Chapter 3
I headed back to Storm Clouds during our break. I walked in and saw Virgil talking to Remy.
"Welcome back," Virgil said, looking at me.
"Good to be back," I smiled.
"Hello, Welcome to Storm Cloud," Virgil said, looking behind me.
"Well, thank you," said the director and my manger. All three of us head to the café and ordered our food and drinks. I looked back to see Virgil ringing up books for some kids. I took my usual spot.
"So, this is the place where you like to relax," My manger asked.
"Yeah, a calming atmosphere and the workers are nice," I said, smiling at Virgil.
"Well, this could be a scene in the movie. I have to asked the owner," the director said, writing down ideas.
"Well, I know the owner of this place," I said shyly.
"You do. I can I talked to them?" he asked.
"Um... I'm going to go get him," I said, getting up from the table and walking over towards Virgil.
"Hey, there is someone who wants to speak to you," I said sheepishly.
"Um... sure," Virgil said, walking behind me.
Someone wants to speak with me. My first hater, great. I walked slowly behind Roman and arrived at the table.
"Can I help you with something?" I asked, trying not to freak out.
"Um... Yes are you the owner of this place?" the guy with a dark brown hair asked.
"Yes that me," I said, getting worried.
"I would like to have your café/coffee shop and book store in my movie," He said smiling. I looked up at Roman and back at him.
"Your kidding right. We just opened our doors yesterday," I said, trying not to panic.
"I'm serious kid," the dark hair man said.
"Um... let me talk to my employee," I said, walking towards Remy.
"Remy, I need help," I said, making my way to my cousin.
"Okay but with what?" Remy asked.
"The guy with dark hair what my shop in his movie. What do I do?" I asked.
"What? Are you kidding? Say yes. This could help you in the long run," Remy said.
"Okay, I will go give him my answer," I said, walking back to their table.
"So what's your answer kid?" dark hair male asked.
"Sure," I said.
"Great. I'm Max Stine. I'm the Director of the Prince of Heroes movies," Max said, smiling at me.
"Virgil Wayne," I said.
"So, you are the one who my client likes?" The guy next to Max said.
"What?" I said confusingly.
"Nothing, don't worry about," Roman said nervously.
"Okay. Well I have to get back to work," I said, heading back to the bookstore portion of the building.
Virgil agree with Max to let his business be a part of the movie. I hope I get to be in that scene.
"So, how do you know him?" Max asked.
"I came here on opening day," I said.
"Why?" Danny asked.
"My shoot had been cancel and I want to celebrate for landing the role," I smile.
"I think I'm going to have him be apart of the scene since it is his building," Max said. I looked over at Virgil and then to them.
"Yeah, that would probably be the best ideas, since he know this place from top to bottom," I added. I couldn't help but to smile.
"We got to go," Danny said, looking at Max and me. We nodded and got up from the table. I walked over to Virgil before we left.
"Virgil, did you get my number?" I asked him.
"Wait so it wasn't a joke," Virgil was shock.
"It was no joke, " I said, smiling at him.
"Yeah, I got it," He muttered. I see his face turn a light pink color.
"Cool. Can I have your number?" I asked him.
"S-Sure," Virgil said, writing down his number, "Here," He said, handed me the piece of paper. We touch hands for a moment but I felt a spark between us. Virgil pulled his hand away pretty quickly.
"I'll see you later," I said, waving bye to him. I left the café and headed back to set.
I handed Roman my personal number. I can't believe it. He wants my number when I handed him my number our hands touched. I felt something between us and I can't explain it. I looked over at Remy. I saw him smiling at me.
"What?" I asked him.
"You got a crush on him," He stated.
"What? No, I don't," I denied it.
"Totally do cous," Remy said, handing me a cup of coffee.
"Okay, I might be but he don't know that and who wouldn't," I stated, taking a long sip of my coffee. I looked out my window of the bookstore. I saw a lot of people chatting outside. I rolled my eyes and saw another reporter coming in.
"Hello," She said.
"Hi, can I help you with something?" I asked, knowing she might want to ask some questions.
