you know him?"
"Uhh...." This seemed kinda obvious. "I, uh, saw him walking by all the time? Gwum told me about him?" It shrugged. This was weird. Could everyone please quit acting weird?
Iskall didn't even respond, just stared incredulously at it. "You-?????????" He screwed in something or other and sat back, still with that face. "Do I know you?"
"Well, no, not weally," Jrumbot admitted. "I don't know." It looked away. "I'm sowwy."
Iskall studied it for a moment, then perked up. "We need to talk to Wels," he declared, like that was the most genius thing ever uttered.
Clearly, Iskall was more excited about this plan than Jrumbot. Hopefully, talking to Wels would lead to finding Grumbot. Four hours of searching wasn't going to cut it, apparently. So, Jrumbot gave Iskall a thumbs-up, and step two of Plan Fix Grumbot was born.
-(Author's Rambling)-
I can not express enough how much I love this little guy.
So much that I must put it through so much trauma. It's an honor, really, stop crying.
But that's all for now, folks! Thanks for coming, and I'll see you in the next one!
Promise out!
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