Chapter 9
I woke up to a knock at the front door of my shop. I walked slowly down the stairs and saw my mothers.
"Moms!" I shouted and hug them. I was so happy to see them.
"Well morning to you too," one of them said.
"I can see your doing well," my other mom said. I nodded. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Very well right Mattie," Maxine said, elbowing her wife.
"Moms," I said face palmed.
"Hi, I'm Roman its a pleasure to meet Virgil's mothers in person," Roman said shaking both my mothers hands.
"And a gentleman," Mattie said. I looked down at the ground.
"You better be nice to our boy or else you have the wrath of two mothers," Maxine said and Mattie nodded in agreement.
"Moms," I warned.
"Alright, we are done with the threats for now," Mattie said. Roman just smiled nervously at them and me.
"Come on in. I have to get the shop open," I said, holding the door open for them.
"I love what you did with it. It just right for the people that don't like bright colors," Maxine commented.
"Well you know me. I don't like bright colors," I said, headed over to the café part.
"Of course ever since you was three you hated bright colors besides purple," Mattie chuckled. I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, purple and black was always there from me," I muttered, started to make some coffee.
"What is Roman Prince?" mom asked.
"It's coffee, hot chocolate with Carmel, expresso," I said, remembering the indigents.
"I'll take that but why did you name after a celebrity?" Mattie asked.
"Well because he comes in here everyday and order it everyday," I said, looking at Roman, "And his manger let me name it after him. That's probably why my little shop is get more popular, which reminds me; I have do interviews today," I added.
"Awe, our little boy is all grown up," Maxine said. I rolled my and started to call all those who needs to be interviewed today.
Virgil left me alone with his moms. I looked at them and smiled. One of them got up from the table and walked over to me.
"So, your the actor who comes here and order the samething everyday?" She asked.
"Yeah, he makes the best drinks in town, if I'm being honest," I said, rubbing the back of my neck.
"I can tell you like him," the other one said, putting her elbow on my shoulder.
"It's that obvious," I chuckled nervously.
"Yes, but I never seen him this happy in a long time. So if you hurt him. I will hunt you down and trust me I'm good at finding people because I'm a sheriff back at home," the dirty blond mother warned.
"I believe you and I would never hurt him because I don't want to lose him," I said, looking up at Virgil's mothers.
"Good and keep that way," the dark brown haired mother said, "I forgot, I'm Mattie and this is Maxine," Mattie said, pointing at herself and to the dirty blonde mother.
"Yeah, and well you know me as Roman Prince," I said introducing myself. Virgil came walking back out looking at the time. I saw some people at the door, "Virgil?" I asked.
"Yeah, they are here for their interviews, " He said, writing somethings down on paper, "Roman can you let them in?" Virgil asked. I smiled and opened the door. Virgil started the interview while Virgil's moms and I was talking about random things.
~5 hours later~
Remy was making coffee and food. I looked at Virgil to see he was looking over the interviewees.
"Virgil, are you okay?" I asked, rubbing his back.
"Yeah, I'm good. I just can't decided on this person," Virgil lean back in the chair. His mother walked over to him and saw the paper.
"Well don't think to hard on it," Maxine said, placing a kiss on top of his head.
"Yeah, I know but I have to figure out by tomorrow. Remy, I need your thought on this person," Virgil ordered. Remy walked over.
"Yeah," Remy said.
"What do you think of this guy?" Virgil said, hand him the paper.
"He nice but very self-centered," Remy said, "But he probably would bring in more customers," He added.
"I don't want that here. I want this a very calming place," Virgil said, "but he might be... never mind," Virgil got up.
I got up and went upstairs. I sat on the couch thinking very hard on this . I seems like a very good worker but self- centered people are the ones I don't like. I decided to call him up.
"Hello Jones. This is Virgil Wayne. I want to know how hard you will work if you get a job at my shop. I understand okay thank you bye," I hung up the phone and decided who will all work here. I started to call all the people who are going to work here and have to figure out when to train all four of my new workers.
"Vigil?" I heard a voice called my name and I saw Roman standing in front of me.
"Yeah, what's sup?" I asked.
"Did you get it all figure out?" He asked, looking at me concern.
"Yeah, just got to figure their training. I want them to know all position of my shop," I said, rubbing my temples.
"Yeah, I can tell that you're a little stress out about it," Roman stated, sitting down next to me, "Oh yeah tomorrow I will be off to work again," he added.
"Yeah, I can't keep here forever," I said jokingly.
"Yeah but I will still visit," Roman smiled.
"Princey, what do you really think about this?" I asked, referring to our relationship.
"About what?" He asked, looking at me confusingly.
"About us?" I asked, not sounding to sure about anything.
"I love you no matter what anyone else say. You are my little emo prince. You save me from relapsing into a bad relationship with Lela. Your my hero, Virgil and don't forget that," Roman said, pulling me onto his lap. He press his lip against mine. I can here awe's coming from the door that leads to the shop and then a click from a camera. Both Roman and I snapped our heads to the person or persons.
"Moms!" I yelled, buried my face into Roman's chest.
"This is a keeper," They both said, "I will admit you two are a cute couple," they added. I tried to bury my face further into Roman's chest.
"Can I see the picture?" Roman asked.
I asked to see the photo that Maxine and Mattie took of Virgil and I. They nodded and walked over to us. I smile it was so cute.
"Can you send me this?" I asked them.
"Of course," Maxine said to me. I gave her my phone number. She sent me the photo. I couldn't help but smile. My phone went off and it was Danny.
~Virgil ~
Roman got up to answer his phone.
"He's a keeper," my mom said.
"Yeah, he is," I said softly.
"So how did you meet him?" my other mom asked.
"Well it started on the first day Storm Cloud was opened and it was pouring down rain...,
To be continued...
Sorry about the wait but here another chapter.
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