part -23
part - 23
recap ( laksh found something fishy in ragini matter ..nikhil mbl is not reachable.. ragini add got released without laksh knowledge .. laksh helped in nikhil mom operation )
scene begins in laksh room he is very stressful didn't slept properly whole night in the tension of ragini add matter he wanna confirm whether all banners were removed or something left there if one is remain he failed being an good lover of her he should make her happy instead of giving pain now everything going from his out of hand he is trying his best to control everything ...
clock striking 7 'o clock laksh rushed into washroom nd got down getting ready he is determined to meet ragini family today nd solve all problem when he got down he saw his mom going to somewhere after that incident he is noticing her today only she turns her face away nd asked driver to drive the car to xyzz temple laksh felt hurt cz of her behaviour he said maa u will be very happy by my choice i don't know how did u select that girl ( he thinking about swara ) for me she is not an good match to me..my ragini will impress u after all she is an angel in earth he said smiling ... i dont have enough time wanna settle everything today itself ..
He starts to drive the car aiming all possible direction to check whether any banner is left unremoved nothing is fel into his gaze he makes sure while calling to his workers too they gave positive reply to him..
now scene shifted to in baadi all peoples were gossiping about gadodias ... especially ragini swara came out nd listening kneely wt is going on there she could listen its about ragini only she asked shomi to go nd collect the news about them cz gadodias house is locked by outside its seems something fishy their eagerness having no limits .. somewhere saying nikhil is also not there perhaps ragini eloped with him .. shomi grinned in this news she shared it to swara she pout wt a bad taste to that nikhil he ignored me nd eloped with her its not fair shomi banged her head see how girls seducing everyone try to learn it from her is u approach laksh see she gonna marry first before that u wanna marry laksh go nd do something idiot swara said
mom we cant trust them if ragini eloped means y should her family left ? for ur kind information nikhil is not here from last two days i saw ragini coming to home in late night but when i saw her she was crying badly so i dont know wt happened exactly ... even i came late swara from saradha house so no idea about them .. lets ask to them straightly ..
shomi asked to someone wt happened they said about ragini advertisement matter shomi nd swara eyes widen listening this wt ? ragini acted in advertisement yes whole area were covered with her stills she is looking so beautiful in that but it disliked by her dhadhi nd shekhar yesterday they slapped her in front of everyone we felt pity for her but don't know wt happened after that they r missing from morning
shomi rushed from there swara followed her mom stop there ..swara now itself u go nd meet laksh at any cost he is our only trumpcard orelse i cant forgive u for making them win in front of me mom cant u hear they slapped her it means they dont like it
but she acted in advertisement na she got famouse swara y didnt it registering in ur mind .. yes u r right maa i will go nd meet laksh today at any cost ..
at the same time temple is shown some arrangement is going on there ap reached there she is praying infront of god for her family .. she is pleading to god to correct her mistakes she couldnt get out of that ragini engagement matter she accepted her as her bahu she imagined a lot how ragini changing laksh with her love but all went in vain now she needs only her forgiveness
nikhil mom is better now he is very happy for it he needs her report it was in baadi so he went to baadi to collect it .. that was the time he heard some rumours about ragini he got worried for her ..wt is going on here he immediately called to laksh nd informed everything laksh was in shock he doesn't know wt to do ? his heart starts to beat faster he could feel something going to be happen wrongly .. wt is this wrong vibration he abt to go swara came there somehow laksh anger reached in peak ..she about to say something he slapped her nd rushed out swara stands there rooted holding her cheek wt the hell is problem with him y did he slapped her without reason she thought while touching her burning cheeks ..
nikhil asked laksh to come to baadi he heard this name somewhere he shook his head i am on the way nikhil but soon he got call from his driver he didnt picked it but he is dialing to him continuously laksh got frustrated nd attend the call wt the hell is problem with u man y r u disturbing me like this ?
he said something to him laksh puts an sudden break shit he hits his hand on steering he takes an u turn nd drove to opposite direction..
he stopped the car in front of temple he rushed near to his driver nd enquired about ap .. wr is maa ? sir she is still unconscious .. he asked him to bring water he splashe dit on her face maa wake up maa wt happened to u maa he is patting her cheek .. ap opens her eyes slowly she saw laksh there without uttering any word her next action is slapping him hardly on his cheek ..laklsh is totally confused by it maa wt is this ?
u sinfull nature .. i felt shame to give birth to u .. laksh felt hurt by her words maa i am already tensed tell me wt happened y r u speaking like this ?
laksh i really dont know y did u rejected that girl today u betrayed me nd her on that day just eloping from mandap now i am suffering like this just cz of ur mistakes .. how much i could bear tell me damn
maa i cant understand tell me wt happened clearly .... today is her marriage with someone else laksh
maa so wt i dont like her she is not worth to me i dont like her .. that is ur prblm laksh u must share it before u left from there did u ever thinked about her family nd reputation of her .. mom i am not in the mood to talk about it i am already in tension.. even i am also laksh
maa ok fine i will tell u i love one girl that is y nothing bothering me .. but u must tell it before me laksh just cz of u that girl life ruined
wt do u mean ma
go nd see her all alliance were cancelled in the name of u now without option their family decided to get her marry to an aged man who is nearly having ur pappa age that girl face killing me laksh her tears stabbing me badly i wish to see her in bridal dress when she sitting along with u but today scene make me feel guilty i couldn't see her like that ... laksh confused he saw her in his office then how could she be here .. ,maa wt r u saying if u wanna confirm she is there in madap laksh rushed to there nd shocked to the core when he saw ragini in mandap sitting beside an old man in bridal attire her eyes were teary head were bend down .. laksh standing there broken ...
screen froze
tell me how many wants to kill me now ..
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