Chapter 10
"Take care of her, she deserves someone that loves her that she actually loves as well. I'm sure she's told you how many times we've had to come and arrest some guy that's obsessed with her." Jack sighs as he handcuffs Jacob. "This guy isn't the first but I hope he's the last."
"How many times has this happened?" Ray asks in shock as he looks at Rose.
"Too many times to count." Rose sighs and hugs him closely.
"I'll leave you guys to relax now." Jack says as he walks out the door with the other officers and they close the door behind them.
"Jack has been here for almost every intruder. He's been here so many times." She says sadly.
"Is there anyone else besides Jacob we should worry about?" Ray asks with concern.
"No. The others backed off the first time they got arrested." Rose replies while absentmindedly running her fingers along Ray's tattoo.
Ray notices this and smiles then grabs her legs and brings them on his and wraps his arms around her. She's shocked at first but quickly relaxes and continues to touch his tattoo as she wonders to herself why this is calming to her.
"I think I'll make lunch for everyone." Violet says as she stands up with a small smile on her face from watching Rose.
Rose sits there cuddled up and relaxed with Ray until she reaches the part of his tattoo that's on his chest and feels wetness. This causes her to snap out of her trance and look at her fingers to see blood, she sits up and looks at him worriedly. "How badly are you hurt?" She asks as she looks him over.
"Not that bad." He says with some amusement in his voice as he watches her examine him. No girl he was with before has ever shown him so much concern and he likes the fact she cares so much about him. "I've been in worse fights, Rose. It's just this fight mixed with the fight me and Hunter had last night after you guys left makes it seem worse than it really is."
"You guys had a fight?" Rose asks with shock and looks up at his face.
"He tried to kick my ass for everything that happened." Hunter chuckles slightly at the memory. "He left me there at the restaurant too, I had to call my other friend for a ride home. Once I got home I thought everything over and decided to go talk to him in the morning, which I did."
"When he showed up at my door I was ready to beat his ass again." Ray laughs. "But he's my best friend so I heard him out, that's when he agreed to help me talk to you."
"I've never seen him so hurt and he's definitely never looked so hurt over a girl, he normally doesn't give a shit if they leave him." Hunter says then regrets his words when he sees Ray giving him a cold look.
"A topic that still needs to be addressed." Ray grumbles just as Violet comes over with plates that have sandwiches on them and a big bag chips in her hands.
"Thanks, Vi." Rose smiles as she takes her plate.
After everyone eats all eyes were on Ray as they wait to hear his story, he looks at Rose and sighs sadly. "After I tell my story will you tell yours?"
"I guess. It's a painful topic, only Violet knows a few bits of it." She replies as she rests her head on Ray's shoulder.
"Sounds like we are more alike than we thought." Ray sighs as he puts his head back and rests it on the back of the couch. "My childhood was normal and happy but it wasn't until I hit puberty that things started to change. I started to rebel and do things I shouldn't. I ended up being kidnapped at age 14 by a group of girls of all things, at 14 I looked like I was 18 by the way because puberty hit me like a ton of bricks." He chuckles slightly as he remembers how shocked everyone was that he was so big at such a young age.
"Being kidnapped by a group of girls sounds like every boy's dream." Hunter teases and laughs a bit.
"You'd think so but not these girls." Ray sighs slightly. "They kept me locked in a room for weeks and used me every day as their sexual slave, each girl taking her turn with me and forcing me to do so many different things. I heard them say multiple times that that's all guys are good for is for sex and that's all a girl wants and needs from them."
"That's not true." Violet says in a hurtful tone as she hugs Hunter tightly.
"That's what I was forced to believe, that one gender only wants and needs the other gender for sex." Ray sighs before continuing. "I'll admit the first few days I was in paradise. All the hormones I had were being relieved and I had these girls all over me constantly, spending hours and hours just pleasuring each other." He smiles slightly at the memory but then quickly frowns. "As the days went on I found myself wanting more than just sexual gratification. Part of me longed for intimacy and closeness." He says while hugging Rose close to his chest.
"They wouldn't give it to you." Rose says sadly and hugs him.
"No, they wouldn't. Every time I tried to hold them or even kiss them for longer than a few seconds they would slap me. The more I tried the more violent they got until it got to the point that I was tied to the bed. When I started crying and yelling for them to stop they gagged me and just continued what they wanted me for, sex. I was their living sex toy. They raped me constantly for hours a day and embedded into my brain that that's all I was good for." Ray and Rose are now hugging each other tightly as he continues his story.