"Yes, I would like to asked you some question on Roman Prince," She smiled. How predictably, "When did he started showing up?" She started before I responded.
"Um... yesterday," I answered.
"Why was he here earlier?" She asked.
"I don't know," I said, getting confused.
"Why was his manger, Danny Love, and Max Stine here?" She shot out another one.
"I don't know," I responded. I can feel my anxiety kicking in when I notice a camera. 'oh god' I thought.
"Do have any entail on Roman and Lela relationship?" the reporter asked.
"No, I don't and could you so kindly leave," I said but of course she wouldn't leave. I looked over and saw Remy was walking to me.
"What going on?" He asked.
"We are having an interview," She answered and went back on asking question. I looked at my cousin and he nodded.
"I'm sorry ma'am but you have to leave," Remy said, pushing her and the camera man out of the door. I sink down behind the desk. I couldn't breath. 'How do I breath again?' I thought.
"Virgil, breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 8 seconds, breath out for 7 seconds," Remy said calmly. After about ten to twenty minutes, my breathing went back to normal.
"Thanks," I said. Remy handed my some water.
"Anytime," He said, walking back over to café part. I felt my phone go off. I looked down to see a unknown caller. I answered it.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Virgil this is Roman. Are you okay?" Roman asked sounding worried.
"Yeah, I'm good... Wait, why are you asking that question?" I asked, getting scared.
"Well I saw you on TV. You look like you was going to pass out," he said.
"Well, I have social anxiety plus the camera freaked me out," I said, keeping myself calm.
"Wait you have social anxiety?" Roman asked, sounding like shock.
"Yeah, but I mange. Why?" I said normally.
"Well, Max Stine want you to be a part of the movie not a big part just a small part," he said quickly.
"Okay," I said, not really processing what he just said.
"Virgil, your going to be in a movie," Roman said again. That when it hit me.
"WHAT?" I yelled. I heard Remy running towards me.
"I could tell them not to," he said, "Never mind."
"Oh my god," I said, feeling the panic coming back, "I got to go," I said, hanging up the phone.
"Virgil, what so going on?" Remy asked.
"Roman and the whole world saw us on TV and Max Stine want me in the movie," I freaked out in a bad way.
"Okay breath, Virgil, just breath," Remy said.
I just finish going over my lines and decide to watch some television. I was on the news channel and I saw live report on Storm Clouds. I notice that something was wrong with Virgil when Remy kick out the news reporter. I had to call him to make sure he was okay.
"Hello?" Virgil asked.
"Virgil this is Roman. Are you okay?" I asked worried.
"Yeah, I'm good... Wait, why are you asking that question?" he asked, sounding scared.
"Well I saw you on TV. You look like you was going to pass out," I said. I know something was up with him.
"Well, I have social anxiety plus the camera freaked me out," Virgil admits.
"Wait you have social anxiety?" I asked shock.
"Yeah, but I mange. Why?" he said, sounding normal. 'How can he?' I thought to myself
"Well, Max Stine want you to be a part of the movie not a big part just a small part," I said quickly.
"Okay," Virgil said, not really processing on what I just said.
"Virgil, your going to be in a movie," I said again. That when it hit him.
"WHAT?" he yelled.
"I could tell them not to," I said.
I heard Max said, It was to late,"
"Never mind," I said back to Virgil.
"Oh my god," He said, sounding really panic, "I got to go," Virgil said, hanging up the phone.
"Vigil I-" the line went dead, "Damn," I mumbled. I looked back on my phone and saw people talking about Storm Cloud on my social media. I started to read the comments.
"Is he cute?" I read one out loud, "I wonder if he single?" said another comment. I started to wonder if he is single.
"I could call him and asked or maybe drop by the café," I said to myself.
"Roman you can go home now," Max said.
"Got it," I said.
"And if you stop by your little shop say hi to Virgil for me," He said, leaving my trailer.
"Will do," I said, walking out of my trailer and headed to Strom Clouds. I arrived at Storm Cloud around five o'clock in the afternoon. I walked and saw Virgil talking to Remy. I walked up to the coffee/café part of the building.
