Chapter 13
Warning panic attacks.
Previously on Unlikely...
We made it back to the set. I was amazed at how well the actors/actress work together. I felt someone starring at me. I tugged on Roman's sleeve.
"What's up?" Roman asked.
"Someone is starring at us," I said.
Now... Virgil
"What do you mean someone is starring at us?" Roman asked.
"I don't know. I just can feel someone starring at us," I said, looking around the sets.
"Okay, I believe you. Some of the actor and actress do get some stalkers. But I never experience it," Roman said, seeming very confused.
"Well, I think that you got a stalker or something," I said, get freaked out.
"Maybe it's not Roman," a voice said from behind us. Both, Roman and I looked behind us to see it was Max.
"Then who?" I asked.
"Me? Why?" I asked, seriously going to panic.
"Sometime stalker will stalked someone that is not famous and also think its easy prey," Max added.
"What?" Roman shouted. I feel like everything is coming closer and heavy. I hear voice but can't make them out. I tried to focus on something but what could I focus on.
"Virgil," I finally heard someone.
"Ro," I whispered, trying to focus on his voice.
"Virgil, Breath in for four seconds, hold of seven seconds, breath out of eight seconds," Roman said gently. I was trying to match his breathing and it was working. I opened my eyes and saw him, right in front of me, "Very good,"
"Thanks, Princey," I said, out of breath.
"Anytime," He said, wrapping me in a hug. I smiled and looked around. I notice that girl from before.
"Romano," I whispered in his ear.
"What is it?" Roman asked.
"It's her," I whimpered.
"The chair thing," I said, trying to explained. Roman turned his head in the direction of my gazed.
"You mean May," He said, looking at her then back to me.
"Yeah, her," I declared.
"Virgil, tell what happened before I walked out of the dressing room," Roman said, rubbing my arms.
"Well, I was talking to Daniel and then he left because of a call or something. May came walking over talking to me which I didn't mind it at first then she came closer. Passing my comfort zone. She pretty much pinned me to the chair. I was saved by Max yelling at her," I said, remembering the event. Roman looked at me.
"May is always like that," Roman said, letting go of my arms.
"Princey, it was creepy," I pleaded.
I notice how freaked out Virgil is. I just can't believe May would do something so extreme. I looked at Virgil making sure he was all right.
"It probably was. I'm sorry," I apologize.
"It's fine, Princey," Virgil said, looking me happily, "I'm glad that you believe me."
"Well, of course I believe you," I said," Why wouldn't I believe you?"
"I don't know. I guess it's just my anxiety," he muttered.
"Okay," I said, grabbing his hand and headed inside the set. I looked and saw Max talking to May. I notice how May was just staring at Virgil.
"Ro, She staring," Virgil whispered.
"I know just stay close," I whispered back.
"I'll try," he whispered. I looked at him and then back to Max.
"Hey," May said, jogging closer to us.
"Hey, yourself," I said to her. She looked shocked at my words.
"Why are you being so mean?" She asked, about to tear up. I said nothing and continue to walked passed her with Virgil following slowly behind me.
I walked behind Roman and I notice that May is giving me an evil smirk. I walked faster to catch up with Roman.
"Virgil, what's wrong?" Someone asked. I looked behind me to see her standing there.
"Um...Nothing I'm-I'm fine. Th-thanks for asking," I said, getting closer to Roman. She grabbed a hold of my arm and started to pull me away from Roman.
"Let's talk," She said.
"I rather not," I said, pulling away from her and knocking back into Roman.
"Virgil! Are you okay?" Roman asked, looking at the scene.
"Um... Ro, Can I go home now?" I asked. I was so done with this unwanted attention
"Of course, I was done with shooting today," he said, wrapping his arms around me, "Lets go. Bye Max," Roman said, before we left the studio. Max waved bye to us. We made back to Storm Cloud to see that, they're busy.
"Hey guys, welcome back," Tina said, walking up to us, "So, Virgil, how was the studio?"
"It was fun but to many people for my comfort," I said, not wanting to tell her everything.
"Yeah, it usually always busy," she smiled.
"Yeah, so how is things here while I was away?" I asked, looking around the store.
"Things are busy but we handled it pretty well," She said, lightly pushed me.
"I'm glad. I just might take sometime off," I smiled at her.
"That sounds like a plan," Roman jumped in. Tina smiled up at him.
"Hey Virgil," Remy said, walking over to us.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked.
"Nothing," Remy said, looking over at Roman.
"Hi, Remy," Roman said shakily.
"Hey, So, the studio thing was Roman's idea," Remy stated. I nodded. Remy smiled, "Finally someone taking you out of the building," Remy declared. I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, Virgil pretty much just stay in here. So, I just thought that maybe he like to see where I work," Roman uttered.
"Well, I'm glad and thank you for doing this for him," Remy smiled.
"GUYS I'M RIGHT HERE!" I shouted and all eyes are on us.
"Sorry," both of them apologized.
I sighed, "It's fine. I'm going to take a nap,"
They nodded. I headed up stairs and changed into some pjs. I looked at mirror, seeing my refection in it. I heard a click. I looked around to see Roman with his phone in hand.
"ROMAN!" I screamed. Roman started to laugh, "DELETE THE PICTURE!"
"No," He laughed, running away from me.
"AND WHY NOT?" I yelled.
"Because you look so cute," Roman said, showing me the picture. I looked at the picture and felt completely amazed.
"Alright, you can keep it," I sighed.
"YES!" Roman yelled in excitement. I chuckled at Roman, "What so funny, hot topic?"
"Awe you think I'm hot," I replied, seeing Roman blushed furiously.
"Yes and your point is what?" he asked, crossing his arms.
"Nothing," I replied, walking up to him.
"Okay, then," Roman said, wrapping his arms around me.
"Okay what?" I asked him.
"Well, are you going to take a nap?" he asked.
"Well, I was going but I'm not," I sighed, burying my face in Roman's chest.
"Then what do you want to do?" Roman asked, rubbing my back.
"Movie sounds good," I said, looking up at him.
"What movie?" he asked.
"You pick," I said, nuzzling into his chest.
"Alright," Roman said, picking me up and carrying me out to the living room. Roman found some movies and we started to watch them.
We was watching some classic Disney movies. I looked beside me, seeing Virgil sleeping soundly. I smiled at his cuteness. I picked Virgil up and carried him to his room. I placed Virgil gently on the bed and place the covers over him. I kissed his forehead and left the room.
"Well, I guess I could go home," I said to myself.
"Roman?" I heard a sleepy voice. I turn to see Virgil.
"Yes love," I said softly.
"Where you going?" Virgil asked.
"I'm going to be heading home," I said, guilty.
"Okay, see you tomorrow, Romano," Virgil said, walking up to me and kissed me on the cheek.
"Bye, I'll see you tomorrow," I said, leaving Virgil apartment and headed to mine.
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