08. Pancakes & Murderers
"Alright, Pancake. Let's get you dressed up. C'mere."
[Name] was walked into a rather large clothing closet, all lined with dresses of all sorts and prices with matching shoes and handbags. It was intriguing but she was curious about something.
"Why.. do you have women's clothing in here?"
In a men's household.
Izuna stilled as he turned to look you down before speaking up once more, clearing his throat. "That shouldn't worry you, just find a dress that'll fit your chest. Oh wait, that's all of these because you're flat."
You scowl and skim through the series of dresses, you didn't even know why you were going along with their plans but perhaps you could make an escape at the airport. It's always crowded there.
A light pink sundress caught your eye, it had no decorations on it. Just a simple, chiffon dress. You wasted no time in taking it in your grasp, earning the attention of Izuna.
"You're gonna wear that? Nice choice, doesn't show much cleavage either. Not like you have one, anyways." You shot him the nastiest scowl before shooing him out the bedroom so as to get changed.
• • •
"Madara, what're you planning now? You can't just barge into the lion's den without a plan!" Obito hissed at his elder.
"Who said I didn't have a plan? I have you guys. That's far more than enough." Stirring the glass of bourbon within his hand, he shrugged his shoulders. "We walk in, paralyze them all temporarily, snatch the package and leave."
"You make it sound like a piece of cake." Sasuke spoke in a monotone, his duffel bag hanging from his shoulder. They were ready to head to the airport.
"Because it is a piece of cake. You've all got the Mangēkyo, for god's sake." Izuna chimed in with a scoff, heading downstairs with his hand-carry bag.
"Thank you, Izuna. Is [name] ready yet? We're about ready to leave." Madara had stood up after setting his drink on the coffee table, clad in a black turtleneck and baggy cargo pants. As were the others, with altering shades of the turtleneck.
"Hey, I'm right here, you know! You might as well have left me behind so I could've fled, tsk." [Name] had spoken from the top of the stairs, the pink dress rather form-fitting. Darn, had she gained weight? She also found a pair of white wedge heels, hair let down loosely. A rather neutral look.
"You sure took quite the time! Come here, wife. You can't be escaping so soon." Izuna chimed happily when he finally reached the floor, opening his arms up for you in the most dramatic performance; even Madara furrowed his brows in confusion. He literally insulted your breasts a minute you, that sly devil. Him and his nicknames.
"Quit talking, there's dead skin cells flying out of your mouth." You retorted back, earning a snicker or two from the other members while you were cautiously making your way down the flight of stairs. You weren't so used to heels.
"Shut up, pancake. Who're you tryna impress, we're all taken here. Just because you think you were taken captive by a bunch of. . captivating, handsome men who can blind even god, you—"
"Ugh, shut up, Izuna."
"Why you. Shut up, wait until— shit—"
The buckle of your shoe hadn't been inserted properly so it can undone, causing you to trip out of your shoe, soaring down the stairs in the most ghastly way.
Izuna however, spared not a second in speeding up the stairs. It was as if instincts took over — from a previous trauma.
With a forceful thud, you'd fallen right again his chest. Hoisting you back up so you could stand straight, scanning thoroughly for any injuries.
"Are you alright? How could one be so clumsy, tsk."
You frowned slightly, it wasn't your fault that your shoe came undone and caused you to slip.
"Shut it, I never asked for your help." You gave him a slight shove, continuing to make your way downstairs safely. You were thankful, however, you just didn't want to feed his pride more.
"[Name] falling for Izuna? That's too early for this story, nothing tragic happened yet for our two lovers." Obito quoted with a scoff.
"That's enough. Outside, in the cars everybody." Madara stood up, sliding his shades back on while wheeling away his carry-on.
"Wait, you never told me where we're going!"
[Name] called out sharply, a wary Izuna following behind. He had his gaze trained on the girl, for no obvious reason. Perhaps he didn't want her escaping?
"We . . are going to go visit your parent's murderers.~"
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