"Roman, what are you doing here?" Vigil asked, walking behind the barista counter.
"Getting something to eat. Oh, Max said hi," I smile.
"Oh that's kind of him," Virgil said,getting my drink ready.
"Do you already know my order?" I asked. Virgil nodded, "Oh um... Virgil by any chance are you single?" I asked.
"Um... yeah but why?" He said, staring at me with those chocolate eyes.
"Just wondering," I said, leaning on my elbow.
"Okay," Virgil said.
I finished Roman's usual drink.
"I should start calling this drink Roman Prince," I said jokingly.
"Maybe you should," Roman smiled at me, "So, where do you live?" He asked.
"Um... Here," I said, handed him his drink.
"Where at?" Roman asked, sounding happy about it.
"Upstairs," I said, generally worried.
"That is so cool," he said, smiling ear to ear. I couldn't careless but I really do. I'm trying so hard not to smile.
"I probably have to move again," Roman said, sounding depress.
"Why?" I asked.
"Lela found where I live and once she does she won't stop coming," Roman said, leaning against the counter.
"That's rough," I said.
"Yeah and a add bounce the press won't stop bugging me about interviews and stuff," he said, lowing himself on the floor. I looked at the time and saw it was about closing time. I lost track of time talking to Roman.
"Well, it's almost about time for me close up for the night," I said, looking down at him.
"I will leave," Roman said, getting back up.
"Or you could stay for the night. Getting some actually sleep without worrying about someone breaking in," I suggested, getting ready to clean up.
"Really but we barely know each other," Roman stated.
"Yeah but I can't let anyone go home in your kind of state," I said, closing up shop. I looked up at the time and saw that my uncle would be here in at seven.
"Are you sure you okay with it?" He asked.
"If I wasn't I wouldn't say anything," I said, waiting from my uncle.
"What are you doing?" Roman asked.
"Waiting for my accountant," I said.
"Really at this time," he said.
"Yeah, he's also my uncle. He promise my mothers to keep an eye on me," I said, rolling my eyes.
"Wait mothers as more than one," Roman said, trying to figure out what I said was right.
"Yeah, two moms. Trust me it's not fun but it is," I said as I heard someone opened the door.
"Their my little nephew," My uncle said, wrapping me in a bear hug.
"Uncle Mil," I said, trying to breath, "Can't breath,"
"I'm sorry," Mil said, letting me go. I tried to catch my breathe.
"Oh wh- Roman Prince why are you here?" My uncle asked.
"He was not in the best state to go home so I offered him to stay here," I said, finally catch my breathe.
"Okay but now to business," My uncle said. I nodded. We talked about the payment of employees and talked about the movies thing. Around ten we finished our meeting. My uncle left and I headed upstairs with Roman behind me.
"I'm sorry about the mess. I'm still unpacking," I said, moving a box off the counter in my kitchen.
"It's fine. Wow nice place," Roman said.
"Thanks, I guess," I said, walking over to the fridge, "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I asked.
"No, I'm good actually but where is the bathroom?" Roman asked.
"Down the hall on you left," I said grabbing something to eat. About ten minutes later, Roman came back out.
"Wow everything is just so beautiful," Roman said. I tried to hide a blush.
"It's not a that impressive," I said shyly. I felt a hand on my cheek. I looked up and saw his eyes gazing into mine.
"It's is impressive and you are handsome," he said. I must be coming down sick or something because the this is not real.
"Yeah right," I said, trying to recover.
"I'm serious," Roman said sternly. I kept quit because I couldn't think of anything but I realize I have to get up early.
"Well nice joke but I'm going to bed. I got working in the morning," I said.
"Wait, where do I sleep?" he asked.
"Right, forgot. Follow me," I walked down the hall and went right, "This will be your room for the night and if you get more cold there is blanket in the closet," I said, walking out of the room and headed towards mine. I felt something on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Roman's hand there. Then our lips crash. I felt my heart beating out of my chest. Once we pulled away, I looked up and saw his face bright red. I pushed away and walked quickly to my room
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