"After a few weeks, they got sick of me crying and decided to let me go. They said if I ever told anyone what they did and who they were that they would reverse it and say that I did all that to them and they would be believed since guys rape girls and I'd end up in jail instead of them. So I just kept my mouth shut. That's when I developed a sort of vengeance against women and decided to use them how they used me. After that, I believed love didn't exist since I never received it from a woman and every girl I was with afterward didn't show me any affection." Ray says everything in an extremely sad tone as he hugs Rose close to his chest.
"I had no idea man." Hunter says awestruck at Ray's story. "I thought you were just that kind of guy."
"I'd rather everyone believe that rather than be insulted for what happened. Even you said at the beginning that it's every boy's dream." Ray says in a harsh tone and glares at him. "If I had told people that I cried because those girls wouldn't show me any affection I would have been called a crybaby and would have been teased without end. You can't understand what it's like to be used like that, like you're a piece of meat there just to satisfy their cravings."
"When you put it like that it does sound really bad." Hunter sighs and lowers his head. "I'm sorry that happened to you and I understand you better now."
"So now you understand why I believed love isn't real and is only for fools."
"I always believed in love because of movies and books." Violet cuts in shyly. "I always loved the idea of a good love story."
"I just believed it would happen when it was meant to happen. I was pretty much neutral about it, I see couples together walking down the street holding hands so I know it exists but it's something you have to experience to believe." Hunter says while wrapping his arms around Violet and pulling her to sit on his lap causing her to blush from embarrassment.
"Then you have me that believes that love doesn't exist at all." Rose says sadly but with a bit of anger in her voice.
"Now I need to hear your story Rose, please." Ray says softly while hugging her a little tighter.
"I...don't know if I can tell it without breaking down."
"I'm here to comfort you and you'll feel better after you tell it, I can tell you honestly that I feel better now that I got it off my chest." Ray says to Rose while gently rubbing her arms.
"Alright." She sighs and sits up. "None of you will like the story at all and I know it will enrage Ray the most considering his reaction to what I've said before."
"I'll control myself, Rose, I promise." He says reassuringly but you can hear the emotion in his voice.
"Like Ray, I had a relatively good childhood until I reached puberty at age 11. I started my period and started growing breasts and soon started getting a lot of attention. The older I got the more curvy I got and the more guys wanted me. By age 13 I had guys flirting with me constantly and when I started high school I started getting guys forcing themselves on me. My first kiss was from a guy that grabbed me and pulled me in between classrooms and just started making out with me." Rose explains in a shaky voice.
"I didn't know how to react so I just let him kiss me. Then he started feeling on me and that's when I shoved him off and ran but the damage was done. He started spreading around the school how easy I was and soon I had random guys pulling me into secluded areas and touching on me." She stops when she feels Rays breathing start to quicken. "Ray?"
"I'm ok. I just don't like guys forcing themselves on girls like that. It's wrong. If I was there they wouldn't be able to walk anymore." He growls harshly through clenched teeth. "Continue your story."
"You sure? You won't like the rest." She asks nervously, he just nods his head yes. She takes a deep breath and continues. "I had one guy come to my rescue a few times. He rescued me and treated me nicely so we ended up together. We were in a relationship for a few months before he said he loved me and those words made me so happy. I thought I loved him too so we decided to show each other that love. That winter break we met up at his house while his parents were gone shopping for Christmas presents." She stops and takes another deep breath. "We lost our virginity to each other that day in his bedroom. It was an amazing experience but it's one I regret."
"Because he told everyone when school started again huh?" Ray asks as he clenches his fists tightly.
"Yeah. When school resumed everyone knew what we did. He was praised for having sex and I was called a whore for allowing him to do it. He broke up with me the first day back at school saying he doesn't date whores." Rose says painfully and starts crying.
"What an asshole!" Hunter shouts causing Violet to jump in surprise. "Sorry Vi, just guys like that piss me off."
"You and me both." Ray growls and hugs Rose while rubbing her back. "I know there's more to the story so whenever you're ready you can continue." He says as calmly as he can, she just shakes her head no causing him to look at her worriedly. "Why not?"
"Because you're already pissed. If you hear the rest of the story you'll go on a rampage." Rose says between sobs. Now everyone is looking at her with worried expressions on their faces.
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